changeset 566 a1707c607eec
parent 565 318533413200
child 567 bca1726b1d85
--- a/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/flot/jquery.flot.logaxis.js	Sun Jul 19 02:02:20 2020 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-/* Pretty handling of log axes.
-Copyright (c) 2007-2014 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
-Copyright (c) 2015 Ciprian Ceteras
-Copyright (c) 2017 Raluca Portase
-Licensed under the MIT license.
-Set axis.mode to "log" to enable.
-/* global jQuery*/
-## jquery.flot.logaxis
-This plugin is used to create logarithmic axis. This includes tick generation,
-formatters and transformers to and from logarithmic representation.
-### Methods and hooks
-(function ($) {
-    'use strict';
-    var options = {
-        xaxis: {}
-    };
-    /*tick generators and formatters*/
-    var PREFERRED_LOG_TICK_VALUES = computePreferedLogTickValues(Number.MAX_VALUE, 10),
-        EXTENDED_LOG_TICK_VALUES = computePreferedLogTickValues(Number.MAX_VALUE, 4);
-    function computePreferedLogTickValues(endLimit, rangeStep) {
-        var log10End = Math.floor(Math.log(endLimit) * Math.LOG10E) - 1,
-            log10Start = -log10End,
-            val, range, vals = [];
-        for (var power = log10Start; power <= log10End; power++) {
-            range = parseFloat('1e' + power);
-            for (var mult = 1; mult < 9; mult += rangeStep) {
-                val = range * mult;
-                vals.push(val);
-            }
-        }
-        return vals;
-    }
-    /**
-    - logTickGenerator(plot, axis, noTicks)
-    Generates logarithmic ticks, depending on axis range.
-    In case the number of ticks that can be generated is less than the expected noTicks/4,
-    a linear tick generation is used.
-    */
-    var logTickGenerator = function (plot, axis, noTicks) {
-        var ticks = [],
-            minIdx = -1,
-            maxIdx = -1,
-            surface = plot.getCanvas(),
-            logTickValues = PREFERRED_LOG_TICK_VALUES,
-            min = clampAxis(axis, plot),
-            max = axis.max;
-        if (!noTicks) {
-            noTicks = 0.3 * Math.sqrt(axis.direction === "x" ? surface.width : surface.height);
-        }
-        PREFERRED_LOG_TICK_VALUES.some(function (val, i) {
-            if (val >= min) {
-                minIdx = i;
-                return true;
-            } else {
-                return false;
-            }
-        });
-        PREFERRED_LOG_TICK_VALUES.some(function (val, i) {
-            if (val >= max) {
-                maxIdx = i;
-                return true;
-            } else {
-                return false;
-            }
-        });
-        if (maxIdx === -1) {
-            maxIdx = PREFERRED_LOG_TICK_VALUES.length - 1;
-        }
-        if (maxIdx - minIdx <= noTicks / 4 && logTickValues.length !== EXTENDED_LOG_TICK_VALUES.length) {
-            //try with multiple of 5 for tick values
-            logTickValues = EXTENDED_LOG_TICK_VALUES;
-            minIdx *= 2;
-            maxIdx *= 2;
-        }
-        var lastDisplayed = null,
-            inverseNoTicks = 1 / noTicks,
-            tickValue, pixelCoord, tick;
-        // Count the number of tick values would appear, if we can get at least
-        // nTicks / 4 accept them.
-        if (maxIdx - minIdx >= noTicks / 4) {
-            for (var idx = maxIdx; idx >= minIdx; idx--) {
-                tickValue = logTickValues[idx];
-                pixelCoord = (Math.log(tickValue) - Math.log(min)) / (Math.log(max) - Math.log(min));
-                tick = tickValue;
-                if (lastDisplayed === null) {
-                    lastDisplayed = {
-                        pixelCoord: pixelCoord,
-                        idealPixelCoord: pixelCoord
-                    };
-                } else {
-                    if (Math.abs(pixelCoord - lastDisplayed.pixelCoord) >= inverseNoTicks) {
-                        lastDisplayed = {
-                            pixelCoord: pixelCoord,
-                            idealPixelCoord: lastDisplayed.idealPixelCoord - inverseNoTicks
-                        };
-                    } else {
-                        tick = null;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (tick) {
-                    ticks.push(tick);
-                }
-            }
-            // Since we went in backwards order.
-            ticks.reverse();
-        } else {
-            var tickSize = plot.computeTickSize(min, max, noTicks),
-                customAxis = {min: min, max: max, tickSize: tickSize};
-            ticks = $.plot.linearTickGenerator(customAxis);
-        }
-        return ticks;
-    };
-    var clampAxis = function (axis, plot) {
-        var min = axis.min,
-            max = axis.max;
-        if (min <= 0) {
-            //for empty graph if axis.min is not strictly positive make it 0.1
-            if (axis.datamin === null) {
-                min = axis.min = 0.1;
-            } else {
-                min = processAxisOffset(plot, axis);
-            }
-            if (max < min) {
-                axis.max = axis.datamax !== null ? axis.datamax : axis.options.max;
-                axis.options.offset.below = 0;
-                axis.options.offset.above = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        return min;
-    }
-    /**
-    - logTickFormatter(value, axis, precision)
-    This is the corresponding tickFormatter of the logaxis.
-    For a number greater that 10^6 or smaller than 10^(-3), this will be drawn
-    with e representation
-    */
-    var logTickFormatter = function (value, axis, precision) {
-        var tenExponent = value > 0 ? Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN10) : 0;
-        if (precision) {
-            if ((tenExponent >= -4) && (tenExponent <= 7)) {
-                return $.plot.defaultTickFormatter(value, axis, precision);
-            } else {
-                return $.plot.expRepTickFormatter(value, axis, precision);
-            }
-        }
-        if ((tenExponent >= -4) && (tenExponent <= 7)) {
-            //if we have float numbers, return a limited length string(ex: 0.0009 is represented as 0.000900001)
-            var formattedValue = tenExponent < 0 ? value.toFixed(-tenExponent) : value.toFixed(tenExponent + 2);
-            if (formattedValue.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
-                var lastZero = formattedValue.lastIndexOf('0');
-                while (lastZero === formattedValue.length - 1) {
-                    formattedValue = formattedValue.slice(0, -1);
-                    lastZero = formattedValue.lastIndexOf('0');
-                }
-                //delete the dot if is last
-                if (formattedValue.indexOf('.') === formattedValue.length - 1) {
-                    formattedValue = formattedValue.slice(0, -1);
-                }
-            }
-            return formattedValue;
-        } else {
-            return $.plot.expRepTickFormatter(value, axis);
-        }
-    };
-    /*logaxis caracteristic functions*/
-    var logTransform = function (v) {
-        if (v < PREFERRED_LOG_TICK_VALUES[0]) {
-            v = PREFERRED_LOG_TICK_VALUES[0];
-        }
-        return Math.log(v);
-    };
-    var logInverseTransform = function (v) {
-        return Math.exp(v);
-    };
-    var invertedTransform = function (v) {
-        return -v;
-    }
-    var invertedLogTransform = function (v) {
-        return -logTransform(v);
-    }
-    var invertedLogInverseTransform = function (v) {
-        return logInverseTransform(-v);
-    }
-    /**
-    - setDataminRange(plot, axis)
-    It is used for clamping the starting point of a logarithmic axis.
-    This will set the axis datamin range to 0.1 or to the first datapoint greater then 0.
-    The function is usefull since the logarithmic representation can not show
-    values less than or equal to 0.
-    */
-    function setDataminRange(plot, axis) {
-        if (axis.options.mode === 'log' && axis.datamin <= 0) {
-            if (axis.datamin === null) {
-                axis.datamin = 0.1;
-            } else {
-                axis.datamin = processAxisOffset(plot, axis);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    function processAxisOffset(plot, axis) {
-        var series = plot.getData(),
-            range = series
-                .filter(function(series) {
-                    return series.xaxis === axis || series.yaxis === axis;
-                })
-                .map(function(series) {
-                    return plot.computeRangeForDataSeries(series, null, isValid);
-                }),
-            min = axis.direction === 'x' 
-            ? Math.min(0.1, range && range[0] ? range[0].xmin : 0.1) 
-            : Math.min(0.1, range && range[0] ? range[0].ymin : 0.1);
-        axis.min = min;
-        return min;
-    }
-    function isValid(a) {
-        return a > 0;
-    }
-    function init(plot) {
-        plot.hooks.processOptions.push(function (plot) {
-            $.each(plot.getAxes(), function (axisName, axis) {
-                var opts = axis.options;
-                if (opts.mode === 'log') {
-                    axis.tickGenerator = function (axis) {
-                        var noTicks = 11;
-                        return logTickGenerator(plot, axis, noTicks);
-                    };
-                    if (typeof axis.options.tickFormatter !== 'function') {
-                        axis.options.tickFormatter = logTickFormatter;
-                    }
-                    axis.options.transform = opts.inverted ? invertedLogTransform : logTransform;
-                    axis.options.inverseTransform = opts.inverted ? invertedLogInverseTransform : logInverseTransform;
-                    axis.options.autoScaleMargin = 0;
-                    plot.hooks.setRange.push(setDataminRange);
-                } else if (opts.inverted) {
-                    axis.options.transform = invertedTransform;
-                    axis.options.inverseTransform = invertedTransform;
-                }
-            });
-        });
-    }
-    $.plot.plugins.push({
-        init: init,
-        options: options,
-        name: 'log',
-        version: '0.1'
-    });
-    $.plot.logTicksGenerator = logTickGenerator;
-    $.plot.logTickFormatter = logTickFormatter;