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pyams_sequence package

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pyams_sequence.include module


Pyramid include

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pyams_sequence.schema module

-class pyams_sequence.schema.InternalReference(content_type=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: zope.schema._bootstrapfields.TextLine


Internal reference field

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-class pyams_sequence.schema.InternalReferencesList(content_type=None, value_type=None, unique=False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: zope.schema._field.List


Internal references list field

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pyams_sequence.sequence module

-class pyams_sequence.sequence.SequentialIdInfo

Bases: persistent.Persistent


Sequential ID info

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Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

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Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

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Sequential ID info factory

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pyams_sequence.site module

-class pyams_sequence.site.SequenceGenerationsChecker

Bases: object


PyAMS sequence generations checker

-evolve(site, current=None)

Check for required utilities

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-generation = 1
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Check for required utilities when a site is created

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pyams_sequence.utility module

-class pyams_sequence.utility.SequentialIntIds(family=None)

Bases: zope.intid.IntIds


Sequential IntIds utility

-get_base_oid(oid, obj_prefix=None)
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-get_full_oid(oid, obj_prefix=None)
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-get_short_oid(oid, obj_prefix=None)
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Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

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Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages -based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only -be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

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Check for last available version

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-pyams_sequence.utility.get_reference_target(reference, state=None)

Get target of given reference OID

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-pyams_sequence.utility.get_sequence_dict(version, attribute='title', request=None)

Get OID and label matching given version

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-pyams_sequence.utility.get_sequence_target(oid, state)

Get content matching given OID

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-pyams_sequence.utility.get_version_in_state(content, state)

Check for versions in given status

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Handle added sequential ID target

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Handle removed sequential ID target

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Module contents


Pyramid include

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