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Added tag 0.1.34 for changeset 802766e31fc3
11 months ago, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.34
11 months ago, by Thierry Florac
Updated GA integration
11 months ago, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.33 for changeset 5f422938b065
2020-12-14, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.33
2020-12-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated styles
2020-12-14, by Thierry Florac
2020-01-14, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.32 for changeset 2775c336f60f
2020-01-14, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.32
2020-01-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated AJAX error message handling
2020-01-14, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.31 for changeset 8cb9dab8bcda
2018-06-29, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.31
2018-06-29, by Thierry Florac
Merge PyAMS_skin==0.1.17
2018-06-29, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.30 for changeset dd2e258340e8
2018-06-04, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.30
2018-06-04, by Thierry Florac
Merged updates from PyAMS_skin package
2018-06-04, by Thierry Florac
Corrected JSON response
2018-06-04, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.29 for changeset 312f69d8ea37
2017-10-26, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.29
2017-10-26, by Thierry Florac
Included updates from PyAMS_skin resources
2017-10-26, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.28 for changeset 280b9e2289d6
2017-05-12, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.28
2017-05-12, by Thierry Florac
CSS updates
2017-05-12, by Thierry Florac
Added Bootstrap wizard plug-in
2017-05-12, by Thierry Florac
Added optional attributes on widgets, form groups and forms to set CSS class of labels and widgets
2017-05-12, by Thierry Florac
Update after buildout...
2017-04-18, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.27 for changeset 96b8eecdaabb
2017-04-11, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.27
2017-04-11, by Thierry Florac
Added inner package name in static configuration to complete displayed application version
2017-04-11, by Thierry Florac
Synchronize with pyams_skin package
2017-04-11, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.26 for changeset 723f102ab397
2017-03-10, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.26
2017-03-10, by Thierry Florac
Merge with PyAMS_skin package
2017-03-10, by Thierry Florac
Added test for change events handlers applied on readonly inputs (for IE)
2016-12-09, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.25 for changeset 9e329a7ec7bf
2016-11-30, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.25
2016-11-30, by Thierry Florac
Updated callbacks management for plug-ins loaded dynamically in synchronous mode
2016-11-28, by Thierry Florac
Added styles for disabled or read-only inputs
2016-11-25, by Thierry Florac
Updated callbacks management for plug-ins loaded dynamically
2016-11-25, by Thierry Florac
Added data attributes to handle modal "shown" and "hidden" events callbacks
2016-11-02, by Thierry Florac
Added data attributes to handle modal "shown" and "hidden" events callbacks
2016-11-02, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.24 for changeset 522b35db2d24
2016-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.24
2016-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Synchronize with last PyAMS_skin package release
2016-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Added optional target on menu items
2016-10-06, by Thierry Florac
Refactoring variables names
2016-10-06, by Thierry Florac
CSS updates
2016-10-05, by Thierry Florac
Update in form management
2016-10-05, by Thierry Florac
Check for menu target
2016-10-05, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.23 for changeset 69ab0b9b2566
2016-09-29, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.23
2016-09-29, by Thierry Florac
Added check on modals to allow hidden overflow
2016-09-29, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.22 for changeset d9db4015b6ce
2016-09-01, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.22
2016-09-01, by Thierry Florac
Synchronized MyAMS.js and CSS with pyams_skin package
2016-09-01, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.21 for changeset f2d48d9df9ba
2016-03-21, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.21
2016-03-21, by Thierry Florac
Small CSS updates
2016-03-21, by Thierry Florac
JQuery-inputmask plug-in integration
2016-03-21, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.20 for changeset 3bffd5c4f031
2016-03-09, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.20
2016-03-09, by Thierry Florac
CSS updates
2016-03-09, by Thierry Florac
Added tag for changeset c60e5d1f8e9c
2016-03-01, by Thierry Florac
2016-03-01, by Thierry Florac
CSS updates
2016-03-01, by Thierry Florac
Upgrade JQuery-imgareaselect plug-in to release 0.9.11-rc1
2016-03-01, by Thierry Florac
Added Bootstrap slider source file
2016-03-01, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.18 for changeset 37921010c0e1
2016-01-29, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.18
2016-01-29, by Thierry Florac
Merge with pyams_skin package 0.1.5
2016-01-29, by Thierry Florac
Plug-ins updates
2016-01-29, by Thierry Florac
Added template for select widgets based on Select2 plug-in
2015-12-07, by Thierry Florac
Added tag for changeset 22e35ee36ca7
2015-11-26, by Thierry Florac
2015-11-26, by Thierry Florac
2015-11-25, by Thierry Florac
Added tag for changeset bbee8266e8a4
2015-11-18, by Thierry Florac
2015-11-18, by Thierry Florac
Small changes in focus management
2015-11-18, by Thierry Florac
Added tag for changeset f830d80f4f31
2015-11-17, by Thierry Florac
2015-11-17, by Thierry Florac
Bad correction of MyAMS.plugins.initData() function
2015-11-17, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.17 for changeset 63b798053ece
2015-11-17, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.17
2015-11-17, by Thierry Florac
Switch to 'strict' mode
2015-11-17, by Thierry Florac
Small CSS updates
2015-11-17, by Thierry Florac
Added default colors
2015-11-17, by Thierry Florac
Added display form template
2015-11-17, by Thierry Florac
Changed modal dialog close symbol
2015-11-17, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.16 for changeset 3ea42c4b9938
2015-10-22, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.16
2015-10-22, by Thierry Florac
MyAMS.js updates
2015-10-13, by Thierry Florac
Forms and modals CSS updates
2015-10-13, by Thierry Florac
Changed default layout language
2015-10-13, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.15 for changeset acf72848afc1
2015-06-12, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.15
2015-06-12, by Thierry Florac
Backport from pyams_skin development package
2015-06-10, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.14 for changeset ff7e86ca92d1
2015-04-20, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.14
2015-04-20, by Thierry Florac
pyams_skin package backports
2015-04-20, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.13 for changeset da39d8b92fab
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.13 (final)
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Removed tag 0.4.13
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.13 for changeset bdc2b860cfe7
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.4.13 for changeset 7df5e40c4c62
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.13 for changeset 2190578f8e22
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.13
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Resources upgrade
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Backports from last pyams_skin package resources
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Added new plug-ins
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
FontAwesome upgrade
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
JQuery-UI upgrade
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Bootstrap upgrade
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Added JQuery datetime picker plug-in
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Moved JQuery-UI from 1.10.3 to 1.11.2
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Moved Select2 from 3.4.5 to 3.5.2
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Moved JQuery from 2.1.0 to 2.1.3
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Moved Bootstrap from 3.1.1 to 3.3.2
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Added new plug-ins
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Added new pagination mode
2015-03-27, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.12 for changeset 51d938163d14
2015-02-04, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.12
2015-02-04, by Thierry Florac
Small CSS and Javascript updates
2015-02-04, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.11 for changeset 80888b607fe7
2015-01-14, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.11
2015-01-14, by Thierry Florac
Allow usage of a custom static configuration for a given view by setting a request attribute
2015-01-14, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.10 for changeset 3973a123af03
2014-12-16, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.10
2014-12-16, by Thierry Florac
Restore previous logout behaviour
2014-12-16, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.9 for changeset 1be0b3bf8677
2014-12-16, by Thierry Florac
Redirect to relative URL in logout form
2014-12-16, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.9 for changeset 01102909c5e4
2014-12-16, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.9
2014-12-16, by Thierry Florac
Added optional form's title attribute
2014-12-11, by Thierry Florac
Update on Google analytics code
2014-12-02, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.9 for changeset 62fa715ef961
2014-10-29, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.9
2014-10-29, by Thierry Florac
Redirect to relative URL in logout view
2014-10-29, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.8 for changeset d60763890622
2014-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.8
2014-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Added DataTables finalization callback
2014-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Added IInnerForm interface to handle forms located inside another container
2014-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Force content-type to text/plain in form's AJAX response to prevent HTML content-type
2014-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Changed login form login field description
2014-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated UnauthorizedExceptionView to correctly handle AJAX authentication errors
2014-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Added title attribute to menus
2014-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Added target link attribute to menus
2014-10-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated style of DataTables ColVis plug-in background
2014-09-30, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.7 for changeset 646132169662
2014-09-30, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.7
2014-09-30, by Thierry Florac
Added JQuery DataTables "editable" extension support
2014-09-30, by Thierry Florac
Added JQuery DataTables "editable" extension support
2014-09-30, by Thierry Florac
Added JQuery DataTables "editable" extension support
2014-09-30, by Thierry Florac
Updated input with icons style
2014-09-30, by Thierry Florac
Updated UI datepicker styles
2014-09-30, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.6 for changeset eaa27399ce71
2014-09-23, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.6
2014-09-23, by Thierry Florac
Handle static property about reload button
2014-09-23, by Thierry Florac
Added "warnOnChange" property to handle warnings on form change
2014-09-23, by Thierry Florac
Switch to FontAwesome-4.2.0
2014-09-23, by Thierry Florac
Added "warnOnChange" property to handle warnings on form change
2014-09-23, by Thierry Florac
Added "warnOnChange" property to handle warnings on form change
2014-09-23, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.5 for changeset 0d9c96bbba3f
2014-09-15, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.5
2014-09-15, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.5
2014-09-15, by Thierry Florac
Added custom boolean values adapter to handle translations
2014-09-15, by Thierry Florac
Added "notify" status to JSON response to be able to fire a given event
2014-09-15, by Thierry Florac
Apply specific labels and inputs CSS classes
2014-09-15, by Thierry Florac
Added custom radio input template
2014-09-15, by Thierry Florac
Added I18n attributes
2014-09-15, by Thierry Florac
Added login form header and footer text attributes and content providers (using reStructuredText)
2014-07-10, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.4 for changeset 344018771cd2
2014-07-02, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.4
2014-07-02, by Thierry Florac
Corrected error in inner tab-forms updates
2014-07-02, by Thierry Florac
Added UserVoice API
2014-07-02, by Thierry Florac
Added tabs viewlets manager in header panel
2014-07-02, by Thierry Florac
Updated Javascript API
2014-07-02, by Thierry Florac
Updated Javascript API
2014-07-02, by Thierry Florac
CSS updates
2014-07-02, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.3 for changeset b220124b75ad
2014-06-11, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.3
2014-06-11, by Thierry Florac
Corrected link to favourites icon
2014-06-11, by Thierry Florac
Small CSS fixes
2014-06-11, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.2 for changeset b7366a18f305
2014-06-04, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.2
2014-06-04, by Thierry Florac
Added new modules
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Include new viewlets for flags and search engines
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Updated javascript API
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Syntax cleanup
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Added class for select2 with 2 icons
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Added margin and padding related classes
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Added "small" and "tiny" nav tabs classes
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Added tables CSS classes
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Changed default form text color
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Added "orangeLight" color
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Added application search configuration interface
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Added I18n JSON methods
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Added flags and search viewlets
2014-06-03, by Thierry Florac
Updated CSS style for hints inside legends
2014-05-15, by Thierry Florac
Updated CSS style for hints inside legends
2014-05-15, by Thierry Florac
Added application name and package in static configuration interface
2014-05-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated alerts style
2014-05-14, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.1 for changeset 11ae6556a9ac
2014-05-14, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.1
2014-05-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated locales
2014-05-14, by Thierry Florac
Updated exceptions views
2014-05-14, by Thierry Florac
Added minified resources
2014-05-14, by Thierry Florac
Improved errors management
2014-05-14, by Thierry Florac
Small CSS updates
2014-05-14, by Thierry Florac
Version 0.1.0
2014-05-12, by Thierry Florac
Updated buildout
2014-05-12, by Thierry Florac
Updated requirements
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Changed shortcuts icon box line height
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Changed initialization and finalization of forms footer on submit
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Re-defined files default view
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Imports cleanup
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Updated unauthorized exception view
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Added shortcut to access management interface
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Add controls on shortcuts handing
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Included Mercurial tag in resources header
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Included header tag
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Added tag 0.1.0 for changeset f2005bce25ae
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
First release
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Add checks on submit button
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac
Add object data on all buttons
2014-05-07, by Thierry Florac