changeset 11 ba0b83b57c0c
parent 10 1d12ff3f036a
child 12 f1f1e99a6572
--- a/src/build/html/_sources/install.rst.txt	Mon Jan 15 16:45:01 2018 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-.. _install:
-Installing PyAMS
-PyAMS default installation is based on `Buildout <>`_ utility. It's not mandatory to use a
-virtual environment, but it allows you to have a better control over your Python resources.
-Current PyAMS version is based and validated for Python 3.5; your Python environment must also include a C
-compiler as well as development headers for Python, *libjpeg*, *libpng*, *libfreetype*, *libxml2*, *libxslt* and
-eventually *libldap*, *libffi*, *libgdal* or *libzmq*.
-PyAMS default components configuration also pre-suppose that the following external tools are available:
-- a *Memcached* or *Redis* server, to store sessions and cache (can be changed through Beaker configuration)
-Optional tools also include:
-- an *LDAP* server for authentication
-- an *ElasticSearch* server for full text indexing (see *PyAMS_content_es* package)
-- a *WebSockets* server using AsyncIO. This is used to manage notifications (see *PyAMS_notify* and *PyAMS_notify_ws*
-  packages). An *out of the box* environment can be built using *pyams_notify* scaffold.
-PyAMS also needs that you use a ZODB remote server, as several background processes needing a concurrent access to ZODB
-are started by PyAMS main process. Three ZODB storages are already provided through PyAMS: ZEO, RelStorage or Newt.db.
-See :ref:`zodb` to know how to initialize database with the help of PyAMS tools.
-Creating initial buildout
-PyAMS provides a new Pyramid scaffold, called *pyams*, generated via a *cookiecutter* template.
-A simple option to install PyAMS is to create a buildout environment including *Pyramid* and all *PyAMS* packages:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    # mkdir /var/local/
-    # pip3 install virtualenv
-    # virtualenv --python=python3.5 env
-    # cd env
-    # . bin/activate
-    (env) # pip3.5 install cookiecutter
-    (env) # cookiecutter hg+
-*CookieCutter* will ask you for a small set of input variables that you can change or not:
-- **pyams_release**: version of PyAMS configuration file to use. "latest" (default value) will point to last release;
-  you can also choose to point to a given release ("0.1.4" for example)
-- **project_name**: current environment name in "human form"
-- **project_slug**: "technical" package name, based on project name
-- **virtual_hostname**: Apache virtual-host name
-- **webapp_name**: web application package name ("webapp" as default)
-- **webapp_port**: TCP/IP port to use when running application outside Apache ("6543" as default)
-- **eggs_directory**: relative or absolute path to directory containing downloaded eggs; this directory can be
-  shared with other projects ("eggs" as default)
-- **logs_directory**: absolute path to directory containing Apache's log files
-- **run_user**: user name under which Apache process will run ("www-data" as default)
-- **run_group**: group name under which Apache process will run ("www-data" as default)
-- **beaker_backend**: name of Beaker backend to use to store sessions and cache data ("redis" as default)
-- **beaker_server**: IP address and port of Beaker backend server ("" as default)
-- **db_type**: ZODB database storage; available options include ZEO, RelStorage and NewtDB
-- **db_host**: IP address of database server ("" as default); WARNING: database server installation
-  is not part of application installation; another "zeo_server" cookiecutter recipe is available for ZEO
-- **db_port**: listening port of database server ("8100" is given as default for ZEO)
-- **db_name**: database or ZEO storage name to use
-- **db_username**: database user name
-- **db_password**: database password
-- **zeo_realm**: ZEO authentication realm
-- **blobs_dir**: local directory to use to store cache of ZODB blobs; cache size is limited to 10GB as default
-- **use_postgresql**: specify if PostgreSQL access is required; if so, please check that PostgreSQL development files
-  are available to compile PsycoPG2 extension
-- **use_oracle**: specify if Oracle access is required; if so, please check that Oracle development files are
-  available to compile cx_Oracle extension, and that ORACLE_HOME environment variable is correctly defined (see below)
-- **use_ldap**: specify if LDAP access will be required for authentication
-- **use_elasticsearch**: specify if an ElasticSearch server will be used for indexation
-- **elasticsearch_server**: URL used to access Elasticsearch server ("" as default); this URL can
-  include login and password ("http://login:password@"), if required...
-- **elasticsearch_index**: name of Elasticsearch index to use ("pyams" as default)
-- **create_elasticsearch_index**: specify if Elasticsearch index should be created after installation is complete
-- **define_elasticsearch_mappings** : specify if Elasticsearch mappings should be defined after installation is complete
-- **smtp_server**: DNS name of SMTP server ("localhost" as default)
-- **smtp_server_name**: "human" name given to SMTP server ("pyams" as default)
-- **pyams_scheduler**: TCP/IP address and port to use to access PyAMS tasks scheduler process ("" as
-  default); see :ref:`pyams_scheduler`
-- **start_scheduler**: boolean value to indicate if scheduler process is started by this application instance
-- **pyams_medias_converter**: TCP/IP address and port to use to access PyAMS medias converter process (""
-  as default); see :ref:`pyams_medias`
-- **start_medias_converter**: boolean value to indicate if medias converter process is started by this application
-  instance
-- **pyams_es_indexer**: TCP/IP address and port to use to access PyAMS Elasticsearch indexer process (""
-  as default); see :ref:`pyams_content_es`
-- **start_es_indexer** boolean value to indicate if Elasticsearch indexer process is started by this application
-  instance
-- **use_notifications**: specify if PyAMS notifications services are to be used (see :ref:`pyams_notify`)
-- **pyams_ws_notify**: TCP/IP address and port of PyAMS websockets server managing notifications service
-  ("" as default)
-- **lexicon_languages**: NLTK lexicon languages to use ("en:english fr:french" as default)
-- **extension_package**: name of a PyAMS extension package to include in environment configuration
-- **need_pyams_gis**: specify if PyAMS GIS features are to be used by given extension package; if so, please check
-  that *libgdal* development files are available; on Debian (and maybe others), you have to specify environment
-  variables (see below).
-You can then check, and eventually update, the proposed Buildout configuration file *buildout.cfg*, to add or remove
-packages or update settings to your needs. Then finalize Bootstrap initialization:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    (env) # python3.5
-    (env) # ./bin/buildout
-This last operation can be quite long, as many packages have to downloaded, compiled and installed in the virtual
-environment. If you encounter any compile error, just install the required dependencies and restart the buildout.
-Some dependencies can require the definition of custom environment variables before running *buildout*, like:
-- for *libgdal*, which is required by **PyAMS_gis** package, use:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    (env) # export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
-    (env) # export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
-**WARNING**: you have to check also that your *libgdal* release is matching "GDAL" release given in PyAMS
-configuration file (actually 2.1.0).
-- for *cx_Oracle*, which is required if you use Oracle database connections, use:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    (env) # export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64
-These examples are given for Debian GNU/Linux. You may have to adapt configuration based on your own Linux
-distribution and packages versions.
-Environment settings
-The project generated from *pyams* scaffold is based on default Pyramid's *zodb* scaffold, but it adds:
-- a custom application factory, in the *webapp* directory (see :ref:`site`)
-- a set of directories to store runtime data, in the *var* directory; each directory contains a *README.txt* file
-  which should be self-explanatory to indicate what this directory should contain, including a ZEO cache
-- a set of configuration files, in the *etc* directory; here are standard *development.ini* and *production.ini*
-  configuration files, a ZODB configuration files (*zodb-zeo.conf*) for a ZEO client storage and two Apache
-  configurations (for Apache 2.2 and 2.4) using *mod_wsgi*.
-Once the project have been created from the scaffold, you are free to update all the configuration files.
-If you need to add packages to the environment, you have to add them to the *buildout.cfg* file **AND** to the INI
-file (in the *pyramid.includes* section) before running the *buildout* another time; don't forget to add the
-requested version at the end of *buildout.cfg* file, as Buildout is not configured by default to automatically
-download the last release of a given unknown package.
-*development.ini* and *production.ini* files contain many commented directives related to PyAMS components. Read and
-update them carefully before initializing your application database!
-Initializing the database
-When you have downloaded and installed all required packages, you have to initialize the database so that all
-required components are available.
-From a shell, just type:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    (env) # ./bin/pyams_upgrade etc/development.ini
-This process requires that every package is correctly included into *pyramid.includes* directive from selected
-configuration file.
-Initializing Elasticsearch index
-If you want to use an Elasticsearch index, you have to initialize index settings and mappings; the Ingest attachment
-plug-in is also required to handle attachments correctly.
-Elasticsearch integration is defined through the *PyAMS_content_es* package. Configuration files are available in this
-package, for attachment pipeline, index settings and mappings:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    (env) # cd /var/local/src/pyams/pyams_content_es
-    (env) # curl --noproxy localhost -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/pyams (1)
-    (env) # curl --noproxy localhost -XPUT    http://localhost:9200/pyams -d @index-settings.json
-    (env) # curl --noproxy localhost -XPUT    http://localhost:9200/pyams/WfNewsEvent/_mapping -d @mappings/WfNewsEvent.json
-    (env) # curl --noproxy localhost -XPUT    http://localhost:9200/pyams/WfTopic/_mapping -d @mappings/WfTopic.json
-    (env) # curl --noproxy localhost -XPUT    http://localhost:9200/pyams/WfBlogPost/_mapping -d @mappings/WfBlogPost.json
-(1) If 'pyams' is defined as Elasticsearch index name.
-NLTK initialization
-Some NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) tokenizers and stopwords utilities are used to index fulltext contents elements. 
-This package requires downloading and configuration of several elements which are done as follow:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    (end) # ./bin/py
-    >>> import nltk
-    >>>
-    NLTK Downloader
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        d) Download   l) List    u) Update   c) Config   h) Help   q) Quit
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Downloader> c
-    Data Server:
-      - URL: <>
-      - 6 Package Collections Available
-      - 107 Individual Packages Available
-    Local Machine:
-      - Data directory: /home/tflorac/nltk_data
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        s) Show Config   u) Set Server URL   d) Set Data Dir   m) Main Menu
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Config> d
-      New directory> /usr/local/lib/nltk_data (1)
-    Config> m
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        d) Download   l) List    u) Update   c) Config   h) Help   q) Quit
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Downloader> d
-    Download which package (l=list; x=cancel)?
-      Identifier> punkt
-        Downloading package punkt to /usr/local/lib/nltk_data...
-    Downloader> d
-    Download which package (l=list; x=cancel)?
-      Identifier> stopwords
-        Downloading package stopwords to /usr/local/lib/nltk_data...
-(1) On Debian GNU/Linux, you can choose any directory between '*~/nltk_data*' (where '~' is the homedir of user running
-Pyramid application), '*/usr/share/nltk_data*', '*/usr/local/share/nltk_data*', '*/usr/lib/nltk_data*' and
-Starting the application
-When database upgrade process has ended, you can start the web application process with the standard Pyramid's
-*pserve* command line tool:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    (env) # ./bin/pserve etc/development.ini
-In standard debug mode, all registered components are displayed in the console, until the final line (here using ZEO):
-.. code-block:: bash
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,339 INFO  [ZEO.ClientStorage][MainThread] [('', 8100)] ClientStorage (pid=28695) created RW/normal for storage: 'pyams'
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,340 INFO  [ZEO.cache][MainThread] created temporary cache file 3
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,345 INFO  [ZODB.blob][MainThread] (28695) Blob directory `/var/local/env/pyams/var/db/blobs` is used but has no layout marker set. Selected `lawn` layout.
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,345 WARNI [ZODB.blob][MainThread] (28695) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,346 DEBUG [asyncio][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] Using selector: EpollSelector
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,347 DEBUG [ZEO.asyncio.client][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] disconnected <ZEO.asyncio.client.Client object at 0x7feeb1de7390> None
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,348 DEBUG [ZEO.asyncio.client][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] try_connecting
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,349 INFO  [ZEO.asyncio.base][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] Connected Protocol(('', 8100), 'pyams', False)
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,355 INFO  [ZEO.ClientStorage][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] [('', 8100)] Connected to storage: ('localhost', 8100)
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,358 DEBUG [txn.140663320073984][MainThread] new transaction
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,360 DEBUG [txn.140663320073984][MainThread] commit
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,484 DEBUG [config][MainThread] include /home/tflorac/Dropbox/src/PyAMS/pyams_template/src/pyams_template/configure.zcml
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,485 DEBUG [config][MainThread] include /var/local/env/pycharm/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyramid_zcml/configure.zcml
-    ...
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,833 DEBUG [PyAMS (utils)][MainThread] Registering utility <class 'pyams_utils.timezone.utility.TimezoneGenerationsChecker'> named 'PyAMS timezone' providing <InterfaceClass>
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,834 DEBUG [PyAMS (utils)][MainThread] Registering class <class 'pyams_utils.timezone.vocabulary.TimezonesVocabulary'> as vocabulary with name "PyAMS timezones"
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,835 DEBUG [PyAMS (utils)][MainThread] Registering adapter <class 'pyams_utils.traversing.PathElementsAdapter'> for (<InterfaceClass zope.location.interfaces.IContained>,) providing <InterfaceClass pyams_utils.interfaces.traversing.IPathElements>
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,839 DEBUG [PyAMS (utils)][MainThread] Registering adapter <class 'pyams_utils.url.AbsoluteUrlTalesExtension'> for (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface>) providing <InterfaceClass pyams_utils.interfaces.tales.ITALESExtension>
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,847 DEBUG [PyAMS (utils)][MainThread] Registering adapter <class 'pyams_utils.widget.decimal.DottedDecimalDataConverter'> for (<InterfaceClass pyams_utils.schema.IDottedDecimalField>, <InterfaceClass z3c.form.interfaces.IWidget>) providing <InterfaceClass z3c.form.interfaces.IDataConverter>
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,942 DEBUG [PyAMS (utils)][MainThread] Registering adapter <class 'pyams_utils.zmi.intids.IntIdsLengthAdapter'> for (<InterfaceClass zope.intid.interfaces.IIntIds>,) providing <InterfaceClass pyams_utils.interfaces.intids.IIndexLength>
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,943 DEBUG [PyAMS (pagelet)][MainThread] Registering pagelet view "properties.html" for <InterfaceClass zope.intid.interfaces.IIntIds> (<class 'pyams_utils.zmi.intids.IntIdsPropertiesDisplayForm'>)
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,949 DEBUG [PyAMS (pagelet)][MainThread] Registering pagelet view "properties.html" for <InterfaceClass pyams_utils.interfaces.timezone.IServerTimezone> (<class 'pyams_utils.zmi.timezone.ServerTimezonePropertiesEditForm'>)
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,980 DEBUG [PyAMS (utils)][MainThread] Registering class <class 'pyams_utils.zodb.ZEOConnectionVocabulary'> as vocabulary with name "PyAMS ZEO connections"
-    2018-01-14 11:37:54,981 DEBUG [PyAMS (utils)][MainThread] Registering class <class 'pyams_utils.zodb.ZODBConnectionVocabulary'> as vocabulary with name "PyAMS ZODB connections"
-    2018-01-14 11:37:55,015 DEBUG [PyAMS (pagelet)][MainThread] Registering pagelet view "add-zeo-connection.html" for <InterfaceClass zope.component.interfaces.ISite> (<class 'pyams_utils.zmi.zeo.ZEOConnectionAddForm'>)
-    2018-01-14 11:37:55,016 DEBUG [PyAMS (utils)][MainThread] Registering adapter <class 'pyams_utils.zmi.zeo.ZEOConnectionNameAdapter'> for (<InterfaceClass pyams_utils.interfaces.zeo.IZEOConnection>, <InterfaceClass pyams_zmi.layer.IAdminLayer>) providing <InterfaceClass pyams_skin.interfaces.container.ITableElementName>
-    2018-01-14 11:37:55,017 DEBUG [PyAMS (pagelet)][MainThread] Registering pagelet view "properties.html" for <InterfaceClass pyams_utils.interfaces.zeo.IZEOConnection> (<class 'pyams_utils.zmi.zeo.ZEOConnectionPropertiesEditForm'>)
-    ...
-    2018-01-14 11:41:13,214 DEBUG [PyAMS (utils)][MainThread] Registering adapter <class ''> for (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface>, <InterfaceClass pyams_default_theme.layer.IPyAMSDefaultLayer>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface>) providing <InterfaceClass pyams_skin.interfaces.resources.IResources>
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,665 INFO  [ZEO.ClientStorage][MainThread] [('', 8100)] ClientStorage (pid=29335) created RW/normal for storage: 'pyams'
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,665 INFO  [ZEO.cache][MainThread] created temporary cache file 9
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,673 DEBUG [asyncio][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] Using selector: EpollSelector
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,674 DEBUG [ZEO.ClientStorage.check_blob_cache][[('', 8100)] zeo client check blob size thread] 140712483907328 Checking blob cache size. (target: 966367642)
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,674 DEBUG [ZEO.asyncio.client][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] disconnected <ZEO.asyncio.client.Client object at 0x7ffa54058860> None
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,675 DEBUG [ZEO.ClientStorage.check_blob_cache][[('', 8100)] zeo client check blob size thread] 140712483907328   blob cache size: 0
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,675 DEBUG [ZEO.asyncio.client][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] try_connecting
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,675 DEBUG [ZEO.ClientStorage.check_blob_cache][[('', 8100)] zeo client check blob size thread] 140712483907328   -->
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,677 INFO  [ZEO.asyncio.base][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] Connected Protocol(('', 8100), 'pyams', False)
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,679 INFO  [ZEO.ClientStorage][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] [('', 8100)] Connected to storage: ('localhost', 8100)
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,682 DEBUG [txn.140713340237568][MainThread] new transaction
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,683 DEBUG [txn.140713340237568][MainThread] commit
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,690 INFO  [PyAMS (scheduler][MainThread] Starting tasks scheduler <SchedulerProcess(SchedulerProcess-1, initial)>...
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,698 INFO  [PyAMS (scheduler][MainThread] Started tasks scheduler with PID 29361.
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,701 INFO  [apscheduler.scheduler][MainThread] Scheduler started
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,702 DEBUG [apscheduler.scheduler][APScheduler] Looking for jobs to run
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,704 DEBUG [apscheduler.scheduler][APScheduler] No jobs; waiting until a job is added
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,719 INFO  [ZEO.ClientStorage][MainThread] [('', 8100)] ClientStorage (pid=29335) created RW/normal for storage: 'pyams'
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,720 INFO  [ZEO.cache][MainThread] created temporary cache file 15
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,724 DEBUG [asyncio][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] Using selector: EpollSelector
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,725 DEBUG [ZEO.asyncio.client][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] disconnected <ZEO.asyncio.client.Client object at 0x7ffa557e8b00> None
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,726 DEBUG [ZEO.asyncio.client][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] try_connecting
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,727 DEBUG [ZEO.ClientStorage.check_blob_cache][[('', 8100)] zeo client check blob size thread] 140712483907328 Checking blob cache size. (target: 966367642)
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,728 INFO  [ZEO.asyncio.base][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] Connected Protocol(('', 8100), 'pyams', False)
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,729 DEBUG [ZEO.ClientStorage.check_blob_cache][[('', 8100)] zeo client check blob size thread] 140712483907328   blob cache size: 0
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,729 DEBUG [ZEO.ClientStorage.check_blob_cache][[('', 8100)] zeo client check blob size thread] 140712483907328   -->
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,732 INFO  [ZEO.ClientStorage][[('', 8100)] zeo client networking thread] [('', 8100)] Connected to storage: ('localhost', 8100)
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,735 DEBUG [txn.140713340237568][MainThread] new transaction
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,736 DEBUG [txn.140713340237568][MainThread] commit
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,743 INFO  [PyAMS (media)][MainThread] Starting medias converter <MediaConversionProcess(MediaConversionProcess-2, initial)>...
-    2018-01-14 11:43:36,751 INFO  [PyAMS (media)][MainThread] Started medias converter with PID 29367.
-    Starting server in PID 29335.
-    Serving on
-From this point, you can launch a browser and open URL ** to get access to PyAMS
-management interface; default login is "admin/admin", that you may change as soon as possible (see