changeset 557 bca7a7e058a3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pyams_skin/viewlet/activity/	Thu Feb 13 11:43:31 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<tal:var define="global notification ''">
+	<!-- the ID links are fetched via AJAX to the ajax container "ajax-notifications" -->
+	<div class="btn-group btn-group-justified" data-toggle="buttons">
+		<tal:loop repeat="viewlet view.viewlets">
+			<tal:if condition="repeat['viewlet'].start()">
+				<tal:var define="global notification viewlet.render()" />
+			</tal:if>
+			<label class="btn btn-default"
+				   tal:attributes="class 'btn btn-default {0}'.format('active' if repeat['viewlet'].start() else '')">
+				<input type="radio" name="activity"
+					   tal:attributes="value;
+							   		   checked '' if repeat['viewlet'].start() else None;
+									   data-ams-url viewlet.url;
+									   data-ams-click-handler viewlet.click_handler;"
+					   tal:content="viewlet.label" />
+			</label>
+		</tal:loop>
+	</div>
+	<!-- notification content -->
+	<div class="ajax-notifications custom-scroll">
+		<tal:if condition="notification"
+				replace="structure notification" />
+		<tal:if condition="not notification">
+			<div class="alert alert-transparent">
+				<h4 tal:content="view.header"></h4>
+				<tal:if replace="structure view.message" />
+			</div>
+			<i class="fa fa-lock fa-4x fa-border"></i>
+		</tal:if>
+	</div>
+	<!-- end notification content -->
+	<!-- footer: refresh area -->
+	<span>
+		<span id="activity-update"
+			  tal:attributes="data-ams-base-label view.update_time"
+			  tal:content="view.get_last_update()"></span>
+		<button type="button"
+				class="btn btn-xs btn-default pull-right"
+				data-ams-stop-propagation="true"
+				tal:attributes="data-loading-text view.loading_text;
+								data-ams-click-handler view.refresh_handler;">
+			<i class="fa fa-refresh"></i>
+		</button>
+	</span>
+	<!-- end footer -->