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PyAMS namespace traverser


PyAMS_utils provide a custom URL traverser, defined in package pyams_utils.traversing.


The NamespaceTraverser is a custom traverser based on default -Pyramid’s ResourceTreeAdapter, but it adds the ability to use namespaces. Inherited from Zope3 concept, a -namespace is a resource path element starting with the « ++ » characters, like this:


In this sample, ns is the namespace name. When the traverser detects a namespace, it looks for several named -adapters (or multi-adapters) to the ITraversable interface -defined in zope.traversing package. Adapters lookup with name ns is done for the current context and request, -then only for the context and finally for the request, in this order. If a traversing adapter is found, it’s -traverse() method is called, with the attr value as first argument, and the rest of the traversal stack -as second one.


This is for example how a custom etc namespace traverser is defined:

from pyams_utils.interfaces.site import ISiteRoot
-from zope.traversing.interfaces import ITraversable
-from pyams_utils.adapter import adapter_config, ContextAdapter
-@adapter_config(name='etc', context=ISiteRoot, provides=ITraversable)
-class SiteRootEtcTraverser(ContextAdapter):
-    """Site root ++etc++ namespace traverser"""
-    def traverse(self, name, furtherpath=None):
-        if name == 'site':
-            return self.context.getSiteManager()
-        raise NotFound

By using an URL like ‘++etc++site’ on your site root, you can then get access to your local site manager.


argument is not mandatory for the namespace traverser. If it is not provided, the traverse method is called with -an empty string (with is a default adapter name) as first argument.


Several PyAMS components use custom traversal adapters. For example, getting thumbnails from an image is done -through a traversing adapter, which results in nicer URLs than when using classic URLs with arguments...

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