Added JSON-RPC plug-in
authorThierry Florac <>
Tue, 14 Apr 2015 16:36:10 +0200
changeset 43 d366c88a0f88
parent 42 975b545f5ae5
child 44 1ea9e5a677a3
Added JSON-RPC plug-in
--- a/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/jquery-jsonrpc.js	Tue Apr 14 16:35:23 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/jquery-jsonrpc.js	Tue Apr 14 16:36:10 2015 +0200
@@ -1,36 +1,293 @@
-(function ($) {
+(function($, undefined) {
+  $.extend({
+    jsonRPC: {
+      // RPC Version Number
+      version: '2.0',
+      // End point URL, sets default in requests if not
+      // specified with the request call
+      endPoint: null,
+      // Default namespace for methods
+      namespace: null,
+      /*
+       * Provides the RPC client with an optional default endpoint and namespace
+       *
+       * @param {object} The params object which can contain
+       *   endPoint {string} The default endpoint for RPC requests
+       *   namespace {string} The default namespace for RPC requests
+       *   cache {boolean} If set to false, it will force requested
+       *       pages not to be cached by the browser. Setting cache
+       *       to false also appends a query string parameter,
+       *       "_=[TIMESTAMP]", to the URL. (Default: true)
+       */
+      setup: function(params) {
+        this._validateConfigParams(params);
+        this.endPoint = params.endPoint;
+        this.namespace = params.namespace;
+        this.cache = params.cache !== undefined ? params.cache : true;
+        return this;
+      },
+      /*
+       * Convenience wrapper method to allow you to temporarily set a config parameter
+       * (endPoint or namespace) and ensure it gets set back to what it was before
+       *
+       * @param {object} The params object which can contains
+       *   endPoint {string} The default endpoint for RPC requests
+       *   namespace {string} The default namespace for RPC requests
+       * @param {function} callback The function to call with the new params in place
+       */
+      withOptions: function(params, callback) {
+        this._validateConfigParams(params);
+        // No point in running if there isn't a callback received to run
+        if(callback === undefined) throw("No callback specified");
+        origParams = {endPoint: this.endPoint, namespace: this.namespace};
+        this.setup(params);
+        this.setup(origParams);
+      },
-	$.jsonRpc = $.jsonRpc || function (options) {
-		options.type = options.type || 'GET';
-		var ajaxOptions = {
-			contentType: 'application/json',
-			dataType: options.type == 'GET' ? 'jsonp' : 'json',
-			processData: options.type == 'GET'
-		};
+      /*
+       * Performas a single RPC request
+       *
+       * @param {string} method The name of the rpc method to be called
+       * @param {object} options A collection of object which can contains
+       *  params {array} the params array to send along with the request
+       *  success {function} a function that will be executed if the request succeeds
+       *  error {function} a function that will be executed if the request fails
+       *  url {string} the url to send the request to
+       *  id {string} the provenance id for this request (defaults to 1)
+       *  cache {boolean} If set to false, it will force requested
+       *       pages not to be cached by the browser. Setting cache
+       *       to false also appends a query string parameter,
+       *       "_=[TIMESTAMP]", to the URL. (Default: cache value
+       *       set with the setup method)
+       * @return {undefined}
+       */
+      request: function(method, options) {
+        if(options === undefined) {
+          options = { id: 1 };
+        }
+        if ( === undefined) {
+ = 1;
+        }
+        if (options.cache === undefined) {
+          options.cache = this.cache;
+        }
+        // Validate method arguments
+        this._validateRequestMethod(method);
+        this._validateRequestParams(options.params);
+        this._validateRequestCallbacks(options.success, options.error);
+        // Perform the actual request
+        this._doRequest(JSON.stringify(this._requestDataObj(method, options.params,, options);
+        return true;
+      },
+      /*
+       * Submits multiple requests
+       * Takes an array of objects that contain a method and params
+       *
+       * @params {array} requests an array of request object which can contain
+       *  method {string} the name of the method
+       *  param {object} the params object to be sent with the request
+       *  id {string} the provenance id for the request (defaults to an incrementer starting at 1)
+       * @param {object} options A collection of object which can contains
+       *  success {function} a function that will be executed if the request succeeds
+       *  error {function} a function that will be executed if the request fails
+       *  url {string} the url to send the request to
+       * @return {undefined}
+       */
+      batchRequest: function(requests, options) {
+        if(options === undefined) {
+          options = {};
+        }
+        // Ensure our requests come in as an array
+        if(!$.isArray(requests) || requests.length === 0) throw("Invalid requests supplied for jsonRPC batchRequest. Must be an array object that contain at least a method attribute");
+        // Make sure each of our request objects are valid
+        var _that = this;
+        $.each(requests, function(i, req) {
+          _that._validateRequestMethod(req.method);
+          _that._validateRequestParams(req.params);
+          if ( === undefined) {
+   = i + 1;
+          }
+        });
+        this._validateRequestCallbacks(options.success, options.error);
+        var data = [],
+            request;
+        // Prepare our request object
+        for(var i = 0; i<requests.length; i++) {
+          request = requests[i];
+          data.push(this._requestDataObj(request.method, request.params,;
+        }
+        this._doRequest(JSON.stringify(data), options);
+      },
-		var data = {
-			version: options.version || '1.0',
-			method: options.method || 'system.listMethods',
-			params: options.params || []
-		};
-		$.each(data, function (i) {
-			delete options[i]
-		});
+      // Validate a params hash
+      _validateConfigParams: function(params) {
+        if(params === undefined) {
+          throw("No params specified");
+        }
+        else {
+          if(params.endPoint && typeof(params.endPoint) !== 'string'){
+            throw("endPoint must be a string");
+          }
+          if(params.namespace && typeof(params.namespace) !== 'string'){
+            throw("namespace must be a string");
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      // Request method must be a string
+      _validateRequestMethod: function(method) {
+        if(typeof(method) !== 'string') throw("Invalid method supplied for jsonRPC request")
+        return true;
+      },
+      // Validate request params.  Must be a) empty, b) an object (e.g. {}), or c) an array
+      _validateRequestParams: function(params) {
+        if(!(params === null ||
+             params === undefined ||
+             typeof(params) === 'object' ||
+             $.isArray(params))) {
+          throw("Invalid params supplied for jsonRPC request. It must be empty, an object or an array.");
+        }
+        return true;
+      },
+      _validateRequestCallbacks: function(success, error) {
+        // Make sure callbacks are either empty or a function
+        if(success !== undefined &&
+           typeof(success) !== 'function') throw("Invalid success callback supplied for jsonRPC request");
+        if(error !== undefined &&
+         typeof(error) !== 'function') throw("Invalid error callback supplied for jsonRPC request");
+        return true;
+      },
+      // Internal method used for generic ajax requests
+      _doRequest: function(data, options) {
+        var _that = this;
+        $.ajax({
+          type: 'POST',
+          async: false !== options.async,
+          dataType: 'json',
+          contentType: 'application/json',
+          url: this._requestUrl((options.endPoint || options.url), options.cache),
+          data: data,
+          cache: options.cache,
+          processData: false,
+          error: function(json) {
+  , json, options.error);
+          },
+          success: function(json) {
+  , json, options.success, options.error);
+          }
+        })
+      },
+      // Determines the appropriate request URL to call for a request
+      _requestUrl: function(url, cache) {
+        url = url || this.endPoint;
+        if (!cache) {
+            if (url.indexOf("?") < 0) {
+              url += '?tm=' + new Date().getTime();
+            }
+            else {
+              url += "&tm=" + new Date().getTime();
+            }
+        }
+        return url;
+      },
-		function send() {
- = JSON.stringify(data);
-			if (options.type == 'GET') = {json:};
-			$.ajax($.extend(ajaxOptions, options));
-		}
+      // Creates an RPC suitable request object
+      _requestDataObj: function(method, params, id) {
+        var dataObj = {
+          jsonrpc: this.version,
+          method: this.namespace ? this.namespace +'.'+ method : method,
+          id: id
+        }
+        if(params !== undefined) {
+          dataObj.params = params;
+        }
+        return dataObj;
+      },
+      // Handles calling of error callback function
+      _requestError: function(json, error) {
+        if (error !== undefined && typeof(error) === 'function') {
+          if(typeof(json.responseText) === 'string') {
+            try {
+              error(eval ( '(' + json.responseText + ')' ));
+            }
+            catch(e) {
+              error(this._response());
+            }
+          }
+          else {
+            error(this._response());
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      // Handles calling of RPC success, calls error callback
+      // if the response contains an error
+      // TODO: Handle error checking for batch requests
+      _requestSuccess: function(json, success, error) {
+        var response = this._response(json);
-		if (typeof JSON == 'undefined') {
-			$.getScript('', function () {
-				send()
-			});
-		} else {
-			send();
-		}
-		return $;
-	};
+        // If we've encountered an error in the response, trigger the error callback if it exists
+        if(response.error && typeof(error) === 'function') {
+          error(response);
+          return;
+        }
+        // Otherwise, successful request, run the success request if it exists
+        if(typeof(success) === 'function') {
+          success(response);
+        }
+      },
+      // Returns a generic RPC 2.0 compatible response object
+      _response: function(json) {
+        if (json === undefined) {
+          return {
+            error: 'Internal server error',
+            version: '2.0'
+          };
+        }
+        else {
+          try {
+            if(typeof(json) === 'string') {
+              json = eval ( '(' + json + ')' );
+            }
+            if (($.isArray(json) && json.length > 0 && json[0].jsonrpc !== '2.0') ||
+                (!$.isArray(json) && json.jsonrpc !== '2.0')) {
+              throw 'Version error';
+            }
+            return json;
+          }
+          catch (e) {
+            return {
+              error: 'Internal server error: ' + e,
+              version: '2.0'
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  });
--- a/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/jquery-jsonrpc.min.js	Tue Apr 14 16:35:23 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/pyams_skin/resources/js/ext/jquery-jsonrpc.min.js	Tue Apr 14 16:36:10 2015 +0200
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-(function(a){a.jsonRpc=a.jsonRpc||function(c){c.type=c.type||"GET";var b={contentType:"application/json",dataType:c.type=="GET"?"jsonp":"json",processData:c.type=="GET"};var d={version:c.version||"1.0",method:c.method||"system.listMethods",params:c.params||[]};a.each(d,function(f){delete c[f]});function e(){;if(c.type=="GET"){{}}a.ajax(a.extend(b,c))}if(typeof JSON=="undefined"){a.getScript("",function(){e()})}else{e()}return a}})(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
+(function($,undefined){$.extend({jsonRPC:{version:"2.0",endPoint:null,namespace:null,setup:function(params){this._validateConfigParams(params);this.endPoint=params.endPoint;this.namespace=params.namespace;this.cache=params.cache!==undefined?params.cache:true;return this},withOptions:function(params,callback){this._validateConfigParams(params);if(callback===undefined){throw ("No callback specified")}origParams={endPoint:this.endPoint,namespace:this.namespace};this.setup(params);;this.setup(origParams)},request:function(method,options){if(options===undefined){options={id:1}}if({}if(options.cache===undefined){options.cache=this.cache}this._validateRequestMethod(method);this._validateRequestParams(options.params);this._validateRequestCallbacks(options.success,options.error);this._doRequest(JSON.stringify(this._requestDataObj(method,options.params,,options);return true},batchRequest:function(requests,options){if(options===undefined){options={}}if(!$.isArray(requests)||requests.length===0){throw ("Invalid requests supplied for jsonRPC batchRequest. Must be an array object that contain at least a method attribute")}var _that=this;$.each(requests,function(i,req){_that._validateRequestMethod(req.method);_that._validateRequestParams(req.params);if({}});this._validateRequestCallbacks(options.success,options.error);var data=[],request;for(var i=0;i<requests.length;i++){request=requests[i];data.push(this._requestDataObj(request.method,request.params,}this._doRequest(JSON.stringify(data),options)},_validateConfigParams:function(params){if(params===undefined){throw ("No params specified")}else{if(params.endPoint&&typeof(params.endPoint)!=="string"){throw ("endPoint must be a string")}if(params.namespace&&typeof(params.namespace)!=="string"){throw ("namespace must be a string")}}},_validateRequestMethod:function(method){if(typeof(method)!=="string"){throw ("Invalid method supplied for jsonRPC request")}return true},_validateRequestParams:function(params){if(!(params===null||params===undefined||typeof(params)==="object"||$.isArray(params))){throw ("Invalid params supplied for jsonRPC request. It must be empty, an object or an array.")}return true},_validateRequestCallbacks:function(success,error){if(success!==undefined&&typeof(success)!=="function"){throw ("Invalid success callback supplied for jsonRPC request")}if(error!==undefined&&typeof(error)!=="function"){throw ("Invalid error callback supplied for jsonRPC request")}return true},_doRequest:function(data,options){var _that=this;$.ajax({type:"POST",async:false!==options.async,dataType:"json",contentType:"application/json",url:this._requestUrl((options.endPoint||options.url),options.cache),data:data,cache:options.cache,processData:false,error:function(json){,json,options.error)},success:function(json){,json,options.success,options.error)}})},_requestUrl:function(url,cache){url=url||this.endPoint;if(!cache){if(url.indexOf("?")<0){url+="?tm="+new Date().getTime()}else{url+="&tm="+new Date().getTime()}}return url},_requestDataObj:function(method,params,id){var dataObj={jsonrpc:this.version,method:this.namespace?this.namespace+"."+method:method,id:id};if(params!==undefined){dataObj.params=params}return dataObj},_requestError:function(json,error){if(error!==undefined&&typeof(error)==="function"){if(typeof(json.responseText)==="string"){try{error(eval("("+json.responseText+")"))}catch(e){error(this._response())}}else{error(this._response())}}},_requestSuccess:function(json,success,error){var response=this._response(json);if(response.error&&typeof(error)==="function"){error(response);return}if(typeof(success)==="function"){success(response)}},_response:function(json){if(json===undefined){return{error:"Internal server error",version:"2.0"}}else{try{if(typeof(json)==="string"){json=eval("("+json+")")}if(($.isArray(json)&&json.length>0&&json[0].jsonrpc!=="2.0")||(!$.isArray(json)&&json.jsonrpc!=="2.0")){throw"Version error"}return json}catch(e){return{error:"Internal server error: "+e,version:"2.0"}}}}}})})(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file