+ +

pyams_zmq package

+ +



pyams_zmq.handler module

+class pyams_zmq.handler.ZMQMessageHandler(process, stream, stop, handler=None, json_load=-1)

Bases: object


Base class for message handlers for a pyams_zmq.process.Process.


Inheriting classes only need to implement a handler function for each +message type.

+handler = None
+ +
+ +

pyams_zmq.process module

+class pyams_zmq.process.ZMQProcess(bind_addr, handler)

Bases: multiprocessing.context.Process


This is the base for all processes and offers utility methods +for setup and creating new streams.

+context = None

The ØMQ Context instance.

+ +
+exit(num, frame)
+ +

Initialize response stream

+ +
+loop = None

PyZMQ’s event loop (IOLoop).

+ +

Sets up everything and starts the event loop.

+ +

Creates a context and an event loop for the process.

+ +
+socket_type = 4
+ +

Stops the event loop.

+ +
+stream(sock_type, addr, bind, callback=None, subscribe=b'')

Creates a ZMQStream.

+ +++ + + + + + +
  • sock_type – The ØMQ socket type (e.g. zmq.REQ)
  • +
  • addr

    Address to bind or connect to formatted as host:port, +(host, port) or host (bind to random port). +If bind is True, host may be:

    • the wild-card *, meaning all available interfaces,
    • +
    • the primary IPv4 address assigned to the interface, in its
    • +

    numeric representation or +- the interface name as defined by the operating system.


    If bind is False, host may be:

    • the DNS name of the peer or
    • +
    • the IPv4 address of the peer, in its numeric representation.
    • +

    If addr is just a host name without a port and bind is +True, the socket will be bound to a random port.

  • +
  • bind – Binds to addr if True or tries to connect to it +otherwise.
  • +
  • callback – A callback for +on_recv(), optional
  • +
  • subscribe – Subscription pattern for SUB sockets, optional, +defaults to b''.
  • +

A tuple containg the stream and the port number.

+ +
+ +
+ +

pyams_zmq.socket module

+pyams_zmq.socket.zmq_response(socket, flags=1, timeout=10)

Get response from given socket

+ +
+pyams_zmq.socket.zmq_socket(address, socket_type=3, linger=0, protocol='tcp')

Get ØMQ socket

+ +

Module contents


Pyramid include

+ +
+ + +