changeset 1398 fc32ec8a8f53
parent 1341 09247c61f985
--- a/src/pyams_content/component/paragraph/	Fri Jul 03 14:42:15 2020 +0200
+++ b/src/pyams_content/component/paragraph/	Fri Jul 03 18:43:46 2020 +0200
@@ -10,24 +10,17 @@
-import re
-from pyquery import PyQuery
 from import subscriber
-from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry
 from zope.interface import implementer
-from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectCreatedEvent
 from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectAddedEvent, IObjectModifiedEvent
 from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
-from pyams_content.component.association.interfaces import IAssociationContainer
-from pyams_content.component.extfile.interfaces import IBaseExtFile, IExtFileContainerTarget
+from pyams_content.component.extfile.interfaces import IExtFileContainerTarget
 from pyams_content.component.illustration.interfaces import IIllustrationTarget
-from pyams_content.component.links import ExternalLink, InternalLink, MailtoLink
-from pyams_content.component.links.interfaces import IExternalLink, IInternalLink, \
-    ILinkContainerTarget, IMailtoLink
+from pyams_content.component.links.interfaces import ILinkContainerTarget
 from pyams_content.component.paragraph import BaseParagraph, BaseParagraphContentChecker, \
+from pyams_content.component.paragraph.association import check_associations
 from pyams_content.component.paragraph.interfaces import IParagraphFactory
 from pyams_content.component.paragraph.interfaces.html import HTML_PARAGRAPH_NAME, \
@@ -36,13 +29,10 @@
 from pyams_content.features.renderer import RenderersVocabulary
 from pyams_i18n.interfaces import II18n, II18nManager, INegotiator
-from pyams_sequence.interfaces import ISequentialIntIds
 from pyams_utils.adapter import adapter_config
 from pyams_utils.factory import factory_config
 from pyams_utils.registry import get_utility, utility_config
-from pyams_utils.request import check_request
 from pyams_utils.traversing import get_parent
-from pyams_utils.url import absolute_url
 from pyams_utils.vocabulary import vocabulary_config
@@ -129,75 +119,6 @@
     content_type = HTMLParagraph
-FULL_EMAIL = re.compile('(.*) \<(.*)\>')
-def check_associations(context, body, lang, notify=True):
-    """Check for link associations from HTML content"""
-    registry = get_current_registry()
-    associations = IAssociationContainer(context)
-    html = PyQuery('<html>{0}</html>'.format(body))
-    for link in html('a[href]'):
-        link_info = None
-        has_link = False
-        href = link.attrib['href']
-        if href.startswith('oid://'):
-            sequence = get_utility(ISequentialIntIds)
-            oid = sequence.get_full_oid(href.split('//', 1)[1])
-            for association in associations.values():
-                internal_info = IInternalLink(association, None)
-                if (internal_info is not None) and (internal_info.reference == oid):
-                    has_link = True
-                    break
-            if not has_link:
-                link_info = InternalLink()
-                link_info.visible = False
-                link_info.reference = oid
-                link_info.title = {lang: link.attrib.get('title') or link.text}
-        elif href.startswith('mailto:'):
-            name = None
-            email = href[7:]
-            if '<' in email:
-                groups = FULL_EMAIL.findall(email)
-                if groups:
-                    name, email = groups[0]
-            for association in associations.values():
-                mailto_info = IMailtoLink(association, None)
-                if (mailto_info is not None) and (mailto_info.address == email):
-                    has_link = True
-                    break
-            if not has_link:
-                link_info = MailtoLink()
-                link_info.visible = False
-                link_info.address = email
-                link_info.address_name = name or email
-                link_info.title = {lang: link.attrib.get('title') or link.text}
-        elif href.startswith('http://') or href.startswith('https://'):
-            for association in associations.values():
-                external_info = IExternalLink(association, None)
-                if (external_info is not None) and (external_info.url == href):
-                    has_link = True
-                    break
-                else:
-                    extfile_info = IBaseExtFile(association, None)
-                    if extfile_info is not None:
-                        request = check_request()
-                        extfile_url = absolute_url(
-                            II18n(extfile_info).query_attribute('data', request=request),
-                            request=request)
-                        if extfile_url.endswith(href):
-                            has_link = True
-                            break
-            if not has_link:
-                link_info = ExternalLink()
-                link_info.visible = False
-                link_info.url = href
-                link_info.title = {lang: link.attrib.get('title') or link.text}
-        if link_info is not None:
-            registry.notify(ObjectCreatedEvent(link_info))
-            associations.append(link_info, notify=notify)
 @subscriber(IObjectAddedEvent, context_selector=IHTMLParagraph)
 def handle_added_html_paragraph(event):
     """Check for new associations from added paragraph"""