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The revision graph only works with JavaScript-enabled browsers.
Init version 0.1.28
2018-11-26, by Thierry Florac
Use iterators to build query params
2018-11-26, by Thierry Florac
Added optional title to site summary portlet
2018-11-26, by Thierry Florac
Added "dynamic_menu" attribute to menu to be able to build menu dynamically from target contents
2018-11-26, by Thierry Florac
Added "get_dynamic_link" function to create an internal link dynamically from an internal reference
2018-11-26, by Thierry Florac
Added attribute to header settings to know if header can be applied on site root
2018-11-26, by Thierry Florac
Updated menus order
2018-11-23, by Thierry Florac
Added external links into sites
2018-11-23, by Thierry Florac
Updated version check
2018-11-23, by Thierry Florac
Updated version check
2018-11-23, by Thierry Florac
Updated menu interface
2018-11-23, by Thierry Florac
Dismiss preview when opening in new window
2018-11-23, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.27 for changeset 2f07bcec4271
2018-11-20, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.27
2018-11-20, by Thierry Florac
Updated paragraph's illustration marker
2018-11-19, by Thierry Florac
Don't notify when adding images to gallery
2018-11-19, by Thierry Florac
Update "append" method locate call
2018-11-19, by Thierry Florac
Use same location hash after renaming site item
2018-11-19, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.26 for changeset 926cc46b051c
2018-11-16, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.26 for changeset 3666e9ca6833
2018-11-16, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.26
2018-11-16, by Thierry Florac
Added selected views OID in preview
2018-11-16, by Thierry Florac
Include OID in view's items preview
2018-11-16, by Thierry Florac
Added custom header to contents links
2018-11-16, by Thierry Florac
Added internal reference to logos
2018-11-16, by Thierry Florac
Easy access to full-page preview
2018-11-16, by Thierry Florac
Added property to get milestone anchor target
2018-11-15, by Thierry Florac
Merge branch dev-dc
2018-11-15, by Thierry Florac
Updated Milestone: label textline to text field
2018-11-15, by Damien Correia
Merge Default
2018-11-15, by Damien Correia
Added option to only include selected references in views
2018-11-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated translation
2018-11-14, by Thierry Florac
Merge branch dev-dc (contact card evolution)
2018-11-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated contact, added phone_number and company
2018-11-13, by Damien Correia
Merge default
2018-11-13, by Damien Correia
Updated column
2018-11-13, by Thierry Florac
Added illustration marker to illustration paragraph
2018-11-12, by Thierry Florac
Use icon from paragraph class
2018-11-12, by Thierry Florac
Extract icon from paragraph class
2018-11-12, by Thierry Florac
Merge branch dev-dc
2018-11-12, by Thierry Florac
Moved to PyAMS default theme
2018-11-12, by Thierry Florac
Updated Verbatim paragraph add form: increase the 'quote' textarea size to 200px
2018-10-12, by Damien Correia
Merge default
2018-10-12, by Damien Correia
Set publication effective date in publication form if missing
2018-11-12, by Thierry Florac
Added internal reference target column to menus
2018-11-12, by Thierry Florac
Updated form's JSON response
2018-11-12, by Thierry Florac
Added marker on medias gallery paragraph
2018-11-09, by Thierry Florac
Updated icons
2018-11-09, by Thierry Florac
Improved TinyMCE editor plug-in used to insert internal links
2018-11-09, by Thierry Florac
Updated entry-points
2018-11-09, by Thierry Florac
Refactored pyams_content.zmi package and resources
2018-11-08, by Thierry Florac
Moved custom routes to PyAMS default theme
2018-11-08, by Thierry Florac
Moved skin features to PyAMS default theme
2018-11-07, by Thierry Florac
Moved skin features to PyAMS default theme
2018-11-07, by Thierry Florac
Moved skin features to PyAMS default theme
2018-11-07, by Thierry Florac
Moved skin features to PyAMS default theme
2018-11-07, by Thierry Florac
Moved skin features to PyAMS default theme
2018-11-07, by Thierry Florac
Moved skin features to PyAMS default theme
2018-11-07, by Thierry Florac
Moved skin features to PyAMS default theme
2018-11-07, by Thierry Florac
Added search folders
2018-11-07, by Thierry Florac
Updates required to handle search folders
2018-11-07, by Thierry Florac
Converted "interfaces" package to Python module
2018-11-06, by Thierry Florac
Updated relative URLs adapters
2018-11-05, by Thierry Florac
Updated "site_index" module location
2018-11-05, by Thierry Florac
Updated Venusian exclusion rule
2018-11-05, by Thierry Florac
Init version 0.1.26
2018-11-05, by Thierry Florac
Updated sites tree table ID
2018-11-05, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.25 for changeset 5df53dbacc2e
2018-10-30, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.25
2018-10-30, by Thierry Florac
Keep order when updating container's object URL's
2018-10-30, by Thierry Florac
Updated translation of boolean terms
2018-10-30, by Thierry Florac
Imports cleanup
2018-10-30, by Thierry Florac
Updated properties view permission
2018-10-30, by Thierry Florac
Updated translation
2018-10-29, by Thierry Florac
Corrected OepnGraph locale tags
2018-10-28, by Thierry Florac
Added check for empty pictograms list
2018-10-28, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.24 for changeset 18aaa69eee31
2018-10-26, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.24
2018-10-26, by Thierry Florac
Get view's internal references into given order
2018-10-26, by Thierry Florac
Check context before extracting content type
2018-10-26, by Thierry Florac
Updated attachment's public title
2018-10-26, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.23 for changeset b371683a9aa7
2018-10-24, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.23
2018-10-24, by Thierry Florac
Updated attachment public title
2018-10-24, by Thierry Florac
Updated template
2018-10-24, by Thierry Florac
Apply "lower" call before "locale.strxfrm" to get a correct sorting!
2018-10-24, by Thierry Florac
Updated user title display
2018-10-23, by Thierry Florac
Added check in widget's prefix
2018-10-23, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.22 for changeset 56cbd405769f
2018-10-23, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.22
2018-10-23, by Thierry Florac
Hide links from summary when not visible
2018-10-23, by Thierry Florac
Use hostname in portlets cache key
2018-10-23, by Thierry Florac
Added site summary navigation portlet
2018-10-22, by Thierry Florac
Added sitemap and "robots.txt"
2018-10-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated external videos renderers
2018-10-18, by Thierry Florac
Use display context when looking for header settings source
2018-10-18, by Thierry Florac
Updated translations
2018-10-17, by Thierry Florac
Updated widget class hierarchy
2018-10-17, by Thierry Florac
Updated translations and import cleanup
2018-10-17, by Thierry Florac
Added settings to define prefix of files download links
2018-10-17, by Thierry Florac
Updated translations
2018-10-16, by Thierry Florac
Added attributes and methods related to site navigation
2018-10-16, by Thierry Florac
Updated AJAX output
2018-10-15, by Thierry Florac
Updated translation domain
2018-10-15, by Thierry Florac
Imports cleanup
2018-10-15, by Thierry Florac
Updated frame and verbatim paragraphs
2018-10-12, by Thierry Florac
Sort pictograms in manager settings form
2018-10-11, by Thierry Florac
Updated Pictograms sorted by local title
2018-10-11, by Damien Correia
Merge default
2018-10-11, by Damien Correia
Updated TinyMCE plug-ins and toolbar in "reduced" mode
2018-10-10, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.21 for changeset 9b87a68986bf
2018-10-09, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.21
2018-10-09, by Thierry Florac