2021-08-05 Thierry Florac Support list argument in "br" TALES extension
2020-11-25 Thierry Florac Added tag 0.1.39 for changeset c1c9032f8477
2020-11-25 Thierry Florac Version 0.1.39 0.1.39
2020-11-24 Thierry Florac Updated relative_url TALES extension to add display_context argument
2020-11-13 Thierry Florac Added tag 0.1.38 for changeset 181e3bb4bda3
2020-11-13 Thierry Florac Version 0.1.38 0.1.38
2020-11-13 Thierry Florac Return initial text when length is negative
2020-11-13 Thierry Florac Added arguments to get depth of found items
2020-09-28 Thierry Florac Added tag 0.1.37 for changeset 63e3acc6e4d6
2020-09-28 Thierry Florac Version 0.1.37 0.1.37
2020-09-28 Thierry Florac Added "date.get_timestamp()" function
2020-06-29 Thierry Florac Added tag 0.1.36 for changeset d2a70e493aa8
2020-06-29 Thierry Florac Version 0.1.36 0.1.36
2020-06-29 Thierry Florac Added "unique_iter_max" function
2020-06-23 Thierry Florac Decorators updates
2020-06-23 Thierry Florac Added multiple mail addresses schema field
2020-06-23 Thierry Florac Updated tests
2019-11-27 Thierry Florac Updated buildout
2019-11-27 Thierry Florac Added code coverage status
2019-11-26 Thierry Florac Merge !!
2019-11-26 Thierry Florac Merge branch dev-tf
2019-11-26 FLORAC Thierry Revert "Update .gitlab-ci.yml"
2019-11-26 FLORAC Thierry Update .gitlab-ci.yml
2019-11-23 FLORAC Thierry Merge branch 'dev-tf-branch' into 'master'
2019-11-23 FLORAC Thierry Updated buildout dev-tf
2019-11-23 FLORAC Thierry Merge branch 'dev-tf-branch' into 'master'
2019-11-23 FLORAC Thierry Updated buildout dev-tf
2019-11-22 FLORAC Thierry Merge branch 'dev-tf-branch' into 'master'
2019-11-20 FLORAC Thierry Merge branch 'dev-tf-branch' into 'master'
2019-11-26 Thierry Florac Merge branch dev-tf
2019-11-26 Thierry Florac Updated buildout dev-tf
2019-11-25 Thierry Florac Test code quality update dev-tf
2019-11-23 Thierry Florac Added modules documentation and removed Pylint warnings and errors dev-tf
2019-11-23 Thierry Florac Updated Pylint buildout dev-tf
2019-11-23 Thierry Florac Updated buildout dev-tf
2019-11-22 Thierry Florac Updated cache dev-tf
2019-11-22 Thierry Florac Buildout update dev-tf
2019-11-22 Thierry Florac Updated cache dev-tf
2019-11-22 Thierry Florac Updated cache dev-tf
2019-11-22 Thierry Florac Added cache to Gitlab CI dev-tf
2019-11-22 Thierry Florac Added cache to Gitlab CI dev-tf
2019-11-22 Thierry Florac Merge branch dev-tf
2019-11-22 Thierry Florac Init version 0.1.35 dev-tf
2019-11-22 Thierry Florac Gitlab CI integration and Pylint code cleanup dev-tf
2019-11-20 Thierry Florac Added missing dependency dev-tf
2019-11-20 Thierry Florac Updated function doctests dev-tf
2019-11-20 Thierry Florac Updated deprecated imports dev-tf
2019-11-20 Thierry Florac Test Gitlab CodeQuality integration
2019-10-07 Thierry Florac Added tag for changeset 2bd11b500946
2019-10-07 Thierry Florac Version
2019-10-07 Thierry Florac Corrected "generate_url" function
2019-10-04 Thierry Florac Added tag for changeset 088dadea87f7
2019-10-04 Thierry Florac Version
2019-10-04 Thierry Florac Replace remaining slashes with dashes when generating content's URL
2019-09-26 Thierry Florac Added tag 0.1.34 for changeset c52885f3babd
2019-09-26 Thierry Florac Version 0.1.34 0.1.34
2019-09-18 Thierry Florac Docstrings update and imports cleanup
2019-09-17 Thierry Florac Added JSON mapping schema field
2019-09-17 Thierry Florac Formatting...
2019-09-17 Thierry Florac Don't escape slashes when generating content's URL
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