changeset 566 a1707c607eec
parent 565 318533413200
child 567 bca1726b1d85
equal deleted inserted replaced
565:318533413200 566:a1707c607eec
     1 /**
     2  * MyAMS AJAX features
     3  */
     4 (function($, globals) {
     6 	var ams = globals.MyAMS;
     8 	ams.ajax = {
    10 		/**
    11 		 * Check for given feature and download script if necessary
    12 		 *
    13 		 * @param checker: pointer to a javascript object which will be downloaded in undefined
    14 		 * @param source: URL of a javascript file containing requested feature
    15 		 * @param callback: pointer to a function which will be called after the script is downloaded. The first
    16 		 *   argument of this callback is a boolean value indicating if the script was just downloaded (true)
    17 		 *   or if the requested object was already loaded (false)
    18 		 * @param options: callback options
    19 		 */
    20 		check: function(checker, source, callback, options) {
    22 			function callCallbacks(firstLoad, options) {
    23 				if (callback === undefined) {
    24 					return;
    25 				}
    26 				if (!(callback instanceof Array)) {
    27 					callback = [callback];
    28 				}
    29 				for (var index=0; index < callback.length; index++) {
    30 					var cb = ams.getFunctionByName(callback[index]);
    31 					if (typeof(cb) === 'function') {
    32 						cb(firstLoad, options);
    33 					}
    34 				}
    35 			}
    37 			if (!(callback instanceof Array)) {
    38 				if (typeof(callback) === 'object') {
    39 					options = callback;
    40 					callback = undefined;
    41 				}
    42 			}
    43 			var defaults = {
    44 				async: typeof(callback) === 'function'
    45 			};
    46 			var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options),
    47 				deferred = [],
    48 				index;
    49 			if (checker instanceof Array) {
    50 				for (index = 0; index < checker.length; index++) {
    51 					if (checker[index] === undefined) {
    52 						deferred.push(ams.getScript(source[index], {async: true}));
    53 					}
    54 				}
    55 				if (deferred.length > 0) {
    56 					$.when.apply($, deferred).then(function () {
    57 						callCallbacks(true, options);
    58 					});
    59 				} else {
    60 					callCallbacks(false, options);
    61 				}
    62 			} else if (checker === undefined) {
    63 				if (source instanceof Array) {
    64 					for (index = 0; index < source.length; index++) {
    65 						deferred.push(ams.getScript(source[index], {async: true}));
    66 					}
    67 					if (deferred.length > 0) {
    68 						$.when.apply($, deferred).then(function () {
    69 							callCallbacks(true, options);
    70 						});
    71 					} else {
    72 						callCallbacks(false, options);
    73 					}
    74 				} else if (typeof(source) === 'string') {
    75 					ams.getScript(source, function () {
    76 						callCallbacks(true, options);
    77 					}, settings);
    78 				}
    79 			} else {
    80 				callCallbacks(false, options);
    81 			}
    82 		},
    84 		/**
    85 		 * Get address relative to current page
    86 		 */
    87 		getAddr: function(addr) {
    88 			var href = addr || $('HTML HEAD BASE').attr('href') || window.location.href;
    89 			return href.substr(0, href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
    90 		},
    92 		/**
    93 		 * AJAX start callback
    94 		 */
    95 		start: function() {
    96 			$('#ajax-gear').show();
    97 		},
    99 		/**
   100 		 * AJAX stop callback
   101 		 */
   102 		stop: function() {
   103 			$('#ajax-gear').hide();
   104 		},
   106 		/**
   107 		 * Handle AJAX upload and download progress
   108 		 *
   109 		 * @param event: the source event
   110 		 */
   111 		progress: function(event) {
   112 			if (!event.lengthComputable) {
   113 				return;
   114 			}
   115 			if (event.loaded >= {
   116 				return;
   117 			}
   118 			if (console) {
   119 				console.log && console.log(parseInt((event.loaded / * 100), 10) + "%");
   120 			}
   121 		},
   123 		/**
   124 		 * Post data to given URL and handle result as JSON
   125 		 */
   126 		getJSON: function() {
   127 			return function(options) {
   128 				var url = options.url;
   129 				delete options.url;
   130, options, function(result, status, request) {
   131 					ams.ajax.handleJSON(result);
   132 				});
   133 			}
   134 		},
   136 		/**
   137 		 * Post data to given URL
   138 		 */
   139 		post: function(url, data, options, callback) {
   140 			var addr;
   141 			if (url.startsWith(window.location.protocol)) {
   142 				addr = url;
   143 			} else {
   144 				addr = this.getAddr() + url;
   145 			}
   146 			if (typeof(options) === 'function') {
   147 				callback = options;
   148 				options = {};
   149 			} else if (!options) {
   150 				options = {};
   151 			}
   152 			if (typeof(callback) === 'undefined') {
   153 				callback = options.callback;
   154 			}
   155 			if (typeof(callback) === 'string') {
   156 				callback = ams.getFunctionByName(callback);
   157 			}
   158 			delete options.callback;
   160 			var result;
   161 			var defaults = {
   162 				url: addr,
   163 				type: 'post',
   164 				cache: false,
   165 				async: typeof(callback) === 'function',
   166 				data: $.param(data),
   167 				dataType: 'json',
   168 				beforeSend: function(request, options) {
   169 					if (globals.Cookies !== undefined) {
   170 						var token = Cookies.get(ams.csrfCookieName);
   171 						if (token) {
   172 							request.setRequestHeader(ams.csrfHeaderName, token);
   173 						}
   174 					}
   175 				},
   176 				success: callback || function(data /*, status*/) {
   177 					result = data.result;
   178 				}
   179 			};
   180 			var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
   181 			$.ajax(settings);
   182 			return result;
   183 		},
   185 		/**
   186 		 * Extract data type and result from response
   187 		 */
   188 		getResponse: function(request) {
   189 			var contentType = request.getResponseHeader('content-type'),
   190 				dataType,
   191 				result;
   192 			if (contentType) {
   193 				// Got server response
   194 				if (contentType.startsWith('application/javascript')) {
   195 					dataType = 'script';
   196 					result = request.responseText;
   197 				} else if (contentType.startsWith('text/html')) {
   198 					dataType = 'html';
   199 					result = request.responseText;
   200 				} else if (contentType.startsWith('text/xml')) {
   201 					dataType = 'xml';
   202 					result = request.responseText;
   203 				} else {
   204 					result = request.responseJSON;
   205 					if (result) {
   206 						dataType = 'json';
   207 					} else {
   208 						try {
   209 							result = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
   210 							dataType = 'json';
   211 						} catch (e) {
   212 							result = request.responseText;
   213 							dataType = 'text';
   214 						}
   215 					}
   216 				}
   217 			} else {
   218 				// Probably no response from server...
   219 				dataType = 'json';
   220 				result = {
   221 					status: 'alert',
   222 					alert: {
   223 						title: ams.i18n.ERROR_OCCURED,
   224 						content: ams.i18n.NO_SERVER_RESPONSE
   225 					}
   226 				};
   227 			}
   228 			return {contentType: dataType,
   229 					data: result};
   230 		},
   232 		/**
   233 		 * Handle server response in JSON format
   234 		 *
   235 		 * Result is made of several JSON attributes:
   236 		 *  - status: error, success, callback, callbacks, reload or redirect
   237 		 *  - close_form: boolean indicating if current modal should be closed
   238 		 *  - location: target URL for reload or redirect status
   239 		 *  - target: target container's selector for loaded content ('#content' by default)
   240 		 *  - content: available for any status producing output content:
   241 		 *        {target: target container's selector (source form by default)
   242 		 *         html: HTML result}
   243 		 *  - message: available for any status producing output message:
   244 		 *        {target: target message container's selector
   245 		 *         status: message status
   246 		 *         header: message header
   247 		 *         subtitle: message subtitle,
   248 		 *         body: message body}
   249 		 *
   250 		 * For errors data structure, please see MyAMS.form.showErrors function
   251 		 */
   252 		handleJSON: function(result, form, target) {
   253 			var status = result.status;
   254 			var url;
   255 			switch (status) {
   256 				case 'alert':
   257 					if (globals.alert) {
   258 						globals.alert(result.alert.title + '\n\n' + result.alert.content);
   259 					}
   260 					break;
   261 				case 'error':
   262 					ams.form && ams.form.showErrors(form, result);
   263 					break;
   264 				case 'info':
   265 				case 'success':
   266 					if (form !== undefined) {
   267 						ams.form && ams.form.resetChanged(form);
   268 						if (result.close_form !== false) {
   269 							ams.dialog && ams.dialog.close(form);
   270 						}
   271 					}
   272 					break;
   273 				case 'message':
   274 				case 'messagebox':
   275 					break;
   276 				case 'notify':
   277 				case 'callback':
   278 				case 'callbacks':
   279 					if (form !== undefined) {
   280 						ams.form && ams.form.resetChanged(form);
   281 						if (result.close_form !== false) {
   282 							ams.dialog && ams.dialog.close(form);
   283 						}
   284 					}
   285 					break;
   286 				case 'modal':
   287 					ams.dialog &&;
   288 					break;
   289 				case 'reload':
   290 					if (form !== undefined) {
   291 						ams.form && ams.form.resetChanged(form);
   292 						if (result.close_form !== false) {
   293 							ams.dialog && ams.dialog.close(form);
   294 						}
   295 					}
   296 					url = result.location || window.location.hash;
   297 					if (url.startsWith('#')) {
   298 						url = url.substr(1);
   299 					}
   300 					var loadTarget = $( || target || '#content');
   301 &&, loadTarget, {
   302 						preLoadCallback: ams.getFunctionByName(result.pre_reload) || function() {
   303 							$('[data-ams-pre-reload]', loadTarget).each(function() {
   304 								ams.executeFunctionByName($(this).data('ams-pre-reload'));
   305 							});
   306 						},
   307 						preLoadCallbackOptions: result.pre_reload_options,
   308 						afterLoadCallback: ams.getFunctionByName(result.post_reload) || function () {
   309 							$('[data-ams-post-reload]', loadTarget).each(function () {
   310 								ams.executeFunctionByName($(this).data('ams-post-reload'));
   311 							});
   312 						},
   313 						afterLoadCallbackOptions: result.post_reload_options
   314 					});
   315 					break;
   316 				case 'redirect':
   317 					if (form !== undefined) {
   318 						ams.form && ams.form.resetChanged(form);
   319 						if (result.close_form === true) {
   320 							ams.dialog && ams.dialog.close(form);
   321 						}
   322 					}
   323 					url = result.location || window.location.href;
   324 					if (url.endsWith('##')) {
   325 						url = url.replace(/##/, window.location.hash);
   326 					}
   327 					if (result.window) {
   328, result.window, result.options);
   329 					} else {
   330 						if (window.location.href === url) {
   331 							window.location.reload(true);
   332 						} else {
   333 							window.location.href = url;
   334 						}
   335 					}
   336 					break;
   337 				default:
   338 					if (console) {
   339 						console.log && console.log("Unhandled status: " + status);
   340 					}
   341 			}
   343 			var index;
   344 			var content;
   345 			var container;
   346 			if (result.content) {
   347 				content = result.content;
   348 				container = $( || target || form || '#content');
   349 				if (content.raw === true) {
   350 					container.text(content.text);
   351 				} else {
   352 					container.html(content.html);
   353 					ams.initContent && ams.initContent(container);
   354 				}
   355 				if (!content.keep_hidden) {
   356 					container.removeClass('hidden');
   357 				}
   358 			}
   359 			if (result.contents) {
   360 				var contents = result.contents;
   361 				for (index=0; index < contents.length; index++) {
   362 					content = contents[index];
   363 					container = $(;
   364 					if (content.raw === true) {
   365 						container.text(content.text);
   366 					} else {
   367 						container.html(content.html);
   368 						ams.initContent && ams.initContent(container);
   369 					}
   370 					if (!content.keep_hidden) {
   371 						container.removeClass('hidden');
   372 					}
   373 				}
   374 			}
   376 			var message;
   377 			if (result.message) {
   378 				message = result.message;
   379 				if (typeof(message) === 'string') {
   380 					if ((status === 'info') || (status === 'success')) {
   381 &&, {
   382 							title: message,
   383 							icon: 'fa fa-fw fa-info-circle font-xs align-top margin-top-10',
   384 							timeout: 3000
   385 						});
   386 					} else {
   387 &&$(form || '#content'), status, message);
   388 					}
   389 				} else {
   390 &&$( || target || form || '#content'),
   391 											   message.status || 'success',
   392 											   message.header,
   393 											   message.body,
   394 											   message.subtitle);
   395 				}
   396 			}
   397 			if (result.smallbox) {
   398 				message = result.smallbox;
   399 				if (typeof(message) === 'string') {
   400 && || status, {
   401 						title: result.smallbox,
   402 						icon: result.smallbox_icon || 'fa fa-fw fa-info-circle font-xs align-top margin-top-10',
   403 						timeout: result.smallbox_timeout || 3000
   404 					});
   405 				} else {
   406 && || status, {
   407 						title: message.message,
   408 						icon: message.icon || 'fa fa-fw fa-info-circle font-xs align-top margin-top-10',
   409 						timeout: message.timeout || 3000
   410 					});
   411 				}
   412 			}
   413 			if (result.messagebox) {
   414 				message = result.messagebox;
   415 				if (typeof(message) === 'string') {
   416 &&'info', {
   417 						title: ams.i18n.ERROR_OCCURED,
   418 						content: message,
   419 						timeout: 10000
   420 					});
   421 				} else {
   422 					var messageStatus = message.status || 'info';
   423 					if (messageStatus === 'error' && form && target) {
   424 						ams.executeFunctionByName('ams-form-submit-error') || 'MyAMS.form.finalizeSubmitOnError', form, target);
   425 					}
   426 &&, {
   427 						title: message.title || ams.i18n.ERROR_OCCURED,
   428 						content: message.content,
   429 						icon: message.icon,
   430 						number: message.number,
   431 						timeout: message.timeout === null ? undefined : (message.timeout || 10000)
   432 					});
   433 				}
   434 			}
   435 			if (result.event) {
   436 				form.trigger(result.event, result.event_options);
   437 			}
   438 			if ( {
   439 				var event;
   440 				if (form === undefined) {
   441 					form = $(document);
   442 				}
   443 				for (index  =0; index <; index++) {
   444 					event =[index];
   445 					if (event === null) {
   446 						continue;
   447 					}
   448 					if (typeof(event) === 'string') {
   449 						form.trigger(event, result.events_options);
   450 					} else {
   451 						form.trigger(event.event, event.options);
   452 					}
   453 				}
   454 			}
   455 			if (result.callback) {
   456 				ams.executeFunctionByName(result.callback, form, result.options);
   457 			}
   458 			if (result.callbacks) {
   459 				var callback;
   460 				for (index=0; index < result.callbacks.length; index++) {
   461 					callback = result.callbacks[index];
   462 					if (typeof(callback) === 'function') {
   463 						ams.executeFunctionByName(callback, form, callback.options);
   464 					} else {
   465 						ams.executeFunctionByName(callback.callback, form, callback.options);
   466 					}
   467 				}
   468 			}
   469 		}
   470 	};
   472 })(jQuery, this);