changeset 69 a361355b55c7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/tinymce/dev/classes/util/Class.js	Wed Jun 17 10:00:10 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ * Class.js
+ *
+ * Copyright 2003-2012, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
+ */
+ * This utilitiy class is used for easier inheritage.
+ *
+ * Features:
+ * * Exposed super functions: this._super();
+ * * Mixins
+ * * Dummy functions
+ * * Property functions: var value = object.value(); and object.value(newValue);
+ * * Static functions
+ * * Defaults settings
+ */
+define("tinymce/util/Class", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools"
+], function(Tools) {
+	var each = Tools.each, extend = Tools.extend;
+	var extendClass, initializing;
+	function Class() {
+	}
+	// Provides classical inheritance, based on code made by John Resig
+	Class.extend = extendClass = function(prop) {
+		var self = this, _super = self.prototype, prototype, name, member;
+		// The dummy class constructor
+		function Class() {
+			var i, mixins, mixin, self = this;
+			// All construction is actually done in the init method
+			if (!initializing) {
+				// Run class constuctor
+				if (self.init) {
+					self.init.apply(self, arguments);
+				}
+				// Run mixin constructors
+				mixins = self.Mixins;
+				if (mixins) {
+					i = mixins.length;
+					while (i--) {
+						mixin = mixins[i];
+						if (mixin.init) {
+							mixin.init.apply(self, arguments);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Dummy function, needs to be extended in order to provide functionality
+		function dummy() {
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Creates a overloaded method for the class
+		// this enables you to use this._super(); to call the super function
+		function createMethod(name, fn) {
+			return function() {
+				var self = this, tmp = self._super, ret;
+				self._super = _super[name];
+				ret = fn.apply(self, arguments);
+				self._super = tmp;
+				return ret;
+			};
+		}
+		// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
+		// don't run the init constructor)
+		initializing = true;
+		/*eslint new-cap:0 */
+		prototype = new self();
+		initializing = false;
+		// Add mixins
+		if (prop.Mixins) {
+			each(prop.Mixins, function(mixin) {
+				mixin = mixin;
+				for (var name in mixin) {
+					if (name !== "init") {
+						prop[name] = mixin[name];
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			if (_super.Mixins) {
+				prop.Mixins = _super.Mixins.concat(prop.Mixins);
+			}
+		}
+		// Generate dummy methods
+		if (prop.Methods) {
+			each(prop.Methods.split(','), function(name) {
+				prop[name] = dummy;
+			});
+		}
+		// Generate property methods
+		if (prop.Properties) {
+			each(prop.Properties.split(','), function(name) {
+				var fieldName = '_' + name;
+				prop[name] = function(value) {
+					var self = this, undef;
+					// Set value
+					if (value !== undef) {
+						self[fieldName] = value;
+						return self;
+					}
+					// Get value
+					return self[fieldName];
+				};
+			});
+		}
+		// Static functions
+		if (prop.Statics) {
+			each(prop.Statics, function(func, name) {
+				Class[name] = func;
+			});
+		}
+		// Default settings
+		if (prop.Defaults && _super.Defaults) {
+			prop.Defaults = extend({}, _super.Defaults, prop.Defaults);
+		}
+		// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
+		for (name in prop) {
+			member = prop[name];
+			if (typeof member == "function" && _super[name]) {
+				prototype[name] = createMethod(name, member);
+			} else {
+				prototype[name] = member;
+			}
+		}
+		// Populate our constructed prototype object
+		Class.prototype = prototype;
+		// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
+		Class.constructor = Class;
+		// And make this class extendible
+		Class.extend = extendClass;
+		return Class;
+	};
+	return Class;
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