changeset 69 a361355b55c7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/tinymce/dev/classes/dom/Range.js	Wed Jun 17 10:00:10 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+ * Range.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License:
+ * Contributing:
+ */
+define("tinymce/dom/Range", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	// Range constructor
+	function Range(dom) {
+		var self = this,
+			doc = dom.doc,
+			EXTRACT = 0,
+			CLONE = 1,
+			DELETE = 2,
+			TRUE = true,
+			FALSE = false,
+			START_OFFSET = 'startOffset',
+			START_CONTAINER = 'startContainer',
+			END_CONTAINER = 'endContainer',
+			END_OFFSET = 'endOffset',
+			extend = Tools.extend,
+			nodeIndex = dom.nodeIndex;
+		function createDocumentFragment() {
+			return doc.createDocumentFragment();
+		}
+		function setStart(n, o) {
+			_setEndPoint(TRUE, n, o);
+		}
+		function setEnd(n, o) {
+			_setEndPoint(FALSE, n, o);
+		}
+		function setStartBefore(n) {
+			setStart(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n));
+		}
+		function setStartAfter(n) {
+			setStart(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n) + 1);
+		}
+		function setEndBefore(n) {
+			setEnd(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n));
+		}
+		function setEndAfter(n) {
+			setEnd(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n) + 1);
+		}
+		function collapse(ts) {
+			if (ts) {
+				self[END_OFFSET] = self[START_OFFSET];
+			} else {
+				self[START_OFFSET] = self[END_OFFSET];
+			}
+			self.collapsed = TRUE;
+		}
+		function selectNode(n) {
+			setStartBefore(n);
+			setEndAfter(n);
+		}
+		function selectNodeContents(n) {
+			setStart(n, 0);
+			setEnd(n, n.nodeType === 1 ? n.childNodes.length : n.nodeValue.length);
+		}
+		function compareBoundaryPoints(h, r) {
+			var sc = self[START_CONTAINER], so = self[START_OFFSET], ec = self[END_CONTAINER], eo = self[END_OFFSET],
+			rsc = r.startContainer, rso = r.startOffset, rec = r.endContainer, reo = r.endOffset;
+			// Check START_TO_START
+			if (h === 0) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(sc, so, rsc, rso);
+			}
+			// Check START_TO_END
+			if (h === 1) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(ec, eo, rsc, rso);
+			}
+			// Check END_TO_END
+			if (h === 2) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(ec, eo, rec, reo);
+			}
+			// Check END_TO_START
+			if (h === 3) {
+				return _compareBoundaryPoints(sc, so, rec, reo);
+			}
+		}
+		function deleteContents() {
+			_traverse(DELETE);
+		}
+		function extractContents() {
+			return _traverse(EXTRACT);
+		}
+		function cloneContents() {
+			return _traverse(CLONE);
+		}
+		function insertNode(n) {
+			var startContainer = this[START_CONTAINER],
+				startOffset = this[START_OFFSET], nn, o;
+			// Node is TEXT_NODE or CDATA
+			if ((startContainer.nodeType === 3 || startContainer.nodeType === 4) && startContainer.nodeValue) {
+				if (!startOffset) {
+					// At the start of text
+					startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(n, startContainer);
+				} else if (startOffset >= startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
+					// At the end of text
+					dom.insertAfter(n, startContainer);
+				} else {
+					// Middle, need to split
+					nn = startContainer.splitText(startOffset);
+					startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(n, nn);
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Insert element node
+				if (startContainer.childNodes.length > 0) {
+					o = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
+				}
+				if (o) {
+					startContainer.insertBefore(n, o);
+				} else {
+					if (startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
+						dom.insertAfter(n, startContainer);
+					} else {
+						startContainer.appendChild(n);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function surroundContents(n) {
+			var f = self.extractContents();
+			self.insertNode(n);
+			n.appendChild(f);
+			self.selectNode(n);
+		}
+		function cloneRange() {
+			return extend(new Range(dom), {
+				startContainer: self[START_CONTAINER],
+				startOffset: self[START_OFFSET],
+				endContainer: self[END_CONTAINER],
+				endOffset: self[END_OFFSET],
+				collapsed: self.collapsed,
+				commonAncestorContainer: self.commonAncestorContainer
+			});
+		}
+		// Private methods
+		function _getSelectedNode(container, offset) {
+			var child;
+			if (container.nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				return container;
+			}
+			if (offset < 0) {
+				return container;
+			}
+			child = container.firstChild;
+			while (child && offset > 0) {
+				--offset;
+				child = child.nextSibling;
+			}
+			if (child) {
+				return child;
+			}
+			return container;
+		}
+		function _isCollapsed() {
+			return (self[START_CONTAINER] == self[END_CONTAINER] && self[START_OFFSET] == self[END_OFFSET]);
+		}
+		function _compareBoundaryPoints(containerA, offsetA, containerB, offsetB) {
+			var c, offsetC, n, cmnRoot, childA, childB;
+			// In the first case the boundary-points have the same container. A is before B
+			// if its offset is less than the offset of B, A is equal to B if its offset is
+			// equal to the offset of B, and A is after B if its offset is greater than the
+			// offset of B.
+			if (containerA == containerB) {
+				if (offsetA == offsetB) {
+					return 0; // equal
+				}
+				if (offsetA < offsetB) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the second case a child node C of the container of A is an ancestor
+			// container of B. In this case, A is before B if the offset of A is less than or
+			// equal to the index of the child node C and A is after B otherwise.
+			c = containerB;
+			while (c && c.parentNode != containerA) {
+				c = c.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (c) {
+				offsetC = 0;
+				n = containerA.firstChild;
+				while (n != c && offsetC < offsetA) {
+					offsetC++;
+					n = n.nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (offsetA <= offsetC) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the third case a child node C of the container of B is an ancestor container
+			// of A. In this case, A is before B if the index of the child node C is less than
+			// the offset of B and A is after B otherwise.
+			c = containerA;
+			while (c && c.parentNode != containerB) {
+				c = c.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (c) {
+				offsetC = 0;
+				n = containerB.firstChild;
+				while (n != c && offsetC < offsetB) {
+					offsetC++;
+					n = n.nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (offsetC < offsetB) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				return 1; // after
+			}
+			// In the fourth case, none of three other cases hold: the containers of A and B
+			// are siblings or descendants of sibling nodes. In this case, A is before B if
+			// the container of A is before the container of B in a pre-order traversal of the
+			// Ranges' context tree and A is after B otherwise.
+			cmnRoot = dom.findCommonAncestor(containerA, containerB);
+			childA = containerA;
+			while (childA && childA.parentNode != cmnRoot) {
+				childA = childA.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (!childA) {
+				childA = cmnRoot;
+			}
+			childB = containerB;
+			while (childB && childB.parentNode != cmnRoot) {
+				childB = childB.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (!childB) {
+				childB = cmnRoot;
+			}
+			if (childA == childB) {
+				return 0; // equal
+			}
+			n = cmnRoot.firstChild;
+			while (n) {
+				if (n == childA) {
+					return -1; // before
+				}
+				if (n == childB) {
+					return 1; // after
+				}
+				n = n.nextSibling;
+			}
+		}
+		function _setEndPoint(st, n, o) {
+			var ec, sc;
+			if (st) {
+				self[START_CONTAINER] = n;
+				self[START_OFFSET] = o;
+			} else {
+				self[END_CONTAINER] = n;
+				self[END_OFFSET] = o;
+			}
+			// If one boundary-point of a Range is set to have a root container
+			// other than the current one for the Range, the Range is collapsed to
+			// the new position. This enforces the restriction that both boundary-
+			// points of a Range must have the same root container.
+			ec = self[END_CONTAINER];
+			while (ec.parentNode) {
+				ec = ec.parentNode;
+			}
+			sc = self[START_CONTAINER];
+			while (sc.parentNode) {
+				sc = sc.parentNode;
+			}
+			if (sc == ec) {
+				// The start position of a Range is guaranteed to never be after the
+				// end position. To enforce this restriction, if the start is set to
+				// be at a position after the end, the Range is collapsed to that
+				// position.
+				if (_compareBoundaryPoints(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET], self[END_CONTAINER], self[END_OFFSET]) > 0) {
+					self.collapse(st);
+				}
+			} else {
+				self.collapse(st);
+			}
+			self.collapsed = _isCollapsed();
+			self.commonAncestorContainer = dom.findCommonAncestor(self[START_CONTAINER], self[END_CONTAINER]);
+		}
+		function _traverse(how) {
+			var c, endContainerDepth = 0, startContainerDepth = 0, p, depthDiff, startNode, endNode, sp, ep;
+			if (self[START_CONTAINER] == self[END_CONTAINER]) {
+				return _traverseSameContainer(how);
+			}
+			for (c = self[END_CONTAINER], p = c.parentNode; p; c = p, p = p.parentNode) {
+				if (p == self[START_CONTAINER]) {
+					return _traverseCommonStartContainer(c, how);
+				}
+				++endContainerDepth;
+			}
+			for (c = self[START_CONTAINER], p = c.parentNode; p; c = p, p = p.parentNode) {
+				if (p == self[END_CONTAINER]) {
+					return _traverseCommonEndContainer(c, how);
+				}
+				++startContainerDepth;
+			}
+			depthDiff = startContainerDepth - endContainerDepth;
+			startNode = self[START_CONTAINER];
+			while (depthDiff > 0) {
+				startNode = startNode.parentNode;
+				depthDiff--;
+			}
+			endNode = self[END_CONTAINER];
+			while (depthDiff < 0) {
+				endNode = endNode.parentNode;
+				depthDiff++;
+			}
+			// ascend the ancestor hierarchy until we have a common parent.
+			for (sp = startNode.parentNode, ep = endNode.parentNode; sp != ep; sp = sp.parentNode, ep = ep.parentNode) {
+				startNode = sp;
+				endNode = ep;
+			}
+			return _traverseCommonAncestors(startNode, endNode, how);
+		}
+		function _traverseSameContainer(how) {
+			var frag, s, sub, n, cnt, sibling, xferNode, start, len;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			// If selection is empty, just return the fragment
+			if (self[START_OFFSET] == self[END_OFFSET]) {
+				return frag;
+			}
+			// Text node needs special case handling
+			if (self[START_CONTAINER].nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				// get the substring
+				s = self[START_CONTAINER].nodeValue;
+				sub = s.substring(self[START_OFFSET], self[END_OFFSET]);
+				// set the original text node to its new value
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					n = self[START_CONTAINER];
+					start = self[START_OFFSET];
+					len = self[END_OFFSET] - self[START_OFFSET];
+					if (start === 0 && len >= n.nodeValue.length - 1) {
+						n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+					} else {
+						n.deleteData(start, len);
+					}
+					// Nothing is partially selected, so collapse to start point
+					self.collapse(TRUE);
+				}
+				if (how == DELETE) {
+					return;
+				}
+				if (sub.length > 0) {
+					frag.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(sub));
+				}
+				return frag;
+			}
+			// Copy nodes between the start/end offsets.
+			n = _getSelectedNode(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET]);
+			cnt = self[END_OFFSET] - self[START_OFFSET];
+			while (n && cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.nextSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(xferNode);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			// Nothing is partially selected, so collapse to start point
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonStartContainer(endAncestor, how) {
+			var frag, n, endIdx, cnt, sibling, xferNode;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseRightBoundary(endAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			endIdx = nodeIndex(endAncestor);
+			cnt = endIdx - self[START_OFFSET];
+			if (cnt <= 0) {
+				// Collapse to just before the endAncestor, which
+				// is partially selected.
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					self.setEndBefore(endAncestor);
+					self.collapse(FALSE);
+				}
+				return frag;
+			}
+			n = endAncestor.previousSibling;
+			while (cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.previousSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.insertBefore(xferNode, frag.firstChild);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			// Collapse to just before the endAncestor, which
+			// is partially selected.
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setEndBefore(endAncestor);
+				self.collapse(FALSE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonEndContainer(startAncestor, how) {
+			var frag, startIdx, n, cnt, sibling, xferNode;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseLeftBoundary(startAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			startIdx = nodeIndex(startAncestor);
+			++startIdx; // Because we already traversed it
+			cnt = self[END_OFFSET] - startIdx;
+			n = startAncestor.nextSibling;
+			while (n && cnt > 0) {
+				sibling = n.nextSibling;
+				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(xferNode);
+				}
+				--cnt;
+				n = sibling;
+			}
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setStartAfter(startAncestor);
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseCommonAncestors(startAncestor, endAncestor, how) {
+			var n, frag, startOffset, endOffset, cnt, sibling, nextSibling;
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				frag = createDocumentFragment();
+			}
+			n = _traverseLeftBoundary(startAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			startOffset = nodeIndex(startAncestor);
+			endOffset = nodeIndex(endAncestor);
+			++startOffset;
+			cnt = endOffset - startOffset;
+			sibling = startAncestor.nextSibling;
+			while (cnt > 0) {
+				nextSibling = sibling.nextSibling;
+				n = _traverseFullySelected(sibling, how);
+				if (frag) {
+					frag.appendChild(n);
+				}
+				sibling = nextSibling;
+				--cnt;
+			}
+			n = _traverseRightBoundary(endAncestor, how);
+			if (frag) {
+				frag.appendChild(n);
+			}
+			if (how != CLONE) {
+				self.setStartAfter(startAncestor);
+				self.collapse(TRUE);
+			}
+			return frag;
+		}
+		function _traverseRightBoundary(root, how) {
+			var next = _getSelectedNode(self[END_CONTAINER], self[END_OFFSET] - 1), parent, clonedParent;
+			var prevSibling, clonedChild, clonedGrandParent, isFullySelected = next != self[END_CONTAINER];
+			if (next == root) {
+				return _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, FALSE, how);
+			}
+			parent = next.parentNode;
+			clonedParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, FALSE, how);
+			while (parent) {
+				while (next) {
+					prevSibling = next.previousSibling;
+					clonedChild = _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, FALSE, how);
+					if (how != DELETE) {
+						clonedParent.insertBefore(clonedChild, clonedParent.firstChild);
+					}
+					isFullySelected = TRUE;
+					next = prevSibling;
+				}
+				if (parent == root) {
+					return clonedParent;
+				}
+				next = parent.previousSibling;
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+				clonedGrandParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, FALSE, how);
+				if (how != DELETE) {
+					clonedGrandParent.appendChild(clonedParent);
+				}
+				clonedParent = clonedGrandParent;
+			}
+		}
+		function _traverseLeftBoundary(root, how) {
+			var next = _getSelectedNode(self[START_CONTAINER], self[START_OFFSET]), isFullySelected = next != self[START_CONTAINER];
+			var parent, clonedParent, nextSibling, clonedChild, clonedGrandParent;
+			if (next == root) {
+				return _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, TRUE, how);
+			}
+			parent = next.parentNode;
+			clonedParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, TRUE, how);
+			while (parent) {
+				while (next) {
+					nextSibling = next.nextSibling;
+					clonedChild = _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, TRUE, how);
+					if (how != DELETE) {
+						clonedParent.appendChild(clonedChild);
+					}
+					isFullySelected = TRUE;
+					next = nextSibling;
+				}
+				if (parent == root) {
+					return clonedParent;
+				}
+				next = parent.nextSibling;
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+				clonedGrandParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, TRUE, how);
+				if (how != DELETE) {
+					clonedGrandParent.appendChild(clonedParent);
+				}
+				clonedParent = clonedGrandParent;
+			}
+		}
+		function _traverseNode(n, isFullySelected, isLeft, how) {
+			var txtValue, newNodeValue, oldNodeValue, offset, newNode;
+			if (isFullySelected) {
+				return _traverseFullySelected(n, how);
+			}
+			if (n.nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
+				txtValue = n.nodeValue;
+				if (isLeft) {
+					offset = self[START_OFFSET];
+					newNodeValue = txtValue.substring(offset);
+					oldNodeValue = txtValue.substring(0, offset);
+				} else {
+					offset = self[END_OFFSET];
+					newNodeValue = txtValue.substring(0, offset);
+					oldNodeValue = txtValue.substring(offset);
+				}
+				if (how != CLONE) {
+					n.nodeValue = oldNodeValue;
+				}
+				if (how == DELETE) {
+					return;
+				}
+				newNode = dom.clone(n, FALSE);
+				newNode.nodeValue = newNodeValue;
+				return newNode;
+			}
+			if (how == DELETE) {
+				return;
+			}
+			return dom.clone(n, FALSE);
+		}
+		function _traverseFullySelected(n, how) {
+			if (how != DELETE) {
+				return how == CLONE ? dom.clone(n, TRUE) : n;
+			}
+			n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+		}
+		function toStringIE() {
+			return dom.create('body', null, cloneContents()).outerText;
+		}
+		extend(self, {
+			// Inital states
+			startContainer: doc,
+			startOffset: 0,
+			endContainer: doc,
+			endOffset: 0,
+			collapsed: TRUE,
+			commonAncestorContainer: doc,
+			// Range constants
+			START_TO_END: 1,
+			END_TO_END: 2,
+			END_TO_START: 3,
+			// Public methods
+			setStart: setStart,
+			setEnd: setEnd,
+			setStartBefore: setStartBefore,
+			setStartAfter: setStartAfter,
+			setEndBefore: setEndBefore,
+			setEndAfter: setEndAfter,
+			collapse: collapse,
+			selectNode: selectNode,
+			selectNodeContents: selectNodeContents,
+			compareBoundaryPoints: compareBoundaryPoints,
+			deleteContents: deleteContents,
+			extractContents: extractContents,
+			cloneContents: cloneContents,
+			insertNode: insertNode,
+			surroundContents: surroundContents,
+			cloneRange: cloneRange,
+			toStringIE: toStringIE
+		});
+		return self;
+	}
+	// Older IE versions doesn't let you override toString by it's constructor so we have to stick it in the prototype
+	Range.prototype.toString = function() {
+		return this.toStringIE();
+	};
+	return Range;