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The revision graph only works with JavaScript-enabled browsers.
Imports cleanup
2018-09-19, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.18 for changeset c28aa20c304a
2018-09-18, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.18
2018-09-18, by Thierry Florac
Added JS text renderer
2018-09-17, by Thierry Florac
Added default JSON encoder to serialize date and datetime objects
2018-09-17, by Thierry Florac
Check for empty value
2018-09-07, by Thierry Florac
USe "yield from" in container iterators
2018-07-21, by Thierry Florac
Init version 0.1.18
2018-07-21, by Thierry Florac
Added tag for changeset 04c7803a8e64
2018-07-20, by Thierry Florac
2018-07-20, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.17 for changeset d82c0fe2a2c9
2018-07-20, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.17
2018-07-20, by Thierry Florac
Allow arguments to TALES extensions to be multi-lines
2018-07-17, by Thierry Florac
Updated TALES expression engine to recognize named arguments
2018-07-13, by Thierry Florac
Removed "extension:" TALES expression
2018-07-09, by Thierry Florac
Renamed TALES extension from "extension:" to "tales:"
2018-07-09, by Thierry Florac
Added "br" TALES expression to convert characters to HTML breaks
2018-07-06, by Thierry Florac
Updated base class form base HTML renderer
2018-07-04, by Thierry Florac
Added random iterator
2018-07-03, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstring
2018-07-02, by Thierry Florac
init version 0.1.17
2018-07-02, by Thierry Florac
Added function to get unique members from iterator
2018-06-29, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.16 for changeset 7c71a08ff111
2018-06-28, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.16
2018-06-28, by Thierry Florac
Added "timestamp" TALES extension
2018-06-27, by Thierry Florac
Added "cache_key" TALES extension
2018-06-27, by Thierry Florac
Added IRelativeURL interface, default adapter and TALES "relative_url" extension to get content's URL based on current display context
2018-06-22, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstring
2018-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstring
2018-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstring
2018-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Allow integer value in extension argument
2018-06-19, by Thierry Florac
Removed configuration factory interfaces
2018-06-17, by tflorac
Removed unused import
2018-06-17, by tflorac
Added "is_interface" function to check if an object is an interface
2018-06-15, by Thierry Florac
Check if adapter factory is a class
2018-06-15, by Thierry Florac
Look for registered object factory if given factory is an interface
2018-06-14, by Thierry Florac
Added "parent_selector" predicate for IObjectMoved/IObjectAdded events
2018-06-14, by Thierry Florac
Added function to sort adapters by weight
2018-06-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated annotations adapter factory
2018-06-13, by Thierry Florac
Init version 0.1.16
2018-06-13, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.15 for changeset 0b5f84d9eff4
2018-06-11, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.15
2018-06-11, by Thierry Florac
Added "canonical_url" interface and TALES extension
2018-06-11, by Thierry Florac
Moved forms to "pyams_zmi" package
2018-06-08, by Thierry Florac
Updated traverser to notify BeforeTraverseEvent on last traversed object
2018-05-30, by Thierry Florac
Updated annotations adapters
2018-05-28, by Thierry Florac
Allow empty factory when looking for annotations adapter
2018-05-25, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstrings
2018-05-25, by Thierry Florac
Updated docstrings
2018-05-25, by Thierry Florac
Updated "factory_config" decorator to be able to register factories by name
2018-05-25, by Thierry Florac
Added default object factory for a given interface
2018-05-25, by Thierry Florac
Add venusian support to "vocabulary_config" decorator
2018-05-24, by Thierry Florac
Added "markers" to adapter annotations factory helper
2018-05-18, by Thierry Florac
Updated request class
2018-05-18, by Thierry Florac
Added helper to get a persistent adapter through context's annotations
2018-05-11, by tflorac
Added "inherit_from" attribute to IInheritInfo interface
2018-05-09, by Thierry Florac
Init version 0.1.15
2018-05-09, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.14 for changeset f7e43a680f42
2018-04-27, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.14
2018-04-27, by Thierry Florac
Check OID when getting cache key for persistent object
2018-04-26, by Thierry Florac