changeset 435 4504a27af426
parent 434 7f256d281e84
child 436 f7154a8ec9eb
--- a/src/pyams_utils/doctests/unicode.txt	Wed Nov 27 16:46:35 2019 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-Unicode functions
-While working with extended characters sets containing accentuated characters, it's necessary to
-convert strings to UTF8 so that they can be used without any conversion problem.
-    >>> from pyams_utils import unicode
-'translate_string' is a utility function which can be used, for example, to generate an object's id
-without space and with accentuated characters converted to their unaccentuated version:
-    >>> sample = 'Mon titre accentué'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample)
-    'mon titre accentue'
-Results are lower-cased by default ; this can be avoided by setting the 'force_lower' argument
-to False:
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, force_lower=False)
-    'Mon titre accentue'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, force_lower=True, spaces='-')
-    'mon-titre-accentue'
-    >>> sample = 'Texte accentué avec "ponctuation" !'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, force_lower=True, spaces=' ')
-    'texte accentue avec ponctuation'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, force_lower=True, remove_punctuation=False, spaces=' ')
-    'texte accentue avec "ponctuation" !'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, force_lower=True, remove_punctuation=False, spaces='-')
-    'texte-accentue-avec-"ponctuation"-!'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, force_lower=True, remove_punctuation=True, spaces='-')
-    'texte-accentue-avec-ponctuation'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, force_lower=True, remove_punctuation=True, spaces=' ', keep_chars='!')
-    'texte accentue avec ponctuation !'
-If input string can contain 'slashes' (/) or 'backslashes' (\), they are normally removed ;
-by using the 'escape_slashes' parameter, the input string is splitted and only the last element is
-returned ; this is handy to handle filenames on Windows platform:
-    >>> sample = 'Autre / chaîne / accentuée'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample)
-    'autre chaine accentuee'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, escape_slashes=True)
-    'accentuee'
-    >>> sample = 'C:\\Program Files\\My Application\\test.txt'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample)
-    'cprogram filesmy applicationtest.txt'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, escape_slashes=True)
-    'test.txt'
-To remove remaining spaces or convert them to another character, you can use the "spaces" parameter
-which can contain any string to be used instead of initial spaces:
-    >>> sample = 'C:\\Program Files\\My Application\\test.txt'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, spaces=' ')
-    'cprogram filesmy applicationtest.txt'
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, spaces='-')
-    'cprogram-filesmy-applicationtest.txt'
-Spaces replacement is made in the last step, so using it with "escape_slashes" parameter only affects
-the final result:
-    >>> unicode.translate_string(sample, escape_slashes=True, spaces='-')
-    'test.txt'
-Unicode module also provides encoding and decoding functions:
-    >>> var = b'Cha\xeene accentu\xe9e'
-    >>> unicode.decode(var, 'latin1')
-    'Chaîne accentuée'
-    >>> unicode.encode(unicode.decode(var, 'latin1'), 'latin1') == var
-    True
-    >>> utf = 'Chaîne accentuée'
-    >>> unicode.encode(utf, 'latin1')
-    b'Cha\xeene accentu\xe9e'
-    >>> unicode.decode(unicode.encode(utf, 'latin1'), 'latin1') == utf
-    True