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pyams_content.interfaces package




pyams_content.interfaces.container module


Module contents

+pyams_content.interfaces.COMMENT_CONTENT_PERMISSION = 'pyams.CommentContent'

Permission required to add comments on an existing content

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+pyams_content.interfaces.CONTRIBUTOR_ROLE = 'pyams.Contributor'

Contributor role is allowed to create new contents

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+pyams_content.interfaces.CREATE_CONTENT_PERMISSION = 'pyams.CreateContent'

Permission required to create a new content

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+pyams_content.interfaces.CREATE_VERSION_PERMISSION = 'pyams.CreateVersion'

Permission required to create a new version of an existing content

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+pyams_content.interfaces.GUEST_ROLE = 'pyams.Guest'

Guest role is allowed to view contents

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+pyams_content.interfaces.MANAGER_ROLE = 'pyams.Manager'

Manager role is allowed to manage contents workflow

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+pyams_content.interfaces.MANAGE_CONTENT_PERMISSION = 'pyams.ManageContent'

Permission required to manager properties of an existing content

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+pyams_content.interfaces.MANAGE_SITE_PERMISSION = 'pyams.ManageSite'

Permission required to manager inner site or blog properties

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+pyams_content.interfaces.MANAGE_SITE_ROOT_PERMISSION = 'pyams.ManageSiteRoot'

Permission required to manage main site root properties

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+pyams_content.interfaces.MANAGE_TOOL_PERMISSION = 'pyams.ManageTool'

Permission required to manager shared tool properties

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+pyams_content.interfaces.OPERATOR_ROLE = 'pyams.Operator'

Operator role is allowed to access management interface

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+pyams_content.interfaces.OWNER_ROLE = 'pyams.Owner'

Content owner role is allowed to manage content properties until publication

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+pyams_content.interfaces.PILOT_ROLE = 'pyams.Pilot'

Pilot role is allowed to manage tools configuration and permissions

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+pyams_content.interfaces.PUBLISH_CONTENT_PERMISSION = 'pyams.PublishContent'

Permission required to publish or retire an existing content

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+pyams_content.interfaces.READER_ROLE = 'pyams.Reader'

Reader role is allowed to read and comment contents while still in draft state

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+pyams_content.interfaces.WEBMASTER_ROLE = 'pyams.Webmaster'

Webmaster role has all permissions on all contents

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