changeset 75 a430cc4ae715
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pyams_gis/resources/js/Draw/edit/handler/EditToolbar.Edit.js	Wed Jan 27 15:39:14 2021 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+ * @class L.EditToolbar.Edit
+ * @aka EditToolbar.Edit
+ */
+L.EditToolbar.Edit = L.Handler.extend({
+	statics: {
+		TYPE: 'edit'
+	},
+	// @method intialize(): void
+	initialize: function (map, options) {
+, map);
+		L.setOptions(this, options);
+		// Store the selectable layer group for ease of access
+		this._featureGroup = options.featureGroup;
+		if (!(this._featureGroup instanceof L.FeatureGroup)) {
+			throw new Error('options.featureGroup must be a L.FeatureGroup');
+		}
+		this._uneditedLayerProps = {};
+		// Save the type so super can fire, need to do this as cannot do this.TYPE :(
+		this.type = L.EditToolbar.Edit.TYPE;
+		var version = L.version.split('.');
+		//If Version is >= 1.2.0
+		if (parseInt(version[0], 10) === 1 && parseInt(version[1], 10) >= 2) {
+			L.EditToolbar.Edit.include(L.Evented.prototype);
+		} else {
+			L.EditToolbar.Edit.include(L.Mixin.Events);
+		}
+	},
+	// @method enable(): void
+	// Enable the edit toolbar
+	enable: function () {
+		if (this._enabled || !this._hasAvailableLayers()) {
+			return;
+		}
+'enabled', {handler: this.type});
+		//this disable other handlers
+, {handler: this.type});
+		//allow drawLayer to be updated before beginning edition.
+		this._featureGroup
+			.on('layeradd', this._enableLayerEdit, this)
+			.on('layerremove', this._disableLayerEdit, this);
+	},
+	// @method disable(): void
+	// Disable the edit toolbar
+	disable: function () {
+		if (!this._enabled) {
+			return;
+		}
+		this._featureGroup
+			.off('layeradd', this._enableLayerEdit, this)
+			.off('layerremove', this._disableLayerEdit, this);
+, {handler: this.type});
+'disabled', {handler: this.type});
+	},
+	// @method addHooks(): void
+	// Add listener hooks for this handler
+	addHooks: function () {
+		var map = this._map;
+		if (map) {
+			map.getContainer().focus();
+			this._featureGroup.eachLayer(this._enableLayerEdit, this);
+			this._tooltip = new L.Draw.Tooltip(this._map);
+			this._tooltip.updateContent({
+				text: L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.edit.tooltip.text,
+				subtext: L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.edit.tooltip.subtext
+			});
+			// Quickly access the tooltip to update for intersection checking
+			map._editTooltip = this._tooltip;
+			this._updateTooltip();
+			this._map
+				.on('mousemove', this._onMouseMove, this)
+				.on('touchmove', this._onMouseMove, this)
+				.on('MSPointerMove', this._onMouseMove, this)
+				.on(L.Draw.Event.EDITVERTEX, this._updateTooltip, this);
+		}
+	},
+	// @method removeHooks(): void
+	// Remove listener hooks for this handler
+	removeHooks: function () {
+		if (this._map) {
+			// Clean up selected layers.
+			this._featureGroup.eachLayer(this._disableLayerEdit, this);
+			// Clear the backups of the original layers
+			this._uneditedLayerProps = {};
+			this._tooltip.dispose();
+			this._tooltip = null;
+			this._map
+				.off('mousemove', this._onMouseMove, this)
+				.off('touchmove', this._onMouseMove, this)
+				.off('MSPointerMove', this._onMouseMove, this)
+				.off(L.Draw.Event.EDITVERTEX, this._updateTooltip, this);
+		}
+	},
+	// @method revertLayers(): void
+	// Revert each layer's geometry changes
+	revertLayers: function () {
+		this._featureGroup.eachLayer(function (layer) {
+			this._revertLayer(layer);
+		}, this);
+	},
+	// @method save(): void
+	// Save the layer geometries
+	save: function () {
+		var editedLayers = new L.LayerGroup();
+		this._featureGroup.eachLayer(function (layer) {
+			if (layer.edited) {
+				editedLayers.addLayer(layer);
+				layer.edited = false;
+			}
+		});
+, {layers: editedLayers});
+	},
+	_backupLayer: function (layer) {
+		var id = L.Util.stamp(layer);
+		if (!this._uneditedLayerProps[id]) {
+			// Polyline, Polygon or Rectangle
+			if (layer instanceof L.Polyline || layer instanceof L.Polygon || layer instanceof L.Rectangle) {
+				this._uneditedLayerProps[id] = {
+					latlngs: L.LatLngUtil.cloneLatLngs(layer.getLatLngs())
+				};
+			} else if (layer instanceof L.Circle) {
+				this._uneditedLayerProps[id] = {
+					latlng: L.LatLngUtil.cloneLatLng(layer.getLatLng()),
+					radius: layer.getRadius()
+				};
+			} else if (layer instanceof L.Marker || layer instanceof L.CircleMarker) { // Marker
+				this._uneditedLayerProps[id] = {
+					latlng: L.LatLngUtil.cloneLatLng(layer.getLatLng())
+				};
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	_getTooltipText: function () {
+		return ({
+			text: L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.edit.tooltip.text,
+			subtext: L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.edit.tooltip.subtext
+		});
+	},
+	_updateTooltip: function () {
+		this._tooltip.updateContent(this._getTooltipText());
+	},
+	_revertLayer: function (layer) {
+		var id = L.Util.stamp(layer);
+		layer.edited = false;
+		if (this._uneditedLayerProps.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
+			// Polyline, Polygon or Rectangle
+			if (layer instanceof L.Polyline || layer instanceof L.Polygon || layer instanceof L.Rectangle) {
+				layer.setLatLngs(this._uneditedLayerProps[id].latlngs);
+			} else if (layer instanceof L.Circle) {
+				layer.setLatLng(this._uneditedLayerProps[id].latlng);
+				layer.setRadius(this._uneditedLayerProps[id].radius);
+			} else if (layer instanceof L.Marker || layer instanceof L.CircleMarker) { // Marker or CircleMarker
+				layer.setLatLng(this._uneditedLayerProps[id].latlng);
+			}
+'revert-edited', {layer: layer});
+		}
+	},
+	_enableLayerEdit: function (e) {
+		var layer = e.layer || || e,
+			pathOptions, poly;
+		// Back up this layer (if haven't before)
+		this._backupLayer(layer);
+		if (this.options.poly) {
+			poly = L.Util.extend({}, this.options.poly);
+			layer.options.poly = poly;
+		}
+		// Set different style for editing mode
+		if (this.options.selectedPathOptions) {
+			pathOptions = L.Util.extend({}, this.options.selectedPathOptions);
+			// Use the existing color of the layer
+			if (pathOptions.maintainColor) {
+				pathOptions.color = layer.options.color;
+				pathOptions.fillColor = layer.options.fillColor;
+			}
+			layer.options.original = L.extend({}, layer.options);
+			layer.options.editing = pathOptions;
+		}
+		if (layer instanceof L.Marker) {
+			if (layer.editing) {
+				layer.editing.enable();
+			}
+			layer.dragging.enable();
+			layer
+				.on('dragend', this._onMarkerDragEnd)
+				// #TODO: remove when leaflet finally fixes their draggable so it's touch friendly again.
+				.on('touchmove', this._onTouchMove, this)
+				.on('MSPointerMove', this._onTouchMove, this)
+				.on('touchend', this._onMarkerDragEnd, this)
+				.on('MSPointerUp', this._onMarkerDragEnd, this);
+		} else {
+			layer.editing.enable();
+		}
+	},
+	_disableLayerEdit: function (e) {
+		var layer = e.layer || || e;
+		layer.edited = false;
+		if (layer.editing) {
+			layer.editing.disable();
+		}
+		delete layer.options.editing;
+		delete layer.options.original;
+		// Reset layer styles to that of before select
+		if (this._selectedPathOptions) {
+			if (layer instanceof L.Marker) {
+				this._toggleMarkerHighlight(layer);
+			} else {
+				// reset the layer style to what is was before being selected
+				layer.setStyle(layer.options.previousOptions);
+				// remove the cached options for the layer object
+				delete layer.options.previousOptions;
+			}
+		}
+		if (layer instanceof L.Marker) {
+			layer.dragging.disable();
+			layer
+				.off('dragend', this._onMarkerDragEnd, this)
+				.off('touchmove', this._onTouchMove, this)
+				.off('MSPointerMove', this._onTouchMove, this)
+				.off('touchend', this._onMarkerDragEnd, this)
+				.off('MSPointerUp', this._onMarkerDragEnd, this);
+		} else {
+			layer.editing.disable();
+		}
+	},
+	_onMouseMove: function (e) {
+		this._tooltip.updatePosition(e.latlng);
+	},
+	_onMarkerDragEnd: function (e) {
+		var layer =;
+		layer.edited = true;
+, {layer: layer});
+	},
+	_onTouchMove: function (e) {
+		var touchEvent = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0],
+			layerPoint = this._map.mouseEventToLayerPoint(touchEvent),
+			latlng = this._map.layerPointToLatLng(layerPoint);
+	},
+	_hasAvailableLayers: function () {
+		return this._featureGroup.getLayers().length !== 0;
+	}