--- a/src/pyams_workflow/content.py Wed Jan 09 14:02:56 2019 +0100
+++ b/src/pyams_workflow/content.py Thu Jan 10 17:27:02 2019 +0100
@@ -157,18 +157,18 @@
self.push_end_date = None
def is_published(self, check_parent=True):
- # check is parent is published
+ # check is parent is published and visible in front-office
if check_parent:
parent = get_parent(self.__parent__, IWorkflowPublicationSupport, allow_context=False)
if (parent is not None) and not IWorkflowPublicationInfo(parent).is_published():
return False
# associated workflow?
workflow = IWorkflow(self.__parent__, None)
- if (workflow is not None) and not workflow.published_states:
+ if (workflow is not None) and not workflow.visible_states:
return False
# check content versions
versions = IWorkflowVersions(self.__parent__, None)
- if (versions is not None) and not versions.get_versions(workflow.published_states):
+ if (versions is not None) and not versions.get_versions(workflow.visible_states):
return False
now = tztime(datetime.utcnow())
return (self.publication_effective_date is not None) and \
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pyams_workflow/interfaces.py Thu Jan 10 17:27:02 2019 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Thierry Florac <tflorac AT ulthar.net>
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
+# import standard library
+# import interfaces
+from pyams_utils.interfaces import VIEW_PERMISSION
+from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAttributeAnnotatable
+from zope.interface.interfaces import IObjectEvent, ObjectEvent
+from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectCreatedEvent
+# import packages
+from pyams_security.schema import Principal
+from zope.interface import implementer, invariant, Interface, Attribute, Invalid
+from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectCreatedEvent
+from zope.schema import Choice, Datetime, Set, TextLine, Text, List, Object, Int, Bool
+from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary, SimpleTerm
+from pyams_workflow import _
+class InvalidTransitionError(Exception):
+ """Base transition error"""
+ def __init__(self, source):
+ self.source = source
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'source: "%s"' % self.source
+class NoTransitionAvailableError(InvalidTransitionError):
+ """Exception raised when there is not available transition"""
+ def __init__(self, source, destination):
+ super(NoTransitionAvailableError, self).__init__(source)
+ self.destination = destination
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'source: "%s" destination: "%s"' % (self.source, self.destination)
+class AmbiguousTransitionError(InvalidTransitionError):
+ """Exception raised when required transition is ambiguous"""
+ def __init__(self, source, destination):
+ super(AmbiguousTransitionError, self).__init__(source)
+ self.destination = destination
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'source: "%s" destination: "%s"' % (self.source, self.destination)
+class VersionError(Exception):
+ """Versions management error"""
+class ConditionFailedError(Exception):
+ """Exception raised when transition condition failed"""
+class IWorkflowTransitionEvent(IObjectEvent):
+ """Workflow transition event interface"""
+ wokflow = Attribute("Workflow utility")
+ principal = Attribute("Event principal")
+ source = Attribute('Original state or None if initial state')
+ destination = Attribute('New state')
+ transition = Attribute('Transition that was fired or None if initial state')
+ comment = Attribute('Comment that went with state transition')
+class WorkflowTransitionEvent(ObjectEvent):
+ """Workflow transition event"""
+ def __init__(self, object, workflow, principal, source, destination, transition, comment):
+ super(WorkflowTransitionEvent, self).__init__(object)
+ self.workflow = workflow
+ self.principal = principal
+ self.source = source
+ self.destination = destination
+ self.transition = transition
+ self.comment = comment
+class IWorkflowVersionTransitionEvent(IWorkflowTransitionEvent):
+ """Workflow version transition event interface"""
+ old_object = Attribute('Old version of object')
+class WorkflowVersionTransitionEvent(WorkflowTransitionEvent):
+ """Workflow version transition event"""
+ def __init__(self, object, workflow, principal, old_object, source, destination, transition, comment):
+ super(WorkflowVersionTransitionEvent, self).__init__(object, workflow, principal, source,
+ destination, transition, comment)
+ self.old_object = old_object
+class IObjectClonedEvent(IObjectCreatedEvent):
+ """Object cloned event interface"""
+ source = Attribute("Cloned object source")
+class ObjectClonedEvent(ObjectCreatedEvent):
+ """Object cloned event"""
+ def __init__(self, object, source):
+ super(ObjectClonedEvent, self).__init__(object)
+ self.source = source
+class IWorkflow(Interface):
+ """Defines workflow in the form of transition objects.
+ Defined as a utility.
+ """
+ initial_state = Attribute("Initial state")
+ update_states = Set(title="Updatable states",
+ description="States of contents which are updatable by standard contributors")
+ readonly_states = Set(title="Read-only states",
+ description="States of contents which can't be modified by anybody")
+ protected_states = Set(title="Protected states",
+ description="States of contents which can only be modified by site administrators")
+ manager_states = Set(title="Manager states",
+ description="States of contents which can be modified by site administrators and content "
+ "managers")
+ published_states = Set(title="Published states",
+ description="States of contents which are published")
+ visible_states = Set(title="Visible staets",
+ description="States of contents which are visible in front-office")
+ waiting_states = Set(title="Waiting states",
+ description="States of contents waiting for action")
+ retired_states = Set(title="Retired states",
+ description="States of contents which are retired but not yet archived")
+ auto_retired_state = Attribute("Auto-retired state")
+ def initialize(self):
+ """Do any needed initialization.
+ Such as initialization with the workflow versions system.
+ """
+ def refresh(self, transitions):
+ """Refresh workflow completely with new transitions."""
+ def get_state_label(self, state):
+ """Get given state label"""
+ def get_transitions(self, source):
+ """Get all transitions from source"""
+ def get_transition(self, source, transition_id):
+ """Get transition with transition_id given source state.
+ If the transition is invalid from this source state,
+ an InvalidTransitionError is raised.
+ """
+ def get_transition_by_id(self, transition_id):
+ """Get transition with transition_id"""
+class IWorkflowInfo(Interface):
+ """Get workflow info about workflowed object, and drive workflow.
+ Defined as an adapter.
+ """
+ def set_initial_state(self, state, comment=None):
+ """Set initial state for the context object.
+ Fires a transition event.
+ """
+ def fire_transition(self, transition_id, comment=None, side_effect=None, check_security=True, principal=None):
+ """Fire a transition for the context object.
+ There's an optional comment parameter that contains some
+ opaque object that offers a comment about the transition.
+ This is useful for manual transitions where users can motivate
+ their actions.
+ There's also an optional side effect parameter which should
+ be a callable which receives the object undergoing the transition
+ as the parameter. This could do an editing action of the newly
+ transitioned workflow object before an actual transition event is
+ fired.
+ If check_security is set to False, security is not checked
+ and an application can fire a transition no matter what the
+ user's permission is.
+ """
+ def fire_transition_toward(self, state, comment=None, side_effect=None, check_security=True, principal=None):
+ """Fire transition toward state.
+ Looks up a manual transition that will get to the indicated
+ state.
+ If no such transition is possible, NoTransitionAvailableError will
+ be raised.
+ If more than one manual transitions are possible,
+ AmbiguousTransitionError will be raised.
+ """
+ def fire_transition_for_versions(self, state, transition_id, comment=None, principal=None):
+ """Fire a transition for all versions in a state"""
+ def fire_automatic(self):
+ """Fire automatic transitions if possible by condition"""
+ def has_version(self, state):
+ """Return true if a version exists in given state"""
+ def get_manual_transition_ids(self):
+ """Returns list of valid manual transitions.
+ These transitions have to have a condition that's True.
+ """
+ def get_manual_transition_ids_toward(self, state):
+ """Returns list of manual transitions towards state"""
+ def get_automatic_transition_ids(self):
+ """Returns list of possible automatic transitions.
+ Condition is not checked.
+ """
+ def has_automatic_transitions(self):
+ """Return true if there are possible automatic outgoing transitions.
+ Condition is not checked.
+ """
+class IWorkflowStateHistoryItem(Interface):
+ """Workflow state history item"""
+ date = Datetime(title="State change datetime",
+ required=True)
+ source_version = Int(title="Source version ID",
+ required=False)
+ source_state = TextLine(title="Transition source state",
+ required=False)
+ target_state = TextLine(title="Transition target state",
+ required=True)
+ transition_id = TextLine(title="Transition ID",
+ required=True)
+ transition = TextLine(title="Transition name",
+ required=True)
+ principal = Principal(title="Transition principal",
+ required=False)
+ comment = Text(title="Transition comment",
+ required=False)
+class IWorkflowState(Interface):
+ """Store state on workflowed objects.
+ Defined as an adapter.
+ """
+ version_id = Int(title=_("Version ID"))
+ state = TextLine(title=_("Version state"))
+ state_date = Datetime(title=_("State date"),
+ description=_("Date at which the current state was applied"))
+ state_principal = Principal(title=_("State principal"),
+ description=_("ID of the principal which defined current state"))
+ state_urgency = Bool(title=_("Urgent request?"),
+ required=True,
+ default=False)
+ history = List(title="Workflow states history",
+ value_type=Object(schema=IWorkflowStateHistoryItem))
+ def get_first_state_date(self, states):
+ """Get first date at which given state was set"""
+class IWorkflowVersions(Interface):
+ """Interface to get information about versions of content in workflow"""
+ last_version_id = Attribute("Last version ID")
+ def get_version(self, version_id):
+ """Get version matching given id"""
+ def get_versions(self, states=None, sort=False, reverse=False):
+ """Get all versions of object known for this (optional) state"""
+ def get_last_versions(self, count=1):
+ """Get last versions of this object. Set count=0 to get all versions."""
+ def add_version(self, content, state, principal=None):
+ """Return new unique version id"""
+ def set_state(self, version_id, state, principal=None):
+ """Set new state for given version"""
+ def has_version(self, state):
+ """Return true if a version exists with the specific workflow state"""
+ def remove_version(self, version_id, state='deleted', comment=None, principal=None):
+ """Remove version with given ID"""
+class IWorkflowStateLabel(Interface):
+ """Workflow state label adapter interface"""
+ def get_label(self, content, request=None, format=True):
+ """Get state label for given content"""
+class IWorkflowManagedContent(IAttributeAnnotatable):
+ """Workflow managed content"""
+ content_class = Attribute("Content class")
+ workflow_name = Choice(title=_("Workflow name"),
+ description=_("Name of workflow utility managing this content"),
+ required=True,
+ vocabulary='PyAMS workflows')
+ view_permission = Choice(title=_("View permission"),
+ description=_("This permission will be required to display content"),
+ vocabulary='PyAMS permissions',
+ required=False)
+class IWorkflowPublicationSupport(IAttributeAnnotatable):
+ """Workflow publication support"""
+class IWorkflowVersion(IWorkflowPublicationSupport):
+ """Workflow content version marker interface"""
+class IWorkflowTransitionInfo(Interface):
+ """Workflow transition info"""
+ transition_id = TextLine(title=_("Transition ID"),
+ required=True)
+VERSION_DISPLAY = {DISPLAY_FIRST_VERSION: _("Display first version date"),
+ DISPLAY_CURRENT_VERSION: _("Display current version date")}
+VERSION_DISPLAY_VOCABULARY = SimpleVocabulary([SimpleTerm(v, title=t)
+ for v, t in VERSION_DISPLAY.items()])
+class IWorkflowPublicationInfo(Interface):
+ """Workflow content publication info"""
+ publication_date = Datetime(title=_("Publication date"),
+ description=_("Last date at which content was accepted for publication"),
+ required=False)
+ publisher = Principal(title=_("Publisher"),
+ description=_("Name of the manager who published the document"),
+ required=False)
+ publication = TextLine(title=_("Publication"),
+ description=_("Last publication date and actor"),
+ required=False,
+ readonly=True)
+ first_publication_date = Datetime(title=_("First publication date"),
+ description=_("First date at which content was accepted for publication"),
+ required=False)
+ publication_effective_date = Datetime(title=_("Publication start date"),
+ description=_("Date from which content will be visible"),
+ required=False)
+ push_end_date = Datetime(title=_("Push end date"),
+ description=_("Some contents can be pushed by components to front-office pages; if you "
+ "set a date here, this content will not be pushed anymore passed this "
+ "date, but will still be available via search engine or direct links"),
+ required=False)
+ push_end_date_index = Attribute("Push end date value used by catalog indexes")
+ @invariant
+ def check_push_end_date(self):
+ if self.push_end_date is not None:
+ if self.publication_effective_date is None:
+ raise Invalid(_("Can't define push end date without publication start date!"))
+ if self.publication_effective_date >= self.push_end_date:
+ raise Invalid(_("Push end date must be defined after publication start date!"))
+ if self.publication_expiration_date is not None:
+ if self.publication_expiration_date < self.push_end_date:
+ raise Invalid(_("Push end date must be null or defined before publication end date!"))
+ publication_expiration_date = Datetime(title=_("Publication end date"),
+ description=_("Date past which content will not be visible"),
+ required=False)
+ @invariant
+ def check_expiration_date(self):
+ if self.publication_expiration_date is not None:
+ if self.publication_effective_date is None:
+ raise Invalid(_("Can't define publication end date without publication start date!"))
+ if self.publication_effective_date >= self.publication_expiration_date:
+ raise Invalid(_("Publication end date must be defined after publication start date!"))
+ displayed_publication_date = Choice(title=_("Displayed publication date"),
+ description=_("The matching date will be displayed in front-office"),
+ vocabulary='PyAMS content publication date',
+ required=True)
+ visible_publication_date = Attribute("Visible publication date")
+ def reset(self, complete=True):
+ """Reset all publication info (used by clone features)
+ If 'complete' argument is True, all date fields are reset; otherwise, push and publication end dates are
+ preserved in new versions.
+ """
+ def is_published(self, check_parent=True):
+ """Is the content published?"""
+ def is_visible(self, request=None, check_parent=True):
+ """Is the content visible?"""
+class IWorkflowRequestUrgencyInfo(Interface):
+ """Workflow request urgency info"""
+ urgent_request = Bool(title=_("Urgent request?"),
+ description=_("Please use this option only when really needed..."),
+ required=True,
+ default=False)
+class IWorkflowCommentInfo(Interface):
+ """Workflow comment info"""
+ comment = Text(title=_("Comment"),
+ description=_("Comment associated with this operation"),
+ required=False)
+class IWorkflowManagementTask(Interface):
+ """Workflow management task marker interface"""
--- a/src/pyams_workflow/interfaces/__init__.py Wed Jan 09 14:02:56 2019 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Thierry Florac <tflorac AT ulthar.net>
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
-# import standard library
-# import interfaces
-from pyams_utils.interfaces import VIEW_PERMISSION
-from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAttributeAnnotatable
-from zope.interface.interfaces import IObjectEvent, ObjectEvent
-from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectCreatedEvent
-# import packages
-from pyams_security.schema import Principal
-from zope.interface import implementer, invariant, Interface, Attribute, Invalid
-from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectCreatedEvent
-from zope.schema import Choice, Datetime, Set, TextLine, Text, List, Object, Int, Bool
-from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary, SimpleTerm
-from pyams_workflow import _
-class InvalidTransitionError(Exception):
- """Base transition error"""
- def __init__(self, source):
- self.source = source
- def __str__(self):
- return 'source: "%s"' % self.source
-class NoTransitionAvailableError(InvalidTransitionError):
- """Exception raised when there is not available transition"""
- def __init__(self, source, destination):
- super(NoTransitionAvailableError, self).__init__(source)
- self.destination = destination
- def __str__(self):
- return 'source: "%s" destination: "%s"' % (self.source, self.destination)
-class AmbiguousTransitionError(InvalidTransitionError):
- """Exception raised when required transition is ambiguous"""
- def __init__(self, source, destination):
- super(AmbiguousTransitionError, self).__init__(source)
- self.destination = destination
- def __str__(self):
- return 'source: "%s" destination: "%s"' % (self.source, self.destination)
-class VersionError(Exception):
- """Versions management error"""
-class ConditionFailedError(Exception):
- """Exception raised when transition condition failed"""
-class IWorkflowTransitionEvent(IObjectEvent):
- """Workflow transition event interface"""
- wokflow = Attribute("Workflow utility")
- principal = Attribute("Event principal")
- source = Attribute('Original state or None if initial state')
- destination = Attribute('New state')
- transition = Attribute('Transition that was fired or None if initial state')
- comment = Attribute('Comment that went with state transition')
-class WorkflowTransitionEvent(ObjectEvent):
- """Workflow transition event"""
- def __init__(self, object, workflow, principal, source, destination, transition, comment):
- super(WorkflowTransitionEvent, self).__init__(object)
- self.workflow = workflow
- self.principal = principal
- self.source = source
- self.destination = destination
- self.transition = transition
- self.comment = comment
-class IWorkflowVersionTransitionEvent(IWorkflowTransitionEvent):
- """Workflow version transition event interface"""
- old_object = Attribute('Old version of object')
-class WorkflowVersionTransitionEvent(WorkflowTransitionEvent):
- """Workflow version transition event"""
- def __init__(self, object, workflow, principal, old_object, source, destination, transition, comment):
- super(WorkflowVersionTransitionEvent, self).__init__(object, workflow, principal, source,
- destination, transition, comment)
- self.old_object = old_object
-class IObjectClonedEvent(IObjectCreatedEvent):
- """Object cloned event interface"""
- source = Attribute("Cloned object source")
-class ObjectClonedEvent(ObjectCreatedEvent):
- """Object cloned event"""
- def __init__(self, object, source):
- super(ObjectClonedEvent, self).__init__(object)
- self.source = source
-class IWorkflow(Interface):
- """Defines workflow in the form of transition objects.
- Defined as a utility.
- """
- initial_state = Attribute("Initial state")
- update_states = Set(title="Updatable states",
- description="States of contents which are updatable by standard contributors")
- readonly_states = Set(title="Read-only states",
- description="States of contents which can't be modified by anybody")
- protected_states = Set(title="Protected states",
- description="States of contents which can only be modified by site administrators")
- manager_states = Set(title="Manager states",
- description="States of contents which can be modified by site administrators and content "
- "managers")
- published_states = Set(title="Published states",
- description="States of contents which are published and visible")
- waiting_states = Set(title="Waiting states",
- description="States of contents waiting for action")
- retired_states = Set(title="Retired states",
- description="States of contents which are retired but not yet archived")
- auto_retired_state = Attribute("Auto-retired state")
- def initialize(self):
- """Do any needed initialization.
- Such as initialization with the workflow versions system.
- """
- def refresh(self, transitions):
- """Refresh workflow completely with new transitions."""
- def get_state_label(self, state):
- """Get given state label"""
- def get_transitions(self, source):
- """Get all transitions from source"""
- def get_transition(self, source, transition_id):
- """Get transition with transition_id given source state.
- If the transition is invalid from this source state,
- an InvalidTransitionError is raised.
- """
- def get_transition_by_id(self, transition_id):
- """Get transition with transition_id"""
-class IWorkflowInfo(Interface):
- """Get workflow info about workflowed object, and drive workflow.
- Defined as an adapter.
- """
- def set_initial_state(self, state, comment=None):
- """Set initial state for the context object.
- Fires a transition event.
- """
- def fire_transition(self, transition_id, comment=None, side_effect=None, check_security=True, principal=None):
- """Fire a transition for the context object.
- There's an optional comment parameter that contains some
- opaque object that offers a comment about the transition.
- This is useful for manual transitions where users can motivate
- their actions.
- There's also an optional side effect parameter which should
- be a callable which receives the object undergoing the transition
- as the parameter. This could do an editing action of the newly
- transitioned workflow object before an actual transition event is
- fired.
- If check_security is set to False, security is not checked
- and an application can fire a transition no matter what the
- user's permission is.
- """
- def fire_transition_toward(self, state, comment=None, side_effect=None, check_security=True, principal=None):
- """Fire transition toward state.
- Looks up a manual transition that will get to the indicated
- state.
- If no such transition is possible, NoTransitionAvailableError will
- be raised.
- If more than one manual transitions are possible,
- AmbiguousTransitionError will be raised.
- """
- def fire_transition_for_versions(self, state, transition_id, comment=None, principal=None):
- """Fire a transition for all versions in a state"""
- def fire_automatic(self):
- """Fire automatic transitions if possible by condition"""
- def has_version(self, state):
- """Return true if a version exists in given state"""
- def get_manual_transition_ids(self):
- """Returns list of valid manual transitions.
- These transitions have to have a condition that's True.
- """
- def get_manual_transition_ids_toward(self, state):
- """Returns list of manual transitions towards state"""
- def get_automatic_transition_ids(self):
- """Returns list of possible automatic transitions.
- Condition is not checked.
- """
- def has_automatic_transitions(self):
- """Return true if there are possible automatic outgoing transitions.
- Condition is not checked.
- """
-class IWorkflowStateHistoryItem(Interface):
- """Workflow state history item"""
- date = Datetime(title="State change datetime",
- required=True)
- source_version = Int(title="Source version ID",
- required=False)
- source_state = TextLine(title="Transition source state",
- required=False)
- target_state = TextLine(title="Transition target state",
- required=True)
- transition_id = TextLine(title="Transition ID",
- required=True)
- transition = TextLine(title="Transition name",
- required=True)
- principal = Principal(title="Transition principal",
- required=False)
- comment = Text(title="Transition comment",
- required=False)
-class IWorkflowState(Interface):
- """Store state on workflowed objects.
- Defined as an adapter.
- """
- version_id = Int(title=_("Version ID"))
- state = TextLine(title=_("Version state"))
- state_date = Datetime(title=_("State date"),
- description=_("Date at which the current state was applied"))
- state_principal = Principal(title=_("State principal"),
- description=_("ID of the principal which defined current state"))
- state_urgency = Bool(title=_("Urgent request?"),
- required=True,
- default=False)
- history = List(title="Workflow states history",
- value_type=Object(schema=IWorkflowStateHistoryItem))
- def get_first_state_date(self, states):
- """Get first date at which given state was set"""
-class IWorkflowVersions(Interface):
- """Interface to get information about versions of content in workflow"""
- last_version_id = Attribute("Last version ID")
- def get_version(self, version_id):
- """Get version matching given id"""
- def get_versions(self, states=None, sort=False, reverse=False):
- """Get all versions of object known for this (optional) state"""
- def get_last_versions(self, count=1):
- """Get last versions of this object. Set count=0 to get all versions."""
- def add_version(self, content, state, principal=None):
- """Return new unique version id"""
- def set_state(self, version_id, state, principal=None):
- """Set new state for given version"""
- def has_version(self, state):
- """Return true if a version exists with the specific workflow state"""
- def remove_version(self, version_id, state='deleted', comment=None, principal=None):
- """Remove version with given ID"""
-class IWorkflowStateLabel(Interface):
- """Workflow state label adapter interface"""
- def get_label(self, content, request=None, format=True):
- """Get state label for given content"""
-class IWorkflowManagedContent(IAttributeAnnotatable):
- """Workflow managed content"""
- content_class = Attribute("Content class")
- workflow_name = Choice(title=_("Workflow name"),
- description=_("Name of workflow utility managing this content"),
- required=True,
- vocabulary='PyAMS workflows')
- view_permission = Choice(title=_("View permission"),
- description=_("This permission will be required to display content"),
- vocabulary='PyAMS permissions',
- required=False)
-class IWorkflowPublicationSupport(IAttributeAnnotatable):
- """Workflow publication support"""
-class IWorkflowVersion(IWorkflowPublicationSupport):
- """Workflow content version marker interface"""
-class IWorkflowTransitionInfo(Interface):
- """Workflow transition info"""
- transition_id = TextLine(title=_("Transition ID"),
- required=True)
-VERSION_DISPLAY = {DISPLAY_FIRST_VERSION: _("Display first version date"),
- DISPLAY_CURRENT_VERSION: _("Display current version date")}
-VERSION_DISPLAY_VOCABULARY = SimpleVocabulary([SimpleTerm(v, title=t)
- for v, t in VERSION_DISPLAY.items()])
-class IWorkflowPublicationInfo(Interface):
- """Workflow content publication info"""
- publication_date = Datetime(title=_("Publication date"),
- description=_("Last date at which content was accepted for publication"),
- required=False)
- publisher = Principal(title=_("Publisher"),
- description=_("Name of the manager who published the document"),
- required=False)
- publication = TextLine(title=_("Publication"),
- description=_("Last publication date and actor"),
- required=False,
- readonly=True)
- first_publication_date = Datetime(title=_("First publication date"),
- description=_("First date at which content was accepted for publication"),
- required=False)
- publication_effective_date = Datetime(title=_("Publication start date"),
- description=_("Date from which content will be visible"),
- required=False)
- push_end_date = Datetime(title=_("Push end date"),
- description=_("Some contents can be pushed by components to front-office pages; if you "
- "set a date here, this content will not be pushed anymore passed this "
- "date, but will still be available via search engine or direct links"),
- required=False)
- push_end_date_index = Attribute("Push end date value used by catalog indexes")
- @invariant
- def check_push_end_date(self):
- if self.push_end_date is not None:
- if self.publication_effective_date is None:
- raise Invalid(_("Can't define push end date without publication start date!"))
- if self.publication_effective_date >= self.push_end_date:
- raise Invalid(_("Push end date must be defined after publication start date!"))
- if self.publication_expiration_date is not None:
- if self.publication_expiration_date < self.push_end_date:
- raise Invalid(_("Push end date must be null or defined before publication end date!"))
- publication_expiration_date = Datetime(title=_("Publication end date"),
- description=_("Date past which content will not be visible"),
- required=False)
- @invariant
- def check_expiration_date(self):
- if self.publication_expiration_date is not None:
- if self.publication_effective_date is None:
- raise Invalid(_("Can't define publication end date without publication start date!"))
- if self.publication_effective_date >= self.publication_expiration_date:
- raise Invalid(_("Publication end date must be defined after publication start date!"))
- displayed_publication_date = Choice(title=_("Displayed publication date"),
- description=_("The matching date will be displayed in front-office"),
- vocabulary='PyAMS content publication date',
- required=True)
- visible_publication_date = Attribute("Visible publication date")
- def reset(self, complete=True):
- """Reset all publication info (used by clone features)
- If 'complete' argument is True, all date fields are reset; otherwise, push and publication end dates are
- preserved in new versions.
- """
- def is_published(self, check_parent=True):
- """Is the content published?"""
- def is_visible(self, request=None, check_parent=True):
- """Is the content visible?"""
-class IWorkflowRequestUrgencyInfo(Interface):
- """Workflow request urgency info"""
- urgent_request = Bool(title=_("Urgent request?"),
- description=_("Please use this option only when really needed..."),
- required=True,
- default=False)
-class IWorkflowCommentInfo(Interface):
- """Workflow comment info"""
- comment = Text(title=_("Comment"),
- description=_("Comment associated with this operation"),
- required=False)
--- a/src/pyams_workflow/workflow.py Wed Jan 09 14:02:56 2019 +0100
+++ b/src/pyams_workflow/workflow.py Thu Jan 10 17:27:02 2019 +0100
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
+ visible_states=None,
@@ -92,14 +93,15 @@
self.states = states
self.initial_state = initial_state
- self.update_states = set(update_states) if update_states else set()
- self.readonly_states = set(readonly_states) if readonly_states else set()
- self.protected_states = set(protected_states) if protected_states else set()
- self.manager_states = set(manager_states) if manager_states else set()
- self.published_states = set(published_states) if published_states else set()
- self.waiting_states = set(waiting_states) if waiting_states else set()
- self.retired_states = set(retired_states) if retired_states else set()
- self.archived_states = set(archived_states) if archived_states else set()
+ self.update_states = set(update_states or ())
+ self.readonly_states = set(readonly_states or ())
+ self.protected_states = set(protected_states or ())
+ self.manager_states = set(manager_states or ())
+ self.published_states = set(published_states or ())
+ self.visible_states = set(visible_states) if visible_states else self.published_states
+ self.waiting_states = set(waiting_states or ())
+ self.retired_states = set(retired_states or ())
+ self.archived_states = set(archived_states or ())
self.auto_retired_state = auto_retired_state
def _register(self, transition):