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Added ZODB connection class and vocabulary based on Pyramid's settings
2018-01-11, by Thierry Florac
Updates in registry management functions
2018-01-11, by Thierry Florac
Updated DocFieldProperty to correctly get fields description
2018-01-11, by Thierry Florac
Updated buildout
2017-12-13, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.9 for changeset 664b86f16a91
2017-12-08, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.9
2017-12-08, by Thierry Florac
Added "get_global_registry" function
2017-11-10, by Thierry Florac
Added "NullAdapter" to be able to remove a default adapter for a given context
2017-11-10, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.8 for changeset 0fc08a1bc6e7
2017-10-13, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.8
2017-10-13, by Thierry Florac
Added validation method and exception for email schema field
2017-10-13, by Thierry Florac
Updated TALES extensions interfaces
2017-09-21, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.7 for changeset 8d80cb67b023
2017-09-19, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.7
2017-09-19, by Thierry Florac
Added mail address schema field
2017-09-19, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.6 for changeset 1a9d8c43dba0
2017-09-11, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.6
2017-09-11, by Thierry Florac
Added 'query' parameter to 'absolute_url' function
2017-09-11, by Thierry Florac
Updated exceptions messages translations
2017-09-11, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.5 for changeset 1bdfe52659d7
2017-07-13, by Thierry Florac
Added permission
2017-07-13, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.5 for changeset 6206a2ae7053
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.5
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Updated documentation
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Refactored request and session properties management
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Added ICacheKeyValue interface
2017-07-12, by Thierry Florac
Updated permissions docstrings
2017-06-20, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstrings
2017-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstrings
2017-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstring
2017-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstrings and doctests
2017-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstrings
2017-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstrings and doctests
2017-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated cahe keys
2017-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstrings
2017-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Added constants for strings
2017-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Added check for multi-adapter on IHTMLRenderer interface in 'html' TALES extension
2017-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstring
2017-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated buildout
2017-06-07, by Thierry Florac
Updated installation notice
2017-06-07, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.4 for changeset 7dd73b88e345
2017-06-01, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.4
2017-06-01, by Thierry Florac
Added 'classproperty' decorator and 'classproperty_support' class decorator
2017-06-01, by Thierry Florac
Added function, class and TALES extension for Fanstatic resources management
2017-05-16, by Thierry Florac
Added dict update function
2017-05-16, by Thierry Florac
Removed build from Mercurial
2016-11-22, by Thierry Florac
Added build docs
2016-11-22, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstring
2016-11-21, by Thierry Florac
Updated documentation
2016-11-20, by Thierry Florac
Added warning...
2016-11-18, by Thierry Florac
Updated documentation
2016-11-18, by Thierry Florac
Updated documentation
2016-11-18, by Thierry Florac
Updated documentation
2016-11-18, by Thierry Florac
Use annotation for vocabulary declaration
2016-11-15, by Thierry Florac
Added annotation for vocabulary registry
2016-11-15, by Thierry Florac
Handle POSError in 'query_utility' registry function
2016-11-08, by Thierry Florac
Added 'prefix' argument to 'request_property' and 'session_property' decorators
2016-11-08, by Thierry Florac
Added optional "condition" argument to "get_parent" traversing helper function
2016-10-11, by Thierry Florac
Change arguments regular expression
2016-06-02, by Thierry Florac
Handle TypeError only in HTML parser
2016-06-02, by Thierry Florac
Use "gmtime" in "get_age" function
2016-06-02, by Thierry Florac
Added progress functions
2016-06-02, by Thierry Florac
Added Beaker lock manager
2016-06-02, by Thierry Florac
Updated unit tests
2016-05-12, by Thierry Florac
Added ZEO connection test form
2016-05-10, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.3 for changeset c191cc6756f5
2016-04-21, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.3
2016-04-21, by Thierry Florac
Replace "optparse" package with "argparse"
2016-04-11, by Thierry Florac
Added "find_objects_..." functions (based on ISubLocations interface)
2016-04-11, by Thierry Florac
Python 3 updates
2016-01-29, by Thierry Florac
Updated "translate_string" function docstring
2016-01-18, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.2 for changeset 19019589cc19
2015-10-07, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.2
2015-10-07, by Thierry Florac
Moved module from pyams_base package
2015-10-07, by Thierry Florac
Use named permissions
2015-10-07, by Thierry Florac
Moved module from pyams_base package
2015-10-07, by Thierry Florac
Moved adapter registration from pyams_base package
2015-10-07, by Thierry Florac
Added 'localgmtime' function to convert locally entered datetimes to GMT
2015-10-07, by Thierry Florac
Moved IIntIds related interfaces
2015-10-07, by Thierry Florac
Added interface for back-office configuration factory
2015-10-07, by Thierry Florac
Added names permissions
2015-10-07, by Thierry Florac
Imports cleanup
2015-08-27, by Thierry Florac
Removed unused attributes
2015-07-23, by Thierry Florac
Changed ZEO connections vocabulary to use local registry
2015-07-23, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.1 for changeset d4c28f4078cd
2015-07-22, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.1
2015-07-22, by Thierry Florac
Corrected cookies management in XML-RPC authenticated transport
2015-07-15, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.0 for changeset 7398e25bad99
2015-06-17, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.0
2015-06-17, by Thierry Florac
Removed unused ZCML file
2015-05-20, by Thierry Florac
Added "view_name" argument in "absolute_url" TALES extension
2015-05-20, by Thierry Florac
Updated "extension:" TALES expression to be able to handle inner attributes with dotted notation
2015-05-20, by Thierry Florac
Added persistent list and dict schema fields
2015-05-20, by Thierry Florac
Added IPathElements interface and default adapter
2015-05-20, by Thierry Florac
Corrected test in get_registries iterator
2015-04-20, by Thierry Florac
Added ZEO connection name adapter
2015-04-15, by Thierry Florac
Added tree management interface
2015-04-15, by Thierry Florac
Updated translations
2015-04-01, by Thierry Florac
Removed autocomplete on password forms
2015-04-01, by Thierry Florac
Update string translation method
2015-03-20, by Thierry Florac
Removed dependency on
2015-03-17, by Thierry Florac
Apply current registry when creating request from scratch
2015-03-17, by Thierry Florac
Moved site traverse event subscriber to registry module
2015-03-14, by Thierry Florac
Added MissingRequestError exception class
2015-03-14, by Thierry Florac
Changed local registry management method
2015-03-14, by Thierry Florac
Added MissingRequestError exception class
2015-03-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated EGG info
2015-03-11, by Thierry Florac
Added "get_connection_from_settings" function
2015-03-11, by Thierry Florac
Update registry access
2015-03-11, by Thierry Florac
Check empty value in "date_to_datetime" function
2015-03-11, by Thierry Florac
Added debug log
2015-03-06, by Thierry Florac
Updated debug log
2015-03-06, by Thierry Florac
Include package from inner module
2015-03-06, by Thierry Florac
Updated form legend
2015-03-06, by Thierry Florac
Added ZEO connection utility
2015-03-05, by Thierry Florac
Renamed timezone generation checker
2015-03-05, by Thierry Florac
Added marker interface for optional utilities which can be removed safely
2015-03-03, by Thierry Florac
Changed encodings codes
2015-03-02, by Thierry Florac
Changed property key format string
2015-03-02, by Thierry Florac
Changed logging
2015-03-02, by Thierry Florac
Changed request and session properties
2015-02-28, by Thierry Florac
Changed base class for site root "++etc++" traverser
2015-02-22, by Thierry Florac
Renamed 'browser' package to 'views'
2015-02-21, by Thierry Florac
First commit
2015-02-19, by Thierry Florac
First commit
2015-02-19, by Thierry Florac