2018-12-21 Damien Correia Updated internals and custom skin doc-dc
2018-12-20 Damien Correia Updated doc-dc
2018-12-18 Damien Correia Updated conf to include pyams_apm, Updated doc file path doc-dc
2018-12-10 Damien Correia Merge default doc-dc
2018-12-06 Thierry Florac Rebuild repository after corruption
2018-05-16 Damien Correia Updated doc-dc
2018-05-15 Damien Correia Updated NLTK install and Portlet docs doc-dc
2018-05-09 Damien Correia Update doc doc-dc
2018-04-20 Damien Correia merge default doc-dc
2018-04-12 Damien Correia Added autointerface sphinx support (repoze.sphinx.autointerface) doc-dc
2018-04-12 Damien Correia Added custom CSS doc-dc
2018-04-12 Thierry Florac Added function to automatically extract documentation from interface field properties dev-dc
2018-04-05 Damien Correia Added sphynx.ext dev-dc
2018-04-04 Damien Correia Add paths from pyams packages into to generate autodoc dev-dc
2018-03-23 Damien Correia Updated to sphinx_rtd_theme; pip install sphinx_rtd_theme dev-dc
2018-01-26 Thierry Florac Changed copyright
2018-01-14 Thierry Florac First build
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