changeset 0 bb4aabe07487
child 118 391ad752903e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:bb4aabe07487
     1 /*
     2  * MyAMS extensions for notification messages
     3  * Version 0.1.2
     4  * ©2014 Thierry Florac <>
     5  */
     8 (function ($) {
    10 	$(document).ready(function () {
    11 		$("body").append("<div id='divSmallBoxes'></div>")
    12 				 .append("<div id='divMiniIcons'></div>")
    13 				 .append("<div id='divBigBoxes'></div>");
    14 	});
    17 	function SmartUnLoading() {
    18 		$(".divMessageBox").fadeOut(300, function () {
    19 			$(this).remove();
    20 		});
    21 		$(".LoadingBoxContainer").fadeOut(300, function () {
    22 			$(this).remove();
    23 		})
    24 	}
    26 	var ExistMsg = 0,
    27 		SmartMSGboxCount = 0,
    28 		PrevTop = 0,
    29 		BigBoxes = 0,
    30 		SmallBoxes = 0,
    31 		SmallCount = 0,
    32 		SmallBoxesAnchos = 0;
    35 	MyAMS.notify = {
    37 		messageBox: function (options, callback) {
    39 			var SmartMSG,
    40 				Content,
    41 				isIE8 = MyAMS.browser.isIE8orlower();
    42 			var defaults = {
    43 				title: "",
    44 				content: "",
    45 				NormalButton: undefined,
    46 				ActiveButton: undefined,
    47 				buttons: undefined,
    48 				input: undefined,
    49 				placeholder: "",
    50 				options: undefined,
    51 				sound: undefined
    52 			}
    53 			var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
    55 			if (settings.sound && (isIE8 == 0)) {
    56 				var audioElement = document.createElement("audio");
    57 				if (navigator.userAgent.match("Firefox/")) {
    58 					audioElement.setAttribute("src", MyAMS.baseURL + '../sound/message.ogg');
    59 				} else {
    60 					audioElement.setAttribute("src", MyAMS.baseURL + '../sound/message.mp3');
    61 				}
    62 				$.get();
    63 				audioElement.addEventListener("load", function () {
    65 				}, true);
    66 				audioElement.pause();
    68 			}
    69 			SmartMSGboxCount = SmartMSGboxCount + 1;
    70 			if (ExistMsg == 0) {
    71 				ExistMsg = 1;
    72 				SmartMSG = "<div class='MessageBox animated fadeIn fast' id='MsgBoxBack'></div>";
    73 				$("body").append(SmartMSG);
    74 				if (MyAMS.browser.isIE8orlower() == 1) {
    75 					$("#MsgBoxBack").addClass("MessageIE");
    76 				}
    77 			}
    78 			var InputType = "";
    79 			var HasInput = 0;
    80 			var Name = "";
    81 			var NumButtons = 0;
    82 			if (settings.input != undefined) {
    83 				HasInput = 1;
    84 				settings.input = settings.input.toLowerCase();
    85 				switch (settings.input) {
    86 					case "text":
    87 						InputType = "<input class='form-control' type='" + settings.input + "' id='txt" + SmartMSGboxCount + "' placeholder='" + settings.placeholder + "'/><br/><br/>";
    88 						break;
    89 					case "password":
    90 						InputType = "<input class='form-control' type='" + settings.input + "' id='txt" + SmartMSGboxCount + "' placeholder='" + settings.placeholder + "'/><br/><br/>";
    91 						break;
    92 					case "select":
    93 						if (settings.options == undefined) {
    94 							alert("For this type of input, the options parameter is required.");
    95 						} else {
    96 							InputType = "<select class='form-control' id='txt" + SmartMSGboxCount + "'>";
    97 							for (var i = 0; i <= settings.options.length - 1; i++) {
    98 								if (settings.options[i] == "[") {
    99 									Name = "";
   100 								} else {
   101 									if (settings.options[i] == "]") {
   102 										NumButtons = NumButtons + 1;
   103 										Name = "<option>" + Name + "</option>";
   104 										InputType += Name;
   105 									} else {
   106 										Name += settings.options[i];
   107 									}
   108 								}
   109 							}
   110 							InputType += "</select>";
   111 						}
   112 						break;
   113 					default:
   114 						alert("That type of input is not handled yet");
   115 				}
   116 			}
   117 			Content = "<div class='MessageBoxContainer animated fadeIn fast' id='Msg" + SmartMSGboxCount + "'>";
   118 			Content += "<div class='MessageBoxMiddle'>";
   119 			Content += "<span class='MsgTitle'>" + settings.title + "</span class='MsgTitle'>";
   120 			Content += "<p class='pText'>" + settings.content + "</p>";
   121 			Content += InputType;
   122 			Content += "<div class='MessageBoxButtonSection'>";
   123 			if (settings.buttons == undefined) {
   124 				settings.buttons = "[Accept]";
   125 			}
   126 			settings.buttons = $.trim(settings.buttons);
   127 			settings.buttons = settings.buttons.split("");
   128 			if (settings.NormalButton == undefined) {
   129 				settings.NormalButton = "#232323";
   130 			}
   131 			if (settings.ActiveButton == undefined) {
   132 				settings.ActiveButton = "#ed145b";
   133 			}
   134 			for (var i = 0; i <= settings.buttons.length - 1; i++) {
   135 				if (settings.buttons[i] == "[") {
   136 					Name = "";
   137 				} else {
   138 					if (settings.buttons[i] == "]") {
   139 						NumButtons = NumButtons + 1;
   140 						Name = "<button id='bot" + NumButtons + "-Msg" + SmartMSGboxCount + "' class='btn btn-default btn-sm botTempo'> " + Name + "</button>";
   141 						Content += Name;
   142 					} else {
   143 						Name += settings.buttons[i];
   144 					}
   145 				}
   146 			}
   147 			Content += "</div>";
   148 			Content += "</div>";
   149 			Content += "</div>";
   150 			if (SmartMSGboxCount > 1) {
   151 				$(".MessageBoxContainer").hide();
   152 				$(".MessageBoxContainer").css("z-index", 99999);
   153 			}
   154 			$(".MessageBox").append(Content);
   155 			if (HasInput == 1) {
   156 				$("#txt" + SmartMSGboxCount).focus();
   157 			}
   158 			$(".botTempo").hover(function () {
   159 				var ThisID = $(this).attr("id");
   160 			}, function () {
   161 				var ThisID = $(this).attr("id");
   162 			});
   163 			$(".botTempo").click(function () {
   164 				var ThisID = $(this).attr("id");
   165 				var MsgBoxID = ThisID.substr(ThisID.indexOf("-") + 1);
   166 				var Press = $.trim($(this).text());
   167 				if (HasInput == 1) {
   168 					if (typeof callback == "function") {
   169 						var IDNumber = MsgBoxID.replace("Msg", "");
   170 						var Value = $("#txt" + IDNumber).val();
   171 						if (callback) {
   172 							callback(Press, Value);
   173 						}
   174 					}
   175 				} else {
   176 					if (typeof callback == "function") {
   177 						if (callback) {
   178 							callback(Press);
   179 						}
   180 					}
   181 				}
   182 				$("#" + MsgBoxID).addClass("animated fadeOut fast");
   183 				SmartMSGboxCount = SmartMSGboxCount - 1;
   184 				if (SmartMSGboxCount == 0) {
   185 					$("#MsgBoxBack").removeClass("fadeIn").addClass("fadeOut").delay(300).queue(function () {
   186 						ExistMsg = 0;
   187 						$(this).remove();
   188 					})
   189 				}
   190 			})
   191 		},
   193 		bigBox: function (settings, callback) {
   194 			var boxBig, content;
   195 			settings = $.extend({
   196 				title: "",
   197 				content: "",
   198 				icon: undefined,
   199 				number: undefined,
   200 				color: undefined,
   201 				sound: true,
   202 				timeout: undefined,
   203 				colortime: 1500,
   204 				colors: undefined
   205 			}, settings);
   206 			if (settings.sound === true) {
   207 				if (MyAMS.browser.isIE8orlower() == 0) {
   208 					var audioElement = document.createElement("audio");
   209 					if (navigator.userAgent.match("Firefox/")) {
   210 						audioElement.setAttribute("src", MyAMS.baseURL + '../snd/bigbox.ogg');
   211 					} else {
   212 						audioElement.setAttribute("src", MyAMS.baseURL + '../snd/bigbox.mp3');
   213 					}
   214 					$.get();
   215 					audioElement.addEventListener("load", function () {
   217 					}, true);
   218 					audioElement.pause();
   220 				}
   221 			}
   222 			BigBoxes = BigBoxes + 1;
   223 			boxBig = "<div id='bigBox" + BigBoxes + "' class='BigBox animated fadeIn fast'><div id='bigBoxColor" + BigBoxes + "'><i class='btnClose fa fa-times' id='btnClose" + BigBoxes + "'></i>";
   224 			if (settings.icon == undefined) {
   225 				settings.icon = "fa fa-cloud";
   226 			}
   227 			boxBig += "<span><i class='" + settings.icon + "'></i>&nbsp; " + settings.title + "</span>";
   228 			boxBig += "<p>" + settings.content + "</p>";
   229 			boxBig += "<div class='bigboxnumber'>";
   230 			if (settings.number != undefined) {
   231 				boxBig += settings.number;
   232 			}
   233 			boxBig += "</div></div>";
   234 			boxBig += "</div>";
   235 			$("#divBigBoxes").append(boxBig);
   236 			if (settings.color == undefined) {
   237 				settings.color = "#004d60";
   238 			}
   239 			$("#bigBox" + BigBoxes).css("background-color", settings.color);
   240 			$("#divMiniIcons").append("<div id='miniIcon" + BigBoxes + "' class='cajita animated fadeIn' style='background-color: " + settings.color + ";'><i class='" + settings.icon + "'/></i></div>");
   241 			$("#miniIcon" + BigBoxes).bind("click", function () {
   242 				var FrontBox = $(this).attr("id");
   243 				var FrontBigBox = FrontBox.replace("miniIcon", "bigBox");
   244 				var FronBigBoxColor = FrontBox.replace("miniIcon", "bigBoxColor");
   245 				$(".cajita").each(function (index) {
   246 					var BackBox = $(this).attr("id");
   247 					var BigBoxID = BackBox.replace("miniIcon", "bigBox");
   248 					$("#" + BigBoxID).css("z-index", 9998);
   249 				});
   250 				$("#" + FrontBigBox).css("z-index", 9999);
   251 				$("#" + FronBigBoxColor).removeClass("animated fadeIn").delay(1).queue(function () {
   252 					$(this).show();
   253 					$(this).addClass("animated fadeIn");
   254 					$(this).clearQueue();
   255 				})
   256 			});
   257 			var ThisBigBoxCloseCross = $("#btnClose" + BigBoxes);
   258 			var ThisBigBox = $("#bigBox" + BigBoxes);
   259 			var ThisMiniIcon = $("#miniIcon" + BigBoxes);
   260 			var ColorTimeInterval;
   261 			if (settings.colors != undefined && settings.colors.length > 0) {
   262 				ThisBigBoxCloseCross.attr("colorcount", "0");
   263 				ColorTimeInterval = setInterval(function () {
   264 					var ColorIndex = ThisBigBoxCloseCross.attr("colorcount");
   265 					ThisBigBoxCloseCross.animate({
   266 						backgroundColor: settings.colors[ColorIndex].color
   267 					});
   268 					ThisBigBox.animate({
   269 						backgroundColor: settings.colors[ColorIndex].color
   270 					});
   271 					ThisMiniIcon.animate({
   272 						backgroundColor: settings.colors[ColorIndex].color
   273 					});
   274 					if (ColorIndex < settings.colors.length - 1) {
   275 						ThisBigBoxCloseCross.attr("colorcount", ((ColorIndex * 1) + 1));
   276 					} else {
   277 						ThisBigBoxCloseCross.attr("colorcount", 0);
   278 					}
   279 				}, settings.colortime);
   280 			}
   281 			ThisBigBoxCloseCross.bind("click", function () {
   282 				clearInterval(ColorTimeInterval);
   283 				if (typeof callback == "function") {
   284 					if (callback) {
   285 						callback();
   286 					}
   287 				}
   288 				var FrontBox = $(this).attr("id");
   289 				var FrontBigBox = FrontBox.replace("btnClose", "bigBox");
   290 				var miniIcon = FrontBox.replace("btnClose", "miniIcon");
   291 				$("#" + FrontBigBox).removeClass("fadeIn fast");
   292 				$("#" + FrontBigBox).addClass("fadeOut fast").delay(300).queue(function () {
   293 					$(this).clearQueue();
   294 					$(this).remove();
   295 				});
   296 				$("#" + miniIcon).removeClass("fadeIn fast");
   297 				$("#" + miniIcon).addClass("fadeOut fast").delay(300).queue(function () {
   298 					$(this).clearQueue();
   299 					$(this).remove();
   300 				})
   301 			});
   302 			if (settings.timeout != undefined) {
   303 				var TimedID = BigBoxes;
   304 				setTimeout(function () {
   305 					clearInterval(ColorTimeInterval);
   306 					var box = $("#bigBox" + TimedID);
   307 					box.removeClass("fadeIn fast");
   308 					box.addClass("fadeOut fast").delay(300).queue(function () {
   309 						$(this).clearQueue();
   310 						$(this).remove();
   311 					});
   312 					var icon = $("#miniIcon" + TimedID);
   313 					icon.removeClass("fadeIn fast");
   314 					icon.addClass("fadeOut fast").delay(300).queue(function () {
   315 						$(this).clearQueue();
   316 						$(this).remove();
   317 					})
   318 				}, settings.timeout);
   319 			}
   320 		},
   322 		smallBox: function (settings, callback) {
   323 			var BoxSmall, content;
   324 			settings = $.extend({
   325 				title: "",
   326 				content: "",
   327 				icon: undefined,
   328 				iconSmall: undefined,
   329 				sound: true,
   330 				color: undefined,
   331 				timeout: undefined,
   332 				colortime: 1500,
   333 				colors: undefined
   334 			}, settings);
   335 			if (settings.sound === true) {
   336 				if (MyAMS.browser.isIE8orlower() == 0) {
   337 					var audioElement = document.createElement("audio");
   338 					if (navigator.userAgent.match("Firefox/")) {
   339 						audioElement.setAttribute("src", MyAMS.baseURL + '../snd/smallbox.ogg');
   340 					} else {
   341 						audioElement.setAttribute("src", MyAMS.baseURL + '../snd/smallbox.mp3');
   342 					}
   343 					$.get();
   344 					audioElement.addEventListener("load", function () {
   346 					}, true);
   347 					audioElement.pause();
   349 				}
   350 			}
   351 			SmallBoxes = SmallBoxes + 1;
   352 			BoxSmall = "";
   353 			var IconSection = "",
   354 				CurrentIDSmallbox = "smallbox" + SmallBoxes;
   355 			if (settings.iconSmall == undefined) {
   356 				IconSection = "<div class='miniIcon'></div>";
   357 			} else {
   358 				IconSection = "<div class='miniIcon'><i class='miniPic " + settings.iconSmall + "'></i></div>";
   359 			} if (settings.icon == undefined) {
   360 				BoxSmall = "<div id='smallbox" + SmallBoxes + "' class='SmallBox animated fadeInRight fast'><div class='textoFull'><span>" + settings.title + "</span><p>" + settings.content + "</p></div>" + IconSection + "</div>";
   361 			} else {
   362 				BoxSmall = "<div id='smallbox" + SmallBoxes + "' class='SmallBox animated fadeInRight fast'><div class='foto'><i class='" + settings.icon + "'></i></div><div class='textoFoto'><span>" + settings.title + "</span><p>" + settings.content + "</p></div>" + IconSection + "</div>";
   363 			} if (SmallBoxes == 1) {
   364 				$("#divSmallBoxes").append(BoxSmall);
   365 				SmallBoxesAnchos = $("#smallbox" + SmallBoxes).height() + 40;
   366 			} else {
   367 				var SmartExist = $(".SmallBox").size();
   368 				if (SmartExist == 0) {
   369 					$("#divSmallBoxes").append(BoxSmall);
   370 					SmallBoxesAnchos = $("#smallbox" + SmallBoxes).height() + 40;
   371 				} else {
   372 					$("#divSmallBoxes").append(BoxSmall);
   373 					$("#smallbox" + SmallBoxes).css("top", SmallBoxesAnchos);
   374 					SmallBoxesAnchos = SmallBoxesAnchos + $("#smallbox" + SmallBoxes).height() + 20;
   375 					$(".SmallBox").each(function (index) {
   376 						if (index == 0) {
   377 							$(this).css("top", 20);
   378 							heightPrev = $(this).height() + 40;
   379 							SmallBoxesAnchos = $(this).height() + 40;
   380 						} else {
   381 							$(this).css("top", heightPrev);
   382 							heightPrev = heightPrev + $(this).height() + 20;
   383 							SmallBoxesAnchos = SmallBoxesAnchos + $(this).height() + 20;
   384 						}
   385 					})
   386 				}
   387 			}
   388 			var ThisSmallBox = $("#smallbox" + SmallBoxes);
   389 			if (settings.color == undefined) {
   390 				ThisSmallBox.css("background-color", "#004d60")
   391 			} else {
   392 				ThisSmallBox.css("background-color", settings.color)
   393 			}
   394 			var ColorTimeInterval;
   395 			if (settings.colors != undefined && settings.colors.length > 0) {
   396 				ThisSmallBox.attr("colorcount", "0");
   397 				ColorTimeInterval = setInterval(function () {
   398 					var ColorIndex = ThisSmallBox.attr("colorcount");
   399 					ThisSmallBox.animate({
   400 						backgroundColor: settings.colors[ColorIndex].color
   401 					});
   402 					if (ColorIndex < settings.colors.length - 1) {
   403 						ThisSmallBox.attr("colorcount", ((ColorIndex * 1) + 1));
   404 					} else {
   405 						ThisSmallBox.attr("colorcount", 0);
   406 					}
   407 				}, settings.colortime);
   408 			}
   409 			if (settings.timeout != undefined) {
   410 				setTimeout(function () {
   411 					clearInterval(ColorTimeInterval);
   412 					var ThisHeight = $(this).height() + 20;
   413 					var ID = CurrentIDSmallbox;
   414 					var ThisTop = $("#" + CurrentIDSmallbox).css("top");
   415 					if ($("#" + CurrentIDSmallbox + ":hover").length != 0) {
   416 						$("#" + CurrentIDSmallbox).on("mouseleave", function () {
   417 							SmallBoxesAnchos = SmallBoxesAnchos - ThisHeight;
   418 							$("#" + CurrentIDSmallbox).remove();
   419 							if (typeof callback == "function") {
   420 								if (callback) {
   421 									callback();
   422 								}
   423 							}
   424 							var Primero = 1;
   425 							var heightPrev = 0;
   426 							$(".SmallBox").each(function (index) {
   427 								if (index == 0) {
   428 									$(this).animate({
   429 										top: 20
   430 									}, 300);
   431 									heightPrev = $(this).height() + 40;
   432 									SmallBoxesAnchos = $(this).height() + 40;
   433 								} else {
   434 									$(this).animate({
   435 										top: heightPrev
   436 									}, 350);
   437 									heightPrev = heightPrev + $(this).height() + 20;
   438 									SmallBoxesAnchos = SmallBoxesAnchos + $(this).height() + 20;
   439 								}
   440 							})
   441 						})
   442 					} else {
   443 						clearInterval(ColorTimeInterval);
   444 						SmallBoxesAnchos = SmallBoxesAnchos - ThisHeight;
   445 						if (typeof callback == "function") {
   446 							if (callback) {
   447 								callback();
   448 							}
   449 						}
   450 						$("#" + CurrentIDSmallbox).removeClass().addClass("SmallBox").animate({
   451 							opacity: 0
   452 						}, 300, function () {
   453 							$(this).remove();
   454 							var Primero = 1;
   455 							var heightPrev = 0;
   456 							$(".SmallBox").each(function (index) {
   457 								if (index == 0) {
   458 									$(this).animate({
   459 										top: 20
   460 									}, 300);
   461 									heightPrev = $(this).height() + 40;
   462 									SmallBoxesAnchos = $(this).height() + 40;
   463 								} else {
   464 									$(this).animate({
   465 										top: heightPrev
   466 									});
   467 									heightPrev = heightPrev + $(this).height() + 20;
   468 									SmallBoxesAnchos = SmallBoxesAnchos + $(this).height() + 20;
   469 								}
   470 							})
   471 						});
   472 					}
   473 				}, settings.timeout)
   474 			}
   475 			$("#smallbox" + SmallBoxes).bind("click", function () {
   476 				clearInterval(ColorTimeInterval);
   477 				if (typeof callback == "function") {
   478 					if (callback) {
   479 						callback();
   480 					}
   481 				}
   482 				var ThisHeight = $(this).height() + 20;
   483 				var ID = $(this).attr("id");
   484 				var ThisTop = $(this).css("top");
   485 				SmallBoxesAnchos = SmallBoxesAnchos - ThisHeight;
   486 				$(this).removeClass().addClass("SmallBox").animate({
   487 					opacity: 0
   488 				}, 300, function () {
   489 					$(this).remove();
   490 					var Primero = 1;
   491 					var heightPrev = 0;
   492 					$(".SmallBox").each(function (index) {
   493 						if (index == 0) {
   494 							$(this).animate({
   495 								top: 20
   496 							}, 300);
   497 							heightPrev = $(this).height() + 40;
   498 							SmallBoxesAnchos = $(this).height() + 40;
   499 						} else {
   500 							$(this).animate({
   501 								top: heightPrev
   502 							}, 350);
   503 							heightPrev = heightPrev + $(this).height() + 20;
   504 							SmallBoxesAnchos = SmallBoxesAnchos + $(this).height() + 20;
   505 						}
   506 					});
   507 				});
   508 			});
   509 		}
   510 	}
   512 })(jQuery);