+ +

pyams_content.root package

+ +

Module contents

+class pyams_content.root.SiteRoot

Bases: pyams_security.security.ProtectedObject, pyams_utils.site.BaseSiteRoot, pyams_skin.skin.UserSkinnableContent


Main site root


Custom field property used to handle role principals

+ +

Custom field property used to handle role principals

+ +
+roles_interface = <InterfaceClass pyams_content.root.interfaces.ISiteRootRoles>
+ +

Custom field property used to handle role principals

+ +

Custom field property used to handle role principals

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.root.SiteRootBackOfficeConfiguration

Bases: pyams_skin.configuration.BackOfficeConfiguration


Site root back-office configuration

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.root.SiteRootConfiguration

Bases: pyams_skin.configuration.Configuration


Site root configuration

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.root.SiteRootPermissionChecker(context)

Bases: pyams_utils.adapter.ContextAdapter


Site root permission checker

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.root.SiteRootStaticConfiguration(context, request, view)

Bases: pyams_skin.configuration.StaticConfiguration


Site root static configuration

+application_name = 'PyAMS CMS'
+ +
+application_package = 'pyams_content'
+ +
+include_reload_button = False
+ +
+inner_package = 'pyams_skin'
+ +
+inner_package_name = 'PyAMS'
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.root.SiteRootToolsConfiguration

Bases: persistent.Persistent


Site root tools configuration

+forms_tool_name = None
+ +
+imagemaps_tool_name = None
+ +
+news_tool_name = None
+ +
+tools_name = None
+ +
+views_tool_name = None
+ +
+ +

Add principals to operators group when a role is granted

+ +

Site root tools configuration factory

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