- -

pyams_content.component.paragraph package

- -



pyams_content.component.paragraph.container module

-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.container.ParagraphContainer

Bases: pyams_utils.container.BTreeOrderedContainer


Paragraphs container

- -
-last_id = 1
- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.container.ParagraphContainerChecker(context)

Bases: pyams_content.features.checker.BaseContentChecker


Paragraphs container checker

- -
-label = 'Paragraphs'
- -
-sep = '\n'
- -
-weight = 10
- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.container.ParagraphContainerNamespace(context)

Bases: pyams_utils.adapter.ContextAdapter


++paras++ namespace adapter

-traverse(name, furtherpath=None)
- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.container.ParagraphContainerSublocations(context)

Bases: pyams_utils.adapter.ContextAdapter


Paragraphs container sublocations

- -
- -

Paragraphs container factory

- -

pyams_content.component.paragraph.header module

-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.header.HTMLParagraphFactory

Bases: object


HTML paragraph factory


alias of HeaderParagraph

- -
-name = 'Header paragraph'
- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.header.HeaderParagraph

Bases: pyams_content.component.paragraph.BaseParagraph


Header paragraph


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
-icon_class = 'fa-header'
- -
-icon_hint = 'Header'
- -
- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.header.HeaderParagraphContentChecker(context)

Bases: pyams_content.component.paragraph.BaseParagraphContentChecker


Header paragraph content checker

- -
- -

pyams_content.component.paragraph.html module

-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.html.HTMLParagraph

Bases: pyams_content.component.paragraph.BaseParagraph


HTML paragraph


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
-icon_class = 'fa-html5'
- -
-icon_hint = 'HTML paragraph'
- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.html.HTMLParagraphContentChecker(context)

Bases: pyams_content.component.paragraph.BaseParagraphContentChecker


HTML paragraph content checker

- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.html.HTMLParagraphFactory

Bases: object


HTML paragraph factory


alias of HTMLParagraph

- -
-name = 'HTML paragraph'
- -
- -
-pyams_content.component.paragraph.html.check_associations(context, body, lang, notify=True)

Check for link associations from HTML content

- -

Check for new associations from added paragraph

- -

Check for new associations from modified paragraph

- -

pyams_content.component.paragraph.video module

-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.video.VideoParagraph

Bases: pyams_content.component.paragraph.BaseParagraph


Video paragraph class


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Property class used to handle files

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
-icon_class = 'fa-film'
- -
-icon_hint = 'Video'
- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.video.VideoParagraphContentChecker(context)

Bases: pyams_content.component.paragraph.BaseParagraphContentChecker


Video paragraph content checker

- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.video.VideoParagraphFactory

Bases: object


Video paragraph factory


alias of VideoParagraph

- -
-name = 'Video'
- -
- -

Check for new associations from added paragraph

- -

Check for new associations from modified paragraph

- -

Module contents

-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.BaseParagraph

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained


Base paragraph persistent class

-icon_class = ''
- -
-icon_hint = ''
- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.BaseParagraphContentChecker(context)

Bases: pyams_content.features.checker.BaseContentChecker


Base paragraph content checker mixin

- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.BaseParagraphPermissionChecker(context)

Bases: pyams_utils.adapter.ContextAdapter


Paragraph permission checker

- -
- -
-class pyams_content.component.paragraph.ParagraphFactoriesVocabulary(context=None)

Bases: zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary


Paragraph factories vocabulary

- -

Handle added paragraph

- -

Handle modified paragraph

- -

Handle new paragraphs container

- -

Handle removed paragraph

- -
- - -