changeset 566 a1707c607eec
parent 565 318533413200
child 567 bca1726b1d85
--- a/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/tinymce/dev/plugins/table/classes/Quirks.js	Sun Jul 19 02:02:20 2020 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
- * Quirks.js
- *
- * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
- * Released under LGPL License.
- *
- * License:
- * Contributing:
- */
- * This class includes fixes for various browser quirks.
- *
- * @class tinymce.tableplugin.Quirks
- * @private
- */
-define("tinymce/tableplugin/Quirks", [
-	"tinymce/util/VK",
-	"tinymce/Env",
-	"tinymce/util/Tools"
-], function(VK, Env, Tools) {
-	var each = Tools.each;
-	function getSpanVal(td, name) {
-		return parseInt(td.getAttribute(name) || 1, 10);
-	}
-	return function(editor) {
-		/**
-		 * Fixed caret movement around tables on WebKit.
-		 */
-		function moveWebKitSelection() {
-			function eventHandler(e) {
-				var key = e.keyCode;
-				function handle(upBool, sourceNode) {
-					var siblingDirection = upBool ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';
-					var currentRow = editor.dom.getParent(sourceNode, 'tr');
-					var siblingRow = currentRow[siblingDirection];
-					if (siblingRow) {
-						moveCursorToRow(editor, sourceNode, siblingRow, upBool);
-						e.preventDefault();
-						return true;
-					} else {
-						var tableNode = editor.dom.getParent(currentRow, 'table');
-						var middleNode = currentRow.parentNode;
-						var parentNodeName = middleNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
-						if (parentNodeName === 'tbody' || parentNodeName === (upBool ? 'tfoot' : 'thead')) {
-							var targetParent = getTargetParent(upBool, tableNode, middleNode, 'tbody');
-							if (targetParent !== null) {
-								return moveToRowInTarget(upBool, targetParent, sourceNode);
-							}
-						}
-						return escapeTable(upBool, currentRow, siblingDirection, tableNode);
-					}
-				}
-				function getTargetParent(upBool, topNode, secondNode, nodeName) {
-					var tbodies ='>' + nodeName, topNode);
-					var position = tbodies.indexOf(secondNode);
-					if (upBool && position === 0 || !upBool && position === tbodies.length - 1) {
-						return getFirstHeadOrFoot(upBool, topNode);
-					} else if (position === -1) {
-						var topOrBottom = secondNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'thead' ? 0 : tbodies.length - 1;
-						return tbodies[topOrBottom];
-					} else {
-						return tbodies[position + (upBool ? -1 : 1)];
-					}
-				}
-				function getFirstHeadOrFoot(upBool, parent) {
-					var tagName = upBool ? 'thead' : 'tfoot';
-					var headOrFoot ='>' + tagName, parent);
-					return headOrFoot.length !== 0 ? headOrFoot[0] : null;
-				}
-				function moveToRowInTarget(upBool, targetParent, sourceNode) {
-					var targetRow = getChildForDirection(targetParent, upBool);
-					if (targetRow) {
-						moveCursorToRow(editor, sourceNode, targetRow, upBool);
-					}
-					e.preventDefault();
-					return true;
-				}
-				function escapeTable(upBool, currentRow, siblingDirection, table) {
-					var tableSibling = table[siblingDirection];
-					if (tableSibling) {
-						moveCursorToStartOfElement(tableSibling);
-						return true;
-					} else {
-						var parentCell = editor.dom.getParent(table, 'td,th');
-						if (parentCell) {
-							return handle(upBool, parentCell, e);
-						} else {
-							var backUpSibling = getChildForDirection(currentRow, !upBool);
-							moveCursorToStartOfElement(backUpSibling);
-							e.preventDefault();
-							return false;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				function getChildForDirection(parent, up) {
-					var child = parent && parent[up ? 'lastChild' : 'firstChild'];
-					// BR is not a valid table child to return in this case we return the table cell
-					return child && child.nodeName === 'BR' ? editor.dom.getParent(child, 'td,th') : child;
-				}
-				function moveCursorToStartOfElement(n) {
-					editor.selection.setCursorLocation(n, 0);
-				}
-				function isVerticalMovement() {
-					return key == VK.UP || key == VK.DOWN;
-				}
-				function isInTable(editor) {
-					var node = editor.selection.getNode();
-					var currentRow = editor.dom.getParent(node, 'tr');
-					return currentRow !== null;
-				}
-				function columnIndex(column) {
-					var colIndex = 0;
-					var c = column;
-					while (c.previousSibling) {
-						c = c.previousSibling;
-						colIndex = colIndex + getSpanVal(c, "colspan");
-					}
-					return colIndex;
-				}
-				function findColumn(rowElement, columnIndex) {
-					var c = 0, r = 0;
-					each(rowElement.children, function(cell, i) {
-						c = c + getSpanVal(cell, "colspan");
-						r = i;
-						if (c > columnIndex) {
-							return false;
-						}
-					});
-					return r;
-				}
-				function moveCursorToRow(ed, node, row, upBool) {
-					var srcColumnIndex = columnIndex(editor.dom.getParent(node, 'td,th'));
-					var tgtColumnIndex = findColumn(row, srcColumnIndex);
-					var tgtNode = row.childNodes[tgtColumnIndex];
-					var rowCellTarget = getChildForDirection(tgtNode, upBool);
-					moveCursorToStartOfElement(rowCellTarget || tgtNode);
-				}
-				function shouldFixCaret(preBrowserNode) {
-					var newNode = editor.selection.getNode();
-					var newParent = editor.dom.getParent(newNode, 'td,th');
-					var oldParent = editor.dom.getParent(preBrowserNode, 'td,th');
-					return newParent && newParent !== oldParent && checkSameParentTable(newParent, oldParent);
-				}
-				function checkSameParentTable(nodeOne, NodeTwo) {
-					return editor.dom.getParent(nodeOne, 'TABLE') === editor.dom.getParent(NodeTwo, 'TABLE');
-				}
-				if (isVerticalMovement() && isInTable(editor)) {
-					var preBrowserNode = editor.selection.getNode();
-					setTimeout(function() {
-						if (shouldFixCaret(preBrowserNode)) {
-							handle(!e.shiftKey && key === VK.UP, preBrowserNode, e);
-						}
-					}, 0);
-				}
-			}
-			editor.on('KeyDown', function(e) {
-				eventHandler(e);
-			});
-		}
-		function fixBeforeTableCaretBug() {
-			// Checks if the selection/caret is at the start of the specified block element
-			function isAtStart(rng, par) {
-				var doc = par.ownerDocument, rng2 = doc.createRange(), elm;
-				rng2.setStartBefore(par);
-				rng2.setEnd(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
-				elm = doc.createElement('body');
-				elm.appendChild(rng2.cloneContents());
-				// Check for text characters of other elements that should be treated as content
-				return elm.innerHTML.replace(/<(br|img|object|embed|input|textarea)[^>]*>/gi, '-').replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').length === 0;
-			}
-			// Fixes an bug where it's impossible to place the caret before a table in Gecko
-			// this fix solves it by detecting when the caret is at the beginning of such a table
-			// and then manually moves the caret infront of the table
-			editor.on('KeyDown', function(e) {
-				var rng, table, dom = editor.dom;
-				// On gecko it's not possible to place the caret before a table
-				if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 38) {
-					rng = editor.selection.getRng();
-					table = dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, 'table');
-					if (table && editor.getBody().firstChild == table) {
-						if (isAtStart(rng, table)) {
-							rng = dom.createRng();
-							rng.setStartBefore(table);
-							rng.setEndBefore(table);
-							editor.selection.setRng(rng);
-							e.preventDefault();
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		}
-		// Fixes an issue on Gecko where it's impossible to place the caret behind a table
-		// This fix will force a paragraph element after the table but only when the forced_root_block setting is enabled
-		function fixTableCaretPos() {
-			editor.on('KeyDown SetContent VisualAid', function() {
-				var last;
-				// Skip empty text nodes from the end
-				for (last = editor.getBody().lastChild; last; last = last.previousSibling) {
-					if (last.nodeType == 3) {
-						if (last.nodeValue.length > 0) {
-							break;
-						}
-					} else if (last.nodeType == 1 && (last.tagName == 'BR' || !last.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus'))) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-				if (last && last.nodeName == 'TABLE') {
-					if (editor.settings.forced_root_block) {
-						editor.dom.add(
-							editor.getBody(),
-							editor.settings.forced_root_block,
-							editor.settings.forced_root_block_attrs,
- && < 11 ? '&nbsp;' : '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />'
-						);
-					} else {
-						editor.dom.add(editor.getBody(), 'br', {'data-mce-bogus': '1'});
-					}
-				}
-			});
-			editor.on('PreProcess', function(o) {
-				var last = o.node.lastChild;
-				if (last && (last.nodeName == "BR" || (last.childNodes.length == 1 &&
-					(last.firstChild.nodeName == 'BR' || last.firstChild.nodeValue == '\u00a0'))) &&
-					last.previousSibling && last.previousSibling.nodeName == "TABLE") {
-					editor.dom.remove(last);
-				}
-			});
-		}
-		// this nasty hack is here to work around some WebKit selection bugs.
-		function fixTableCellSelection() {
-			function tableCellSelected(ed, rng, n, currentCell) {
-				// The decision of when a table cell is selected is somewhat involved.  The fact that this code is
-				// required is actually a pointer to the root cause of this bug. A cell is selected when the start
-				// and end offsets are 0, the start container is a text, and the selection node is either a TR (most cases)
-				// or the parent of the table (in the case of the selection containing the last cell of a table).
-				var TEXT_NODE = 3, table = ed.dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, 'TABLE');
-				var tableParent, allOfCellSelected, tableCellSelection;
-				if (table) {
-					tableParent = table.parentNode;
-				}
-				allOfCellSelected = rng.startContainer.nodeType == TEXT_NODE &&
-					rng.startOffset === 0 &&
-					rng.endOffset === 0 &&
-					currentCell &&
-					(n.nodeName == "TR" || n == tableParent);
-				tableCellSelection = (n.nodeName == "TD" || n.nodeName == "TH") && !currentCell;
-				return allOfCellSelected || tableCellSelection;
-			}
-			function fixSelection() {
-				var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
-				var n = editor.selection.getNode();
-				var currentCell = editor.dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, 'TD,TH');
-				if (!tableCellSelected(editor, rng, n, currentCell)) {
-					return;
-				}
-				if (!currentCell) {
-					currentCell = n;
-				}
-				// Get the very last node inside the table cell
-				var end = currentCell.lastChild;
-				while (end.lastChild) {
-					end = end.lastChild;
-				}
-				// Select the entire table cell. Nothing outside of the table cell should be selected.
-				if (end.nodeType == 3) {
-					rng.setEnd(end,;
-					editor.selection.setRng(rng);
-				}
-			}
-			editor.on('KeyDown', function() {
-				fixSelection();
-			});
-			editor.on('MouseDown', function(e) {
-				if (e.button != 2) {
-					fixSelection();
-				}
-			});
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Delete table if all cells are selected.
-		 */
-		function deleteTable() {
-			editor.on('keydown', function(e) {
-				if ((e.keyCode == VK.DELETE || e.keyCode == VK.BACKSPACE) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-					var table = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table');
-					if (table) {
-						var cells ='td,th', table), i = cells.length;
-						while (i--) {
-							if (!editor.dom.hasClass(cells[i], 'mce-item-selected')) {
-								return;
-							}
-						}
-						e.preventDefault();
-						editor.execCommand('mceTableDelete');
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		}
-		deleteTable();
-		if (Env.webkit) {
-			moveWebKitSelection();
-			fixTableCellSelection();
-		}
-		if (Env.gecko) {
-			fixBeforeTableCaretBug();
-			fixTableCaretPos();
-		}
-		if ( > 10) {
-			fixBeforeTableCaretBug();
-			fixTableCaretPos();
-		}
-	};
\ No newline at end of file