changeset 566 a1707c607eec
parent 565 318533413200
child 567 bca1726b1d85
--- a/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/tinymce/dev/classes/ui/ColorPicker.js	Sun Jul 19 02:02:20 2020 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
- * ColorPicker.js
- *
- * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
- * Released under LGPL License.
- *
- * License:
- * Contributing:
- */
- * Color picker widget lets you select colors.
- *
- * @-x-less ColorPicker.less
- * @class tinymce.ui.ColorPicker
- * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
- */
-define("tinymce/ui/ColorPicker", [
-	"tinymce/ui/Widget",
-	"tinymce/ui/DragHelper",
-	"tinymce/ui/DomUtils",
-	"tinymce/util/Color"
-], function(Widget, DragHelper, DomUtils, Color) {
-	"use strict";
-	return Widget.extend({
-		Defaults: {
-			classes: "widget colorpicker"
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Constructs a new colorpicker instance with the specified settings.
-		 *
-		 * @constructor
-		 * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
-		 * @setting {String} color Initial color value.
-		 */
-		init: function(settings) {
-			this._super(settings);
-		},
-		postRender: function() {
-			var self = this, color = self.color(), hsv, hueRootElm, huePointElm, svRootElm, svPointElm;
-			hueRootElm = self.getEl('h');
-			huePointElm = self.getEl('hp');
-			svRootElm = self.getEl('sv');
-			svPointElm = self.getEl('svp');
-			function getPos(elm, event) {
-				var pos = DomUtils.getPos(elm), x, y;
-				x = event.pageX - pos.x;
-				y = event.pageY - pos.y;
-				x = Math.max(0, Math.min(x / elm.clientWidth, 1));
-				y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y / elm.clientHeight, 1));
-				return {
-					x: x,
-					y: y
-				};
-			}
-			function updateColor(hsv, hueUpdate) {
-				var hue = (360 - hsv.h) / 360;
-				DomUtils.css(huePointElm, {
-					top: (hue * 100) + '%'
-				});
-				if (!hueUpdate) {
-					DomUtils.css(svPointElm, {
-						left: hsv.s + '%',
-						top: (100 - hsv.v) + '%'
-					});
-				}
- = new Color({s: 100, v: 100, h: hsv.h}).toHex();
-				self.color().parse({s: hsv.s, v: hsv.v, h: hsv.h});
-			}
-			function updateSaturationAndValue(e) {
-				var pos;
-				pos = getPos(svRootElm, e);
-				hsv.s = pos.x * 100;
-				hsv.v = (1 - pos.y) * 100;
-				updateColor(hsv);
-			}
-			function updateHue(e) {
-				var pos;
-				pos = getPos(hueRootElm, e);
-				hsv = color.toHsv();
-				hsv.h = (1 - pos.y) * 360;
-				updateColor(hsv, true);
-			}
-			self._repaint = function() {
-				hsv = color.toHsv();
-				updateColor(hsv);
-			};
-			self._super();
-			self._svdraghelper = new DragHelper(self._id + '-sv', {
-				start: updateSaturationAndValue,
-				drag: updateSaturationAndValue
-			});
-			self._hdraghelper = new DragHelper(self._id + '-h', {
-				start: updateHue,
-				drag: updateHue
-			});
-			self._repaint();
-		},
-		rgb: function() {
-			return this.color().toRgb();
-		},
-		value: function(value) {
-			var self = this;
-			if (arguments.length) {
-				self.color().parse(value);
-				if (self._rendered) {
-					self._repaint();
-				}
-			} else {
-				return self.color().toHex();
-			}
-		},
-		color: function() {
-			if (!this._color) {
-				this._color = new Color();
-			}
-			return this._color;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Renders the control as a HTML string.
-		 *
-		 * @method renderHtml
-		 * @return {String} HTML representing the control.
-		 */
-		renderHtml: function() {
-			var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix, hueHtml;
-			var stops = '#ff0000,#ff0080,#ff00ff,#8000ff,#0000ff,#0080ff,#00ffff,#00ff80,#00ff00,#80ff00,#ffff00,#ff8000,#ff0000';
-			function getOldIeFallbackHtml() {
-				var i, l, html = '', gradientPrefix, stopsList;
-				gradientPrefix = 'filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,startColorstr=';
-				stopsList = stops.split(',');
-				for (i = 0, l = stopsList.length - 1; i < l; i++) {
-					html += (
-						'<div class="' + prefix + 'colorpicker-h-chunk" style="' +
-							'height:' + (100 / l) + '%;' +
-							gradientPrefix + stopsList[i] + ',endColorstr=' + stopsList[i + 1] + ');' +
-							'-ms-' + gradientPrefix + stopsList[i] + ',endColorstr=' + stopsList[i + 1] + ')' +
-						'"></div>'
-					);
-				}
-				return html;
-			}
-			var gradientCssText = (
-				'background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,' + stops + ');' +
-				'background: linear-gradient(to bottom,' + stops + ');'
-			);
-			hueHtml = (
-				'<div id="' + id + '-h" class="' + prefix + 'colorpicker-h" style="' + gradientCssText + '">' +
-					getOldIeFallbackHtml() +
-					'<div id="' + id + '-hp" class="' + prefix + 'colorpicker-h-marker"></div>' +
-				'</div>'
-			);
-			return (
-				'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '">' +
-					'<div id="' + id + '-sv" class="' + prefix + 'colorpicker-sv">' +
-						'<div class="' + prefix + 'colorpicker-overlay1">' +
-							'<div class="' + prefix + 'colorpicker-overlay2">' +
-								'<div id="' + id + '-svp" class="' + prefix + 'colorpicker-selector1">' +
-									'<div class="' + prefix + 'colorpicker-selector2"></div>' +
-								'</div>' +
-							'</div>' +
-						'</div>' +
-					'</div>' +
-					hueHtml +
-				'</div>'
-			);
-		}
-	});
\ No newline at end of file