changeset 566 a1707c607eec
parent 565 318533413200
child 567 bca1726b1d85
equal deleted inserted replaced
565:318533413200 566:a1707c607eec
     1 /**
     2  * MyAMS menus management
     3  */
     4 (function($, globals) {
     6 	var ams = globals.MyAMS;
     8 	$.fn.extend({
    10 		/**
    11 		 * Context menu handler
    12 		 */
    13 		contextMenu: function(settings) {
    15 			function getMenuPosition(mouse, direction, scrollDir) {
    16 				var win = $(window)[direction](),
    17 					menu = $(settings.menuSelector)[direction](),
    18 					position = mouse;
    19 				// opening menu would pass the side of the page
    20 				if (mouse + menu > win && menu < mouse) {
    21 					position -= menu;
    22 				}
    23 				return position;
    24 			}
    26 			return this.each(function () {
    28 				// Open context menu
    29 				$('a', $(settings.menuSelector)).each(function() {
    30 					$(this).data('ams-context-menu', true);
    31 				});
    32 				$(this).on("contextmenu", function (e) {
    33 					// return native menu if pressing control
    34 					if (e.ctrlKey) {
    35 						return;
    36 					}
    37 					// open menu
    38 					$(settings.menuSelector).data("invokedOn", $(
    39 											.show()
    40 											.css({
    41 												position: 'fixed',
    42 												left: getMenuPosition(e.clientX, 'width', 'scrollLeft') - 10,
    43 												top: getMenuPosition(e.clientY, 'height', 'scrollTop') - 10
    44 											})
    45 											.off('click')
    46 											.on('click', function (e) {
    47 												$(this).hide();
    48 												var invokedOn = $(this).data("invokedOn");
    49 												var selectedMenu = $(;
    50 		, invokedOn, selectedMenu);
    51 												ams.event && ams.event.stop(e);
    52 											});
    53 					return false;
    54 				});
    56 				// make sure menu closes on any click
    57 				$(document).click(function () {
    58 					$(settings.menuSelector).hide();
    59 				});
    60 			});
    61 		},
    63 		/*
    64 		 * Main menus manager
    65 		 */
    66 		myams_menu: function(options) {
    67 			// Extend our default options with those provided
    68 			var defaults = {
    69 				accordion : true,
    70 				speed : 200,
    71 				closedSign : '<em class="fa fa-angle-down"></em>',
    72 				openedSign : '<em class="fa fa-angle-up"></em>'
    73 			};
    74 			var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
    76 			// Assign current element to variable, in this case is UL element
    77 			var menu = $(this);
    79 			// Add a mark [+] to a multilevel menu
    80 			menu.find("LI").each(function() {
    81 				var menuItem = $(this);
    82 				if (menuItem.find("UL").size() > 0) {
    84 					// add the multilevel sign next to the link
    85 					menuItem.find("A:first")
    86 							 .append("<b class='collapse-sign'>" + settings.closedSign + "</b>");
    88 					// avoid jumping to the top of the page when the href is an #
    89 					var firstLink = menuItem.find("A:first");
    90 					if (firstLink.attr('href') === "#") {
    91 {
    92 							return false;
    93 						});
    94 					}
    95 				}
    96 			});
    98 			// Open active level
    99 			menu.find("").each(function() {
   100 				var activeParent = $(this).parents('UL');
   101 				var activeItem = activeParent.parent('LI');
   102 				activeParent.slideDown(settings.speed);
   103 				activeItem.find("b:first").html(settings.openedSign);
   104 				activeItem.addClass("open");
   105 			});
   107 			menu.find("LI A").on('click', function() {
   108 				var link = $(this);
   109 				if (link.hasClass('active')) {
   110 					return;
   111 				}
   112 				var href = link.attr('href').replace(/^#/,'');
   113 				var parentUL = link.parent().find("UL");
   114 				if (settings.accordion) {
   115 					var parents = link.parent().parents("UL");
   116 					var visible = menu.find("UL:visible");
   117 					visible.each(function(visibleIndex) {
   118 						var close = true;
   119 						parents.each(function(parentIndex) {
   120 							if (parents[parentIndex] === visible[visibleIndex]) {
   121 								close = false;
   122 								return false;
   123 							}
   124 						});
   125 						if (close) {
   126 							if (parentUL !== visible[visibleIndex]) {
   127 								var visibleItem = $(visible[visibleIndex]);
   128 								if (href || !visibleItem.hasClass('active')) {
   129 									visibleItem.slideUp(settings.speed, function () {
   130 										$(this).parent("LI")
   131 											   .removeClass('open')
   132 											   .find("B:first")
   133 											   .delay(settings.speed)
   134 											   .html(settings.closedSign);
   135 									});
   136 								}
   137 							}
   138 						}
   139 					});
   140 				}
   141 				var firstUL = link.parent().find("UL:first");
   142 				if (!href &&":visible") && !firstUL.hasClass("active")) {
   143 					firstUL.slideUp(settings.speed, function() {
   144 						link.parent("LI")
   145 							.removeClass("open")
   146 							.find("B:first")
   147 							.delay(settings.speed)
   148 							.html(settings.closedSign);
   149 					});
   150 				} else /*if (link.attr('href') !== location.hash)*/ {
   151 					firstUL.slideDown(settings.speed, function() {
   152 						link.parent("LI")
   153 							.addClass("open")
   154 							.find("B:first")
   155 							.delay(settings.speed)
   156 							.html(settings.openedSign);
   157 					});
   158 				}
   159 			});
   160 		}
   161 	});
   163 })(jQuery, this);