changeset 566 a1707c607eec
parent 565 318533413200
child 567 bca1726b1d85
equal deleted inserted replaced
565:318533413200 566:a1707c607eec
     1 /**
     2  * FlexLayout.js
     3  *
     4  * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
     5  * Released under LGPL License.
     6  *
     7  * License:
     8  * Contributing:
     9  */
    11 /**
    12  * This layout manager works similar to the CSS flex box.
    13  *
    14  * @setting {String} direction row|row-reverse|column|column-reverse
    15  * @setting {Number} flex A positive-number to flex by.
    16  * @setting {String} align start|end|center|stretch
    17  * @setting {String} pack start|end|justify
    18  *
    19  * @class tinymce.ui.FlexLayout
    20  * @extends tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout
    21  */
    22 define("tinymce/ui/FlexLayout", [
    23 	"tinymce/ui/AbsoluteLayout"
    24 ], function(AbsoluteLayout) {
    25 	"use strict";
    27 	return AbsoluteLayout.extend({
    28 		/**
    29 		 * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container.
    30 		 *
    31 		 * @method recalc
    32 		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc.
    33 		 */
    34 		recalc: function(container) {
    35 			// A ton of variables, needs to be in the same scope for performance
    36 			var i, l, items, contLayoutRect, contPaddingBox, contSettings, align, pack, spacing, totalFlex, availableSpace, direction;
    37 			var ctrl, ctrlLayoutRect, ctrlSettings, flex, maxSizeItems = [], size, maxSize, ratio, rect, pos, maxAlignEndPos;
    38 			var sizeName, minSizeName, posName, maxSizeName, beforeName, innerSizeName, deltaSizeName, contentSizeName;
    39 			var alignAxisName, alignInnerSizeName, alignSizeName, alignMinSizeName, alignBeforeName, alignAfterName;
    40 			var alignDeltaSizeName, alignContentSizeName;
    41 			var max = Math.max, min = Math.min;
    43 			// Get container items, properties and settings
    44 			items = container.items().filter(':visible');
    45 			contLayoutRect = container.layoutRect();
    46 			contPaddingBox = container._paddingBox;
    47 			contSettings = container.settings;
    48 			direction = container.isRtl() ? (contSettings.direction || 'row-reversed') : contSettings.direction;
    49 			align = contSettings.align;
    50 			pack = container.isRtl() ? (contSettings.pack || 'end') : contSettings.pack;
    51 			spacing = contSettings.spacing || 0;
    53 			if (direction == "row-reversed" || direction == "column-reverse") {
    54 				items = items.set(items.toArray().reverse());
    55 				direction = direction.split('-')[0];
    56 			}
    58 			// Setup axis variable name for row/column direction since the calculations is the same
    59 			if (direction == "column") {
    60 				posName = "y";
    61 				sizeName = "h";
    62 				minSizeName = "minH";
    63 				maxSizeName = "maxH";
    64 				innerSizeName = "innerH";
    65 				beforeName = 'top';
    66 				deltaSizeName = "deltaH";
    67 				contentSizeName = "contentH";
    69 				alignBeforeName = "left";
    70 				alignSizeName = "w";
    71 				alignAxisName = "x";
    72 				alignInnerSizeName = "innerW";
    73 				alignMinSizeName = "minW";
    74 				alignAfterName = "right";
    75 				alignDeltaSizeName = "deltaW";
    76 				alignContentSizeName = "contentW";
    77 			} else {
    78 				posName = "x";
    79 				sizeName = "w";
    80 				minSizeName = "minW";
    81 				maxSizeName = "maxW";
    82 				innerSizeName = "innerW";
    83 				beforeName = 'left';
    84 				deltaSizeName = "deltaW";
    85 				contentSizeName = "contentW";
    87 				alignBeforeName = "top";
    88 				alignSizeName = "h";
    89 				alignAxisName = "y";
    90 				alignInnerSizeName = "innerH";
    91 				alignMinSizeName = "minH";
    92 				alignAfterName = "bottom";
    93 				alignDeltaSizeName = "deltaH";
    94 				alignContentSizeName = "contentH";
    95 			}
    97 			// Figure out total flex, availableSpace and collect any max size elements
    98 			availableSpace = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - contPaddingBox[beforeName] - contPaddingBox[beforeName];
    99 			maxAlignEndPos = totalFlex = 0;
   100 			for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
   101 				ctrl = items[i];
   102 				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
   103 				ctrlSettings = ctrl.settings;
   104 				flex = ctrlSettings.flex;
   105 				availableSpace -= (i < l - 1 ? spacing : 0);
   107 				if (flex > 0) {
   108 					totalFlex += flex;
   110 					// Flexed item has a max size then we need to check if we will hit that size
   111 					if (ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName]) {
   112 						maxSizeItems.push(ctrl);
   113 					}
   115 					ctrlLayoutRect.flex = flex;
   116 				}
   118 				availableSpace -= ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName];
   120 				// Calculate the align end position to be used to check for overflow/underflow
   121 				size = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName] + ctrlLayoutRect[alignMinSizeName] + contPaddingBox[alignAfterName];
   122 				if (size > maxAlignEndPos) {
   123 					maxAlignEndPos = size;
   124 				}
   125 			}
   127 			// Calculate minW/minH
   128 			rect = {};
   129 			if (availableSpace < 0) {
   130 				rect[minSizeName] = contLayoutRect[minSizeName] - availableSpace + contLayoutRect[deltaSizeName];
   131 			} else {
   132 				rect[minSizeName] = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace + contLayoutRect[deltaSizeName];
   133 			}
   135 			rect[alignMinSizeName] = maxAlignEndPos + contLayoutRect[alignDeltaSizeName];
   137 			rect[contentSizeName] = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace;
   138 			rect[alignContentSizeName] = maxAlignEndPos;
   139 			rect.minW = min(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.maxW);
   140 			rect.minH = min(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.maxH);
   141 			rect.minW = max(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.startMinWidth);
   142 			rect.minH = max(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.startMinHeight);
   144 			// Resize container container if minSize was changed
   145 			if (contLayoutRect.autoResize && (rect.minW != contLayoutRect.minW || rect.minH != contLayoutRect.minH)) {
   146 				rect.w = rect.minW;
   147 				rect.h = rect.minH;
   149 				container.layoutRect(rect);
   150 				this.recalc(container);
   152 				// Forced recalc for example if items are hidden/shown
   153 				if (container._lastRect === null) {
   154 					var parentCtrl = container.parent();
   155 					if (parentCtrl) {
   156 						parentCtrl._lastRect = null;
   157 						parentCtrl.recalc();
   158 					}
   159 				}
   161 				return;
   162 			}
   164 			// Handle max size elements, check if they will become to wide with current options
   165 			ratio = availableSpace / totalFlex;
   166 			for (i = 0, l = maxSizeItems.length; i < l; i++) {
   167 				ctrl = maxSizeItems[i];
   168 				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
   169 				maxSize = ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName];
   170 				size = ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName] + ctrlLayoutRect.flex * ratio;
   172 				if (size > maxSize) {
   173 					availableSpace -= (ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName] - ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName]);
   174 					totalFlex -= ctrlLayoutRect.flex;
   175 					ctrlLayoutRect.flex = 0;
   176 					ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize = maxSize;
   177 				} else {
   178 					ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize = 0;
   179 				}
   180 			}
   182 			// Setup new ratio, target layout rect, start position
   183 			ratio = availableSpace / totalFlex;
   184 			pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
   185 			rect = {};
   187 			// Handle pack setting moves the start position to end, center
   188 			if (totalFlex === 0) {
   189 				if (pack == "end") {
   190 					pos = availableSpace + contPaddingBox[beforeName];
   191 				} else if (pack == "center") {
   192 					pos = Math.round(
   193 						(contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] / 2) - ((contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace) / 2)
   194 					) + contPaddingBox[beforeName];
   196 					if (pos < 0) {
   197 						pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
   198 					}
   199 				} else if (pack == "justify") {
   200 					pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName];
   201 					spacing = Math.floor(availableSpace / (items.length - 1));
   202 				}
   203 			}
   205 			// Default aligning (start) the other ones needs to be calculated while doing the layout
   206 			rect[alignAxisName] = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName];
   208 			// Start laying out controls
   209 			for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
   210 				ctrl = items[i];
   211 				ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect();
   212 				size = ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize || ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName];
   214 				// Align the control on the other axis
   215 				if (align === "center") {
   216 					rect[alignAxisName] = Math.round((contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] / 2) - (ctrlLayoutRect[alignSizeName] / 2));
   217 				} else if (align === "stretch") {
   218 					rect[alignSizeName] = max(
   219 						ctrlLayoutRect[alignMinSizeName] || 0,
   220 						contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] - contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName] - contPaddingBox[alignAfterName]
   221 					);
   222 					rect[alignAxisName] = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName];
   223 				} else if (align === "end") {
   224 					rect[alignAxisName] = contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] - ctrlLayoutRect[alignSizeName] -;
   225 				}
   227 				// Calculate new size based on flex
   228 				if (ctrlLayoutRect.flex > 0) {
   229 					size += ctrlLayoutRect.flex * ratio;
   230 				}
   232 				rect[sizeName] = size;
   233 				rect[posName] = pos;
   234 				ctrl.layoutRect(rect);
   236 				// Recalculate containers
   237 				if (ctrl.recalc) {
   238 					ctrl.recalc();
   239 				}
   241 				// Move x/y position
   242 				pos += size + spacing;
   243 			}
   244 		}
   245 	});
   246 });