+ +

pyams_portal package

+ +



pyams_portal.include module


Pyramid include

+ +

pyams_portal.page module


Portal context page factory

+ +
+class pyams_portal.page.PortalContextPortletTraverser(context)

Bases: pyams_utils.adapter.ContextAdapter


++portlet++ portal context traverser

+traverse(name, thurtherpath=None)
+ +
+ +

Portal context portlets configuration adapter

+ +

Portal context template configuration adapter

+ +
+class pyams_portal.page.PortalContextTemplateTraverser(context)

Bases: pyams_utils.adapter.ContextAdapter


++template++ portal context traverser

+traverse(name, furtherpath=None)
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_portal.page.PortalPage

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained


Portal page persistent class


The page is the highest configuration level. +It defines which template is used (a shared or local one), which gives +the slot and portlet lists.

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

pyams_portal.portlet module

+class pyams_portal.portlet.PortalPortletsConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping, zope.container.contained.Contained


Portal portlets configuration

+classmethod clone(source_config, new_parent)

Clone source configuration

+ +
+ +
+ +
+set_portlet_configuration(portlet_id, config)
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_portal.portlet.Portlet

Bases: object


Base portlet utility


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+settings_class = None
+ +
+toolbar_css_class = 'fa fa-fw fa-2x fa-edit'
+ +
+toolbar_image = None
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_portal.portlet.PortletConfiguration(portlet)

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained


Portlet configuration persistent class


This class is a generic persistent class which is used to store all portlet +configuration and is not supposed to be sub-classed.


PortletConfiguration.__parent__ points to context where configuration is applied (each context or +local template). +PortletConfiguration.parent points to context from where configuration is inherited.

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+portlet_name = None
+ +
+ +
+ +

Portlet configuration factory

+ +
+class pyams_portal.portlet.PortletConfigurationPermissionChecker(context)

Bases: pyams_utils.adapter.ContextAdapter


Portlet configuration permission checker

+ +
+ +

Portlet configuration settings adapter

+ +
+class pyams_portal.portlet.PortletConfigurationSettingsTraverser(context)

Bases: pyams_utils.adapter.ContextAdapter


++settings++ portlet configuration traverser

+traverse(name, furtherpath=None)
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_portal.portlet.PortletContentProvider(context, request, view, settings)

Bases: pyams_viewlet.viewlet.ViewContentProvider


Base portlet content provider

+ +
+class pyams_portal.portlet.PortletPreviewer(context, request, view, settings)

Bases: pyams_portal.portlet.PortletContentProvider


Portlet previewer adapter

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_portal.portlet.PortletRenderer(context, request, view, settings)

Bases: pyams_portal.portlet.PortletContentProvider


Portlet renderer adapter

+ +
+target_interface = None
+ +
+ +
+class pyams_portal.portlet.PortletRenderersVocabulary(context)

Bases: zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary


Portlet renderers vocabulary

+ +
+class pyams_portal.portlet.PortletSettings(configuration)

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained


Portlet settings persistent class


This class is supposed to be sub-classed by all custom portlet subclasses to +store their configuration settings. +Each portlet sub-class must define it’s settings class in it’s “settings_class” attribute.

+ +
+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_portal.portlet.PortletVocabulary(context)

Bases: zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary


Portlet vocabulary

+ +
+class pyams_portal.portlet.portlet_config(**settings)

Bases: object


Class decorator used to declare a portlet

+venusian = <module 'venusian' from '/var/local/env/pycharm/lib/python3.5/site-packages/venusian/__init__.py'>
+ +
+ +

pyams_portal.site module

+class pyams_portal.site.PortalGenerationsChecker

Bases: object


Portal generations checker

+evolve(site, current=None)

Check for required utilities

+ +
+generation = 1
+ +
+ +

Create a new templates container when a site is created

+ +

pyams_portal.slot module

+class pyams_portal.slot.SlotConfiguration(slot_name, **kwargs)

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained


Portal slot class


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +
+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +
+set_width(width, device=None)
+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +

pyams_portal.template module

+class pyams_portal.template.PortalTemplate

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained


Portal template class


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_portal.template.PortalTemplateConfiguration

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained


Portal template configuration

+add_portlet(portlet_name, slot_name)

Add portlet to given slot

+ +

Add new row and return last row index (0 based)

+ +
+add_slot(slot_name, row_id=None)
+ +

Delete portlet

+ +

Delete template row

+ +

Delete slot and associated portlets

+ +

Get portlet slot

+ +

Get slot configuration

+ +
+ +

Get ordered slots list

+ +

Get slots width

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +

Set portlet order

+ +

Change template row order

+ +

Set slots order

+ +
+set_slot_width(slot_name, device, width)

Set slot width

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Portal template configuration adapter

+ +
+class pyams_portal.template.PortalTemplateContainer

Bases: zope.container.folder.Folder


Portal templates container

+ +

Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +
+class pyams_portal.template.PortalTemplateContainerConfiguration

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained


Portal template container configuration


Computed attributes based on schema fields


Field properties provide default values, data validation and error messages +based on data found in field meta-data.


Note that FieldProperties cannot be used with slots. They can only +be used for attributes stored in instance dictionaries.

+ +
+ +

Portal template container configuration factory

+ +
+class pyams_portal.template.PortalTemplatePortletTraverser(context)

Bases: pyams_utils.adapter.ContextAdapter


++portlet++ template traverser

+traverse(name, furtherpath=None)
+ +
+ +

Portal template portlets configuration adapter

+ +
+class pyams_portal.template.PortalTemplateSlotsVocabulary(context)

Bases: zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary


Portal template slots vocabulary

+ +
+class pyams_portal.template.PortalTemplatesVocabulary(context, **kw)

Bases: zope.componentvocabulary.vocabulary.UtilityVocabulary


Portal templates vocabulary

+interface = <InterfaceClass pyams_portal.interfaces.IPortalTemplate>
+ +
+nameOnly = True
+ +
+ +

Register shared template

+ +

Unregister removed template

+ +

pyams_portal.views module

+class pyams_portal.views.PortalContextIndexPage

Bases: pyams_default_theme.page.BaseIndexPage


Portal context index page

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Module contents


Pyramid include

+ +
+ + +