changeset 0 c73bb834ccbe
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pyams_gis/resources/js/Edit.Poly.js	Thu May 18 17:23:48 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+L.Edit = L.Edit || {};
+ * @class L.Edit.Polyline
+ * @aka L.Edit.Poly
+ * @aka Edit.Poly
+ */
+L.Edit.Poly = L.Handler.extend({
+	options: {},
+	// @method initialize(): void
+	initialize: function (poly, options) {
+		this.latlngs = [poly._latlngs];
+		if (poly._holes) {
+			this.latlngs = this.latlngs.concat(poly._holes);
+		}
+		this._poly = poly;
+		L.setOptions(this, options);
+		this._poly.on('revert-edited', this._updateLatLngs, this);
+	},
+	// Compatibility method to normalize Poly* objects
+	// between 0.7.x and 1.0+
+	_defaultShape: function () {
+		if (!L.Polyline._flat) {
+			return this._poly._latlngs;
+		}
+		return L.Polyline._flat(this._poly._latlngs) ? this._poly._latlngs : this._poly._latlngs[0];
+	},
+	_eachVertexHandler: function (callback) {
+		for (var i = 0; i < this._verticesHandlers.length; i++) {
+			callback(this._verticesHandlers[i]);
+		}
+	},
+	// @method addHooks(): void
+	// Add listener hooks to this handler
+	addHooks: function () {
+		this._initHandlers();
+		this._eachVertexHandler(function (handler) {
+			handler.addHooks();
+		});
+	},
+	// @method removeHooks(): void
+	// Remove listener hooks from this handler
+	removeHooks: function () {
+		this._eachVertexHandler(function (handler) {
+			handler.removeHooks();
+		});
+	},
+	// @method updateMarkers(): void
+	// Fire an update for each vertex handler
+	updateMarkers: function () {
+		this._eachVertexHandler(function (handler) {
+			handler.updateMarkers();
+		});
+	},
+	_initHandlers: function () {
+		this._verticesHandlers = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < this.latlngs.length; i++) {
+			this._verticesHandlers.push(new L.Edit.PolyVerticesEdit(this._poly, this.latlngs[i], this.options));
+		}
+	},
+	_updateLatLngs: function (e) {
+		this.latlngs = [e.layer._latlngs];
+		if (e.layer._holes) {
+			this.latlngs = this.latlngs.concat(e.layer._holes);
+		}
+	}
+ * @class L.Edit.PolyVerticesEdit
+ * @aka Edit.PolyVerticesEdit
+ */
+L.Edit.PolyVerticesEdit = L.Handler.extend({
+	options: {
+		icon: new L.DivIcon({
+			iconSize: new L.Point(8, 8),
+			className: 'leaflet-div-icon leaflet-editing-icon'
+		}),
+		touchIcon: new L.DivIcon({
+			iconSize: new L.Point(20, 20),
+			className: 'leaflet-div-icon leaflet-editing-icon leaflet-touch-icon'
+		}),
+		drawError: {
+			color: '#b00b00',
+			timeout: 1000
+		}
+	},
+	// @method intialize(): void
+	initialize: function (poly, latlngs, options) {
+		// if touch, switch to touch icon
+		if (L.Browser.touch) {
+			this.options.icon = this.options.touchIcon;
+		}
+		this._poly = poly;
+		if (options && options.drawError) {
+			options.drawError = L.Util.extend({}, this.options.drawError, options.drawError);
+		}
+		this._latlngs = latlngs;
+		L.setOptions(this, options);
+	},
+	// Compatibility method to normalize Poly* objects
+	// between 0.7.x and 1.0+
+	_defaultShape: function () {
+		if (!L.Polyline._flat) {
+			return this._latlngs;
+		}
+		return L.Polyline._flat(this._latlngs) ? this._latlngs : this._latlngs[0];
+	},
+	// @method addHooks(): void
+	// Add listener hooks to this handler.
+	addHooks: function () {
+		var poly = this._poly;
+		if (!(poly instanceof L.Polygon)) {
+			poly.options.fill = false;
+			if (poly.options.editing) {
+				poly.options.editing.fill = false;
+			}
+		}
+		poly.setStyle(poly.options.editing);
+		if (this._poly._map) {
+			this._map = this._poly._map; // Set map
+			if (!this._markerGroup) {
+				this._initMarkers();
+			}
+			this._poly._map.addLayer(this._markerGroup);
+		}
+	},
+	// @method removeHooks(): void
+	// Remove listener hooks from this handler.
+	removeHooks: function () {
+		var poly = this._poly;
+		poly.setStyle(poly.options.original);
+		if (poly._map) {
+			poly._map.removeLayer(this._markerGroup);
+			delete this._markerGroup;
+			delete this._markers;
+		}
+	},
+	// @method updateMarkers(): void
+	// Clear markers and update their location
+	updateMarkers: function () {
+		this._markerGroup.clearLayers();
+		this._initMarkers();
+	},
+	_initMarkers: function () {
+		if (!this._markerGroup) {
+			this._markerGroup = new L.LayerGroup();
+		}
+		this._markers = [];
+		var latlngs = this._defaultShape(),
+			i, j, len, marker;
+		for (i = 0, len = latlngs.length; i < len; i++) {
+			marker = this._createMarker(latlngs[i], i);
+			marker.on('click', this._onMarkerClick, this);
+			this._markers.push(marker);
+		}
+		var markerLeft, markerRight;
+		for (i = 0, j = len - 1; i < len; j = i++) {
+			if (i === 0 && !(L.Polygon && (this._poly instanceof L.Polygon))) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			markerLeft = this._markers[j];
+			markerRight = this._markers[i];
+			this._createMiddleMarker(markerLeft, markerRight);
+			this._updatePrevNext(markerLeft, markerRight);
+		}
+	},
+	_createMarker: function (latlng, index) {
+		// Extending L.Marker in TouchEvents.js to include touch.
+		var marker = new L.Marker.Touch(latlng, {
+			draggable: true,
+			icon: this.options.icon,
+		});
+		marker._origLatLng = latlng;
+		marker._index = index;
+		marker
+			.on('dragstart', this._onMarkerDragStart, this)
+			.on('drag', this._onMarkerDrag, this)
+			.on('dragend', this._fireEdit, this)
+			.on('touchmove', this._onTouchMove, this)
+			.on('touchend', this._fireEdit, this)
+			.on('MSPointerMove', this._onTouchMove, this)
+			.on('MSPointerUp', this._fireEdit, this);
+		this._markerGroup.addLayer(marker);
+		return marker;
+	},
+	_onMarkerDragStart: function () {
+	},
+	_spliceLatLngs: function () {
+		var latlngs = this._defaultShape();
+		var removed = [].splice.apply(latlngs, arguments);
+		this._poly._convertLatLngs(latlngs, true);
+		this._poly.redraw();
+		return removed;
+	},
+	_removeMarker: function (marker) {
+		var i = marker._index;
+		this._markerGroup.removeLayer(marker);
+		this._markers.splice(i, 1);
+		this._spliceLatLngs(i, 1);
+		this._updateIndexes(i, -1);
+		marker
+			.off('dragstart', this._onMarkerDragStart, this)
+			.off('drag', this._onMarkerDrag, this)
+			.off('dragend', this._fireEdit, this)
+			.off('touchmove', this._onMarkerDrag, this)
+			.off('touchend', this._fireEdit, this)
+			.off('click', this._onMarkerClick, this)
+			.off('MSPointerMove', this._onTouchMove, this)
+			.off('MSPointerUp', this._fireEdit, this);
+	},
+	_fireEdit: function () {
+		this._poly.edited = true;
+, { layers: this._markerGroup, poly: this._poly });
+	},
+	_onMarkerDrag: function (e) {
+		var marker =;
+		var poly = this._poly;
+		L.extend(marker._origLatLng, marker._latlng);
+		if (marker._middleLeft) {
+			marker._middleLeft.setLatLng(this._getMiddleLatLng(marker._prev, marker));
+		}
+		if (marker._middleRight) {
+			marker._middleRight.setLatLng(this._getMiddleLatLng(marker, marker._next));
+		}
+		if (poly.options.poly) {
+			var tooltip = poly._map._editTooltip; // Access the tooltip
+			// If we don't allow intersections and the polygon intersects
+			if (!poly.options.poly.allowIntersection && poly.intersects()) {
+				var originalColor = poly.options.color;
+				poly.setStyle({ color: this.options.drawError.color });
+				// Manually trigger 'dragend' behavior on marker we are about to remove
+				// WORKAROUND: introduced in 1.0.0-rc2, may be related to #4484
+				if (L.version.indexOf('0.7') !== 0) {
+					marker.dragging._draggable._onUp(e);
+				}
+				this._onMarkerClick(e); // Remove violating marker
+				// FIXME: Reset the marker to it's original position (instead of remove)
+				if (tooltip) {
+					tooltip.updateContent({
+						text: L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.polyline.error
+					});
+				}
+				// Reset everything back to normal after a second
+				setTimeout(function () {
+					poly.setStyle({ color: originalColor });
+					if (tooltip) {
+						tooltip.updateContent({
+							text: L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.edit.tooltip.text,
+							subtext: L.drawLocal.edit.handlers.edit.tooltip.subtext
+						});
+					}
+				}, 1000);
+			}
+		}
+		this._poly.redraw();
+	},
+	_onMarkerClick: function (e) {
+		var minPoints = L.Polygon && (this._poly instanceof L.Polygon) ? 4 : 3,
+			marker =;
+		// If removing this point would create an invalid polyline/polygon don't remove
+		if (this._defaultShape().length < minPoints) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// remove the marker
+		this._removeMarker(marker);
+		// update prev/next links of adjacent markers
+		this._updatePrevNext(marker._prev, marker._next);
+		// remove ghost markers near the removed marker
+		if (marker._middleLeft) {
+			this._markerGroup.removeLayer(marker._middleLeft);
+		}
+		if (marker._middleRight) {
+			this._markerGroup.removeLayer(marker._middleRight);
+		}
+		// create a ghost marker in place of the removed one
+		if (marker._prev && marker._next) {
+			this._createMiddleMarker(marker._prev, marker._next);
+		} else if (!marker._prev) {
+			marker._next._middleLeft = null;
+		} else if (!marker._next) {
+			marker._prev._middleRight = null;
+		}
+		this._fireEdit();
+	},
+	_onTouchMove: function (e) {
+		var layerPoint = this._map.mouseEventToLayerPoint(e.originalEvent.touches[0]),
+			latlng = this._map.layerPointToLatLng(layerPoint),
+			marker =;
+		L.extend(marker._origLatLng, latlng);
+		if (marker._middleLeft) {
+			marker._middleLeft.setLatLng(this._getMiddleLatLng(marker._prev, marker));
+		}
+		if (marker._middleRight) {
+			marker._middleRight.setLatLng(this._getMiddleLatLng(marker, marker._next));
+		}
+		this._poly.redraw();
+		this.updateMarkers();
+	},
+	_updateIndexes: function (index, delta) {
+		this._markerGroup.eachLayer(function (marker) {
+			if (marker._index > index) {
+				marker._index += delta;
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	_createMiddleMarker: function (marker1, marker2) {
+		var latlng = this._getMiddleLatLng(marker1, marker2),
+			marker = this._createMarker(latlng),
+			onClick,
+			onDragStart,
+			onDragEnd;
+		marker.setOpacity(0.6);
+		marker1._middleRight = marker2._middleLeft = marker;
+		onDragStart = function () {
+'touchmove', onDragStart, this);
+			var i = marker2._index;
+			marker._index = i;
+			marker
+				.off('click', onClick, this)
+				.on('click', this._onMarkerClick, this);
+ = marker.getLatLng().lat;
+			latlng.lng = marker.getLatLng().lng;
+			this._spliceLatLngs(i, 0, latlng);
+			this._markers.splice(i, 0, marker);
+			marker.setOpacity(1);
+			this._updateIndexes(i, 1);
+			marker2._index++;
+			this._updatePrevNext(marker1, marker);
+			this._updatePrevNext(marker, marker2);
+		};
+		onDragEnd = function () {
+'dragstart', onDragStart, this);
+'dragend', onDragEnd, this);
+'touchmove', onDragStart, this);
+			this._createMiddleMarker(marker1, marker);
+			this._createMiddleMarker(marker, marker2);
+		};
+		onClick = function () {
+			this._fireEdit();
+		};
+		marker
+			.on('click', onClick, this)
+			.on('dragstart', onDragStart, this)
+			.on('dragend', onDragEnd, this)
+			.on('touchmove', onDragStart, this);
+		this._markerGroup.addLayer(marker);
+	},
+	_updatePrevNext: function (marker1, marker2) {
+		if (marker1) {
+			marker1._next = marker2;
+		}
+		if (marker2) {
+			marker2._prev = marker1;
+		}
+	},
+	_getMiddleLatLng: function (marker1, marker2) {
+		var map = this._poly._map,
+			p1 = map.project(marker1.getLatLng()),
+			p2 = map.project(marker2.getLatLng());
+		return map.unproject(p1._add(p2)._divideBy(2));
+	}
+L.Polyline.addInitHook(function () {
+	// Check to see if handler has already been initialized. This is to support versions of Leaflet that still have L.Handler.PolyEdit
+	if (this.editing) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (L.Edit.Poly) {
+		this.editing = new L.Edit.Poly(this, this.options.poly);
+		if (this.options.editable) {
+			this.editing.enable();
+		}
+	}
+	this.on('add', function () {
+		if (this.editing && this.editing.enabled()) {
+			this.editing.addHooks();
+		}
+	});
+	this.on('remove', function () {
+		if (this.editing && this.editing.enabled()) {
+			this.editing.removeHooks();
+		}
+	});