changeset 79 e12e18e99a68
parent 78 54aeb42c0d80
child 80 137705383aaf
--- a/docs/build/html/_sources/install.txt	Tue Nov 22 21:35:46 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-.. _install:
-Installing PyAMS
-PyAMS default installation is based on `Buildout <>`_ utility. It's not mandatory to use a
-virtual environment, but it allows you to have a better control over your Python resources.
-Current PyAMS version is based and validated for Python 3.4; your Python environment must also include a C
-compiler as well as development headers for Python, *libjpeg*, *libpng*, *libfreetype*, *libxml2*, *libxslt* and
-eventually *libldap* or *libzmq*.
-PyAMS default components configuration also pre-suppose that the following external tools are available:
-- a *memcached* server, to store sessions and cache (can be changed through Beaker configuration)
-Optional tools also include:
-- an *ElasticSearch* server for full text indexing (see *PyAMS_content_es* package)
-- a *WebSockets* server using async IO. This is used to manage notifications (see *PyAMS_notify* and *PyAMS_notify_ws*
-  packages). An *out of the box* environment can be built using *pyams_asyncio* scaffold provided by *pyams_base*
-  package.
-You can also choose to use a local ZODB instance, or a ZEO server (which can be local or remote, but is required if
-you want to use PyAMS in a muti-processes configuration).
-Creating initial buildout
-PyAMS provides a new Pyramid scaffold, called *pyams*, provided by the *pyams_base* package.
-A simple option to install PyAMS is to create a buildout environment including *Pyramid* and *PyAMS_base* packages:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    # mkdir /var/local/env/
-    # pip3 install virtualenv
-    # virtualenv --python=python3.4 pyams
-    # cd pyams
-    # . bin/activate
-    (pyams) # pip3.4 install zc.buildout
-    (pyams) # buildout init
-Then update your Buildout configuration file *buildout.cfg* as follow:
-.. code-block:: ini
-    [buildout]
-    find-links =
-    extends =
-    socket-timeout = 3
-    show-picked-versions = true
-    newest = false
-    allow-hosts =
-        *
-        *
-    versions = versions
-    eggs-directory = eggs
-    parts = pyramid
-    [pyramid]
-    recipe = zc.recipe.egg
-    dependent-scripts = true
-    eggs =
-        pyramid
-        pyams_base
-    interpreter = py3.4
-Then launch the buildout initialization:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    (pyams) # ./bin/buildout
-    (pyams) # ./bin/pcreate -l
-    Available scaffolds:
-      alchemy:  Pyramid project using SQLAlchemy, SQLite, URL dispatch, and
-      pyams:    Pyramid project using all PyAMS packages
-      starter:  Pyramid starter project using URL dispatch and Chameleon
-      zodb:     Pyramid project using ZODB, traversal, and Chameleon
-    (pyams) # ./bin/pcreate -t pyams myapp
-    (pyams) # cd myapp
-You can then check, and eventually update, the proposed Buildout configuration file *buildout.cfg*, to add or remove
-packages or update settings to your needs. Then finalize Bootstrap initialization:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    (pyams) # ../bin/buildout bootstrap
-    (pyams) # ./bin/buildout
-This last operation can be quite long, as many packages have to downloaded, compiled and installed in the virtual
-environment. If you encounter any compile error, just install the required dependencies and restart the buildout.
-Environment settings
-The project generated from *pyams* scaffold is based on default Pyramid's *zodb* scaffold, but it adds:
-- a custom application factory, in the *webapp* directory (see :ref:`site`)
-- a set of directories to store runtime data, in the *var* directory; each directory contains a *README.txt* file
-  which should be self-explanatory to indicate what this directory should contain, including a ZODB or a ZEO cache
-- a set of configuration files, in the *etc* directory; here are standard *development.ini* and *production.ini*
-  configuration files, two ZODB configuration files (*zodb.conf.fs* for a single FileStorage application process, and
-  *zodb.conf.zeo* for a ZEO client storage; default configuration defined in INI files is based on a single file
-  storage) and two Apache configurations (for Apache 2.2 and 2.4) using *mod_wsgi*.
-Once the project have been created from the scaffold, you are free to update all the configuration files.
-If you need to add packages to the environment, you have to add them to the *buildout.cfg* file **AND** to the INI
-file (in the *pyramid.includes* section) before running the *buildout* another time; don't forget to add the
-requested version at the end of *buildout.cfg* file, as Buildout is not configured by default to automatically
-download the last release of a given unknown package.
-*development.ini* and *production.ini* files contain many commented directives related to PyAMS components. Read and
-update them carefully before initializing your application database!
-Initializing the database
-When you have downloaded and installed all required packages, you have to initialize the database so that all
-required components are available.
-From a shell, just type:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    (pyams) # ./bin/pyams_upgrade etc/development.ini
-This process requires that every package is correctly included into *pyramid.includes* directive from selected
-configuration file.