2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Changed shortcuts icon box line height
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Changed initialization and finalization of forms footer on submit
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Re-defined files default view
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Imports cleanup
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Updated unauthorized exception view
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Added shortcut to access management interface
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Add controls on shortcuts handing
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Included Mercurial tag in resources header
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Included header tag
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Added tag 0.1.0 for changeset f2005bce25ae
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac First release 0.1.0
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Add checks on submit button
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac Add object data on all buttons
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac First release
2014-05-07 Thierry Florac First release
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