changeset 0 bb4aabe07487
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/jquery-dataTables-rowGrouping.js	Thu Feb 19 10:59:00 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+ * File:        jquery.dataTables.grouping.js
+ * Version:     1.2.9.
+ * Author:      Jovan Popovic
+ *
+ * Copyright 2013 Jovan Popovic, all rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source file is free software, under either the GPL v2 license or a
+ * BSD style license, as supplied with this software.
+ *
+ * This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * Parameters:
+ * @iGroupingColumnIndex                                 Integer             Index of the column that will be used for grouping - default 0
+ * @sGroupingColumnSortDirection                         Enumeration         Sort direction of the group
+ * @iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex                          Integer             Index of the column that will be used for ordering groups
+ * @sGroupingClass                                       String              Class that will be associated to the group row. Default - "group"
+ * @sGroupItemClass                                      String              Class that will be associated to the group row of group items. Default - "group-item"
+ * @bSetGroupingClassOnTR                                Boolean             If set class will be set to the TR instead of the TD withing the grouping TR
+ * @bHideGroupingColumn                                  Boolean             Hide column used for grouping once results are grouped. Default - true
+ * @bHideGroupingOrderByColumn                           Boolean             Hide column used for ordering groups once results are grouped. Default - true
+ * @sGroupBy                                             Enumeration         Type of grouping that should be applied. Values "name"(default), "letter", "year"
+ * @sGroupLabelPrefix                                    String              Prefix that will be added to each group cell
+ * @bExpandableGrouping                                  Boolean             Attach expand/collapse handlers to the grouping rows
+ * @bExpandSingleGroup                                   Boolean             Use accordon grouping
+ * @iExpandGroupOffset                                   Integer             Number of pixels to set scroll position above the currently selected group. If -1 scroll will be alligned to the table
+ * General settings
+ * @sDateFormat: "dd/MM/yyyy"                            String              Date format used for grouping
+ * @sEmptyGroupLabel                                     String              Lable that will be placed as group if grouping cells are empty. Default "-"
+ * Parameters used in the second level grouping
+ * @iGroupingColumnIndex2                                Integer             Index of the secondary column that will be used for grouping - default 0
+ * @sGroupingColumnSortDirection2                        Enumeration         Sort direction of the secondary group
+ * @iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex2                         Integer             Index of the column that will be used for ordering secondary groups
+ * @sGroupingClass2                                      String              Class that will be associated to the secondary group row. Default "subgroup"
+ * @sGroupItemClass2                                     String              Class that will be associated to the secondary group row of group items. Default "subgroup-item"
+ * @bHideGroupingColumn2                                 Boolean             Hide column used for secondary grouping once results are grouped. Default - true,
+ * @bHideGroupingOrderByColumn2                          Boolean             Hide column used for ordering secondary groups once results are grouped. Default - true,
+ * @sGroupBy2                                            Enumeration         Type of grouping that should be applied to secondary column. Values "name"(default), "letter", "year",
+ * @sGroupLabelPrefix2                                   String              Prefix that will be added to each secondary group cell
+ * @fnOnGrouped                                          Function            Function that is called when grouping is finished. Function has no parameters.
+ */
+(function ($) {
+	"use strict";
+	$.fn.rowGrouping = function (options) {
+		function _fnOnGrouped() {
+		}
+		function _fnOnGroupCreated(oGroup, sGroup, iLevel) {
+			///<summary>
+			///Function called when a new grouping row is created(it should be overriden in properties)
+			///</summary>
+		}
+		function _fnOnGroupCompleted(oGroup, sGroup, iLevel) {
+			///<summary>
+			///Function called when a new grouping row is created(it should be overriden in properties)
+			///</summary>
+		}
+		function _getMonthName(iMonth) {
+			var asMonths = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
+			return asMonths[iMonth - 1];
+		}
+		var defaults = {
+			iGroupingColumnIndex: 0,
+			sGroupingColumnSortDirection: "",
+			iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex: -1,
+			sGroupingClass: "group",
+			sGroupItemClass: "group-item",
+			bHideGroupingColumn: true,
+			bHideGroupingOrderByColumn: true,
+			sGroupBy: "name",
+			sGroupLabelPrefix: "",
+			fnGroupLabelFormat: function (label) {
+				return label;
+			},
+			bExpandableGrouping: false,
+			bExpandSingleGroup: false,
+			iExpandGroupOffset: 100,
+			asExpandedGroups: null,
+			sDateFormat: "dd/MM/yyyy",
+			sEmptyGroupLabel: "-",
+			bSetGroupingClassOnTR: false,
+			iGroupingColumnIndex2: -1,
+			sGroupingColumnSortDirection2: "",
+			iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex2: -1,
+			sGroupingClass2: "subgroup",
+			sGroupItemClass2: "subgroup-item",
+			bHideGroupingColumn2: true,
+			bHideGroupingOrderByColumn2: true,
+			sGroupBy2: "name",
+			sGroupLabelPrefix2: "",
+			fnGroupLabelFormat2: function (label) {
+				return label;
+			},
+			bExpandableGrouping2: false,
+			fnOnGrouped: _fnOnGrouped,
+			fnOnGroupCreated: _fnOnGroupCreated,
+			fnOnGroupCompleted: _fnOnGroupCompleted,
+			oHideEffect: null, // { method: "hide", duration: "fast", easing: "linear" },
+			oShowEffect: null,//{ method: "show", duration: "slow", easing: "linear" }
+			bUseFilteringForGrouping: false // This is still work in progress option
+		};
+		return this.each(function (index, elem) {
+			var oTable = $(elem).dataTable();
+			var aoGroups = new Array();
+			$(this).dataTableExt.aoGroups = aoGroups;
+			function fnCreateGroupRow(sGroupCleaned, sGroup, iColspan) {
+				var nGroup = document.createElement('tr');
+				var nCell = document.createElement('td');
+ = "group-id-" + oTable.attr("id") + "_" + sGroupCleaned;
+				var oGroup = { id:, key: sGroupCleaned, text: sGroup, level: 0, groupItemClass: ".group-item-" + sGroupCleaned, dataGroup: sGroupCleaned, aoSubgroups: new Array() };
+				if (properties.bSetGroupingClassOnTR) {
+					nGroup.className = properties.sGroupingClass + " " + sGroupCleaned;
+				} else {
+					nCell.className = properties.sGroupingClass + " " + sGroupCleaned;
+				}
+				nCell.colSpan = iColspan;
+				nCell.innerHTML = properties.sGroupLabelPrefix + properties.fnGroupLabelFormat(sGroup == "" ? properties.sEmptyGroupLabel : sGroup, oGroup);
+				if (properties.bExpandableGrouping) {
+					if (!_fnIsGroupCollapsed(sGroupCleaned)) {
+						nCell.className += " expanded-group";
+						oGroup.state = "expanded";
+					} else {
+						nCell.className += " collapsed-group";
+						oGroup.state = "collapsed";
+					}
+					nCell.className += " group-item-expander";
+					$(nCell).attr('data-group', oGroup.dataGroup); //Fix provided by mssskhalsa (Issue 5)
+					$(nCell).attr("data-group-level", oGroup.level);
+					$(nCell).click(_fnOnGroupClick);
+				}
+				nGroup.appendChild(nCell);
+				aoGroups[sGroupCleaned] = oGroup;
+				oGroup.nGroup = nGroup;
+				properties.fnOnGroupCreated(oGroup, sGroupCleaned, 1);
+				return oGroup;
+			}
+			function _fnCreateGroup2Row(sGroup2, sGroupLabel, iColspan, oParentGroup) {
+				var nGroup2 = document.createElement('tr');
+ = + "_" + sGroup2;
+				var nCell2 = document.createElement('td');
+				var dataGroup = oParentGroup.dataGroup + '_' + sGroup2;
+				var oGroup = { id:, key: sGroup2, text: sGroupLabel, level: oParentGroup.level + 1, groupItemClass: ".group-item-" + dataGroup,
+					dataGroup: dataGroup, aoSubgroups: new Array()
+				};
+				if (properties.bSetGroupingClassOnTR) {
+					nGroup2.className = properties.sGroupingClass2 + " " + sGroup2;
+				} else {
+					nCell2.className = properties.sGroupingClass2 + " " + sGroup2;
+				}
+				nCell2.colSpan = iColspan;
+				nCell2.innerHTML = properties.sGroupLabelPrefix2 + properties.fnGroupLabelFormat2(sGroupLabel == "" ? properties.sEmptyGroupLabel : sGroupLabel, oGroup);
+				if (properties.bExpandableGrouping) {
+					nGroup2.className += " group-item-" + oParentGroup.dataGroup;
+				}
+				if (properties.bExpandableGrouping && properties.bExpandableGrouping2) {
+					if (!_fnIsGroupCollapsed(oGroup.dataGroup)) {
+						nCell2.className += " expanded-group";
+						oGroup.state = "expanded";
+					} else {
+						nCell2.className += " collapsed-group";
+						oGroup.state = "collapsed";
+					}
+					nCell2.className += " group-item-expander";
+					$(nCell2).attr('data-group', oGroup.dataGroup);
+					$(nCell2).attr("data-group-level", oGroup.level);
+					$(nCell2).click(_fnOnGroupClick);
+				}
+				nGroup2.appendChild(nCell2);
+				oParentGroup.aoSubgroups[oGroup.dataGroup] = oGroup;
+				aoGroups[oGroup.dataGroup] = oGroup;
+				oGroup.nGroup = nGroup2;
+				properties.fnOnGroupCreated(oGroup, sGroup2, 2);
+				return oGroup;
+			}
+			function _fnIsGroupCollapsed(sGroup) {
+				if (aoGroups[sGroup] != null)
+					return (aoGroups[sGroup].state == "collapsed");
+				else if (sGroup.indexOf("_") > -1)
+					true;
+				else if (bInitialGrouping && (asExpandedGroups == null || asExpandedGroups.length == 0))
+					return false;// initially if asExpandedGroups is empty - no one is collapsed
+				else
+					return ($.inArray(sGroup, asExpandedGroups) == -1); //the last chance check asExpandedGroups
+			}
+			function _fnGetYear(x) {
+				if (x.length < (iYearIndex + iYearLength))
+					return x;
+				else
+					return x.substr(iYearIndex, iYearLength);
+			}
+			function _fnGetGroupByName(x) {
+				return x;
+			}
+			function _fnGetGroupByLetter(x) {
+				return x.substr(0, 1);
+			}
+			function _fnGetGroupByYear(x) {
+				return _fnGetYear(x);
+				//return Date.parseExact(x, properties.sDateFormat).getFullYear();//slooooow
+			}
+			function _fnGetGroupByYearMonth(x) {
+				//var date = Date.parseExact(x, "dd/MM/yyyy");
+				//return date.getFullYear() + " / " + date.getMonthName();
+				//return x.substr(iYearIndex, iYearLength) + '/' + x.substr(iMonthIndex, iMonthLength);
+				return x.substr(iYearIndex, iYearLength) + ' ' + _getMonthName(x.substr(iMonthIndex, iMonthLength));
+			}
+			function _fnGetCleanedGroup(sGroup) {
+				if (sGroup === "") return "-";
+				return sGroup.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF]+/g, "-"); //fix for unicode characters (Issue 23)
+				//return sGroup.toLowerCase().replace(/\W+/g, "-"); //Fix provided by bmathews (Issue 7)
+			}
+			function _rowGroupingRowFilter(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
+				///<summary>Used to expand/collapse groups with DataTables filtering</summary>
+				if ( !== oTable[0].id) return true;
+				var sColData = aData[properties.iGroupingColumnIndex];
+				if (typeof sColData === "undefined")
+					sColData = aData[oSettings.aoColumns[properties.iGroupingColumnIndex].mDataProp];
+				if (_fnIsGroupCollapsed(_fnGetCleanedGroup(sColData))) {
+					if (oTable.fnIsOpen(oTable.fnGetNodes(iDataIndex))) {
+						if (properties.fnOnRowClosed != null) {
+							properties.fnOnRowClosed(this); //    $(this.cells[0].children[0]).attr('src', '../../Images/details.png');
+						}
+						oTable.fnClose(oTable.fnGetNodes(iDataIndex));
+					}
+					return false;
+				}
+				;
+				return true;
+			} //end of function _rowGroupingRowFilter
+			function fnExpandGroup(sGroup) {
+				///<summary>Expand group if expanadable grouping is used</summary>
+				aoGroups[sGroup].state = "expanded";
+				$("td[data-group^='" + sGroup + "']").removeClass("collapsed-group");
+				$("td[data-group^='" + sGroup + "']").addClass("expanded-group");
+				if (properties.bUseFilteringForGrouping) {
+					oTable.fnDraw();
+					return;//Because rows are expanded with _rowGroupingRowFilter function
+				}
+				if (jQuery.inArray(sGroup, asExpandedGroups) == -1)
+					asExpandedGroups.push(sGroup);
+				if (properties.oHideEffect != null)
+					$(".group-item-" + sGroup, oTable)
+						[properties.oShowEffect.method](properties.oShowEffect.duration,
+														properties.oShowEffect.easing,
+														function () {
+														});
+				else
+					$(".group-item-" + sGroup, oTable).show();
+			} //end of function fnExpandGroup
+			function fnCollapseGroup(sGroup) {
+				///<summary>Collapse group if expanadable grouping is used</summary>
+				aoGroups[sGroup].state = "collapsed";
+				$("td[data-group^='" + sGroup + "']").removeClass("expanded-group");
+				$("td[data-group^='" + sGroup + "']").addClass("collapsed-group");
+				if (properties.bUseFilteringForGrouping) {
+					oTable.fnDraw();
+					return;//Because rows are expanded with _rowGroupingRowFilter function
+				}
+				//var index = $.inArray(sGroup, asExpandedGroups);
+				//asExpandedGroups.splice(index, 1);
+				$('.group-item-' + sGroup).each(function () {
+					//Issue 24 - Patch provided by Bob Graham
+					if (oTable.fnIsOpen(this)) {
+						if (properties.fnOnRowClosed != null) {
+							properties.fnOnRowClosed(this); //    $(this.cells[0].children[0]).attr('src', '../../Images/details.png');
+						}
+						oTable.fnClose(this);
+					}
+				});
+				if (properties.oHideEffect != null)
+					$(".group-item-" + sGroup, oTable)
+						[properties.oHideEffect.method](properties.oHideEffect.duration,
+														properties.oHideEffect.easing,
+														function () {
+														});
+				else
+					$(".group-item-" + sGroup, oTable).hide();
+			} //end of function fnCollapseGroup
+			function _fnOnGroupClick(e) {
+				///<summary>
+				///Function that is called when user click on the group cell in order to
+				///expand of collapse group
+				///</summary>
+				//var sGroup = $(this).attr("rel");
+				var sGroup = $(this).attr("data-group");
+				var iGroupLevel = $(this).attr("data-group-level");
+				var bIsExpanded = !_fnIsGroupCollapsed(sGroup);
+				if (properties.bExpandSingleGroup) {
+					if (!bIsExpanded) {
+						var sCurrentGroup = $("td.expanded-group").attr("data-group");
+						fnCollapseGroup(sCurrentGroup);
+						fnExpandGroup(sGroup);
+						if (properties.iExpandGroupOffset != -1) {
+							var position = $("#group-id-" + oTable.attr("id") + "_" + sGroup).offset().top - properties.iExpandGroupOffset;
+							window.scroll(0, position);
+						} else {
+							var position = oTable.offset().top;
+							window.scroll(0, position);
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (bIsExpanded) {
+						fnCollapseGroup(sGroup);
+					} else {
+						fnExpandGroup(sGroup);
+					}
+				}
+				e.preventDefault();
+			}; //end function _fnOnGroupClick
+			function _fnDrawCallBackWithGrouping(oSettings) {
+				if (oTable.fnSettings().oFeatures.bServerSide)
+					bInitialGrouping = true;
+				var bUseSecondaryGrouping = false;
+				if (properties.iGroupingColumnIndex2 != -1)
+					bUseSecondaryGrouping = true;
+				//-----Start grouping
+				if (oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.length == 0) { //aiDisplay
+					return;
+				}
+				var nTrs = $('tbody tr', oTable);
+				var iColspan = 0; //nTrs[0].getElementsByTagName('td').length;
+				for (var iColIndex = 0; iColIndex < oSettings.aoColumns.length; iColIndex++) {
+					if (oSettings.aoColumns[iColIndex].bVisible)
+						iColspan += 1;
+				}
+				var sLastGroup = null;
+				var sLastGroup2 = null;
+				if (oSettings.aiDisplay.length > 0) {
+					for (var i = 0; i < nTrs.length; i++) {
+						var iDisplayIndex = oSettings._iDisplayStart + i;
+						if (oTable.fnSettings().oFeatures.bServerSide)
+							iDisplayIndex = i;
+						var sGroupData = "";
+						var sGroup = null;
+						var sGroupData2 = "";
+						var sGroup2 = null;
+						//Issue 31 - Start fix provided by Fabien Taysse
+//                      sGroupData = oSettings.aoData[oSettings.aiDisplay[iDisplayIndex]]._aData[properties.iGroupingColumnIndex];
+//                      if (sGroupData == undefined)
+//                          sGroupData = oSettings.aoData[oSettings.aiDisplay[iDisplayIndex]]._aData[oSettings.aoColumns[properties.iGroupingColumnIndex].mDataProp];
+						sGroupData = this.fnGetData(nTrs[i], properties.iGroupingColumnIndex);
+						//Issue 31 - End fix provided by Fabien Taysse
+						var sGroup = sGroupData;
+						if (properties.sGroupBy != "year")
+							sGroup = fnGetGroup(sGroupData);
+						if (bUseSecondaryGrouping) {
+							sGroupData2 = oSettings.aoData[oSettings.aiDisplay[iDisplayIndex]]._aData[properties.iGroupingColumnIndex2];
+							if (sGroupData2 == undefined)
+								sGroupData2 = oSettings.aoData[oSettings.aiDisplay[iDisplayIndex]]._aData[oSettings.aoColumns[properties.iGroupingColumnIndex2].mDataProp];
+							if (properties.sGroupBy2 != "year")
+								sGroup2 = fnGetGroup(sGroupData2);
+						}
+						if (sLastGroup == null || _fnGetCleanedGroup(sGroup) != _fnGetCleanedGroup(sLastGroup)) { // new group encountered (or first of group)
+							var sGroupCleaned = _fnGetCleanedGroup(sGroup);
+							if (sLastGroup != null) {
+								properties.fnOnGroupCompleted(aoGroups[_fnGetCleanedGroup(sLastGroup)]);
+							}
+							/*
+							 if (properties.bExpandableGrouping && bInitialGrouping) {
+							 if (properties.bExpandSingleGroup) {
+							 if (asExpandedGroups.length == 0)
+							 asExpandedGroups.push(sGroupCleaned);
+							 } else {
+							 asExpandedGroups.push(sGroupCleaned);
+							 }
+							 }
+							 */
+							if (properties.bAddAllGroupsAsExpanded && jQuery.inArray(sGroupCleaned, asExpandedGroups) == -1)
+								asExpandedGroups.push(sGroupCleaned);
+							var oGroup = fnCreateGroupRow(sGroupCleaned, sGroup, iColspan);
+							var nGroup = oGroup.nGroup;
+							if (nTrs[i].parentNode != null)
+								nTrs[i].parentNode.insertBefore(nGroup, nTrs[i]);
+							else
+								$(nTrs[i]).before(nGroup);
+							sLastGroup = sGroup;
+							sLastGroup2 = null; //to reset second level grouping
+						} // end if (sLastGroup == null || sGroup != sLastGroup)
+						$(nTrs[i]).attr("data-group", aoGroups[sGroupCleaned].dataGroup);
+						$(nTrs[i]).addClass(properties.sGroupItemClass);
+						$(nTrs[i]).addClass("group-item-" + sGroupCleaned);
+						if (properties.bExpandableGrouping) {
+							if (_fnIsGroupCollapsed(sGroupCleaned) && !properties.bUseFilteringForGrouping) {
+								$(nTrs[i]).hide();
+							}
+						}
+						if (bUseSecondaryGrouping) {
+							if (sLastGroup2 == null || _fnGetCleanedGroup(sGroup2) != _fnGetCleanedGroup(sLastGroup2)) {
+								var sGroup2Id = _fnGetCleanedGroup(sGroup) + '-' + _fnGetCleanedGroup(sGroup2);
+								var oGroup2 = _fnCreateGroup2Row(sGroup2Id, sGroup2, iColspan, aoGroups[sGroupCleaned])
+								var nGroup2 = oGroup2.nGroup;
+								nTrs[i].parentNode.insertBefore(nGroup2, nTrs[i]);
+								sLastGroup2 = sGroup2;
+							}
+							$(nTrs[i]).attr("data-group", oGroup2.dataGroup)
+								.addClass(properties.sGroupItemClass2)
+								.addClass("group-item-" + oGroup2.dataGroup);
+						} //end if (bUseSecondaryGrouping)
+					} // end for (var i = 0; i < nTrs.length; i++)
+				}
+				; // if (oSettings.aiDisplay.length > 0)
+				if (sLastGroup != null) {
+					properties.fnOnGroupCompleted(aoGroups[_fnGetCleanedGroup(sLastGroup)]);
+				}
+				//-----End grouping
+				properties.fnOnGrouped(aoGroups);
+				bInitialGrouping = false;
+			}; // end of _fnDrawCallBackWithGrouping = function (oSettings)
+			//var oTable = this;
+			var iYearIndex = 6;
+			var iYearLength = 4;
+			var asExpandedGroups = new Array();
+			var bInitialGrouping = true;
+			var properties = $.extend(defaults, options);
+			if (properties.iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex == -1) {
+				properties.bCustomColumnOrdering = false;
+				properties.iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex = properties.iGroupingColumnIndex;
+			} else {
+				properties.bCustomColumnOrdering = true;
+			}
+			if (properties.sGroupingColumnSortDirection == "") {
+				if (properties.sGroupBy == "year")
+					properties.sGroupingColumnSortDirection = "desc";
+				else
+					properties.sGroupingColumnSortDirection = "asc";
+			}
+			if (properties.iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex2 == -1) {
+				properties.bCustomColumnOrdering2 = false;
+				properties.iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex2 = properties.iGroupingColumnIndex2;
+			} else {
+				properties.bCustomColumnOrdering2 = true;
+			}
+			if (properties.sGroupingColumnSortDirection2 == "") {
+				if (properties.sGroupBy2 == "year")
+					properties.sGroupingColumnSortDirection2 = "desc";
+				else
+					properties.sGroupingColumnSortDirection2 = "asc";
+			}
+			iYearIndex = properties.sDateFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf('yy');
+			iYearLength = properties.sDateFormat.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('y') - properties.sDateFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf('y') + 1;
+			var iMonthIndex = properties.sDateFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf('mm');
+			var iMonthLength = properties.sDateFormat.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('m') - properties.sDateFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf('m') + 1;
+			var fnGetGroup = _fnGetGroupByName;
+			switch (properties.sGroupBy) {
+				case "letter":
+					fnGetGroup = _fnGetGroupByLetter;
+					break;
+				case "year":
+					fnGetGroup = _fnGetGroupByYear;
+					break;
+				case "month":
+					fnGetGroup = _fnGetGroupByYearMonth;
+					break;
+				default:
+					fnGetGroup = _fnGetGroupByName;
+					break;
+			}
+			if (properties.asExpandedGroups != null) {
+				if (properties.asExpandedGroups == "NONE") {
+					properties.asExpandedGroups = [];
+					asExpandedGroups = properties.asExpandedGroups;
+					bInitialGrouping = false;
+				} else if (properties.asExpandedGroups == "ALL") {
+					properties.bAddAllGroupsAsExpanded = true;
+				} else if (properties.asExpandedGroups.constructor == String) {
+					var currentGroup = properties.asExpandedGroups;
+					properties.asExpandedGroups = new Array();
+					properties.asExpandedGroups.push(_fnGetCleanedGroup(currentGroup));
+					asExpandedGroups = properties.asExpandedGroups;
+					bInitialGrouping = false;
+				} else if (properties.asExpandedGroups.constructor == Array) {
+					for (var i = 0; i < properties.asExpandedGroups.length; i++) {
+						asExpandedGroups.push(_fnGetCleanedGroup(properties.asExpandedGroups[i]));
+						if (properties.bExpandSingleGroup)
+							break;
+					}
+					bInitialGrouping = false;
+				}
+			} else {
+				properties.asExpandedGroups = new Array();
+				properties.bAddAllGroupsAsExpanded = true;
+			}
+			if (properties.bExpandSingleGroup) {
+				var nTrs = $('tbody tr', oTable);
+				var sGroupData = oTable.fnGetData(nTrs[0], properties.iGroupingColumnIndex);
+				var sGroup = sGroupData;
+				if (properties.sGroupBy != "year")
+					sGroup = fnGetGroup(sGroupData);
+				var sGroupCleaned = _fnGetCleanedGroup(sGroup);
+				properties.asExpandedGroups = new Array();
+				properties.asExpandedGroups.push(sGroupCleaned);
+			}
+			oTable.fnSetColumnVis(properties.iGroupingColumnIndex, !properties.bHideGroupingColumn);
+			if (properties.bCustomColumnOrdering) {
+				oTable.fnSetColumnVis(properties.iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex, !properties.bHideGroupingOrderByColumn);
+			}
+			if (properties.iGroupingColumnIndex2 != -1) {
+				oTable.fnSetColumnVis(properties.iGroupingColumnIndex2, !properties.bHideGroupingColumn2);
+			}
+			if (properties.bCustomColumnOrdering2) {
+				oTable.fnSetColumnVis(properties.iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex2, !properties.bHideGroupingOrderByColumn2);
+			}
+			oTable.fnSettings().aoDrawCallback.push({
+														"fn": _fnDrawCallBackWithGrouping,
+														"sName": "fnRowGrouping"
+													});
+			var aaSortingFixed = new Array();
+			aaSortingFixed.push([properties.iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex, properties.sGroupingColumnSortDirection]);
+			if (properties.iGroupingColumnIndex2 != -1) {
+				aaSortingFixed.push([properties.iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex2, properties.sGroupingColumnSortDirection2]);
+			} // end of if (properties.iGroupingColumnIndex2 != -1)
+			oTable.fnSettings().aaSortingFixed = aaSortingFixed;
+			//Old way
+			//oTable.fnSettings().aaSortingFixed = [[properties.iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex, properties.sGroupingColumnSortDirection]];
+			switch (properties.sGroupBy) {
+				case "name":
+					break;
+				case "letter":
+					/* Create an array with the values of all the input boxes in a column */
+					oTable.fnSettings().aoColumns[properties.iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex].sSortDataType = "rg-letter";
+					$.fn.dataTableExt.afnSortData['rg-letter'] = function (oSettings, iColumn) {
+						var aData = [];
+						$('td:eq(' + iColumn + ')', oSettings.oApi._fnGetTrNodes(oSettings)).each(function () {
+							aData.push(_fnGetGroupByLetter(this.innerHTML));
+						});
+						return aData;
+					}
+					break;
+				case "year":
+					/* Create an array with the values of all the input boxes in a column */
+					oTable.fnSettings().aoColumns[properties.iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex].sSortDataType = "rg-date";
+					$.fn.dataTableExt.afnSortData['rg-date'] = function (oSettings, iColumn) {
+						var aData = [];
+						var nTrs = oSettings.oApi._fnGetTrNodes(oSettings);
+						for (i = 0; i < nTrs.length; i++) {
+							aData.push(_fnGetYear(oTable.fnGetData(nTrs[i], iColumn)));
+						}
+						/*
+						 $('td:eq(' + iColumn + ')', oSettings.oApi._fnGetTrNodes(oSettings)).each(function () {
+						 aData.push(_fnGetYear(this.innerHTML));
+						 });
+						 */
+						return aData;
+					}
+					break;
+				default:
+					break;
+			} // end of switch (properties.sGroupBy)
+			if (properties.bUseFilteringForGrouping)
+				$.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering.push(_rowGroupingRowFilter);
+			oTable.fnDraw();
+		});
+	};
\ No newline at end of file