changeset 6 f88ccd965f2d
parent 3 b636161c2fe0
child 10 fa473731d5c7
--- a/src/pyams_portal.egg-info/PKG-INFO	Mon Jan 18 18:09:46 2016 +0100
+++ b/src/pyams_portal.egg-info/PKG-INFO	Mon Jan 18 18:19:06 2016 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 1.1
 Name: pyams-portal
-Version: 0.1.1
+Version: 0.1.2
 Summary: PyAMS portal and portlets interfaces and classes
 Author: Thierry Florac
@@ -15,52 +15,52 @@
         <PortalTemplate mon_template>
         	name = 'template1'
         	__annotations__['pyams_portal.template'] = PortalTemplateConfiguration:
-        		__parent__ = mon_template
+        		__parent__ = <mon_template>
         		rows = 2
+        		last_portlet_id = 5
         		slot_names = ['slot1', 'slot2', 'slot3']
         		slot_order = {0: ['slot1', 'slot2],
         					  1: ['slot3']}
-        		slots = {0: {'slot1': [1, 2],
-        					 'slot2': [3, 4, 5]},
-        				 1: {'slot3': []}},
-        		slot_config = {'slot1': <SlotConfiguration>,
-        					   'slot2': <SlotConfiguration>,
-        					   'slot3': <SlotConfiguration>},
-        		portlets = {1: 'portlet1',
-        					2: 'portlet2',
-        					3: 'portlet1',
-        					4: 'portlet3',
-        					5: 'portlet1'},
-        	__annotations__['pyams_portal.portlets'] = PortalPortletsConfiguration:
-        		portlet_config = {1: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>,
-        						  2: <Portlet2Configuration(portlet='portlet2')>},
-        						  3: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>,
-        						  4: <Portlet3Configuration(portlet='portlet3')>,
-        						  5: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>}}
+        		slot_config = {'slot1': <SlotConfiguration(portlets=[0, 2, 6])>,
+        					   'slot2': <SlotConfiguration(portlets=[3, 4])>,
+        					   'slot3': <SlotConfiguration(portlets=[])>},
+        	__annotations__['pyams_portal.portlets'] = PortalPortletsConfiguration = <PersistentMapping>:
+        		__parent__ = <mon_template>
+        		0: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>
+        			__parent__ = <mon_template>
+        			__name__ = ++portlet++0
+        			can_inherit = False
+        			inherit_parent = False
+        			settings = <Portlet1Settings>
+        		2: <Portlet2Configuration(portlet='portlet2')>
+        		3: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>
+        		4: <Portlet3Configuration(portlet='portlet3')>
+        		5: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>
         <PortalContext mon_contexte>
         	shared_template = 'template1'
-        	template = mon_template
-        	__annotations__['pyams_portal.template'] = PortalTemplateConfiguration:
-        		__parent__ = mon_contexte
-        		slots = {0: {'slot1': [1, 2],
-        					 'slot2': [3, 4, 5]},
-        				 1: {'slot3': []}},
-        		slot_config = {'slot1': <SlotConfiguration>,
-        					   'slot2': <SlotConfiguration>,
-        					   'slot3': <SlotConfiguration>},
-        	__annotations__['pyams_portal.portlets'] = PortalPortletsConfiguration:
-        		portlet_config = {1: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>,
-        						  2: <Portlet2Configuration(portlet='portlet2')>},
-        						  3: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>,
-        						  4: <Portlet3Configuration(portlet='portlet3')>,
-        						  5: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>}}
+        	template = <mon_template>
+        	__annotations__['pyams_portal.portlets'] = PortalPortletsConfiguration = <PersistentMapping>
+        		__parent__ = <mon_contexte>
+        		0: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>
+        			__parent__ = <mon_contexte>
+        			__name__ = ++portlet++0
+        			can_inherit = True
+        			inherit_parent = True
+        		2: <Portlet2Configuration(portlet='portlet2')>
+        			__parent__ = <mon_contexte>
+        			__name__ = ++portlet++0
+        			can_inherit = True
+        			inherit_parent = False
+        		3: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>
+        		4: <Portlet3Configuration(portlet='portlet3')>
+        		5: <Portlet1Configuration(portlet='portlet1')>
         <IPortalContext context1>:
-        		__parent__ = context1
+        		__parent__ = <context1>
         		inherit_parent = False
         		use_local_template = False
         		shared_template = 'template1'
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
         <IPortalContext context2>:
-        		__parent__ = context2
+        		__parent__ = <context2>
         		inherit_parent = False
         		use_local_template = True
         		local_template = <PortalWfTemplate ++template++>
@@ -76,6 +76,25 @@
         			__parent__ = ++template++
+        Gestion de l'héritage
+        =====================
+        Configuration des portlets
+        ==========================
+        Sur un modèle (partagé ou local) :
+        	- configuration obligatoirement locale
+        	- pas d'héritage possible
+        Sur un contexte "racine" :
+        	- héritage possible du modèle
+        Sur un contexte "interne" :
+        	- héritage possible du parent
 Keywords: Pyramid PyAMS portal portlets
 Platform: UNKNOWN