Update docs doc-dc
authorDamien Correia
Mon, 04 Jun 2018 11:56:08 +0200 (2018-06-04)
changeset 75 5cf9c8a16aee
parent 74 efe71f19939c
child 76 ca63b1a69cbb
Update docs
Binary file src/source/_static/select_paragraph.png has changed
Binary file src/source/_static/select_portlet.png has changed
Binary file src/source/_static/select_skin.png has changed
--- a/src/source/appextend.rst	Fri Jun 01 18:27:09 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/source/appextend.rst	Mon Jun 04 11:56:08 2018 +0200
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 .. _appextend:
-Extending PyAMS
+How to extend PyAMS ?
 .. toctree::
     :maxdepth: 1
--- a/src/source/developerguide.rst	Fri Jun 01 18:27:09 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/source/developerguide.rst	Mon Jun 04 11:56:08 2018 +0200
@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
 Developer's Guide
-PyAMS packages are developed based on ZCA
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
--- a/src/source/howto-paragraph.rst	Fri Jun 01 18:27:09 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/source/howto-paragraph.rst	Mon Jun 04 11:56:08 2018 +0200
@@ -10,60 +10,59 @@
 In this example we will create a contact paragraph to display at the user, who to contact
 1) Define a paragraph Interface
 At first we create a new paragraph interface.
 .. code-block:: python
-    CONTACT_PARAGRAPH_RENDERERS = 'PyAMS.paragraph.contact.renderers'
-    class IContactParagraph(IBaseParagraph):
-        """Contact paragraph interface"""
-        name = TextLine(title=_("Contact identity"),
-                        description=_("Name of the contact"),
-                        required=True)
+    CONTACT_PHONE_PARAGRAPH_RENDERERS = 'PyAMS.paragraph.contact.phone.renderers'
-        photo = ImageField(title=_("Photo"),
-                           description=_("Use 'browse' button to select contact picture"),
-                           required=False)
+    class IContactPhoneParagraph(IBaseParagraph):
+    """Contact with phone number paragraph interface"""
-        address = Text(title=_("Address"), required=False)
+    name = TextLine(title=_("Contact identity"),
+                    description=_("Name of the contact"),
+                    required=True)
+    photo = ImageField(title=_("Photo"),
+                       description=_("Use 'browse' button to select contact picture"),
+                       required=False)
-        contact_email = MailAddressField(title=_("Email address"),
-                                         description=_("Contact email address"),
-                                         required=False)
+    phone = TextLine(title=_("Phone Number"),
+                     description=_("Name of the contact", required=False))
+    address = Text(title=_("Address"), required=False)
-        renderer = Choice(title=_("Contact template"),
-                          description=_("Presentation template used for this contact"),
-                          vocabulary=CONTACT_PARAGRAPH_RENDERERS,
-                          default='default')
+    contact_email = MailAddressField(title=_("Email address"),
+                                     description=_("Contact email address"),
+                                     required=False)
+    renderer = Choice(title=_("Contact template"),
+                      description=_("Presentation template used for this contact"),
+                      vocabulary=CONTACT_PHONE_PARAGRAPH_RENDERERS,
+                      default='default')
 2) Implement the interface
 An implementation of the interface
 .. code-block:: python
-    @implementer(IContactParagraph)
+    @implementer(IContactPhoneParagraph)
-    class ContactParagraph(RenderedContentMixin, BaseParagraph):
+    class ContactPhoneParagraph(BaseParagraph):
         """Contact paragraph"""
-        icon_class = 'fa-id-card-o'
-        icon_hint = _("Contact card")
-        name = FieldProperty(IContactParagraph['name'])
-        _photo = FileProperty(IContactParagraph['photo'])
+        icon_class = 'fa-phone'
+        icon_hint = _("Phone number card")
         address = FieldProperty(IContactParagraph['address'])
         contact_email = FieldProperty(IContactParagraph['contact_email'])
@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@
 3) renderer Vocabulary
 The list of rendered available for a paragraph is build automatically and is based on adapters that provide this interface
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@
 To display and manage the new paragraph in the ZMI, you should create this associated forms
 1) paragraph factory
 To create a new element inside the zodb, we need a container to this element. PyAMS provide
 `IParagraphContainerTarget`, it's the default container for all paragraphs. We could use this container interface
@@ -141,9 +140,11 @@
         def add(self, object):
 - *JSON*
 .. code-block:: python
     @view_config(name='add-contact-paragraph.json', context=IParagraphContainerTarget, request_type=IPyAMSLayer,
                  permission=MANAGE_CONTENT_PERMISSION, renderer='json', xhr=True)
     class ContactParagraphAJAXAddForm(BaseParagraphAJAXAddForm, ContactParagraphAddForm):
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
 2) Append the paragraph addform button in the menu
 We have created a new form and we want add a quick access button to create a new paragraph
@@ -167,3 +168,81 @@
         url = 'add-contact-paragraph.html'
         paragraph_type = CONTACT_PARAGRAPH_TYPE
+3)Edit form
+- *HTML*
+.. code-block:: python
+    @pagelet_config(name='properties.html', context=IContactParagraph, layer=IPyAMSLayer,
+                    permission=MANAGE_CONTENT_PERMISSION)
+    class ContactParagraphPropertiesEditForm(BaseParagraphPropertiesEditForm):
+        """Contact paragraph properties edit form"""
+        prefix = 'contact_properties.'
+        legend = _("Edit contact card properties")
+        icon_css_class = 'fa fa-fw fa-id-card-o'
+        fields = field.Fields(IContactParagraph).omit('__parent__', '__name__', 'visible')
+        fields['renderer'].widgetFactory = RendererFieldWidget
+        ajax_handler = 'properties.json'
+        edit_permission = MANAGE_CONTENT_PERMISSION
+        def updateWidgets(self, prefix=None):
+            super(ContactParagraphPropertiesEditForm, self).updateWidgets(prefix)
+            if 'address' in self.widgets:
+                self.widgets['address'].widget_css_class = 'textarea'
+ - *JSON*
+.. code-block:: python
+    @view_config(name='properties.json', context=IContactParagraph, request_type=IPyAMSLayer,
+                 permission=MANAGE_CONTENT_PERMISSION, renderer='json', xhr=True)
+    class ContactParagraphPropertiesAJAXEditForm(BaseParagraphAJAXEditForm, ContactParagraphPropertiesEditForm):
+        """Contact paragraph properties edit form, JSON renderer"""
+    @adapter_config(context=(IContactParagraph, IPyAMSLayer), provides=IParagraphInnerEditor)
+    @implementer(IInnerForm)
+    class ContactParagraphInnerEditForm(ContactParagraphPropertiesEditForm):
+        """Contact paragraph inner edit form"""
+        legend = None
+        ajax_handler = 'inner-properties.json'
+        @property
+        def buttons(self):
+            if self.mode == INPUT_MODE:
+                return button.Buttons(IParagraphEditFormButtons)
+            else:
+                return button.Buttons()
+    @view_config(name='inner-properties.json', context=IContactParagraph, request_type=IPyAMSLayer,
+                 permission=MANAGE_CONTENT_PERMISSION, renderer='json', xhr=True)
+    class ContactParagraphInnerAJAXEditForm(BaseParagraphAJAXEditForm, ContactParagraphInnerEditForm):
+        """Contact paragraph inner edit form, JSON renderer"""
+        def get_ajax_output(self, changes):
+            output = super(ContactParagraphInnerAJAXEditForm, self).get_ajax_output(changes)
+            updated = changes.get(IBaseParagraph, ())
+            if 'title' in updated:
+                output.setdefault('events', []).append(get_json_paragraph_refresh_event(self.context, self.request))
+            updated = changes.get(IContactParagraph, ())
+            if ('photo' in updated) or ('renderer' in updated):
+                # we have to commit transaction to be able to handle blobs...
+                if 'photo' in updated:
+                    ITransactionManager(self.context).get().commit()
+                output.setdefault('events', []).append(get_json_form_refresh_event(self.context, self.request,
+                                                                                   ContactParagraphInnerEditForm))
+            return output
+.. note::
+    Select the new content block types in ZMI to make it available in tools
+    .. image:: _static/select_paragraph.png
--- a/src/source/howto-portlet.rst	Fri Jun 01 18:27:09 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/source/howto-portlet.rst	Mon Jun 04 11:56:08 2018 +0200
@@ -171,3 +171,10 @@
 .. tip::
     You can use an other template without create a new renderer component,
     with :py:func:`pyams_utils` to override the default template with you own.
+.. note::
+    Select the new portlet in ZMI to make it available in the website template editor
+    .. image:: _static/select_portlet.png
--- a/src/source/howto-skin.rst	Fri Jun 01 18:27:09 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/source/howto-skin.rst	Mon Jun 04 11:56:08 2018 +0200
@@ -3,3 +3,67 @@
 How to create a new skin?
+A Skin is a tagging interface for associating media, javascript and CSS resources to a **renderer**
+1) Configuring resource library
+.. code-block:: python
+    from fanstatic import Library, Resource
+    from pyams_default_theme import pyams_default_theme
+    #Library(name, folder_path)
+    library = Library('mycms', 'resources')
+    #Resource(library, path_to_static)
+    mycms_css = Resource(library, 'css/mystyle.css',)
+    mycms_js = Resource(library, 'js/pyams-default.js',
+                        depends=(pyams_default_theme, )
+                        bottom=True
+                        )
+Resource can include other resource already defined in pyams_default_theme
+2) Create a new Layer to your skin
+Build a new interface inherit from `ICustomLayer`
+.. code-block:: python
+    class ICustomLayer(ICustomLayer):
+        """skin layer"""
+Define an utility providing ISkin with the custom label and the layer interface
+.. code-block:: python
+    @utility_config(name='Custom skin', provides=ISkin)
+    class CustomSkin(object):
+        """custom root skin"""
+        label = _("Custom: skin")
+        layer = ICustomLayer
+3) Declare the layer adapter
+.. code-block:: python
+    @adapter_config(context=(Interface, ICustomLayer, Interface), provides=IResources)
+    class CustomSkinResourcesAdapter(ContextRequestViewAdapter):
+    """Custom skin resources adapter"""
+    def get_resources(self):
+        mycms.need()
+.. note::
+    In the ZMI website you can now change the default graphical theme by you custom skin
+    .. image:: _static/select_skin.png
--- a/src/source/index.rst	Fri Jun 01 18:27:09 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/source/index.rst	Mon Jun 04 11:56:08 2018 +0200
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
    :maxdepth: 2
    :caption: Tutorial
-   User’s Guide <userguide>
+   PyAMS CMS User’s Guide <userguide>
 .. toctree::
--- a/src/source/zca.rst	Fri Jun 01 18:27:09 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/source/zca.rst	Mon Jun 04 11:56:08 2018 +0200
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
 Zope Component Architecture with PyAMS
-The **Zope Component Architecture** (aka **ZCA**) is used by the Pyramid framework "under the hood" to handle interfaces,
-adapters and utilities. You don't **have to** use it in your own applications. But you can.
+PyAMS packages are developed based on the **Zope Component Architecture** (aka **ZCA**). ZCA is used by the Pyramid framework
+"under the hood" to handle interfaces, adapters and utilities. You don't **have to** use it in your own applications.
+But you can.
 The ZCA is mainly adding elements like **interfaces**, **adapters** and **utilities** to the Python language. It
 allows you to write a framework or an application by using **components** which can be extended easily.