+ +

pyams_content.shared.form package

+ +



pyams_content.shared.form.field module

+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.BaseFormFieldFactory

Bases: object


Base form field factory

+field_factory = None
+ +
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.BooleanFieldFactory

Bases: pyams_content.shared.form.field.BaseFormFieldFactory


Boolean field factory


alias of Bool

+ +
+label = 'Boolean'
+ +
+weight = 3
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.ChoiceFieldFactory

Bases: pyams_content.shared.form.field.ValuesFieldFactory


Choice field factory


alias of Choice

+ +
+ +
+label = 'Choice'
+ +
+weight = 20
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.DateFieldFactory

Bases: pyams_content.shared.form.field.BaseFormFieldFactory


Date field factory


alias of Date

+ +
+label = 'Date'
+ +
+weight = 15
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.DecimalFieldFactory

Bases: pyams_content.shared.form.field.BaseFormFieldFactory


Decimal field factory


alias of Decimal

+ +
+label = 'Decimal'
+ +
+weight = 5
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.FormField

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained


Form field definition persistent class


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.FormFieldContainer

Bases: zope.container.ordered.OrderedContainer


Form fields container persistent class

+ +
+ +

Form fields container factory

+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.FormFieldContainerNamespace(context)

Bases: pyams_utils.adapter.ContextAdapter


Form fields container ++fields++ namespace

+traverse(name, firtherpath=None)
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.FormFieldTypesVocabulary(context, **kw)

Bases: zope.componentvocabulary.vocabulary.UtilityVocabulary


Form field types vocabulary

+interface = <InterfaceClass pyams_content.shared.form.interfaces.IFormFieldFactory>
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.FormFieldsContainerSublocations(context)

Bases: pyams_utils.adapter.ContextAdapter


Form fields container sub-locations adapter

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.IntegerFieldFactory

Bases: pyams_content.shared.form.field.BaseFormFieldFactory


Integer field factory


alias of Int

+ +
+label = 'Integer'
+ +
+weight = 4
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.ListFieldFactory

Bases: pyams_content.shared.form.field.ValuesFieldFactory


List field factory


alias of List

+ +
+ +
+label = 'List'
+ +
+weight = 51
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.MailFieldFactory

Bases: pyams_content.shared.form.field.BaseFormFieldFactory


Mail field factory


alias of MailAddressField

+ +
+label = 'E-mail address'
+ +
+weight = 10
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.TextFieldFactory

Bases: pyams_content.shared.form.field.BaseFormFieldFactory


Text field factory


alias of Text

+ +
+label = 'Multi-lines text'
+ +
+weight = 2
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.TextLineFieldFactory

Bases: pyams_content.shared.form.field.BaseFormFieldFactory


Textline field factory


alias of TextLine

+ +
+label = 'Text'
+ +
+weight = 1
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.URIFieldFactory

Bases: pyams_content.shared.form.field.BaseFormFieldFactory


URI field factory


alias of URI

+ +
+label = 'URI'
+ +
+weight = 11
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.field.ValuesFieldFactory

Bases: pyams_content.shared.form.field.BaseFormFieldFactory


Values-based field factory

+ +

pyams_content.shared.form.handler module

+class pyams_content.shared.form.handler.FormHandlersVocabulary(context, **kw)

Bases: zope.componentvocabulary.vocabulary.UtilityVocabulary


Form handlers vocabulary

+interface = <InterfaceClass pyams_content.shared.form.interfaces.IFormHandler>
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.handler.MailtoFormHandler

Bases: object


Mailto form handler

+ +
+handler_info = <InterfaceClass pyams_content.shared.form.interfaces.IMailtoHandlerInfo>
+ +
+label = 'Mailto form handler'
+ +
+target_interface = <InterfaceClass pyams_content.shared.form.interfaces.IMailtoHandlerTarget>
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.handler.MailtoFormHandlerInfo

Bases: persistent.Persistent


Mailto form handler persistent info


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +

Mailto form handler factory

+ +

pyams_content.shared.form.manager module

+class pyams_content.shared.form.manager.FormsManager

Bases: pyams_content.shared.common.manager.SharedTool


Forms manager class


alias of Form

+ +
+shared_content_type = 'form'
+ +
+ +

Register forms manager when added

+ +

Module contents

+class pyams_content.shared.form.Form

Bases: pyams_content.shared.common.SharedContent


Workflow managed form class


alias of WfForm

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.WfForm

Bases: pyams_content.shared.common.WfSharedContent


Base form


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+content_name = 'Form'
+ +
+content_type = 'form'
+ +
+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_content.shared.form.WfFormContentChecker(context)

Bases: pyams_content.shared.common.WfSharedContentChecker


Form content checker

+ +
+ +
+ + +