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Updated name of portlet ID widget
2018-04-12, by Thierry Florac
Added edit forms prefix
2018-04-11, by Thierry Florac
Don't use standard form and widgets prefix in code
2018-04-11, by Thierry Florac
Use default container element delete helper
2018-04-11, by Thierry Florac
Renamed factories to use snake_case on functions
2018-03-28, by Thierry Florac
Init version 0.1.10
2018-03-28, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.9 for changeset 68d0d7a99ce3
2018-03-20, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.9
2018-03-20, by Thierry Florac
Added preview support to portal context
2018-03-15, by Thierry Florac
Updated translations
2018-03-11, by Thierry Florac
Added HTML portlets
2018-03-11, by Thierry Florac
Reorganized ZMI modules
2018-03-11, by Thierry Florac
Updated ZMI imports
2018-03-11, by Thierry Florac
Updated request access
2018-03-11, by Thierry Florac
Updated database upgrade code and removed INewLocalSite event subscriber
2018-03-10, by Thierry Florac
Init version 0.1.9
2018-03-08, by Thierry Florac
Updated creation form data extraction
2018-03-07, by Thierry Florac
Updated image portlet preview template
2018-02-07, by Thierry Florac
Updated buildout
2018-01-27, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.8 for changeset 957f132174b4
2018-01-27, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.8
2018-01-27, by Thierry Florac
Updated resources path
2018-01-27, by Thierry Florac
Updated portlet configuration template
2018-01-27, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.7 for changeset b08157a816a5
2018-01-14, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.7
2018-01-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated CSS class
2017-12-11, by Thierry Florac
Updated buildout
2017-12-11, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.6 for changeset 2b6e5ca1e1ca
2017-09-19, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.6
2017-09-19, by Thierry Florac
Renamed base content provider class
2017-09-13, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.5 for changeset d2bf5c868ce2
2017-09-11, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.5
2017-09-11, by Thierry Florac
Imports cleanup
2017-09-11, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.4 for changeset 1d180eb3d4d5
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.4
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Use "html" TALES extension
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Added "chain" marker to portlets which don't override configuration from parent or template
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Changed ZMI permissions
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Corrected portal management
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Updated templates manager role registration
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Added "chain" marker to portlets which don't override configuration from parent or template
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Updated portal page interface
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Changed behaviour of template selection form
2017-06-28, by Thierry Florac
Add support for a marker "target interface" for a given renderer
2017-06-28, by Thierry Florac
Added label to portlet renderers
2017-06-28, by Thierry Florac
Move "slot_configuration" property to base portlet previewer
2017-06-28, by Thierry Florac
Select portlet renderer as named multi-adapter as defined in portlet settings
2017-06-28, by Thierry Florac
Added portlet renderers vocabulary
2017-06-28, by Thierry Florac
Updated interfaces
2017-06-28, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.3 for changeset 3cdaebcaf5a5
2017-06-07, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.3
2017-06-07, by Thierry Florac
Declare PyAMS_portal resources
2017-05-16, by Thierry Florac
Use "resource_path" TALES extension to get resource URL
2017-05-16, by Thierry Florac
Remove "data-ams-data" attributes from label wrapping widgets
2017-05-16, by Thierry Florac
Updated attribute value
2016-11-15, by Thierry Florac
Changed widget CSS class attribute
2016-11-15, by Thierry Florac
Handle responsive images
2016-11-15, by Thierry Florac
Changed vocabularies declarations
2016-11-15, by Thierry Florac
Updated CSS class
2016-11-15, by Thierry Florac
Handle responsive images
2016-11-15, by Thierry Florac