changeset 69 a361355b55c7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/tinymce/dev/plugins/table/classes/Dialogs.js	Wed Jun 17 10:00:10 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
+ * Dialogs.js
+ *
+ * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License:
+ * Contributing:
+ */
+/*eslint dot-notation:0*/
+ * ...
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.tableplugin.Dialogs
+ * @private
+ */
+define("tinymce/tableplugin/Dialogs", [
+	"tinymce/util/Tools",
+	"tinymce/Env"
+], function(Tools, Env) {
+	var each = Tools.each;
+	return function(editor) {
+		var self = this;
+		function createColorPickAction() {
+			var colorPickerCallback = editor.settings.color_picker_callback;
+			if (colorPickerCallback) {
+				return function() {
+					var self = this;
+						editor,
+						function(value) {
+							self.value(value).fire('change');
+						},
+						self.value()
+					);
+				};
+			}
+		}
+		function createStyleForm(dom) {
+			return {
+				title: 'Advanced',
+				type: 'form',
+				defaults: {
+					onchange: function() {
+						updateStyle(dom, this.parents().reverse()[0], == "style");
+					}
+				},
+				items: [
+					{
+						label: 'Style',
+						name: 'style',
+						type: 'textbox'
+					},
+					{
+						type: 'form',
+						padding: 0,
+						formItemDefaults: {
+							layout: 'grid',
+							alignH: ['start', 'right']
+						},
+						defaults: {
+							size: 7
+						},
+						items: [
+							{
+								label: 'Border color',
+								type: 'colorbox',
+								name: 'borderColor',
+								onaction: createColorPickAction()
+							},
+							{
+								label: 'Background color',
+								type: 'colorbox',
+								name: 'backgroundColor',
+								onaction: createColorPickAction()
+							}
+						]
+					}
+				]
+			};
+		}
+		function removePxSuffix(size) {
+			return size ? size.replace(/px$/, '') : "";
+		}
+		function addSizeSuffix(size) {
+			if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(size)) {
+				size += "px";
+			}
+			return size;
+		}
+		function unApplyAlign(elm) {
+			each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				editor.formatter.remove('align' + name, {}, elm);
+			});
+		}
+		function unApplyVAlign(elm) {
+			each('top middle bottom'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				editor.formatter.remove('valign' + name, {}, elm);
+			});
+		}
+		function buildListItems(inputList, itemCallback, startItems) {
+			function appendItems(values, output) {
+				output = output || [];
+				Tools.each(values, function(item) {
+					var menuItem = {text: item.text || item.title};
+					if ( {
+ = appendItems(;
+					} else {
+						menuItem.value = item.value;
+						if (itemCallback) {
+							itemCallback(menuItem);
+						}
+					}
+					output.push(menuItem);
+				});
+				return output;
+			}
+			return appendItems(inputList, startItems || []);
+		}
+		function updateStyle(dom, win, isStyleCtrl) {
+			var data = win.toJSON();
+			var css = dom.parseStyle(;
+			if (isStyleCtrl) {
+				win.find('#borderColor').value(css["border-color"] || '')[0].fire('change');
+				win.find('#backgroundColor').value(css["background-color"] || '')[0].fire('change');
+			} else {
+				css["border-color"] = data.borderColor;
+				css["background-color"] = data.backgroundColor;
+			}
+			win.find('#style').value(dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(dom.serializeStyle(css))));
+		}
+		function appendStylesToData(dom, data, elm) {
+			var css = dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(elm, 'style'));
+			if (css["border-color"]) {
+				data.borderColor = css["border-color"];
+			}
+			if (css["background-color"]) {
+				data.backgroundColor = css["background-color"];
+			}
+ = dom.serializeStyle(css);
+		}
+		function mergeStyles(dom, elm, styles) {
+			var css = dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(elm, 'style'));
+			each(styles, function(style) {
+				css[] = style.value;
+			});
+			dom.setAttrib(elm, 'style', dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(dom.serializeStyle(css))));
+		}
+		self.tableProps = function() {
+			self.table(true);
+		};
+		self.table = function(isProps) {
+			var dom = editor.dom, tableElm, colsCtrl, rowsCtrl, classListCtrl, data = {}, generalTableForm, stylesToMerge;
+			function onSubmitTableForm() {
+				//Explore the layers of the table till we find the first layer of tds or ths
+				function styleTDTH (elm, name, value) {
+					if (elm.tagName === "TD" || elm.tagName === "TH") {
+						dom.setStyle(elm, name, value);
+					} else {
+						if (elm.children) {
+							for (var i = 0; i < elm.children.length; i++) {
+								styleTDTH(elm.children[i], name, value);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				var captionElm;
+				updateStyle(dom, this);
+				data = Tools.extend(data, this.toJSON());
+				if (data["class"] === false) {
+					delete data["class"];
+				}
+				editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+					if (!tableElm) {
+						tableElm = editor.plugins.table.insertTable(data.cols || 1, data.rows || 1);
+					}
+					editor.dom.setAttribs(tableElm, {
+						style:,
+						'class': data['class']
+					});
+					if (editor.settings.table_style_by_css) {
+						stylesToMerge = [];
+						stylesToMerge.push({name: 'border', value: data.border});
+						stylesToMerge.push({name: 'border-spacing', value: addSizeSuffix(data.cellspacing)});
+						mergeStyles(dom, tableElm, stylesToMerge);
+						dom.setAttribs(tableElm, {
+							'data-mce-border-color': data.borderColor,
+							'data-mce-cell-padding': data.cellpadding,
+							'data-mce-border': data.border
+						});
+						if (tableElm.children) {
+							for (var i = 0; i < tableElm.children.length; i++) {
+								styleTDTH(tableElm.children[i], 'border', data.border);
+								styleTDTH(tableElm.children[i], 'padding', addSizeSuffix(data.cellpadding));
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						editor.dom.setAttribs(tableElm, {
+							border: data.border,
+							cellpadding: data.cellpadding,
+							cellspacing: data.cellspacing
+						});
+					}
+					if (dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'width') && !editor.settings.table_style_by_css) {
+						dom.setAttrib(tableElm, 'width', removePxSuffix(data.width));
+					} else {
+						dom.setStyle(tableElm, 'width', addSizeSuffix(data.width));
+					}
+					dom.setStyle(tableElm, 'height', addSizeSuffix(data.height));
+					// Toggle caption on/off
+					captionElm ='caption', tableElm)[0];
+					if (captionElm && !data.caption) {
+						dom.remove(captionElm);
+					}
+					if (!captionElm && data.caption) {
+						captionElm = dom.create('caption');
+						captionElm.innerHTML = ! ? '<br data-mce-bogus="1"/>' : '\u00a0';
+						tableElm.insertBefore(captionElm, tableElm.firstChild);
+					}
+					unApplyAlign(tableElm);
+					if (data.align) {
+						editor.formatter.apply('align' + data.align, {}, tableElm);
+					}
+					editor.focus();
+					editor.addVisual();
+				});
+			}
+			function getTDTHOverallStyle (elm, name) {
+				var cells ="td,th", elm), firstChildStyle;
+				function checkChildren(firstChildStyle, elms) {
+					for (var i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) {
+						var currentStyle = dom.getStyle(elms[i], name);
+						if (typeof firstChildStyle === "undefined") {
+							firstChildStyle = currentStyle;
+						}
+						if (firstChildStyle != currentStyle) {
+							return "";
+						}
+					}
+					return firstChildStyle;
+				}
+				firstChildStyle = checkChildren(firstChildStyle, cells);
+				return firstChildStyle;
+			}
+			if (isProps === true) {
+				tableElm = dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table');
+				if (tableElm) {
+					data = {
+						width: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'width') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'width')),
+						height: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'height')),
+						cellspacing: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'border-spacing') ||
+							dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'cellspacing')),
+						cellpadding: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'data-mce-cell-padding') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'cellpadding') ||
+							getTDTHOverallStyle(tableElm, 'padding'),
+						border: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'data-mce-border') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'border') ||
+							getTDTHOverallStyle(tableElm, 'border'),
+						borderColor: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'data-mce-border-color'),
+						caption: !!'caption', tableElm)[0],
+						'class': dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'class')
+					};
+					each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+						if (editor.formatter.matchNode(tableElm, 'align' + name)) {
+							data.align = name;
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			} else {
+				colsCtrl = {label: 'Cols', name: 'cols'};
+				rowsCtrl = {label: 'Rows', name: 'rows'};
+			}
+			if (editor.settings.table_class_list) {
+				if (data["class"]) {
+					data["class"] = data["class"].replace(/\s*mce\-item\-table\s*/g, '');
+				}
+				classListCtrl = {
+					name: 'class',
+					type: 'listbox',
+					label: 'Class',
+					values: buildListItems(
+						editor.settings.table_class_list,
+						function(item) {
+							if (item.value) {
+								item.textStyle = function() {
+									return editor.formatter.getCssText({block: 'table', classes: [item.value]});
+								};
+							}
+						}
+					)
+				};
+			}
+			generalTableForm = {
+				type: 'form',
+				layout: 'flex',
+				direction: 'column',
+				labelGapCalc: 'children',
+				padding: 0,
+				items: [
+					{
+						type: 'form',
+						labelGapCalc: false,
+						padding: 0,
+						layout: 'grid',
+						columns: 2,
+						defaults: {
+							type: 'textbox',
+							maxWidth: 50
+						},
+						items: (editor.settings.table_appearance_options !== false) ? [
+							colsCtrl,
+							rowsCtrl,
+							{label: 'Width', name: 'width'},
+							{label: 'Height', name: 'height'},
+							{label: 'Cell spacing', name: 'cellspacing'},
+							{label: 'Cell padding', name: 'cellpadding'},
+							{label: 'Border', name: 'border'},
+							{label: 'Caption', name: 'caption', type: 'checkbox'}
+						] : [
+							colsCtrl,
+							rowsCtrl,
+							{label: 'Width', name: 'width'},
+							{label: 'Height', name: 'height'}
+						]
+					},
+					{
+						label: 'Alignment',
+						name: 'align',
+						type: 'listbox',
+						text: 'None',
+						values: [
+							{text: 'None', value: ''},
+							{text: 'Left', value: 'left'},
+							{text: 'Center', value: 'center'},
+							{text: 'Right', value: 'right'}
+						]
+					},
+					classListCtrl
+				]
+			};
+			if (editor.settings.table_advtab !== false) {
+				appendStylesToData(dom, data, tableElm);
+					title: "Table properties",
+					data: data,
+					bodyType: 'tabpanel',
+					body: [
+						{
+							title: 'General',
+							type: 'form',
+							items: generalTableForm
+						},
+						createStyleForm(dom)
+					],
+					onsubmit: onSubmitTableForm
+				});
+			} else {
+					title: "Table properties",
+					data: data,
+					body: generalTableForm,
+					onsubmit: onSubmitTableForm
+				});
+			}
+		};
+		self.merge = function(grid, cell) {
+				title: "Merge cells",
+				body: [
+					{label: 'Cols', name: 'cols', type: 'textbox', value: '1', size: 10},
+					{label: 'Rows', name: 'rows', type: 'textbox', value: '1', size: 10}
+				],
+				onsubmit: function() {
+					var data = this.toJSON();
+					editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+						grid.merge(cell, data.cols, data.rows);
+					});
+				}
+			});
+		};
+		self.cell = function() {
+			var dom = editor.dom, cellElm, data, classListCtrl, cells = [];
+			function onSubmitCellForm() {
+				updateStyle(dom, this);
+				data = Tools.extend(data, this.toJSON());
+				editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+					each(cells, function(cellElm) {
+						editor.dom.setAttribs(cellElm, {
+							scope: data.scope,
+							style:,
+							'class': data['class']
+						});
+						editor.dom.setStyles(cellElm, {
+							width: addSizeSuffix(data.width),
+							height: addSizeSuffix(data.height)
+						});
+						// Switch cell type
+						if (data.type && cellElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() != data.type) {
+							cellElm = dom.rename(cellElm, data.type);
+						}
+						// Apply/remove alignment
+						unApplyAlign(cellElm);
+						if (data.align) {
+							editor.formatter.apply('align' + data.align, {}, cellElm);
+						}
+						// Apply/remove vertical alignment
+						unApplyVAlign(cellElm);
+						if (data.valign) {
+							editor.formatter.apply('valign' + data.valign, {}, cellElm);
+						}
+					});
+					editor.focus();
+				});
+			}
+			// Get selected cells or the current cell
+			cells ='td.mce-item-selected,th.mce-item-selected');
+			cellElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'td,th');
+			if (!cells.length && cellElm) {
+				cells.push(cellElm);
+			}
+			cellElm = cellElm || cells[0];
+			if (!cellElm) {
+				// If this element is null, return now to avoid crashing.
+				return;
+			}
+			data = {
+				width: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(cellElm, 'width') || dom.getAttrib(cellElm, 'width')),
+				height: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(cellElm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(cellElm, 'height')),
+				scope: dom.getAttrib(cellElm, 'scope'),
+				'class': dom.getAttrib(cellElm, 'class')
+			};
+			data.type = cellElm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				if (editor.formatter.matchNode(cellElm, 'align' + name)) {
+					data.align = name;
+				}
+			});
+			each('top middle bottom'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				if (editor.formatter.matchNode(cellElm, 'valign' + name)) {
+					data.valign = name;
+				}
+			});
+			if (editor.settings.table_cell_class_list) {
+				classListCtrl = {
+					name: 'class',
+					type: 'listbox',
+					label: 'Class',
+					values: buildListItems(
+						editor.settings.table_cell_class_list,
+						function(item) {
+							if (item.value) {
+								item.textStyle = function() {
+									return editor.formatter.getCssText({block: 'td', classes: [item.value]});
+								};
+							}
+						}
+					)
+				};
+			}
+			var generalCellForm = {
+				type: 'form',
+				layout: 'flex',
+				direction: 'column',
+				labelGapCalc: 'children',
+				padding: 0,
+				items: [
+					{
+						type: 'form',
+						layout: 'grid',
+						columns: 2,
+						labelGapCalc: false,
+						padding: 0,
+						defaults: {
+							type: 'textbox',
+							maxWidth: 50
+						},
+						items: [
+							{label: 'Width', name: 'width'},
+							{label: 'Height', name: 'height'},
+							{
+								label: 'Cell type',
+								name: 'type',
+								type: 'listbox',
+								text: 'None',
+								minWidth: 90,
+								maxWidth: null,
+								values: [
+									{text: 'Cell', value: 'td'},
+									{text: 'Header cell', value: 'th'}
+								]
+							},
+							{
+								label: 'Scope',
+								name: 'scope',
+								type: 'listbox',
+								text: 'None',
+								minWidth: 90,
+								maxWidth: null,
+								values: [
+									{text: 'None', value: ''},
+									{text: 'Row', value: 'row'},
+									{text: 'Column', value: 'col'},
+									{text: 'Row group', value: 'rowgroup'},
+									{text: 'Column group', value: 'colgroup'}
+								]
+							},
+							{
+								label: 'H Align',
+								name: 'align',
+								type: 'listbox',
+								text: 'None',
+								minWidth: 90,
+								maxWidth: null,
+								values: [
+									{text: 'None', value: ''},
+									{text: 'Left', value: 'left'},
+									{text: 'Center', value: 'center'},
+									{text: 'Right', value: 'right'}
+								]
+							},
+							{
+								label: 'V Align',
+								name: 'valign',
+								type: 'listbox',
+								text: 'None',
+								minWidth: 90,
+								maxWidth: null,
+								values: [
+									{text: 'None', value: ''},
+									{text: 'Top', value: 'top'},
+									{text: 'Middle', value: 'middle'},
+									{text: 'Bottom', value: 'bottom'}
+								]
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					classListCtrl
+				]
+			};
+			if (editor.settings.table_cell_advtab !== false) {
+				appendStylesToData(dom, data, cellElm);
+					title: "Cell properties",
+					bodyType: 'tabpanel',
+					data: data,
+					body: [
+						{
+							title: 'General',
+							type: 'form',
+							items: generalCellForm
+						},
+						createStyleForm(dom)
+					],
+					onsubmit: onSubmitCellForm
+				});
+			} else {
+					title: "Cell properties",
+					data: data,
+					body: generalCellForm,
+					onsubmit: onSubmitCellForm
+				});
+			}
+		};
+		self.row = function() {
+			var dom = editor.dom, tableElm, cellElm, rowElm, classListCtrl, data, rows = [], generalRowForm;
+			function onSubmitRowForm() {
+				var tableElm, oldParentElm, parentElm;
+				updateStyle(dom, this);
+				data = Tools.extend(data, this.toJSON());
+				editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
+					var toType = data.type;
+					each(rows, function(rowElm) {
+						editor.dom.setAttribs(rowElm, {
+							scope: data.scope,
+							style:,
+							'class': data['class']
+						});
+						editor.dom.setStyles(rowElm, {
+							height: addSizeSuffix(data.height)
+						});
+						if (toType != rowElm.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
+							tableElm = dom.getParent(rowElm, 'table');
+							oldParentElm = rowElm.parentNode;
+							parentElm =, tableElm)[0];
+							if (!parentElm) {
+								parentElm = dom.create(toType);
+								if (tableElm.firstChild) {
+									tableElm.insertBefore(parentElm, tableElm.firstChild);
+								} else {
+									tableElm.appendChild(parentElm);
+								}
+							}
+							parentElm.appendChild(rowElm);
+							if (!oldParentElm.hasChildNodes()) {
+								dom.remove(oldParentElm);
+							}
+						}
+						// Apply/remove alignment
+						unApplyAlign(rowElm);
+						if (data.align) {
+							editor.formatter.apply('align' + data.align, {}, rowElm);
+						}
+					});
+					editor.focus();
+				});
+			}
+			tableElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table');
+			cellElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'td,th');
+			each(tableElm.rows, function(row) {
+				each(row.cells, function(cell) {
+					if (dom.hasClass(cell, 'mce-item-selected') || cell == cellElm) {
+						rows.push(row);
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+			});
+			rowElm = rows[0];
+			if (!rowElm) {
+				// If this element is null, return now to avoid crashing.
+				return;
+			}
+			data = {
+				height: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(rowElm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(rowElm, 'height')),
+				scope: dom.getAttrib(rowElm, 'scope'),
+				'class': dom.getAttrib(rowElm, 'class')
+			};
+			data.type = rowElm.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
+				if (editor.formatter.matchNode(rowElm, 'align' + name)) {
+					data.align = name;
+				}
+			});
+			if (editor.settings.table_row_class_list) {
+				classListCtrl = {
+					name: 'class',
+					type: 'listbox',
+					label: 'Class',
+					values: buildListItems(
+						editor.settings.table_row_class_list,
+						function(item) {
+							if (item.value) {
+								item.textStyle = function() {
+									return editor.formatter.getCssText({block: 'tr', classes: [item.value]});
+								};
+							}
+						}
+					)
+				};
+			}
+			generalRowForm = {
+				type: 'form',
+				columns: 2,
+				padding: 0,
+				defaults: {
+					type: 'textbox'
+				},
+				items: [
+					{
+						type: 'listbox',
+						name: 'type',
+						label: 'Row type',
+						text: 'None',
+						maxWidth: null,
+						values: [
+							{text: 'Header', value: 'thead'},
+							{text: 'Body', value: 'tbody'},
+							{text: 'Footer', value: 'tfoot'}
+						]
+					},
+					{
+						type: 'listbox',
+						name: 'align',
+						label: 'Alignment',
+						text: 'None',
+						maxWidth: null,
+						values: [
+							{text: 'None', value: ''},
+							{text: 'Left', value: 'left'},
+							{text: 'Center', value: 'center'},
+							{text: 'Right', value: 'right'}
+						]
+					},
+					{label: 'Height', name: 'height'},
+					classListCtrl
+				]
+			};
+			if (editor.settings.table_row_advtab !== false) {
+				appendStylesToData(dom, data, rowElm);
+					title: "Row properties",
+					data: data,
+					bodyType: 'tabpanel',
+					body: [
+						{
+							title: 'General',
+							type: 'form',
+							items: generalRowForm
+						},
+						createStyleForm(dom)
+					],
+					onsubmit: onSubmitRowForm
+				});
+			} else {
+					title: "Row properties",
+					data: data,
+					body: generalRowForm,
+					onsubmit: onSubmitRowForm
+				});
+			}
+		};
+	};