changeset 0 bb4aabe07487
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/jquery-dataTables-editable.js	Thu Feb 19 10:59:00 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1382 @@
+* File:        jquery.dataTables.editable.js
+* Version:     2.3.3.
+* Author:      Jovan Popovic 
+* Copyright 2010-2012 Jovan Popovic, all rights reserved.
+* This source file is free software, under either the GPL v2 license or a
+* BSD style license, as supplied with this software.
+* This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
+* Parameters:
+* @sUpdateURL                       String      URL of the server-side page used for updating cell. Default value is "UpdateData".
+* @sAddURL                          String      URL of the server-side page used for adding new row. Default value is "AddData".
+* @sDeleteURL                       String      URL of the server-side page used to delete row by id. Default value is "DeleteData".
+* @fnShowError                      Function    function(message, action){...}  used to show error message. Action value can be "update", "add" or "delete".
+* @sAddNewRowFormId                 String      Id of the form for adding new row. Default id is "formAddNewRow".
+* @oAddNewRowFormOptions            Object        Options that will be set to the "Add new row" dialog
+* @sAddNewRowButtonId               String      Id of the button for adding new row. Default id is "btnAddNewRow".
+* @oAddNewRowButtonOptions            Object        Options that will be set to the "Add new" button
+* @sAddNewRowOkButtonId             String      Id of the OK button placed in add new row dialog. Default value is "btnAddNewRowOk".
+* @oAddNewRowOkButtonOptions        Object        Options that will be set to the Ok button in the "Add new row" form
+* @sAddNewRowCancelButtonId         String      Id of the Cancel button placed in add new row dialog. Default value is "btnAddNewRowCancel".
+* @oAddNewRowCancelButtonOptions    Object        Options that will be set to the Cancel button in the "Add new row" form
+* @sDeleteRowButtonId               String      Id of the button for adding new row. Default id is "btnDeleteRow".
+* @oDeleteRowButtonOptions            Object        Options that will be set to the Delete button
+* @sSelectedRowClass                String      Class that will be associated to the selected row. Default class is "row_selected".
+* @sReadOnlyCellClass               String      Class of the cells that should not be editable. Default value is "read_only".
+* @sAddDeleteToolbarSelector        String      Selector used to identify place where add and delete buttons should be placed. Default value is ".add_delete_toolbar".
+* @fnStartProcessingMode            Function    function(){...} called when AJAX call is started. Use this function to add "Please wait..." message  when some button is pressed.
+* @fnEndProcessingMode              Function    function(){...} called when AJAX call is ended. Use this function to close "Please wait..." message.
+* @aoColumns                        Array       Array of the JEditable settings that will be applied on the columns
+* @sAddHttpMethod                   String      Method used for the Add AJAX request (default is 'POST')
+* @sAddDataType                     String      Data type expected from the server when adding a row; allowed values are the same as those accepted by JQuery's "datatype" parameter, e.g. 'text' and 'json'. The default is 'text'.
+* @sDeleteHttpMethod                String      Method used for the Delete AJAX request (default is 'POST')
+* @sDeleteDataType                  String      Data type expected from the server when deleting a row; allowed values are the same as those accepted by JQuery's "datatype" parameter, e.g. 'text' and 'json'. The default is 'text'.
+* @fnOnDeleting                     Function    function(tr, id, fnDeleteRow){...} Function called before row is deleted.
+tr isJQuery object encapsulating row that will be deleted
+id is an id of the record that will be deleted.
+fnDeleteRow(id) callback function that should be called to delete row with id
+returns true if plugin should continue with deleting row, false will abort delete.
+* @fnOnDeleted                      Function    function(status){...} Function called after delete action. Status can be "success" or "failure"
+* @fnOnAdding                       Function    function(){...} Function called before row is added.
+returns true if plugin should continue with adding row, false will abort add.
+* @fnOnNewRowPosted                    Function    function(data) Function that can override default function that is called when server-side sAddURL returns result
+You can use this function to add different behaviour when server-side page returns result
+* @fnOnAdded                        Function    function(status){...} Function called after add action. Status can be "success" or "failure"
+* @fnOnEditing                      Function    function(input){...} Function called before cell is updated.
+input JQuery object wrapping the input element used for editing value in the cell.
+returns true if plugin should continue with sending AJAX request, false will abort update.
+* @fnOnEdited                       Function    function(status){...} Function called after edit action. Status can be "success" or "failure"
+* @sEditorHeight                    String      Default height of the cell editors
+* @sEditorWidth                     String      Default width of the cell editors
+* @oDeleteParameters                Object      Additonal objects added to the DELETE Ajax request
+* @oUpdateParameters                Object      Additonal objects added to the UPDATE Ajax request
+* @sIDToken                         String      Token in the add new row dialog that will be replaced with a returned id of the record that is created eg DT_RowId
+* @sSuccessResponse                 String        Text returned from the server if record is successfully deleted or edited. Default "ok" 
+* @sFailureResponsePrefix            String        Prefix of the error message returned form the server during edit action
+(function ($) {
+    $.fn.makeEditable = function (options) {
+        var iDisplayStart = 0;
+        function fnGetCellID(cell) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Utility function used to determine id of the cell
+            ///By default it is assumed that id is placed as an id attribute of <tr> that that surround the cell (<td> tag). E.g.:
+            ///<tr id="17">
+            ///  <td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td>
+            ///</tr>
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="cell" type="DOM" domElement="true">TD cell refference</param>
+            return properties.fnGetRowID($(cell.parentNode));
+        }
+        function _fnSetRowIDInAttribute(row, id, overwrite) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Utility function used to set id of the row. Usually when a new record is created, added to the table,
+            ///and when id of the record is retrieved from the server-side.
+            ///It is assumed that id is placed as an id attribute of <tr> that that surround the cell (<td> tag). E.g.:
+            ///<tr id="17">
+            ///  <td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td>
+            ///</tr>
+            ///This function is used when a datatable is configured in the server side processing mode or ajax source mode
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="row" type="DOM" domElement="true">TR row where record is placed</param>
+            if (overwrite) {
+                row.attr("id", id);
+            } else {
+                if (row.attr("id") == null || row.attr("id") == "")
+                    row.attr("id", id);
+            }
+        }
+        function _fnGetRowIDFromAttribute(row) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Utility function used to get id of the row.
+            ///It is assumed that id is placed as an id attribute of <tr> that that surround the cell (<td> tag). E.g.:
+            ///<tr id="17">
+            ///  <td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td>
+            ///</tr>
+            ///This function is used when a datatable is configured in the standard client side mode
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="row" type="DOM" domElement="true">TR row where record is placed</param>
+            ///<returns type="Number">Id of the row - by default id attribute placed in the TR tag</returns>
+            return row.attr("id");
+        }
+        function _fnSetRowIDInFirstCell(row, id) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Utility function used to set id of the row. Usually when a new record is created, added to the table,
+            ///and when id of the record is retrieved from the server-side).
+            ///It is assumed that id is placed as a value of the first &lt;TD&gt; cell in the &lt;TR&gt;. As example:
+            ///<tr>
+            ///     <td>17</td><td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td>
+            ///</tr>
+            ///This function is used when a datatable is configured in the server side processing mode or ajax source mode
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="row" type="DOM" domElement="true">TR row where record is placed</param>
+            $("td:first", row).html(id);
+        }
+        function _fnGetRowIDFromFirstCell(row) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Utility function used to get id of the row.
+            ///It is assumed that id is placed as a value of the first &lt;TD&gt; cell in the &lt;TR&gt;. As example:
+            ///<tr>
+            ///     <td>17</td><td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td>
+            ///</tr>
+            ///This function is used when a datatable is configured in the server side processing mode or ajax source mode
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="row" type="DOM" domElement="true">TR row where record is placed</param>
+            ///<returns type="Number">Id of the row - by default id attribute placed in the TR tag</returns>
+            return $("td:first", row).html();
+        }
+        //Reference to the DataTable object
+        var oTable;
+        //Refences to the buttons used for manipulating table data
+        var oAddNewRowButton, oDeleteRowButton, oConfirmRowAddingButton, oCancelRowAddingButton;
+        //Reference to the form used for adding new data
+        var oAddNewRowForm;
+        //Plugin options
+        var properties;
+        function _fnShowError(errorText, action) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Shows an error message (Default function)
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="errorText" type="String">text that should be shown</param>
+            ///<param name="action" type="String"> action that was executed when error occured e.g. "update", "delete", or "add"</param>
+            alert(errorText);
+        }
+        function _fnStartProcessingMode() {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Function that starts "Processing" mode i.e. shows "Processing..." dialog while some action is executing(Default function)
+            ///</summary>
+            if (oTable.fnSettings().oFeatures.bProcessing) {
+                $(".dataTables_processing").css('visibility', 'visible');
+            }
+        }
+        function _fnEndProcessingMode() {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Function that ends the "Processing" mode and returns the table in the normal state(Default function)
+            ///It shows processing message only if bProcessing setting is set to true
+            ///</summary>
+            if (oTable.fnSettings().oFeatures.bProcessing) {
+                $(".dataTables_processing").css('visibility', 'hidden');
+            }
+        }
+        var sOldValue, sNewCellValue, sNewCellDislayValue;
+        function fnApplyEditable(aoNodes) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Function that applies editable plugin to the array of table rows
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="aoNodes" type="Array[TR]">Aray of table rows &lt;TR&gt; that should be initialized with editable plugin</param>
+            if (properties.bDisableEditing)
+                return;
+            var oDefaultEditableSettings = {
+                event: 'dblclick',
+                "onsubmit": function (settings, original) {
+                    sOldValue = original.revert;
+                    sNewCellValue = null;
+                    sNewCellDisplayValue = null;
+                    iDisplayStart = fnGetDisplayStart();
+                    if(settings.type == "text" || settings.type == "select" || settings.type == "textarea" )
+                    {
+                        var input = $("input,select,textarea", this);
+                        sNewCellValue = $("input,select,textarea", $(this)).val();
+                        if (input.length == 1) {
+                            var oEditElement = input[0];
+                            if (oEditElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "select" || oEditElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "select")
+                                sNewCellDisplayValue = $("option:selected", oEditElement).text(); //For select list use selected text instead of value for displaying in table
+                            else
+                                sNewCellDisplayValue = sNewCellValue;
+                        }
+                        if (!properties.fnOnEditing(input, settings, original.revert, fnGetCellID(original)))
+                            return false;
+                        var x = settings;
+                        //2.2.2 INLINE VALIDATION
+                        if (settings.oValidationOptions != null) {
+                            input.parents("form").validate(settings.oValidationOptions);
+                        }
+                        if (settings.cssclass != null) {
+                            input.addClass(settings.cssclass);
+                        }
+                        if(settings.cssclass == null && settings.oValidationOptions == null){
+                            return true;
+                        }else{
+                            if (!input.valid() || 0 == input.valid())
+                                return false;
+                            else
+                                return true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    properties.fnStartProcessingMode();
+                },
+                "submitdata": function (value, settings) {
+                    //iDisplayStart = fnGetDisplayStart();
+                    //properties.fnStartProcessingMode();
+                    var id = fnGetCellID(this);
+                    var rowId = oTable.fnGetPosition(this)[0];
+                    var columnPosition = oTable.fnGetPosition(this)[1];
+                    var columnId = oTable.fnGetPosition(this)[2];
+                    var sColumnName = oTable.fnSettings().aoColumns[columnId].sName;
+                    if (sColumnName == null || sColumnName == "")
+                        sColumnName = oTable.fnSettings().aoColumns[columnId].sTitle;
+                    var updateData = null;
+                    if (properties.aoColumns == null || properties.aoColumns[columnId] == null) {
+                        updateData = $.extend({},
+                                            properties.oUpdateParameters,
+                                            {
+                                                "id": id,
+                                                "rowId": rowId,
+                                                "columnPosition": columnPosition,
+                                                "columnId": columnId,
+                                                "columnName": sColumnName
+                                            });
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        updateData = $.extend({},
+                                            properties.oUpdateParameters,
+                                            properties.aoColumns[columnId].oUpdateParameters,
+                                            {
+                                                "id": id,
+                                                "rowId": rowId,
+                                                "columnPosition": columnPosition,
+                                                "columnId": columnId,
+                                                "columnName": sColumnName
+                                            });
+                    }
+                    return updateData;
+                },
+                "callback": function (sValue, settings) {
+                    properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+                    var status = "";
+                    var aPos = oTable.fnGetPosition(this);
+                    var bRefreshTable = !oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide;
+                    $("td.last-updated-cell", oTable.fnGetNodes( )).removeClass("last-updated-cell");
+                    if(sValue.indexOf(properties.sFailureResponsePrefix)>-1)
+                    {
+                        oTable.fnUpdate(sOldValue, aPos[0], aPos[2], bRefreshTable);
+                        $("td.last-updated-cell", oTable).removeClass("last-updated-cell");
+                        $(this).addClass("last-updated-cell");
+                        properties.fnShowError(sValue.replace(properties.sFailureResponsePrefix, "").trim(), "update");
+                        status = "failure";
+                    } else {
+                        if (properties.sSuccessResponse == "IGNORE" || 
+                            (     properties.aoColumns != null
+                                && properties.aoColumns[aPos[2]] != null 
+                                && properties.aoColumns[aPos[2]].sSuccessResponse == "IGNORE") || 
+                            (sNewCellValue == null) || (sNewCellValue == sValue) || 
+                            properties.sSuccessResponse == sValue) {
+                            if(sNewCellDisplayValue == null)
+                            {
+                                //sNewCellDisplayValue = sValue;
+                                oTable.fnUpdate(sValue, aPos[0], aPos[2], bRefreshTable);
+                            }else{
+                                oTable.fnUpdate(sNewCellDisplayValue, aPos[0], aPos[2], bRefreshTable);
+                            }
+                            $("td.last-updated-cell", oTable).removeClass("last-updated-cell");
+                            $(this).addClass("last-updated-cell");
+                            status = "success";
+                        } else {
+                            oTable.fnUpdate(sOldValue, aPos[0], aPos[2], bRefreshTable);
+                            properties.fnShowError(sValue, "update");
+                            status = "failure";
+                        }
+                    }
+                    properties.fnOnEdited(status, sOldValue, sNewCellDisplayValue, aPos[0], aPos[1], aPos[2]);
+                    if (settings.fnOnCellUpdated != null) {
+                        settings.fnOnCellUpdated(status, sValue, aPos[0], aPos[2], settings);
+                    }
+                    fnSetDisplayStart();
+                    if (properties.bUseKeyTable) {
+                                var keys = oTable.keys;
+                                /* Unblock KeyTable, but only after this 'esc' key event has finished. Otherwise
+                                * it will 'esc' KeyTable as well
+                                */
+                                setTimeout(function () { keys.block = false; }, 0);
+                            }
+                },
+                "onerror": function () {
+                    properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+                    properties.fnShowError("Cell cannot be updated", "update");
+                    properties.fnOnEdited("failure");
+                },
+                "onreset": function(){ 
+                        if (properties.bUseKeyTable) {
+                                var keys = oTable.keys;
+                                /* Unblock KeyTable, but only after this 'esc' key event has finished. Otherwise
+                                * it will 'esc' KeyTable as well
+                                */
+                                setTimeout(function () { keys.block = false; }, 0);
+                            }
+                },
+                "height": properties.sEditorHeight,
+                "width": properties.sEditorWidth
+            };
+            var cells = null;
+            if (properties.aoColumns != null) {
+                for (var iDTindex = 0, iDTEindex = 0; iDTindex < oSettings.aoColumns.length; iDTindex++) {
+                    if (oSettings.aoColumns[iDTindex].bVisible) {//if DataTables column is visible
+                        if (properties.aoColumns[iDTEindex] == null) {
+                            //If editor for the column is not defined go to the next column
+                            iDTEindex++;
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        //Get all cells in the iDTEindex column (nth child is 1-indexed array)
+                        cells = $("td:nth-child(" + (iDTEindex + 1) + ")", aoNodes);
+                        var oColumnSettings = oDefaultEditableSettings;
+                        oColumnSettings = $.extend({}, oDefaultEditableSettings, properties.oEditableSettings, properties.aoColumns[iDTEindex]);
+                        iDTEindex++;
+                        var sUpdateURL = properties.sUpdateURL;
+                        try {
+                            if (oColumnSettings.sUpdateURL != null)
+                                sUpdateURL = oColumnSettings.sUpdateURL;
+                        } catch (ex) {
+                        }
+                        //cells.editable(sUpdateURL, oColumnSettings);
+                        cells.each(function () {
+                            if (!$(this).hasClass(properties.sReadOnlyCellClass)) {
+                                $(this).editable(sUpdateURL, oColumnSettings);
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                } //end for
+            } else {
+                cells = $('td:not(.' + properties.sReadOnlyCellClass + ')', aoNodes);
+                cells.editable(properties.sUpdateURL, $.extend({}, oDefaultEditableSettings, properties.oEditableSettings));
+            }
+        }
+        function fnOnRowAdding(event) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Event handler called when a user click on the submit button in the "Add new row" form. 
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="event">Event that caused the action</param>
+            if (properties.fnOnAdding()) {
+                if (oAddNewRowForm.valid()) {
+                    iDisplayStart = fnGetDisplayStart();
+                    properties.fnStartProcessingMode();
+                    if (properties.bUseFormsPlugin) {
+                        //Still in beta(development)
+                        $(oAddNewRowForm).ajaxSubmit({
+                            dataType: 'xml',
+                            success: function (response, statusString, xhr) {
+                                if (xhr.responseText.toLowerCase().indexOf("error") != -1) {
+                                    properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+                                    properties.fnShowError(xhr.responseText.replace("Error",""), "add");
+                                    properties.fnOnAdded("failure");
+                                } else {
+                                    fnOnRowAdded(xhr.responseText);
+                                }
+                            },
+                            error: function (response) {
+                                properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+                                properties.fnShowError(response.responseText, "add");
+                                properties.fnOnAdded("failure");
+                            }
+                        }
+                        );
+                    } else {
+                        var params = oAddNewRowForm.serialize();
+                        $.ajax({ 'url': properties.sAddURL,
+                            'data': params,
+                            'type': properties.sAddHttpMethod,
+                            'dataType': properties.sAddDataType,
+                            success: fnOnRowAdded,
+                            error: function (response) {
+                                properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+                                properties.fnShowError(response.responseText, "add");
+                                properties.fnOnAdded("failure");
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            event.stopPropagation();
+            event.preventDefault();
+        }
+        function _fnOnNewRowPosted(data) {
+            ///<summary>Callback function called BEFORE a new record is posted to the server</summary>
+            ///TODO: Check this
+            return true;
+        }
+        function fnOnRowAdded(data) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Function that is called when a new row is added, and Ajax response is returned from server
+            /// This function takes data from the add form and adds them into the table.
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="data" type="int">Id of the new row that is returned from the server</param>
+            properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+            if (properties.fnOnNewRowPosted(data)) {
+                var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();
+                if (!oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide) {
+          , 'DT_RowId', data);
+                    var values = fnTakeRowDataFromFormElements(oAddNewRowForm);
+                    var rtn;
+                    //Add values from the form into the table
+                    if (oSettings.aoColumns != null && isNaN(parseInt(oSettings.aoColumns[0].mDataProp))) {
+                        rtn = oTable.fnAddData(rowData);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        rtn = oTable.fnAddData(values);
+                    }
+                    var oTRAdded = oTable.fnGetNodes(rtn);
+                    //add id returned by server page as an TR id attribute
+                    properties.fnSetRowID($(oTRAdded), data, true);
+                    //Apply editable plugin on the cells of the table
+                    fnApplyEditable(oTRAdded);
+                    $("tr.last-added-row", oTable).removeClass("last-added-row");
+                    $(oTRAdded).addClass("last-added-row");
+                } /*else {
+                    oTable.fnDraw(false);
+                }*/
+                //Close the dialog
+                oAddNewRowForm.dialog('close');
+                $(oAddNewRowForm)[0].reset();
+                $(".error", $(oAddNewRowForm)).html("");
+                fnSetDisplayStart();
+                properties.fnOnAdded("success");
+                                    if (properties.bUseKeyTable) {
+                                var keys = oTable.keys;
+                                /* Unblock KeyTable, but only after this 'esc' key event has finished. Otherwise
+                                * it will 'esc' KeyTable as well
+                                */
+                                setTimeout(function () { keys.block = false; }, 0);
+                            }
+            }
+        }
+        function fnOnCancelRowAdding(event) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Event handler function that is executed when a user press cancel button in the add new row form
+            ///This function clean the add form and error messages if some of them are shown
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="event" type="int">DOM event that caused an error</param>
+            //Clear the validation messages and reset form
+            $(oAddNewRowForm).validate().resetForm();  // Clears the validation errors
+            $(oAddNewRowForm)[0].reset();
+            $(".error", $(oAddNewRowForm)).html("");
+            $(".error", $(oAddNewRowForm)).hide();  // Hides the error element
+            //Close the dialog
+            oAddNewRowForm.dialog('close');
+            event.stopPropagation();
+            event.preventDefault();
+        }
+        function fnDisableDeleteButton() {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Function that disables delete button
+            ///</summary>
+           if (properties.bUseKeyTable) {
+                return;
+            }
+            if (properties.oDeleteRowButtonOptions != null) {
+                //oDeleteRowButton.disable();
+                oDeleteRowButton.button("option", "disabled", true);
+            } else {
+                oDeleteRowButton.attr("disabled", "true");
+            }
+        }
+        function fnEnableDeleteButton() {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Function that enables delete button
+            ///</summary>
+            if (properties.oDeleteRowButtonOptions != null) {
+                //oDeleteRowButton.enable();
+                oDeleteRowButton.button("option", "disabled", false);
+            } else {
+                oDeleteRowButton.removeAttr("disabled");
+            }
+        }
+        var nSelectedRow, nSelectedCell;
+        var oKeyTablePosition;
+        function _fnOnRowDeleteInline(e) {
+            var sURL = $(this).attr("href");
+            if (sURL == null || sURL == "")
+                sURL = properties.sDeleteURL;
+            e.preventDefault();
+            e.stopPropagation();
+            iDisplayStart = fnGetDisplayStart();
+            nSelectedCell = ($(this).parents('td'))[0];
+            jSelectedRow = ($(this).parents('tr'));
+            nSelectedRow = jSelectedRow[0];
+            jSelectedRow.addClass(properties.sSelectedRowClass);
+            var id = fnGetCellID(nSelectedCell);
+            if (properties.fnOnDeleting(jSelectedRow, id, fnDeleteRow)) {
+                fnDeleteRow(id, sURL);
+            }
+        }
+        function _fnOnRowDelete(event) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Event handler for the delete button
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="event" type="Event">DOM event</param>
+            event.preventDefault();
+            event.stopPropagation();
+            iDisplayStart = fnGetDisplayStart();
+            nSelectedRow = null;
+            nSelectedCell = null;
+            if (!properties.bUseKeyTable) {
+                if ($('tr.' + properties.sSelectedRowClass + ' td', oTable).length == 0) {
+                    //oDeleteRowButton.attr("disabled", "true");
+                    _fnDisableDeleteButton();
+                    return;
+                }
+                nSelectedCell = $('tr.' + properties.sSelectedRowClass + ' td', oTable)[0];
+            } else {
+                nSelectedCell = $('td.focus', oTable)[0];
+            }
+            if (nSelectedCell == null) {
+                fnDisableDeleteButton();
+                return;
+            }
+            if (properties.bUseKeyTable) {
+                oKeyTablePosition = oTable.keys.fnGetCurrentPosition();
+            }
+            var id = fnGetCellID(nSelectedCell);
+            var jSelectedRow = $(nSelectedCell).parent("tr");
+            nSelectedRow = jSelectedRow[0];
+            if (properties.fnOnDeleting(jSelectedRow, id, fnDeleteRow)) {
+                fnDeleteRow(id);
+            }
+        }
+        function _fnOnDeleting(tr, id, fnDeleteRow) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///The default function that is called before row is deleted
+            ///Returning false will abort delete
+            ///Function can be overriden via plugin properties in order to create custom delete functionality
+            ///in that case call fnDeleteRow with parameter id, and return false to prevent double delete action
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="tr" type="JQuery">JQuery wrapper around the TR tag that will be deleted</param>
+            ///<param name="id" type="String">Id of the record that wil be deleted</param>
+            ///<param name="fnDeleteRow" type="Function(id)">Function that will be called to delete a row. Default - fnDeleteRow(id)</param>
+            return confirm("Are you sure that you want to delete this record?"); ;
+        }
+        function fnDeleteRow(id, sDeleteURL) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Function that deletes a row with an id, using the sDeleteURL server page
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="id" type="int">Id of the row that will be deleted. Id value is placed in the attribute of the TR tag that will be deleted</param>
+            ///<param name="sDeleteURL" type="String">Server URL where delete request will be posted</param>
+            var sURL = sDeleteURL;
+            if (sDeleteURL == null)
+                sURL = properties.sDeleteURL;
+            properties.fnStartProcessingMode();
+            var data = $.extend(properties.oDeleteParameters, { "id": id });
+            $.ajax({ 'url': sURL,
+                'type': properties.sDeleteHttpMethod,
+                'data': data,
+                "success": fnOnRowDeleted,
+                "dataType": properties.sDeleteDataType,
+                "error": function (response) {
+                    properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+                    properties.fnShowError(response.responseText, "delete");
+                    properties.fnOnDeleted("failure");
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        function fnOnRowDeleted(response) {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Called after the record is deleted on the server (in the ajax success callback)
+            ///</summary>
+            ///<param name="response" type="String">Response text eturned from the server-side page</param>
+            properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+            var oTRSelected = nSelectedRow;
+            if (!properties.bUseKeyTable) {
+                oTRSelected = $('tr.' + properties.sSelectedRowClass, oTable)[0];
+            } else {
+                oTRSelected = $("td.focus", oTable)[0].parents("tr")[0];
+            }
+            */
+            if (response == properties.sSuccessResponse || response == "") {
+                oTable.fnDeleteRow(oTRSelected);
+                fnDisableDeleteButton();
+                fnSetDisplayStart();
+                if (properties.bUseKeyTable) {
+                    oTable.keys.fnSetPosition( oKeyTablePosition[0], oKeyTablePosition[1] ); 
+                }
+                properties.fnOnDeleted("success");
+            }
+            else {
+                properties.fnShowError(response, "delete");
+                properties.fnOnDeleted("failure");
+            }
+        }
+        /* Function called after delete action
+        * @param    result  string 
+        *           "success" if row is actually deleted 
+        *           "failure" if delete failed
+        * @return   void
+        */
+        function _fnOnDeleted(result) { }
+        function _fnOnEditing(input) { return true; }
+        function _fnOnEdited(result, sOldValue, sNewValue, iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, iRealColumnIndex) {
+        }
+        function fnOnAdding() { return true; }
+        function _fnOnAdded(result) { }
+        var oSettings;
+        function fnGetDisplayStart() {
+            return oSettings._iDisplayStart;
+        }
+        function fnSetDisplayStart() {
+            ///<summary>
+            ///Set the pagination position(do nothing in the server-side mode)
+            ///</summary>
+            //To refresh table with preserver pagination on cell edit
+            //if (oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide === false) {
+                oSettings._iDisplayStart = iDisplayStart;
+                oSettings.oApi._fnCalculateEnd(oSettings);
+                //draw the 'current' page
+                oSettings.oApi._fnDraw(oSettings);
+            //}
+        }
+        function _fnOnBeforeAction(sAction) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        function _fnOnActionCompleted(sStatus) {
+        }
+        function fnGetActionSettings(sAction) {
+            ///<summary>Returns settings object for the action</summary>
+            ///<param name="sAction" type="String">The name of the action</param>
+            if (properties.aoTableAction)
+                properties.fnShowError("Configuration error - aoTableAction setting are not set", sAction);
+            var i = 0;
+            for (i = 0; i < properties.aoTableActions.length; i++) {
+                if (properties.aoTableActions[i].sAction == sAction)
+                    return properties.aoTableActions[i];
+            }
+            properties.fnShowError("Cannot find action configuration settings", sAction);
+        }
+        function fnPopulateFormWithRowCells(oForm, oTR) {
+            ///<summary>Populates forms with row data</summary>
+            ///<param name="oForm" type="DOM">Form used to enter data</param>
+            ///<param name="oTR" type="DOM">Table Row that will populate data</param>
+            var iRowID = oTable.fnGetPosition(oTR);
+            var id = properties.fnGetRowID($(oTR));
+            $(oForm).validate().resetForm();
+  $(oForm)[0], 'DT_RowId', id);
+            $("input.DT_RowId", $(oForm)).val(id);
+  $(oForm)[0], 'ROWID', iRowID);
+            $("input.ROWID", $(oForm)).val(iRowID);
+            var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();
+            var iColumnCount = oSettings.aoColumns.length;
+            $("input:text[rel],input:radio[rel][checked],input:hidden[rel],select[rel],textarea[rel],input:checkbox[rel]",
+                                    $(oForm)).each(function () {
+                                        var rel = $(this).attr("rel");
+                                        if (rel >= iColumnCount)
+                                            properties.fnShowError("In the form is placed input element with the name '" + $(this).attr("name") + "' with the 'rel' attribute that must be less than a column count - " + iColumnCount, "action");
+                                        else {
+                                            var sCellValue = oTable.fnGetData(oTR)[rel];
+                                            if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "select" || this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "select") {
+                                                if (this.multiple == true) {
+                                                    var aoSelectedValue = new Array();
+                                                    aoCellValues = sCellValue.split(",");
+                                                    for (i = 0; i <= this.options.length - 1; i++) {
+                                                        if (jQuery.inArray(this.options[i].text.toLowerCase().trim(), aoCellValues) != -1) {
+                                                             aoSelectedValue.push(this.options[i].value);
+                                                        }
+                                                     }
+                                                     $(this).val(aoSelectedValue);
+                                                } else {
+                                                    for (i = 0; i <= this.options.length - 1; i++) {
+                                                        if (this.options[i].text.toLowerCase() == sCellValue.toLowerCase()) {
+                                                                $(this).val(this.options[i].value);
+                                                        }
+                                                    }
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                            else if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "span" || this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "span")
+                                                $(this).html(sCellValue);
+                                            else {
+                                                if (this.type == "checkbox") {
+                                                    if (sCellValue == "true") {
+                                                        $(this).attr("checked", true);
+                                                    }
+                                                } else {
+                                                    if (this.type == "radio") {
+                                                        if (this.value == sCellValue) {
+                                                            this.checked = true;
+                                                        }
+                                                    } else {
+                                                        this.value = sCellValue;
+                                                    }
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                            //sCellValue = sCellValue.replace(properties.sIDToken, data);
+                                            //values[rel] = sCellValue;
+                                            //oTable.fnUpdate(sCellValue, iRowID, rel);
+                                        }
+                                    });
+        } //End function fnPopulateFormWithRowCells
+        function fnTakeRowDataFromFormElements(oForm) {
+            ///<summary>Populates row with form elements(This should be nly function that read fom elements from form)</summary>
+            ///<param name="iRowID" type="DOM">DatabaseRowID</param>
+            ///<param name="oForm" type="DOM">Form used to enter data</param>
+            ///<returns>Object or array</returns>
+            var iDT_RowId =, 'DT_RowId');
+            var iColumnCount = oSettings.aoColumns.length;
+            var values = new Array();
+            var rowData = new Object();
+            $("input:text[rel],input:radio[rel][checked],input:hidden[rel],select[rel],textarea[rel],span.datafield[rel],input:checkbox[rel]", oForm).each(function () {
+                var rel = $(this).attr("rel");
+                var sCellValue = "";
+                if (rel >= iColumnCount)
+                    properties.fnShowError("In the add form is placed input element with the name '" + $(this).attr("name") + "' with the 'rel' attribute that must be less than a column count - " + iColumnCount, "add");
+                else {
+                    if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "select" || this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "select") {
+                        //sCellValue = $("option:selected", this).text();
+                        sCellValue = $.map(
+                                             $.makeArray($("option:selected", this)),
+                                             function (n, i) {
+                                                 return $(n).text();
+                                             }).join(",");
+                    }
+                    else if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "span" || this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "span")
+                        sCellValue = $(this).html();
+                    else {
+                        if (this.type == "checkbox") {
+                            if (this.checked)
+                                sCellValue = (this.value != "on") ? this.value : "true";
+                            else
+                                sCellValue = (this.value != "on") ? "" : "false";
+                        } else
+                            sCellValue = this.value;
+                    }
+                    //Deprecated
+                    sCellValue = sCellValue.replace("DATAROWID", iDT_RowId);
+                    sCellValue = sCellValue.replace(properties.sIDToken, iDT_RowId);
+                    if (oSettings.aoColumns != null
+                                && oSettings.aoColumns[rel] != null
+                                && isNaN(parseInt(oSettings.aoColumns[0].mDataProp))) {
+                        rowData[oSettings.aoColumns[rel].mDataProp] = sCellValue;
+                    } else {
+                        values[rel] = sCellValue;
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+            if (oSettings.aoColumns != null && isNaN(parseInt(oSettings.aoColumns[0].mDataProp))) {
+                return rowData;
+            }
+            else {
+                return values;
+            }
+        } //End function fnPopulateRowWithFormElements
+        function fnSendFormUpdateRequest(nActionForm) {
+            ///<summary>Updates table row using  form fields</summary>
+            ///<param name="nActionForm" type="DOM">Form used to enter data</param>
+            var jActionForm = $(nActionForm);
+            var sAction = jActionForm.attr("id");
+            sAction = sAction.replace("form", "");
+            var sActionURL = jActionForm.attr("action");
+            if (properties.fnOnBeforeAction(sAction)) {
+                if (jActionForm.valid()) {
+                    iDisplayStart = fnGetDisplayStart();
+                    properties.fnStartProcessingMode();
+                    if (properties.bUseFormsPlugin) {
+                        //Still in beta(development)
+                        var oAjaxSubmitOptions = {
+                            success: function (response, statusString, xhr) {
+                                properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+                                if (response.toLowerCase().indexOf("error") != -1 || statusString != "success") {
+                                    properties.fnShowError(response, sAction);
+                                    properties.fnOnActionCompleted("failure");
+                                } else {
+                                    fnUpdateRowOnSuccess(nActionForm);
+                                    properties.fnOnActionCompleted("success");
+                                }
+                            },
+                            error: function (response) {
+                                properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+                                properties.fnShowError(response.responseText, sAction);
+                                properties.fnOnActionCompleted("failure");
+                            }
+                        };
+                        var oActionSettings = fnGetActionSettings(sAction);
+                        oAjaxSubmitOptions = $.extend({}, properties.oAjaxSubmitOptions, oAjaxSubmitOptions);
+                        $(oActionForm).ajaxSubmit(oAjaxSubmitOptions);
+                    } else {
+                        var params = jActionForm.serialize();
+                        $.ajax({ 'url': sActionURL,
+                            'data': params,
+                            'type': properties.sAddHttpMethod,
+                            'dataType': properties.sAddDataType,
+                            success: function (response) {
+                                properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+                                fnUpdateRowOnSuccess(nActionForm);
+                                properties.fnOnActionCompleted("success");
+                            },
+                            error: function (response) {
+                                properties.fnEndProcessingMode();
+                                properties.fnShowError(response.responseText, sAction);
+                                properties.fnOnActionCompleted("failure");
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    function fnUpdateRowOnSuccess(nActionForm) {
+            ///<summary>Updates table row using  form fields after the ajax success callback is executed</summary>
+            ///<param name="nActionForm" type="DOM">Form used to enter data</param>
+            var values = fnTakeRowDataFromFormElements(nActionForm);
+            var iRowID =, 'ROWID');
+            var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();
+            var iColumnCount = oSettings.aoColumns.length;
+            for (var rel = 0; rel < iColumnCount; rel++) {
+                if (oSettings.aoColumns != null
+                                && oSettings.aoColumns[rel] != null
+                                && isNaN(parseInt(oSettings.aoColumns[0].mDataProp))) {
+                    sCellValue = rowData[oSettings.aoColumns[rel].mDataProp];
+                } else {
+                    sCellValue = values[rel];
+                }
+                if (sCellValue != undefined)
+                    oTable.fnUpdate(sCellValue, iRowID, rel);
+            }
+            fnSetDisplayStart();
+            $(nActionForm).dialog('close');
+            return;       
+        }
+        oTable = this;
+        var defaults = {
+            sUpdateURL: "UpdateData",
+            sAddURL: "AddData",
+            sDeleteURL: "DeleteData",
+            sAddNewRowFormId: "formAddNewRow",
+            oAddNewRowFormOptions: { autoOpen: false, modal: true },
+            sAddNewRowButtonId: "btnAddNewRow",
+            oAddNewRowButtonOptions: null,
+            sAddNewRowOkButtonId: "btnAddNewRowOk",
+            sAddNewRowCancelButtonId: "btnAddNewRowCancel",
+            oAddNewRowOkButtonOptions: { label: "Ok" },
+            oAddNewRowCancelButtonOptions: { label: "Cancel" },
+            sDeleteRowButtonId: "btnDeleteRow",
+            oDeleteRowButtonOptions: null,
+            sSelectedRowClass: "row_selected",
+            sReadOnlyCellClass: "read_only",
+            sAddDeleteToolbarSelector: ".add_delete_toolbar",
+            fnShowError: _fnShowError,
+            fnStartProcessingMode: _fnStartProcessingMode,
+            fnEndProcessingMode: _fnEndProcessingMode,
+            aoColumns: null,
+            fnOnDeleting: _fnOnDeleting,
+            fnOnDeleted: _fnOnDeleted,
+            fnOnAdding: fnOnAdding,
+            fnOnNewRowPosted: _fnOnNewRowPosted,
+            fnOnAdded: _fnOnAdded,
+            fnOnEditing: _fnOnEditing,
+            fnOnEdited: _fnOnEdited,
+            sAddHttpMethod: 'POST',
+            sAddDataType: "text",
+            sDeleteHttpMethod: 'POST',
+            sDeleteDataType: "text",
+            fnGetRowID: _fnGetRowIDFromAttribute,
+            fnSetRowID: _fnSetRowIDInAttribute,
+            sEditorHeight: "100%",
+            sEditorWidth: "100%",
+            bDisableEditing: false,
+            oEditableSettings: null,
+            oDeleteParameters: {},
+            oUpdateParameters: {},
+            sIDToken: "DT_RowId",
+            aoTableActions: null,
+            fnOnBeforeAction: _fnOnBeforeAction,
+            bUseFormsPlugin: false,
+            fnOnActionCompleted: _fnOnActionCompleted,
+            sSuccessResponse: "ok",
+            sFailureResponsePrefix: "ERROR",
+            oKeyTable: null        //KEYTABLE
+        };
+        properties = $.extend(defaults, options);
+        oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();
+        properties.bUseKeyTable = (properties.oKeyTable != null);
+        return this.each(function () {
+            var sTableId = oTable.dataTableSettings[0].sTableId;
+            //KEYTABLE
+            if (properties.bUseKeyTable) {
+                var keys = new KeyTable({
+                    "table": document.getElementById(sTableId),
+                    "datatable": oTable
+                });
+                oTable.keys = keys;
+                /* Apply a return key event to each cell in the table */
+                keys.event.action(null, null, function (nCell) {
+                    if( $(nCell).hasClass(properties.sReadOnlyCellClass))
+                        return;
+                    /* Block KeyTable from performing any events while jEditable is in edit mode */
+                    keys.block = true;
+                    /* Dispatch click event to go into edit mode - Saf 4 needs a timeout... */
+                    setTimeout(function () { $(nCell).dblclick(); }, 0);
+                    //properties.bDisableEditing = true;
+                });
+            }
+            //KEYTABLE
+            if (oTable.fnSettings().sAjaxSource != null) {
+                oTable.fnSettings().aoDrawCallback.push({
+                    "fn": function () {
+                        //Apply jEditable plugin on the table cells
+                        fnApplyEditable(oTable.fnGetNodes());
+                        $(oTable.fnGetNodes()).each(function () {
+                            var position = oTable.fnGetPosition(this);
+                            var id = oTable.fnGetData(position)[0];
+                            properties.fnSetRowID($(this), id);
+                        }
+                        );
+                    },
+                    "sName": "fnApplyEditable"
+                });
+            } else {
+                //Apply jEditable plugin on the table cells
+                fnApplyEditable(oTable.fnGetNodes());
+            }
+            //Setup form to open in dialog
+            oAddNewRowForm = $("#" + properties.sAddNewRowFormId);
+            if (oAddNewRowForm.length != 0) {
+                ///Check does the add new form has all nessecary fields
+                var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();
+                var iColumnCount = oSettings.aoColumns.length;
+                for (i = 0; i < iColumnCount; i++) {
+                    if ($("[rel=" + i + "]", oAddNewRowForm).length == 0)
+                        properties.fnShowError("In the form that is used for adding new records cannot be found an input element with rel=" + i + " that will be bound to the value in the column " + i + ". See for more details", "init");
+                }
+                if (properties.oAddNewRowFormOptions != null) {
+                    properties.oAddNewRowFormOptions.autoOpen = false;
+                } else {
+                    properties.oAddNewRowFormOptions = { autoOpen: false };
+                }
+                oAddNewRowForm.dialog(properties.oAddNewRowFormOptions);
+                //Add button click handler on the "Add new row" button
+                oAddNewRowButton = $("#" + properties.sAddNewRowButtonId);
+                if (oAddNewRowButton.length != 0) {
+                        if("add-event-attached")!="true")
+                        {
+                   () {
+                                oAddNewRowForm.dialog('open');
+                            });
+                  "add-event-attached", "true");
+                        }
+                } else {
+                    if ($(properties.sAddDeleteToolbarSelector).length == 0) {
+                        throw "Cannot find a button with an id '" + properties.sAddNewRowButtonId + "', or placeholder with an id '" + properties.sAddDeleteToolbarSelector + "' that should be used for adding new row although form for adding new record is specified";
+                    } else {
+                        oAddNewRowButton = null; //It will be auto-generated later
+                    }
+                }
+                //Prevent Submit handler
+                if (oAddNewRowForm[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "form") {
+                    oAddNewRowForm.unbind('submit');
+                    oAddNewRowForm.submit(function (event) {
+                        fnOnRowAdding(event);
+                        return false;
+                    });
+                } else {
+                    $("form", oAddNewRowForm[0]).unbind('submit');
+                    $("form", oAddNewRowForm[0]).submit(function (event) {
+                        fnOnRowAdding(event);
+                        return false;
+                    });
+                }
+                // array to add default buttons to
+                var aAddNewRowFormButtons = [];
+                oConfirmRowAddingButton = $("#" + properties.sAddNewRowOkButtonId, oAddNewRowForm);
+                if (oConfirmRowAddingButton.length == 0) {
+                    //If someone forgotten to set the button text
+                    if (properties.oAddNewRowOkButtonOptions.text == null
+                        || properties.oAddNewRowOkButtonOptions.text == "") {
+                        properties.oAddNewRowOkButtonOptions.text = "Ok";
+                    }
+           = fnOnRowAdding;
+           = properties.sAddNewRowOkButtonId;
+                    // push the add button onto the array
+                    aAddNewRowFormButtons.push(properties.oAddNewRowOkButtonOptions);
+                } else {
+          ;
+                }
+                oCancelRowAddingButton = $("#" + properties.sAddNewRowCancelButtonId);
+                if (oCancelRowAddingButton.length == 0) {
+                    //If someone forgotten to the button text
+                    if (properties.oAddNewRowCancelButtonOptions.text == null
+                        || properties.oAddNewRowCancelButtonOptions.text == "") {
+                        properties.oAddNewRowCancelButtonOptions.text = "Cancel";
+                    }
+           = fnOnCancelRowAdding;
+           = properties.sAddNewRowCancelButtonId;
+                    // push the cancel button onto the array
+                    aAddNewRowFormButtons.push(properties.oAddNewRowCancelButtonOptions);
+                } else {
+          ;
+                }
+                // if the array contains elements, add them to the dialog
+                if (aAddNewRowFormButtons.length > 0) {
+                    oAddNewRowForm.dialog('option', 'buttons', aAddNewRowFormButtons);
+                }
+                //Issue: It cannot find it with this call:
+                //oConfirmRowAddingButton = $("#" + properties.sAddNewRowOkButtonId, oAddNewRowForm);
+                //oCancelRowAddingButton = $("#" + properties.sAddNewRowCancelButtonId, oAddNewRowForm);
+                oConfirmRowAddingButton = $("#" + properties.sAddNewRowOkButtonId);
+                oCancelRowAddingButton = $("#" + properties.sAddNewRowCancelButtonId);
+                if (properties.oAddNewRowFormValidation != null) {
+                    oAddNewRowForm.validate(properties.oAddNewRowFormValidation);
+                    }
+            } else {
+                oAddNewRowForm = null;
+            }
+            //Set the click handler on the "Delete selected row" button
+            oDeleteRowButton = $('#' + properties.sDeleteRowButtonId);
+            if (oDeleteRowButton.length != 0)
+            {
+                if("delete-event-attached")!="true")
+                {
+          ;
+          "delete-event-attached", "true");
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                oDeleteRowButton = null;
+            }
+            //If an add and delete buttons does not exists but Add-delete toolbar is specificed
+            //Autogenerate these buttons
+            oAddDeleteToolbar = $(properties.sAddDeleteToolbarSelector);
+            if (oAddDeleteToolbar.length != 0) {
+                if (oAddNewRowButton == null && properties.sAddNewRowButtonId != ""
+                    && oAddNewRowForm != null) {
+                    oAddDeleteToolbar.append("<button id='" + properties.sAddNewRowButtonId + "' class='add_row'>Add</button>");
+                    oAddNewRowButton = $("#" + properties.sAddNewRowButtonId);
+           () { oAddNewRowForm.dialog('open'); });
+                }
+                if (oDeleteRowButton == null && properties.sDeleteRowButtonId != "") {
+                    oAddDeleteToolbar.append("<button id='" + properties.sDeleteRowButtonId + "' class='delete_row'>Delete</button>");
+                    oDeleteRowButton = $("#" + properties.sDeleteRowButtonId);
+          ;
+                }
+            }
+            //If delete button exists disable it until some row is selected
+            if (oDeleteRowButton != null) {
+                if (properties.oDeleteRowButtonOptions != null) {
+                    oDeleteRowButton.button(properties.oDeleteRowButtonOptions);
+                }
+                fnDisableDeleteButton();
+            }
+            //If add button exists convert it to the JQuery-ui button
+            if (oAddNewRowButton != null) {
+                if (properties.oAddNewRowButtonOptions != null) {
+                    oAddNewRowButton.button(properties.oAddNewRowButtonOptions);
+                }
+            }
+            //If form ok button exists convert it to the JQuery-ui button
+            if (oConfirmRowAddingButton != null) {
+                if (properties.oAddNewRowOkButtonOptions != null) {
+                    oConfirmRowAddingButton.button(properties.oAddNewRowOkButtonOptions);
+                }
+            }
+            //If form cancel button exists convert it to the JQuery-ui button
+            if (oCancelRowAddingButton != null) {
+                if (properties.oAddNewRowCancelButtonOptions != null) {
+                    oCancelRowAddingButton.button(properties.oAddNewRowCancelButtonOptions);
+                }
+            }
+            //Add handler to the inline delete buttons
+            $(".table-action-deletelink", oTable).live("click", _fnOnRowDeleteInline);
+            if (!properties.bUseKeyTable) {
+            //Set selected class on row that is clicked
+            //Enable delete button if row is selected, disable delete button if selected class is removed
+            $("tbody", oTable).click(function (event) {
+                if ($( {
+                    $(;
+                    if (oDeleteRowButton != null) {
+                        fnDisableDeleteButton();
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    $(oTable.fnSettings().aoData).each(function () {
+                        $(this.nTr).removeClass(properties.sSelectedRowClass);
+                    });
+                    $(;
+                    if (oDeleteRowButton != null) {
+                        fnEnableDeleteButton();
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+            } else {
+                oTable.keys.event.focus(null, null, function (nNode, x, y) {
+                });
+            }
+            if (properties.aoTableActions != null) {
+                for (var i = 0; i < properties.aoTableActions.length; i++) {
+                    var oTableAction = $.extend({ sType: "edit" }, properties.aoTableActions[i]);
+                    var sAction = oTableAction.sAction;
+                    var sActionFormId = oTableAction.sActionFormId;
+                    var oActionForm = $("#form" + sAction);
+                    if (oActionForm.length != 0) {
+                        var oFormOptions = { autoOpen: false, modal: true };
+                        oFormOptions = $.extend({}, oTableAction.oFormOptions, oFormOptions);
+                        oActionForm.dialog(oFormOptions);
+              "action-options", oTableAction);
+                        var oActionFormLink = $(".table-action-" + sAction);
+                        if (oActionFormLink.length != 0) {
+                  "click", function () {
+                                var sClass = this.className;
+                                var classList = sClass.split(/\s+/);
+                                var sActionFormId = "";
+                                var sAction = "";
+                                for (i = 0; i < classList.length; i++) {
+                                    if (classList[i].indexOf("table-action-") > -1) {
+                                        sAction = classList[i].replace("table-action-", "");
+                                        sActionFormId = "#form" + sAction;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if (sActionFormId == "") {
+                                    properties.fnShowError("Cannot find a form with an id " + sActionFormId + " that should be associated to the action - " + sAction, sAction)
+                                }
+                                var oTableAction = $(sActionFormId).data("action-options");
+                                if (oTableAction.sType == "edit") {
+                                    //var oTD = ($(this).parents('td'))[0];
+                                    var oTR = ($(this).parents('tr'))[0];
+                                    fnPopulateFormWithRowCells(oActionForm, oTR);
+                                }
+                                $(oActionForm).dialog('open');
+                            });
+                        }
+                        oActionForm.submit(function (event) {
+                            fnSendFormUpdateRequest(this);
+                            return false;
+                        });
+                        var aActionFormButtons = new Array();
+                        //var oActionSubmitButton = $("#form" + sAction + "Ok", oActionForm);
+                        //aActionFormButtons.push(oActionSubmitButton);
+                        var oActionFormCancel = $("#form" + sAction + "Cancel", oActionForm);
+                        if (oActionFormCancel.length != 0) {
+                            aActionFormButtons.push(oActionFormCancel);
+                   () {
+                                var oActionForm = $(this).parents("form")[0];
+                                //Clear the validation messages and reset form
+                                $(oActionForm).validate().resetForm();  // Clears the validation errors
+                                $(oActionForm)[0].reset();
+                                $(".error", $(oActionForm)).html("");
+                                $(".error", $(oActionForm)).hide();  // Hides the error element
+                                $(oActionForm).dialog('close');
+                            });
+                        }
+                        //Convert all action form buttons to the JQuery UI buttons
+                        $("button", oActionForm).button();
+                        /*
+                        if (aActionFormButtons.length > 0) {
+                        oActionForm.dialog('option', 'buttons', aActionFormButtons);
+                        }
+                        */
+                    }
+                } // end for (var i = 0; i < properties.aoTableActions.length; i++)
+            } //end if (properties.aoTableActions != null)
+        });
+    };