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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pyams_zmq/doctests/README.txt	Wed Mar 04 22:40:07 2015 +0100
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+pyams_zmq package
+PyAMS 'ZMQ' package can be used to build wrapper around ØMQ (or ZeroMQ) library to exchange
+messages following all ØMQ possible usages.
+At least two components are required to build a ØMQ based application:
+- a ØMQ server
+- a ØMQ client
+The way client and server communicate depends on used ØMQ protocol.
+We will take example on the medias conversion utility provided by 'pyams_media' package, which allows you
+to automatically convert medias files (videos...) asynchronously as soon as they are uploaded. The conversion
+process is a background process so doesn't return any result.
+The conversion process is a simple ØMQ process:
+    >>> converter_address = ''
+    >>> from pyams_zmq.process import ZMQProcess, process_exit_func
+    >>>
+    >>> class MediasConversionProcess(ZMQProcess):
+    ...     """Medias conversion process"""
+    >>> from multiprocessing import Process
+    >>>
+    >>> class ConversionProcess(Process):
+    ...     """Conversion manager process"""
+    ...
+    ...     def __init__(self, settings, group=None, target=None, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
+    ...         Process.__init__(self, group=group, target=target, name=name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
+    ...         self.settings = settings
+    ...
+    ...     def run(self):
+    ...         settings = self.settings
+    ...         path  = settings['path']
+    ...         format = settings['format']
+    ...         # just image you're doing anything you want with these settings!
+To be sure to run asynchronously, this process is managed by a thread:
+    >>> import time
+    >>> from threading import Thread
+    >>>
+    >>> class ConversionThread(Thread):
+    ...     """Conversion thread"""
+    ...
+    ...     def __init__(self, process):
+    ...         Thread.__init__(self)
+    ...         self.process = process
+    ...
+    ...     def run(self):
+    ...         self.process.start()
+    ...         self.process.join()
+The conversion handler is the simple class to which conversion is delegated:
+    >>> class ConversionHandler(object):
+    ...     """Conversion handler"""
+    ...
+    ...     def convert(self, data):
+    ...         ConversionThread(ConversionProcess(data)).start()
+    ...         return [200, 'OK']
+The message handler receives the message and handle it:
+    >>> from pyams_zmq.handler import ZMQMessageHandler
+    >>>
+    >>> class ConversionMessageHandler(ZMQMessageHandler):
+    ...
+    ...     handler = ConversionHandler
+The ØMQ process is generally started on application startup:
+    >>> import atexit
+    >>>
+    >>> process = MediasConversionProcess(converter_address, ConversionMessageHandler)
+    >>> process.start()
+    >>> time.sleep(2)
+    >>> if process.is_alive():
+    ...     atexit.register(process_exit_func, process=process)
+    <function process_exit_func at 0x...>
+Once all these elements are in place, you just have to create a ØMQ client context, open a connection and send a
+    >>> import zmq
+    >>> settings = {'path': '/this/is/my/path',
+    ...             'format': 'JPEG'}
+    >>> message = ['convert', settings]
+    >>> context = zmq.Context()
+    >>> socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
+    >>> socket.connect('tcp://' + converter_address)
+    >>> socket.send_json(message)
+    >>> socket.recv_json()
+    [200, 'OK']