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pyams_gis package

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pyams_gis.area module

-class pyams_gis.area.GeoArea

Bases: persistent.Persistent


GeoArea attribute object

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -

pyams_gis.configuration module

-class pyams_gis.configuration.MapConfiguration

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained


Map configuration persistent class


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -

Map configuration factory

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pyams_gis.include module


Pyramid include

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pyams_gis.layer module

-class pyams_gis.layer.BaseTileMapLayer

Bases: pyams_gis.layer.MapLayer


Base tile map layer


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -
- -
-class pyams_gis.layer.EsriFeatureMapLayer

Bases: pyams_gis.layer.MapLayer


ESRI feature map layer

-depends = {'L.esri.featureLayer': <Resource 'js/leaflet-esri-2.0.8.js' in library 'pyams_gis'>}
- -
-factory = 'PyAMS_GIS.factory.ESRI.Feature'
- -
- -
-layer_type = 'ESRI Features'
- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -
-class pyams_gis.layer.GeoportalMapLayer

Bases: pyams_gis.layer.BaseTileMapLayer


Geoportal map layer persistent class


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
-depends = {'L.geoportalLayer.WMS': <Resource 'js/leaflet-gp-3.0.2.js' in library 'pyams_gis'>}
- -
-factory = 'PyAMS_GIS.factory.Geoportal.WMS'
- -
- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
-layer_type = 'Geoportal'
- -
- -
-class pyams_gis.layer.GoogleMapLayer

Bases: pyams_gis.layer.MapLayer


Google maps layer


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
-depends = {'L.gridLayer.googleMutant': <Resource 'js/leaflet-google-mutant.js' in library 'pyams_gis'>}
- -
-factory = 'PyAMS_GIS.factory.Google'
- -
- -
-layer_type = 'Google'
- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -
-class pyams_gis.layer.MapLayer

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained


Base tile map layer persistent class

-depends = {}
- -
-factory = None
- -

Get configuration mapping

- -
-layer_type = None
- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -
-class pyams_gis.layer.TileMapLayer

Bases: pyams_gis.layer.BaseTileMapLayer


Base tile map layer persistent class

-factory = 'PyAMS_GIS.factory.TileLayer'
- -
- -
-layer_type = 'Tile'
- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -
-class pyams_gis.layer.WMSMapLayer

Bases: pyams_gis.layer.TileMapLayer


WMS map mayer persistent class


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
-factory = 'PyAMS_GIS.factory.WMS'
- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -
-layer_type = 'WMS'
- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -

pyams_gis.point module

-class pyams_gis.point.GeoPoint

Bases: persistent.Persistent


GeoPoint attribute object

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -
- -
-class pyams_gis.point.GeoPointZ

Bases: pyams_gis.point.GeoPoint


GeoPointZ attribute object


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

- -
- -

pyams_gis.schema module

-class pyams_gis.schema.GeoAreaField(**kwargs)

Bases: zope.schema._field.Object


GeoArea field class

- -
-class pyams_gis.schema.GeoPointField(**kwargs)

Bases: zope.schema._field.Object


GeoPoint field class

- -
-class pyams_gis.schema.GeoPointZField(**kwargs)

Bases: zope.schema._field.Object


GeoPointZ field class

- -

pyams_gis.site module

-class pyams_gis.site.MapGenerationsChecker

Bases: object


Maps generations checker

-evolve(site, current=None)

Check for required utilities

- -
-generation = 1
- -
- -

Create a new map manager when a site is created

- -

pyams_gis.utility module

-class pyams_gis.utility.MapLayersVocabulary(context)

Bases: zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary


Map manager layers vocabulary

- -
-class pyams_gis.utility.MapManager

Bases: zope.container.folder.Folder


Map manager utility

- -

Module contents


Pyramid include

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