changeset 0 c73bb834ccbe
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pyams_gis/resources/js/Edit.SimpleShape.js	Thu May 18 17:23:48 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+L.Edit = L.Edit || {};
+ * @class L.Edit.SimpleShape
+ * @aka Edit.SimpleShape
+ */
+L.Edit.SimpleShape = L.Handler.extend({
+	options: {
+		moveIcon: new L.DivIcon({
+			iconSize: new L.Point(8, 8),
+			className: 'leaflet-div-icon leaflet-editing-icon leaflet-edit-move'
+		}),
+		resizeIcon: new L.DivIcon({
+			iconSize: new L.Point(8, 8),
+			className: 'leaflet-div-icon leaflet-editing-icon leaflet-edit-resize'
+		}),
+		touchMoveIcon: new L.DivIcon({
+			iconSize: new L.Point(20, 20),
+			className: 'leaflet-div-icon leaflet-editing-icon leaflet-edit-move leaflet-touch-icon'
+		}),
+		touchResizeIcon: new L.DivIcon({
+			iconSize: new L.Point(20, 20),
+			className: 'leaflet-div-icon leaflet-editing-icon leaflet-edit-resize leaflet-touch-icon'
+		}),
+	},
+	// @method intialize(): void
+	initialize: function (shape, options) {
+		// if touch, switch to touch icon
+		if (L.Browser.touch) {
+			this.options.moveIcon = this.options.touchMoveIcon;
+			this.options.resizeIcon = this.options.touchResizeIcon;
+		}
+		this._shape = shape;
+		L.Util.setOptions(this, options);
+	},
+	// @method addHooks(): void
+	// Add listener hooks to this handler
+	addHooks: function () {
+		var shape = this._shape;
+		if (this._shape._map) {
+			this._map = this._shape._map;
+			shape.setStyle(shape.options.editing);
+			if (shape._map) {
+				this._map = shape._map;
+				if (!this._markerGroup) {
+					this._initMarkers();
+				}
+				this._map.addLayer(this._markerGroup);
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// @method removeHooks(): void
+	// Remove listener hooks from this handler
+	removeHooks: function () {
+		var shape = this._shape;
+		shape.setStyle(shape.options.original);
+		if (shape._map) {
+			this._unbindMarker(this._moveMarker);
+			for (var i = 0, l = this._resizeMarkers.length; i < l; i++) {
+				this._unbindMarker(this._resizeMarkers[i]);
+			}
+			this._resizeMarkers = null;
+			this._map.removeLayer(this._markerGroup);
+			delete this._markerGroup;
+		}
+		this._map = null;
+	},
+	// @method updateMarkers(): void
+	// Remove the edit markers from this layer
+	updateMarkers: function () {
+		this._markerGroup.clearLayers();
+		this._initMarkers();
+	},
+	_initMarkers: function () {
+		if (!this._markerGroup) {
+			this._markerGroup = new L.LayerGroup();
+		}
+		// Create center marker
+		this._createMoveMarker();
+		// Create edge marker
+		this._createResizeMarker();
+	},
+	_createMoveMarker: function () {
+		// Children override
+	},
+	_createResizeMarker: function () {
+		// Children override
+	},
+	_createMarker: function (latlng, icon) {
+		// Extending L.Marker in TouchEvents.js to include touch.
+		var marker = new L.Marker.Touch(latlng, {
+			draggable: true,
+			icon: icon,
+			zIndexOffset: 10
+		});
+		this._bindMarker(marker);
+		this._markerGroup.addLayer(marker);
+		return marker;
+	},
+	_bindMarker: function (marker) {
+		marker
+			.on('dragstart', this._onMarkerDragStart, this)
+			.on('drag', this._onMarkerDrag, this)
+			.on('dragend', this._onMarkerDragEnd, this)
+			.on('touchstart', this._onTouchStart, this)
+			.on('touchmove', this._onTouchMove, this)
+			.on('MSPointerMove', this._onTouchMove, this)
+			.on('touchend', this._onTouchEnd, this)
+			.on('MSPointerUp', this._onTouchEnd, this);
+	},
+	_unbindMarker: function (marker) {
+		marker
+			.off('dragstart', this._onMarkerDragStart, this)
+			.off('drag', this._onMarkerDrag, this)
+			.off('dragend', this._onMarkerDragEnd, this)
+			.off('touchstart', this._onTouchStart, this)
+			.off('touchmove', this._onTouchMove, this)
+			.off('MSPointerMove', this._onTouchMove, this)
+			.off('touchend', this._onTouchEnd, this)
+			.off('MSPointerUp', this._onTouchEnd, this);
+	},
+	_onMarkerDragStart: function (e) {
+		var marker =;
+		marker.setOpacity(0);
+	},
+	_fireEdit: function () {
+		this._shape.edited = true;
+	},
+	_onMarkerDrag: function (e) {
+		var marker =,
+			latlng = marker.getLatLng();
+		if (marker === this._moveMarker) {
+			this._move(latlng);
+		} else {
+			this._resize(latlng);
+		}
+		this._shape.redraw();
+	},
+	_onMarkerDragEnd: function (e) {
+		var marker =;
+		marker.setOpacity(1);
+		this._fireEdit();
+	},
+	_onTouchStart: function (e) {
+, e);
+		if (typeof(this._getCorners) === 'function') {
+			// Save a reference to the opposite point
+			var corners = this._getCorners(),
+				marker =,
+				currentCornerIndex = marker._cornerIndex;
+			marker.setOpacity(0);
+			// Copyed from Edit.Rectangle.js line 23 _onMarkerDragStart()
+			// Latlng is null otherwise.
+			this._oppositeCorner = corners[(currentCornerIndex + 2) % 4];
+			this._toggleCornerMarkers(0, currentCornerIndex);
+		}
+	},
+	_onTouchMove: function (e) {
+		var layerPoint = this._map.mouseEventToLayerPoint(e.originalEvent.touches[0]),
+			latlng = this._map.layerPointToLatLng(layerPoint),
+			marker =;
+		if (marker === this._moveMarker) {
+			this._move(latlng);
+		} else {
+			this._resize(latlng);
+		}
+		this._shape.redraw();
+		// prevent touchcancel in IOS
+		// e.preventDefault();
+		return false;
+	},
+	_onTouchEnd: function (e) {
+		var marker =;
+		marker.setOpacity(1);
+		this.updateMarkers();
+		this._fireEdit();
+	},
+	_move: function () {
+		// Children override
+	},
+	_resize: function () {
+		// Children override
+	}