changeset 566 a1707c607eec
parent 565 318533413200
child 567 bca1726b1d85
equal deleted inserted replaced
565:318533413200 566:a1707c607eec
     1 /*
     2  * MyAMS
     3  * « My Application Management Skin »
     4  *
     5  * $Tag$ (rev. 1)
     6  * A bootstrap based application/administration skin
     7  *
     8  * Custom administration and application skin tools
     9  * Released under Zope Public License ZPL 1.1
    10  * ©2014-2020 Thierry Florac <>
    11  */
    13 "use strict";
    15 (function ($, globals) {
    17 	var console = globals.console;
    19 	/**
    20 	 * String prototype extensions
    21 	 */
    22 	String.prototype.startsWith = function (str) {
    23 		var slen = this.length,
    24 			dlen = str.length;
    25 		if (slen < dlen) {
    26 			return false;
    27 		}
    28 		return (this.substr(0, dlen) === str);
    29 	};
    31 	String.prototype.endsWith = function (str) {
    32 		var slen = this.length,
    33 			dlen = str.length;
    34 		if (slen < dlen) {
    35 			return false;
    36 		}
    37 		return (this.substr(slen - dlen) === str);
    38 	};
    40 	String.prototype.unserialize = function (str) {
    41 		var str = decodeURIComponent(this);
    42 		var chunks = str.split('&'),
    43 			obj = {};
    44 		for (var c = 0; c < chunks.length; c++) {
    45 			var split = chunks[c].split('=', 2);
    46 			obj[split[0]] = split[1];
    47 		}
    48 		return obj;
    49 	};
    51 	/**
    52 	 * Array prototype extensions
    53 	 */
    54 	if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
    55 		Array.prototype.indexOf = function (elt, from) {
    56 			var len = this.length;
    58 			from = Number(from) || 0;
    59 			from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from);
    60 			if (from < 0) {
    61 				from += len;
    62 			}
    64 			for (; from < len; from++) {
    65 				if (from in this && this[from] === elt) {
    66 					return from;
    67 				}
    68 			}
    69 			return -1;
    70 		};
    71 	}
    74 	/**
    75 	 * JQuery 'hasvalue' expression
    76 	 * Filter inputs containing value
    77 	 */
    78 	$.expr[":"].hasvalue = function (obj, index, meta /*, stack*/) {
    79 		return $(obj).val() !== "";
    80 	};
    83 	/**
    84 	 * JQuery 'econtains' expression
    85 	 * Case insensitive contains expression
    86 	 */
    87 	$.expr[":"].econtains = function (obj, index, meta /*, stack*/) {
    88 		return (obj.textContent || obj.innerText || $(obj).text() || "").toLowerCase() === meta[3].toLowerCase();
    89 	};
    92 	/**
    93 	 * JQuery 'withtext' expression
    94 	 * Case sensitive exact search expression
    95 	 */
    96 	$.expr[":"].withtext = function (obj, index, meta /*, stack*/) {
    97 		return (obj.textContent || obj.innerText || $(obj).text() || "") === meta[3];
    98 	};
   101 	/**
   102 	 * JQuery filter on parents class
   103 	 * This filter is often combined with ":not()" to select DOM objects which don't have
   104 	 * parents of a given class.
   105 	 * For example:
   106 	 *
   107 	 *   $('.hint:not(:parents(.nohints))', element);
   108 	 *
   109 	 * will select all elements with ".hint" class which don't have a parent with '.nohints' class.
   110 	 */
   111 	$.expr[':'].parents = function (obj, index, meta /*, stack*/) {
   112 		return $(obj).parents(meta[3]).length > 0;
   113 	};
   116 	/**
   117 	 * JQuery 'scrollbarWidth' function
   118 	 * Get width of default vertical scrollbar
   119 	 */
   120 	if ($.scrollbarWidth === undefined) {
   121 		$.scrollbarWidth = function () {
   122 			var parent = $('<div style="width: 50px; height: 50px; overflow: auto"><div/></div>').appendTo('body');
   123 			var child = parent.children();
   124 			var width = child.innerWidth() - child.height(99).innerWidth();
   125 			parent.remove();
   126 			return width;
   127 		};
   128 	}
   131 	/**
   132 	 * MyAMS JQuery extensions
   133 	 */
   134 	$.fn.extend({
   136 		/**
   137 		 * Check if current object is empty or not
   138 		 */
   139 		exists: function () {
   140 			return $(this).length > 0;
   141 		},
   143 		/**
   144 		 * Get object if it supports given CSS class,
   145 		 * otherwise look for parents
   146 		 */
   147 		objectOrParentWithClass: function (klass) {
   148 			if (this.hasClass(klass)) {
   149 				return this;
   150 			} else {
   151 				return this.parents('.' + klass);
   152 			}
   153 		},
   155 		/**
   156 		 * Build an array of attributes of the given selection
   157 		 */
   158 		listattr: function (attr) {
   159 			var result = [];
   160 			this.each(function () {
   161 				result.push($(this).attr(attr));
   162 			});
   163 			return result;
   164 		},
   166 		/**
   167 		 * CSS style function
   168 		 * Code from Aram Kocharyan on
   169 		 */
   170 		style: function (styleName, value, priority) {
   171 			// DOM node
   172 			var node = this.get(0);
   173 			// Ensure we have a DOM node
   174 			if (typeof(node) === 'undefined') {
   175 				return;
   176 			}
   177 			// CSSStyleDeclaration
   178 			var style = this.get(0).style;
   179 			// Getter/Setter
   180 			if (typeof(styleName) !== 'undefined') {
   181 				if (typeof(value) !== 'undefined') {
   182 					// Set style property
   183 					priority = typeof(priority) !== 'undefined' ? priority : '';
   184 					style.setProperty(styleName, value, priority);
   185 					return this;
   186 				} else {
   187 					// Get style property
   188 					return style.getPropertyValue(styleName);
   189 				}
   190 			} else {
   191 				// Get CSSStyleDeclaration
   192 				return style;
   193 			}
   194 		},
   196 		/**
   197 		 * Remove CSS classes starting with a given prefix
   198 		 */
   199 		removeClassPrefix: function (prefix) {
   200 			this.each(function (i, it) {
   201 				var classes = it.className.split(" ").map(function (item) {
   202 					return item.startsWith(prefix) ? "" : item;
   203 				});
   204 				it.className = $.trim(classes.join(" "));
   205 			});
   206 			return this;
   207 		}
   208 	});
   211 	/**
   212 	 * MyAMS extensions to JQuery
   213 	 */
   214 	if (globals.MyAMS === undefined) {
   215 		globals.MyAMS = {
   216 			devmode: true,
   217 			devext: '',
   218 			lang: 'en',
   219 			throttleDelay: 350,
   220 			menuSpeed: 235,
   221 			navbarHeight: 49,
   222 			ajaxNav: true,
   223 			safeMethods: ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE'],
   224 			csrfCookieName: 'csrf_token',
   225 			csrfHeaderName: 'X-CSRF-Token',
   226 			enableWidgets: true,
   227 			enableMobile: false,
   228 			enableFastclick: false,
   229 			warnOnFormChange: false,
   230 			formChangedCallback: null,
   231 			ismobile: (/iphone|ipad|ipod|android|blackberry|mini|windows\sce|palm/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()))
   232 		};
   233 	}
   234 	var MyAMS = globals.MyAMS;
   235 	var ams = MyAMS;
   237 	/**
   238 	 * Get MyAMS base URL
   239 	 * Copyright Andrew Davy:
   240 	 */
   241 	MyAMS.baseURL = (function () {
   242 		var script = $('script[src*="/myams.js"], script[src*="/myams.min.js"], ' +
   243 					   'script[src*="/myams-core.js"], script[src*="/myams-core.min.js"], ' +
   244 					   'script[src*="/myams-require.js"], script[src*="/myams-require.min.js"]');
   245 		var src = script.attr("src");
   246 		ams.devmode = src.indexOf('.min.js') < 0;
   247 		ams.devext = ams.devmode ? '' : '.min';
   248 		return src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
   249 	})();
   252 	/**
   253 	 * Basic logging function which log all arguments to console
   254 	 */
   255 	MyAMS.log = function () {
   256 		if (console) {
   257 			console.debug && console.debug(this, arguments);
   258 		}
   259 	};
   262 	/**
   263 	 * Extract parameter value from given query string
   264 	 */
   265 	MyAMS.getQueryVar = function (src, varName) {
   266 		// Check src
   267 		if (src.indexOf('?') < 0) {
   268 			return false;
   269 		}
   270 		if (!src.endsWith('&')) {
   271 			src += '&';
   272 		}
   273 		// Dynamic replacement RegExp
   274 		var regex = new RegExp('.*?[&\\?]' + varName + '=(.*?)&.*');
   275 		// Apply RegExp to the query string
   276 		var val = src.replace(regex, "$1");
   277 		// If the string is the same, we didn't find a match - return false
   278 		return val === src ? false : val;
   279 	};
   282 	/**
   283 	 * Color conversion function
   284 	 */
   285 	MyAMS.rgb2hex = function (color) {
   286 		return "#" + $.map(color.match(/\b(\d+)\b/g), function (digit) {
   287 			return ('0' + parseInt(digit).toString(16)).slice(-2);
   288 		}).join('');
   289 	};
   292 	/**
   293 	 * Generate a random ID
   294 	 */
   295 	MyAMS.generateId = function () {
   296 		function s4() {
   297 			return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
   298 		}
   300 		return s4() + s4() + s4() + s4();
   301 	};
   304 	/**
   305 	 * Generate a random UUID
   306 	 */
   307 	MyAMS.generateUUID = function () {
   308 		var d = new Date().getTime();
   309 		var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
   310 			var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
   311 			d = Math.floor(d / 16);
   312 			return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16);
   313 		});
   314 		return uuid;
   315 	};
   318 	/**
   319 	 * Get an object given by name
   320 	 */
   321 	MyAMS.getObject = function (objectName, context) {
   322 		if (!objectName) {
   323 			return undefined;
   324 		}
   325 		if (typeof(objectName) !== 'string') {
   326 			return objectName;
   327 		}
   328 		var namespaces = objectName.split(".");
   329 		context = (context === undefined || context === null) ? window : context;
   330 		for (var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {
   331 			try {
   332 				context = context[namespaces[i]];
   333 			} catch (e) {
   334 				return undefined;
   335 			}
   336 		}
   337 		return context;
   338 	};
   340 	/**
   341 	 * Get and execute a function given by name
   342 	 * Small piece of code by Jason Bunting
   343 	 */
   344 	MyAMS.getFunctionByName = function (functionName, context) {
   345 		if (functionName === undefined) {
   346 			return undefined;
   347 		} else if (typeof(functionName) === 'function') {
   348 			return functionName;
   349 		}
   350 		var namespaces = functionName.split(".");
   351 		var func = namespaces.pop();
   352 		context = (context === undefined || context === null) ? window : context;
   353 		for (var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {
   354 			try {
   355 				context = context[namespaces[i]];
   356 			} catch (e) {
   357 				return undefined;
   358 			}
   359 		}
   360 		try {
   361 			return context[func];
   362 		} catch (e) {
   363 			return undefined;
   364 		}
   365 	};
   367 	MyAMS.executeFunctionByName = function (functionName, context /*, args */) {
   368 		var func = ams.getFunctionByName(functionName, window);
   369 		if (typeof(func) === 'function') {
   370 			var args =, 2);
   371 			return func.apply(context, args);
   372 		}
   373 	};
   375 	/**
   376 	 * Check to know if given element is still present in DOM
   377 	 */
   378 	MyAMS.isInDOM = function (element) {
   379 		element = $(element);
   380 		if (!element.exists()) {
   381 			return false;
   382 		}
   383 		return globals.document.body.contains(element[0]);
   384 	};
   386 	/**
   387 	 * Get target URL matching given source
   388 	 *
   389 	 * Given URL can include variable names (with their namespace), given between braces, as in {MyAMS.baseURL}
   390 	 */
   391 	MyAMS.getSource = function (url) {
   392 		return url.replace(/{[^{}]*}/g, function (match) {
   393 			return ams.getFunctionByName(match.substr(1, match.length - 2));
   394 		});
   395 	};
   397 	/**
   398 	 * Script loader function
   399 	 *
   400 	 * @param url: script URL
   401 	 * @param callback: a callback to be called after script loading
   402 	 * @param options: a set of options to be added to AJAX call
   403 	 * @param onerror: an error callback to be called instead of generic callback
   404 	 */
   405 	MyAMS.getScript = function (url, callback, options, onerror) {
   406 		if (typeof(callback) === 'object') {
   407 			onerror = options;
   408 			options = callback;
   409 			callback = null;
   410 		}
   411 		if (options === undefined) {
   412 			options = {};
   413 		}
   414 		var defaults = {
   415 			dataType: 'script',
   416 			url: ams.getSource(url),
   417 			success: callback,
   418 			error: onerror ||,
   419 			cache: !ams.devmode,
   420 			async: options.async === undefined ? typeof(callback) === 'function' : options.async
   421 		};
   422 		var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
   423 		return $.ajax(settings);
   424 	};
   426 	/**
   427 	 * CSS file loader function
   428 	 * Cross-browser code copied from Stoyan Stefanov blog to be able to
   429 	 * call a callback when CSS is realy loaded.
   430 	 * See:
   431 	 *
   432 	 * @param url: CSS file URL
   433 	 * @param id: a unique ID given to CSS file
   434 	 * @param callback: optional callback function to be called when CSS file is loaded. If set, callback is called
   435 	 *   with a 'first_load' boolean argument to indicate is CSS was already loaded (*false* value) or not (*true*
   436 	 *   value).
   437 	 * @param options: callback options
   438 	 */
   439 	MyAMS.getCSS = function (url, id, callback, options) {
   440 		if (callback) {
   441 			callback = ams.getFunctionByName(callback);
   442 		}
   443 		var head = $('HEAD');
   444 		var style = $('style[data-ams-id="' + id + '"]', head);
   445 		if (style.length === 0) {
   446 			style = $('<style>').attr('data-ams-id', id)
   447 				.text('@import "' + ams.getSource(url) + '";');
   448 			if (callback) {
   449 				var styleInterval = setInterval(function () {
   450 					try {
   451 						var _check = style[0].sheet.cssRules;  // Is only populated when file is loaded
   452, true, options);
   453 						clearInterval(styleInterval);
   454 					} catch (e) {
   455 						// CSS is not loaded yet...
   456 					}
   457 				}, 10);
   458 			}
   459 			style.appendTo(head);
   460 		} else {
   461 			if (callback) {
   462, false, options);
   463 			}
   464 		}
   465 	};
   467 	/**
   468 	 * Initialize main events handlers
   469 	 */
   470 	MyAMS.initHandlers = function(element) {
   472 		// Initialize custom click handlers
   473 		$(element).on('click', '[data-ams-click-handler]', function(event) {
   474 			var source = $(this);
   475 			var handlers ='ams-disabled-handlers');
   476 			if ((handlers === true) || (handlers === 'click') || (handlers === 'all')) {
   477 				return;
   478 			}
   479 			var data =;
   480 			if (data.amsClickHandler) {
   481 				if ((data.amsStopPropagation === true) || (data.amsClickStopPropagation === true)) {
   482 					event.stopPropagation();
   483 				}
   484 				if (data.amsClickKeepDefault !== true) {
   485 					event.preventDefault();
   486 				}
   487 				var clickHandlers = data.amsClickHandler.split(/\s+/);
   488 				for (var index=0; index < clickHandlers.length; index++) {
   489 					var callback = ams.getFunctionByName(clickHandlers[index]);
   490 					if (callback !== undefined) {
   491, event, data.amsClickHandlerOptions);
   492 					}
   493 				}
   494 			}
   495 		});
   497 		// Initialize custom change handlers
   498 		$(element).on('change', '[data-ams-change-handler]', function(event) {
   499 			var source = $(this);
   500 			// Disable change handlers for readonly inputs
   501 			// These change handlers are activated by IE!!!
   502 			if (source.prop('readonly')) {
   503 				return;
   504 			}
   505 			var handlers ='ams-disabled-handlers');
   506 			if ((handlers === true) || (handlers === 'change') || (handlers === 'all')) {
   507 				return;
   508 			}
   509 			var data =;
   510 			if (data.amsChangeHandler) {
   511 				if ((data.amsStopPropagation === true) || (data.amsChangeStopPropagation === true)) {
   512 					event.stopPropagation();
   513 				}
   514 				if (data.amsChangeKeepDefault !== true) {
   515 					event.preventDefault();
   516 				}
   517 				var changeHandlers = data.amsChangeHandler.split(/\s+/);
   518 				for (var index=0; index < changeHandlers.length; index++) {
   519 					var callback = ams.getFunctionByName(changeHandlers[index]);
   520 					if (callback !== undefined) {
   521, event, data.amsChangeHandlerOptions);
   522 					}
   523 				}
   524 			}
   525 		});
   527 		// Notify reset to update Select2 widgets
   528 		$(element).on('reset', 'form', function(e) {
   529 			var form = $(this);
   530 			setTimeout(function() {
   531 				$('.alert-danger, SPAN.state-error', form).not('.persistent').remove();
   532 				$('LABEL.state-error', form).removeClass('state-error');
   533 				$('INPUT.select2[type="hidden"]', form).each(function() {
   534 					var input = $(this);
   535 					var select ='select2');
   536 					var value ='ams-select2-input-value');
   537 					if (value) {
   538 						input.select2('val', value.split(select.opts.separator));
   539 					}
   540 				});
   541 				form.find('.select2').trigger('change');
   542 				$('[data-ams-reset-callback]', form).each(function() {
   543 					var element = $(this);
   544 					var data =;
   545 					var callback = ams.getFunctionByName(data.amsResetCallback);
   546 					if (callback !== undefined) {
   547, element, data.amsResetCallbackOptions);
   548 					}
   549 				});
   550 			}, 10);
   551 			ams.form && ams.form.setFocus(form);
   552 		});
   554 		// Initialize custom reset handlers
   555 		$(element).on('reset', '[data-ams-reset-handler]', function(e) {
   556 			var form = $(this);
   557 			var data =;
   558 			if (data.amsResetHandler) {
   559 				if (data.amsResetKeepDefault !== true) {
   560 					e.preventDefault();
   561 				}
   562 				var callback = ams.getFunctionByName(data.amsResetHandler);
   563 				if (callback !== undefined) {
   564, data.amsResetHandlerOptions);
   565 				}
   566 			}
   567 		});
   569 		// Initialize custom event on click
   570 		$(element).on('click', '[data-ams-click-event]', function(e) {
   571 			var source = $(this);
   572 			$('ams-click-event'),
   574 		});
   576 		// Cancel clicks on readonly checkbox
   577 		$(element).on('click', 'input[type="checkbox"][readonly]', function() {
   578 			return false;
   579 		});
   580 	};
   582 })(jQuery, this);