Updated documentation
authorThierry Florac <thierry.florac@onf.fr>
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 16:52:36 +0100
changeset 74 d5fa9579f35d
parent 73 d70e1629442b
child 75 2908b4f3eb24
Updated documentation
Binary file docs/source/_static/zeo-add-form.png has changed
Binary file docs/source/_static/zeo-add-menu.png has changed
--- a/docs/source/index.rst	Fri Nov 18 16:47:09 2016 +0100
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst	Fri Nov 18 16:52:36 2016 +0100
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-   locks
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/source/tales.rst	Fri Nov 18 16:52:36 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+.. _tales:
+Custom TALES extensions
+PyAMS defines a custom expression for TALES called *extension*.
+When this expression is encountered, the renderer is looking for an
+:py:class:`ITALESExtension <pyams_utils.interfaces.tales.ITALESExtension>`
+multi-adapter for the current *context*, *request* and *view*, for the current
+*context* and *request*, or only for the current *context*, in this order.
+If an adapter is found, the renderer call it's :py:func:`render` method with
+the expression parameters as input parameters.
+For example, the *metas* extension is an *ITALESExtension* adapter defined into
+:py:mod:`pyams_skin.metas` module which can be used to include all required headers in
+a page template. Extension is used like this in the page layout template:
+.. code-block:: html
+    <tal:var replace="structure extension:metas" />
+This extension is defined like this:
+.. code-block:: python
+    from pyams_skin.interfaces.metas import IHTMLContentMetas
+    from pyams_utils.interfaces.tales import ITALESExtension
+    from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
+    from pyams_utils.adapter import adapter_config, ContextRequestViewAdapter
+    @adapter_config(name='metas', context=(Interface, IRequest, Interface), provides=ITALESExtension)
+    class MetasTalesExtension(ContextRequestViewAdapter):
+        '''extension:metas TALES extension'''
+        def render(self, context=None):
+            if context is None:
+                context = self.context
+            result = []
+            for name, adapter in sorted(self.request.registry.getAdapters((context, self.request, self.view),
+                                                                          IHTMLContentMetas),
+                                        key=lambda x: getattr(x[1], 'order', 9999)):
+                result.extend([meta.render() for meta in adapter.get_metas()])
+            return '\n\t'.join(result)
+Some TALES extensions can require or accept arguments. For example, the *absolute_url* extension can accept
+a context and a view name:
+.. code-block:: html
+    <tal:var define="logo config.logo">
+        <img tal:attributes="src extension:absolute_url(logo, '++thumb++200x36.png');" />
+    </tal:var>
+The extension is defined like this:
+.. code-block:: python
+    from persistent.interfaces import IPersistent
+    from pyams_utils.interfaces.tales import ITALESExtension
+    from pyams_utils.adapter import adapter_config, ContextRequestViewAdapter
+    from pyramid.url import resource_url
+    from zope.interface import Interface
+    @adapter_config(name='absolute_url', context=(IPersistent, Interface, Interface), provides=ITALESExtension)
+    class AbsoluteUrlTalesExtension(ContextRequestViewAdapter):
+        '''extension:absolute_url(context, view_name) TALES extension'''
+        def render(self, context=None, view_name=None):
+            if context is None:
+                context = self.context
+            return resource_url(context, self.request, view_name)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/source/utilities.rst	Fri Nov 18 16:52:36 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+.. _utilities:
+Custom PyAMS utilities
+PyAMS_utils provides a small set of utilities. You can create some of them as global utilities registered in
+the global components registry; other ones can be created manually by a site administrator and
+are then registered automatically.
+Server timezone
+To manage timezones correctly, and display datetimes based on current server timezone, all datetimes should
+be defined and stored in UTC.
+PyAMS_utils provides a :py:class:`ServerTimezoneUtility <pyams_utils.timezone.utility.ServerTimezoneUtility>` which
+allows you to assign a default timezone to your server.
+To display a datetime with correct timezone, you can use the :py:func:`tztime <pyams_utils.timezone.tztime>` function,
+which assign server timezone to the given parameter:
+.. code-block:: python
+    from datetime import datetime
+    from pyams_utils.timezone import tztime
+    now = datetime.utcnow()
+    my_date = tztime(now)  # converts *now* to server timezone
+We could imagine that datetimes could be displayed with current user timezone. But it's quite impossible to know
+the user timazone from a server request. The only options are:
+- you ask an authenticated user to update a timezone setting in his profile
+- you can include Javascript libraries which will try to detect browser timezone from their computer configuration, and
+  do an AJAX request to update data in their session.
+That should require an update of :py:func:`tzinfo` adapter to get timezone info from session, request or user profile.
+ZEO connection
+Several PyAMS utilities (like the tasks scheduler or the medias converter) are working with dedicated processes,
+are connected to main PyAMS process through ØMQ, and use ZEO connections for their PyAMS database access.
+Clients of these processes have to send settings of the ZEO connections that they should use.
+The ZEOConnection utility can be created by the site manager through the web management interface (ZMI) from the
+*Control panel*:
+.. image:: _static/zeo-add-menu.png
+ZEO connection creation form allows you to define all settings of a ZEO connection:
+.. image:: _static/zeo-add-form.png
--- a/src/pyams_utils/tales.py	Fri Nov 18 16:47:09 2016 +0100
+++ b/src/pyams_utils/tales.py	Fri Nov 18 16:52:36 2016 +0100
@@ -47,74 +47,7 @@
 def render_extension(econtext, name):
     """TALES extension renderer
-    This renderer can be used to render an *extension:* TALES expression.
-    When this expression is encountered, the renderer is looking for an
-    :py:class:`ITALESExtension <pyams_utils.interfaces.tales.ITALESExtension>`
-    multi-adapter for the current *context*, *request* and *view*, for the current
-    *context* and *request*, or only for the current *context*, in this order.
-    If an adapter is found, the renderer call it's :py:func:`render` method with
-    the expression parameters as input parameters.
-    For example, the *metas* extension is an *ITALESExtension* adapter defined into
-    :py:mod:`pyams_skin.metas` module which can be used to include all required headers in
-    a page template. Extension is used like this in the page layout template:
-    .. code-block:: html
-        <tal:var replace="structure extension:metas" />
-    This extension is defined like this:
-    .. code-block:: python
-        from pyams_skin.interfaces.metas import IHTMLContentMetas
-        from pyams_utils.interfaces.tales import ITALESExtension
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
-        from pyams_utils.adapter import adapter_config, ContextRequestViewAdapter
-        @adapter_config(name='metas', context=(Interface, IRequest, Interface), provides=ITALESExtension)
-        class MetasTalesExtension(ContextRequestViewAdapter):
-            '''extension:metas TALES extension'''
-            def render(self, context=None):
-                if context is None:
-                    context = self.context
-                result = []
-                for name, adapter in sorted(self.request.registry.getAdapters((context, self.request, self.view),
-                                                                              IHTMLContentMetas),
-                                            key=lambda x: getattr(x[1], 'order', 9999)):
-                    result.extend([meta.render() for meta in adapter.get_metas()])
-                return '\n\t'.join(result)
-    Some TALES extension can require or accept arguments. For example, the *absolute_url* extension can accept
-    a context and a view name:
-    .. code-block:: html
-        <tal:var define="logo config.logo">
-            <img tal:attributes="src extension:absolute_url(logo, '++thumb++200x36.png');" />
-        </tal:var>
-    The extension is defined like this:
-    .. code-block:: python
-        from persistent.interfaces import IPersistent
-        from pyams_utils.interfaces.tales import ITALESExtension
-        from pyams_utils.adapter import adapter_config, ContextRequestViewAdapter
-        from pyramid.url import resource_url
-        from zope.interface import Interface
-        @adapter_config(name='absolute_url', context=(IPersistent, Interface, Interface), provides=ITALESExtension)
-        class AbsoluteUrlTalesExtension(ContextRequestViewAdapter):
-            '''extension:absolute_url(context, view_name) TALES extension'''
-            def render(self, context=None, view_name=None):
-                if context is None:
-                    context = self.context
-                return resource_url(context, self.request, view_name)
+    See :ref:`tales` for complete description.
     def get_value(econtext, arg):