changeset 125 985534bc6ab9
parent 124 53dc81f933ed
child 126 e2aeba0dd99c
--- a/docs/source/zca.rst	Thu Jan 11 16:57:23 2018 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-.. _zca:
-Managing ZCA with PyAMS
-The **Zope Component Architecture** (aka ZCA) is used by the Pyramid framework "under the hood" to handle interfaces,
-adapters and utilities. You don't **have to** use it in your own applications. But you can.
-The ZCA is mainly adding elements like **interfaces**, **adapters** and **utilities** to the Python language. It
-allows you to write a framework or an application by using **components** which can be extended easily.
-You will find several useful resources about ZCA concepts on the internet.
-Local utilities
-In ZCA, a **utility** is a **registered** component which provides an **interface**. This interface is the
-**contract** which defines features provided by the component which implements it.
-When a Pyramid application starts, a **global registry** is created to register a whole set of utilities and
-adapters; this registration can be done via ZCML directives or via native Python code.
-In addition, PyAMS allows you to define **local utilities**, which are stored and registered in the ZODB via a **site
-Defining site root
-One of PyAMS pre-requisites is to use the ZODB, at least to store the site root application, it's configuration and a
-set of local utilities. :ref:`site` describes application startup and **local site manager**
-initialization process.
-This site can be used to store **local utilities** whose configuration, which is easily available to site
-administrators through management interface, is stored in the ZODB.
-Registering global utilities
-**Global utilities** are components providing an interface which are registered in the global registry.
-PyAMS_utils package provides custom annotations to register global utilities without using ZCML. For example, a skin
-is nothing more than a simple utility providing the *ISkin* interface:
-.. code-block:: python
-    from pyams_default_theme.layer import IPyAMSDefaultLayer
-    from pyams_skin.interfaces import ISkin
-    from pyams_utils.registry import utility_config
-    @utility_config(name='PyAMS default skin', provides=ISkin)
-    class PyAMSDefaultSkin(object):
-        """PyAMS default skin"""
-        label = _("PyAMS default skin")
-        layer = IPyAMSDefaultLayer
-This annotation registers a utility, named *PyAMS default skin*, providing the *ISkin* interface. It's the developer
-responsibility to provide all attributes and methods required by the provided interface.
-Registering local utilities
-A local utility is a persistent object, registered in a *local site manager*, and providing a specific interface (if
-a component provides several interfaces, it can be registered several times).
-Some components can be required by a given package, and created automatically via the *pyams_upgrade* command line
-script; this process relies on the *ISiteGenerations* interface, for example for the timezone utility, a component
-provided by PyAMS_utils package to handle server timezone and display times correctly:
-.. code-block:: python
-    from import ISiteGenerations
-    from pyams_utils.interfaces.timezone import IServerTimezone
-    from persistent import Persistent
-    from pyams_utils.registry import utility_config
-    from import check_required_utilities
-    from import subscriber
-    from zope.container.contained import Contained
-    from zope.interface import implementer
-    from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
-    @implementer(IServerTimezone)
-    class ServerTimezoneUtility(Persistent, Contained):
-        timezone = FieldProperty(IServerTimezone['timezone'])
-    REQUIRED_UTILITIES = ((IServerTimezone, '', ServerTimezoneUtility, 'Server timezone'),)
-    @subscriber(INewLocalSite)
-    def handle_new_local_site(event):
-        """Create a new ServerTimezoneUtility when a site is created"""
-        site = event.manager.__parent__
-        check_required_utilities(site, REQUIRED_UTILITIES)
-    @utility_config(name='PyAMS timezone', provides=ISiteGenerations)
-    class TimezoneGenerationsChecker(object):
-        """Timezone generations checker"""
-        generation = 1
-        def evolve(self, site, current=None):
-            """Check for required utilities"""
-            check_required_utilities(site, REQUIRED_UTILITIES)
-Some utilities can also be created manually by an administrator through the management interface, and registered
-automatically after their creation. For example, this is how a ZEO connection utility (which is managing settings to
-define a ZEO connection) is registered:
-.. code-block:: python
-    from import IOptionalUtility
-    from pyams_utils.interfaces.zeo import IZEOConnection
-    from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAttributeAnnotatable
-    from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectAddedEvent, IObjectRemovedEvent
-    from persistent import Persistent
-    from import subscriber
-    from zope.container.contained import Contained
-    @implementer(IZEOConnection)
-    class ZEOConnection(object):
-        """ZEO connection object. See source code to get full implementation..."""
-    @implementer(IOptionalUtility, IAttributeAnnotatable)
-    class ZEOConnectionUtility(ZEOConnection, Persistent, Contained):
-        """Persistent ZEO connection utility"""
-    @subscriber(IObjectAddedEvent, context_selector=IZEOConnection)
-    def handle_added_connection(event):
-        """Register new ZEO connection when added"""
-        manager = event.newParent
-        manager.registerUtility(event.object, IZEOConnection,
-    @subscriber(IObjectRemovedEvent, context_selector=IZEOConnection)
-    def handle_removed_connection(event):
-        """Un-register ZEO connection when deleted"""
-        manager = event.oldParent
-        manager.unregisterUtility(event.object, IZEOConnection,
-*context_selector* is a custom subscriber predicate, so that subscriber event is activated only if object concerned
-by an event is providing given interface.
-Looking for utilities
-ZCA provides the *getUtility* and *queryUtility* functions to look for a utility. But these methods only applies to
-global registry.
-PyAMS package provides equivalent functions, which are looking for components into local registry before looking into
-the global one. For example:
-.. code-block:: python
-    from pyams_security.interfaces import ISecurityManager
-    from pyams_utils.registry import query_utility
-    manager = query_utility(ISecurityManager)
-    if manager is not None:
-        print("Manager is there!")
-All ZCA utility functions have been ported to use local registry: *registered_utilities*, *query_utility*,
-*get_utility*, *get_utilities_for*, *get_all_utilities_registered_for* functions all follow the equivalent ZCA
-functions API, but are looking for utilities in the local registry before looking in the global registry.
-Registering adapters
-An adapter is also a kind of utility. But instead of *just* providing an interface, it adapts an input object,
-providing a given interface, to provide another interface. An adapter can also be named, so that you can choose which
-adapter to use at a given time.
-PyAMS_utils provide another annotation, to help registering adapters without using ZCML files. An adapter can be a
-function which directly returns an object providing the requested interface, or an object which provides the interface.
-The first example is an adapter which adapts any persistent object to get it's associated transaction manager:
-.. code-block:: python
-    from persistent.interfaces import IPersistent
-    from transaction.interfaces import ITransactionManager
-    from ZODB.interfaces import IConnection
-    from pyams_utils.adapter import adapter_config
-    @adapter_config(context=IPersistent, provides=ITransactionManager)
-    def get_transaction_manager(obj):
-        conn = IConnection(obj)
-        try:
-            return conn.transaction_manager
-        except AttributeError:
-            return conn._txn_mgr
-This is another adapter which adapts any contained object to the *IPathElements* interface; this interface can be
-used to build index that you can use to find objects based on a parent object:
-.. code-block:: python
-    from pyams_utils.interfaces.traversing import IPathElements
-    from zope.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
-    from zope.location.interfaces import IContained
-    from pyams_utils.adapter import ContextAdapter
-    from pyams_utils.registry import query_utility
-    from pyramid.location import lineage
-    @adapter_config(context=IContained, provides=IPathElements)
-    class PathElementsAdapter(ContextAdapter):
-        """Contained object path elements adapter"""
-        @property
-        def parents(self):
-            intids = query_utility(IIntIds)
-            if intids is None:
-                return []
-            return [intids.register(parent) for parent in lineage(self.context)]
-An adapter can also be a multi-adapter, when several input objects are requested to provide a given interface. For
-example, many adapters require a context and a request, eventually a view, to provide another feature. This is how,
-for example, we define a custom *name* column in a security manager table displaying a list of plug-ins:
-.. code-block:: python
-    from pyams_zmi.layer import IAdminLayer
-    from z3c.table.interfaces import IColumn
-    from pyams_skin.table import I18nColumn
-    from z3c.table.column import GetAttrColumn
-    @adapter_config(name='name', context=(Interface, IAdminLayer, SecurityManagerPluginsTable), provides=IColumn)
-    class SecurityManagerPluginsNameColumn(I18nColumn, GetAttrColumn):
-        """Security manager plugins name column"""
-        _header = _("Name")
-        attrName = 'title'
-        weight = 10
-Registering vocabularies
-A **vocabulary** is a custom factory which can be used as source for several field types, like *choices* or *lists*.
-Vocabularies have to be registered in a custom registry, so PyAMS_utils provide another annotation to register them.
-This example is based on the *Timezone* component which allows you to select a timezone between a list of references:
-.. code-block:: python
-    import pytz
-    from pyams_utils.vocabulary import vocabulary_config
-    from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleTerm, SimpleVocabulary
-    @vocabulary_config(name='PyAMS timezones')
-    class TimezonesVocabulary(SimpleVocabulary):
-        """Timezones vocabulary"""
-        def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
-            terms = [SimpleTerm(t, t, t) for t in pytz.all_timezones]
-            super(TimezonesVocabulary, self).__init__(terms)